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 1 cdaq  1.1       subroutine h_print_stubs
 2           *     subroutine to dump output of H_LEFT_RIGHT
 3           *     All the results are contained in hms_tracking.inc
 4           *     d.f. geesaman          17 January 1994
 5 cdaq  1.2 * $Log: h_print_stubs.f,v $
 6           * Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:16:52  cdaq
 7           * Initial revision
 8           *
 9 cdaq  1.1       implicit none
10 cdaq  1.2       include "hms_data_structures.cmn"
11 cdaq  1.1       include "hms_tracking.cmn"
12                 include "hms_geometry.cmn"
13           *     local variables
14                 integer*4 i,j
15                 write(hluno,'('' HMS STUB FIT RESULTS'')')
16                 if(hnspace_points_tot.ge.1) then
17                   write(hluno,'(''point        x_t              y_t     '',
18                &           ''          xp_t          yp_t'')')
19                   write(hluno,'(''             [cm]             [cm]    '',
20                &           ''         [rad]          [rad]'')')
21           1001  format(3x,i3,4x,4e15.7)
22                   do i=1,hnspace_points_tot
23                     write(hluno,1001) i,(hbeststub(i,j),j=1,4)
24                   enddo
25                   write(hluno,'('' hit         HDC_WIRE_CENTER  HDC_DRIFT_DIS     '',
26                &         '' HDC_WIRE_COORD'')')
27                   do i=1,HDC_TOT_HITS
28                     write(hluno,1002) i,HDC_WIRE_CENTER(i),HDC_DRIFT_DIS(i),
29                &       HDC_WIRE_COORD(i)
30           1002  format(3x,i3,4x,e16.8,2x,e16.8,2x,e16.8)
31                   enddo
32 cdaq  1.1       endif
33                 return
34                 end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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