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  1 cdaq  1.1       subroutine H_TRACK_FIT(ABORT,err,ierr)
  2           *     primary track fitting routine for the HMS spectrometer
  3           *
  4           *     Called by H_TRACK
  5           *
  6           *     d.f. geesaman         17 January 1994
  7           *     modified 
  8           *                           17 Feb 1994        dfg
  9           *                              remove minuit. Make fit linear
 10           *                              still does not do errors properly
 11 cdaq  1.2 * $Log: h_track_fit.f,v $
 12 cdaq  1.3 * Revision 1.2  1994/02/22  05:25:00  cdaq
 13           * (SAW) Remove dfloat calls with floating args
 14           *
 15 cdaq  1.2 * Revision 1.1  1994/02/19  06:20:53  cdaq
 16           * Initial revision
 17 cdaq  1.1 *
 18 cdaq  1.2 *
 19 cdaq  1.1       implicit none
 20                 include "gen_data_structures.cmn"
 21                 include "hms_tracking.cmn"
 22                 include "hms_geometry.cmn"
 23 cdaq  1.3       external H_DPSIFUN
 24 cdaq  1.1 *
 25           *
 26           *     local variables
 27           *
 28                 logical ABORT
 29                 character*50 here
 30                 parameter (here='H_TRACK_FIT')
 31                 character*(*) err
 32                 integer*4 itrack                        ! track loop index
 33                 integer*4 ihit,ierr
 34                 integer*4 hit,plane
 35                 integer*4 i,j                             ! loop index
 36 cdaq  1.3       real*8   H_DPSIFUN
 37                 real*8   pos
 38 cdaq  1.1       real*4   ray(hnum_fpray_param)
 39 cdaq  1.3       real*8   ray1(4)
 40                 real*8   ray2(4)
 41 cdaq  1.1       real*8 TT(hnum_fpray_param)
 42 cdaq  1.3       real*8 AA(hnum_fpray_param,hnum_fpray_param)
 43 cdaq  1.1       real*8 dray(hnum_fpray_param)
 44                 real*8 error(hnum_fpray_param)
 45                 real*4 chi2,dummychi2
 46                 parameter (dummychi2 = 1.E4)
 47           *     array to remap hplane_coeff to param number
 48                 integer*4 remap(hnum_fpray_param)
 49                 data remap/5,6,3,4/
 50                 save remap
 51           *
 52                 ABORT= .FALSE.
 53                 ierr=0
 54 cdaq  1.3 *  initailize residuals
 56                 do itrack=1,HNTRACKS_MAX
 57                   do plane=1,HMAX_NUM_DC_PLANES
 58                     hdc_residual(itrack,plane)=1000
 59                     hdc_sing_res(itrack,plane)=1000
 60                   enddo
 61                 enddo
 64 cdaq  1.1 *     test for no tracks
 65                 if(HNTRACKS_FP.ge.1) then
 66                   do itrack=1,HNTRACKS_FP
 67                     chi2= dummychi2
 68                     htrack_fit_num=itrack
 69 cdaq  1.3 
 70 cdaq  1.1 *     are there enough degrees of freedom
 71                     HNFREE_FP(itrack)=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1)-hnum_fpray_param
 72                     if(HNFREE_FP(itrack).gt.0) then
 73 cdaq  1.3 
 74 cdaq  1.1 *     initialize parameters
 75                      do i=1,hnum_fpray_param
 76                       TT(i)=0.
 77                       do ihit=2,HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1)+1
 78                         hit=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,ihit)
 79                         plane=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hit)
 80 cdaq  1.2               TT(i)=TT(i)+((HDC_WIRE_COORD(hit)*
 81 cdaq  1.1      &          hplane_coeff(remap(i),plane))
 82                &          /(hdc_sigma(plane)*hdc_sigma(plane)))
 83                       enddo 
 84                      enddo
 85                     do i=1,hnum_fpray_param
 86                      do j=1,hnum_fpray_param
 87                      AA(i,j)=0.
 88                       do ihit=2,HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1)+1
 89                         hit=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,ihit)
 90                         plane=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hit)
 91 cdaq  1.2               AA(i,j)=AA(i,j) + (
 92 cdaq  1.1      &           hplane_coeff(remap(i),plane)*hplane_coeff(remap(j),plane)
 93                &          /(hdc_sigma(plane)*hdc_sigma(plane)))
 94                       enddo               ! end loop on ihit
 95                      enddo                ! end loop on j
 96                     enddo                 ! end loop on i
 97           *
 98           *     solve four by four equations
 99                    call solve_four_by_four(TT,AA,dray,ierr)
100           *
101                 if(ierr.ne.0) then
102                    dray(1)=10000.
103                    dray(2)=10000.
104                    dray(3)=2.
105                    dray(4)=2.
106                 else
107           *      calculate chi2
108                   chi2=0.
109 cdaq  1.3 
110 cdaq  1.1         ray(1)=dray(1)
111                   ray(2)=dray(2)
112                   ray(3)=dray(3)
113                   ray(4)=dray(4)
114                    do ihit=2,HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,1)+1
115                         hit=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,ihit)
116                         plane=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hit)
117 cdaq  1.3 
118 cdaq  1.1 * note chi2 is single precision
119 cdaq  1.3            hdc_sing_res(itrack,plane)=
120 cdaq  1.1      &         (HDC_WIRE_COORD(hit)
121                &         -hplane_coeff(remap(1),plane)*ray(1)
122                &         -hplane_coeff(remap(2),plane)*ray(2)
123                &         -hplane_coeff(remap(3),plane)*ray(3)
124 cdaq  1.3      &         -hplane_coeff(remap(4),plane)*ray(4))
125                      chi2=chi2+((hdc_sing_res(itrack,plane))**2
126                &         )/(hdc_sigma(plane)*hdc_sigma(plane))
128 cdaq  1.1         enddo
129                 endif
131                      HX_FP(itrack)=ray(1)
132                      HY_FP(itrack)=ray(2)
133                      HZ_FP(itrack)=0.                   ! z=0 of tracking.
134                      HXP_FP(itrack)=ray(3)
135                      HYP_FP(itrack)=ray(4)
136                     endif                               ! end test on degrees of freedom
137                     HCHI2_FP(itrack)=chi2
138                   enddo                                 ! end loop over tracks
139                 endif
140 cdaq  1.3 
141           * calculate residuals for each chamber if in single stub mode
142           * and there were 2 tracks found one in first chanber and one in the second
144                 if (hsingle_stub.ne.0) then
145                   if (HNTRACKS_FP.eq.2) then
146                     itrack=1
147                     ihit=2
148                     hit=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,ihit)
149                     plane=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hit)
150                     if (plane.le.6) then
151                       itrack=2
152                       hit=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack,ihit)
153                       plane=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hit)
154                       if (plane.ge.7) then
156           * condition of above met calculating residuals  
157           * assigning rays to tracks in each chamber
158           * ray1 is ray from first chamber fit
159           * ray2 is ray from second chamber fit
161 cdaq  1.3             ray1(1)=dble(HX_FP(1))
162                       ray1(2)=dble(HY_FP(1))
163                       ray1(3)=dble(HXP_FP(1))
164                       ray1(4)=dble(HYP_FP(1))
165                       ray2(1)=dble(HX_FP(2))
166                       ray2(2)=dble(HY_FP(2))
167                       ray2(3)=dble(HXP_FP(2))
168                       ray2(4)=dble(HYP_FP(2))
170                       itrack=1
171           * loop over hits in second chamber
172                       do ihit=1,HNTRACK_HITS(itrack+1,1)
174           * calculate residual in second chamber from first chamber track
175                         hit=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack+1,ihit+1)
176                         plane=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hit)
177                         pos=H_DPSIFUN(ray1,plane)
178                         hdc_residual(itrack,plane)=HDC_WIRE_COORD(hit)-pos
180                       enddo
182 cdaq  1.3             itrack=2
183           * loop over hits in first chamber
184                       do ihit=1,HNTRACK_HITS(itrack-1,1)
186           * calculate residual in first chamber form second chamber track
187                         hit=HNTRACK_HITS(itrack-1,ihit+1)
188                         plane=HDC_PLANE_NUM(hit)
189                         pos=H_DPSIFUN(ray2,plane)
190                         hdc_residual(itrack,plane)=HDC_WIRE_COORD(hit)-pos
192                       enddo
193                       endif
194                     endif
195                   endif
196                 endif
198 cdaq  1.1 *     test if we want to dump out trackfit results
199                 if(hdebugtrackprint.ne.0) then
200                    call h_print_tracks
201                 endif                                   ! end test on zero tracks
202           1000  return
203                 end
205           *

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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