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File: [HallC] / Analyzer / HTRACKING / h_print_tar_tracks.f (download)
Revision: 1.3, Mon May 22 18:39:18 1995 UTC (29 years, 4 months ago) by cdaq
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: spring03, sep0596, sep-26-2002, sep-25-2002, sep-24-2002, sep-09-2002, sane, pionct, online07, online04, online03, oct1199, nov2696, mduality, may2495, mar-24-2003, jul2895, jan2496, jan1896, jan1796, gep_online, gep3, fpi2, emc, e01004, dec0198, bigcal, baryon, aug-12-2003, apr3096, apr-02-2003, Initial-CVS-Release, HEAD, Extra_Shower_Tubes_on_HMS_not_SOS
Changes since 1.2: +16 -12 lines
(SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"

      subroutine h_print_tar_tracks
* Facility: CEBAF Hall-C software.
* Module:   h_print_tar_tracks
* Version:  0.1 (In development)  18-Nov-1993 (DHP)
* Abstract: Print selected track data in HMS_TARGET common block.
* Author:   David H. Potterveld, Argonne National Lab, Nov. 1993
* modified: D. F. Geesaman       21 Jan 1994
*            changed name from h_target_dump to h_print_tar_tracks
*            made outpu lun hluno
* $Log: h_print_tar_tracks.f,v $
* Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:39:18  cdaq
* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
* Revision 1.2  1994/05/12  20:12:56  cdaq
* (DFG) check for more than 0 tracks
* (SAW) cosmetic formatting changes to source code
* Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:17:16  cdaq
* Initial revision

      implicit none

*     Include files.
      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
      include 'hms_tracking.cmn'

*     Misc. variables.

      integer*4 itrk

*=============================Executable Code =============================
      if(hntracks_tar .gt. 0 ) then
*     Write out header.
        write (hluno,1001)   'HMS TARGET TRACKS'
        write (hluno,1002)
*     Loop over tracks.

        do itrk = 1,hntracks_tar

*     Write out data lines.

          write (hluno,1003) itrk,
     $         hx_tar(itrk),hxp_tar(itrk),
     $         hy_tar(itrk),hyp_tar(itrk),
     $         hz_tar(itrk),
     $         hdelta_tar(itrk),
     $         hp_tar(itrk)
*============================Format Statements ============================

 1001 format(a)
 1002 format(/,1x,'TRK',t10,'HX_TAR',t20,'HXP_TAR',t30,'HY_TAR',t40
     $     ,'HYP_TAR',t50,'HZ_TAR',t60,'HDELTA_TAR',t72,'HP_TAR')
 1003 format(1x,i2,t8,3(f10.6,f10.5),f10.5)


Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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