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Files shown:101

File Rev. Age Author Last log entry
(file) b_ntuple.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  jones  file b_ntuple.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) b_ntuple.dte (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  jones  file b_ntuple.dte was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  jones  file bigcal_bypass_switches.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) bigcal_data_structures.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  jones  file bigcal_data_structures.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) bigcal_filenames.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  jones  file bigcal_filenames.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) bigcal_gain_parms.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  jones  file bigcal_gain_parms.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) bigcal_geometry.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  jones  file bigcal_geometry.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) bigcal_hist_id.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  puckett  file bigcal_hist_id.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) bigcal_shower_parms.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  jones  file bigcal_shower_parms.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) bigcal_tof_parms.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  jones  file bigcal_tof_parms.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) c_ntuple.dte (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) coin_bypass_switches.cmn (graph)   1.1  29 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) f1trigger_data_structures.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  15 years  cdaq  file f1trigger_data_structures.cmn was initially added on branch sane.
(file) gen_decode_F1tdc.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  frw  file gen_decode_F1tdc.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) gen_epics.cmn (graph)   1.1  25 years  saw  Added to official source tree by csa.
(file) gen_input_info.cmn (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn (graph)   1.1  28 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn (graph)   1.1  28 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn (graph)   1.1  28 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) gen_one_ev_info.cmn (graph)   1.1  29 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) gen_one_ev_info.dte (graph)   1.1  28 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) gen_output_info.cmn (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) gen_units.par (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) gep_data_structures.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  jones  file gep_data_structures.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) gep_filenames.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  jones  file gep_filenames.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) gep_hist_id.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  puckett  file gep_hist_id.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) gep_ntuple.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  jones  file gep_ntuple.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) gep_ntuple.dte (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  jones  file gep_ntuple.dte was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) h_fpp_ntuple.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  frw  file h_fpp_ntuple.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) h_fpp_ntuple.dte (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  frw  file h_fpp_ntuple.dte was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) h_ntuple.dte (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) h_sieve_ntuple.dte (graph)   1.1  29 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) hms_fpp_event.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  frw  file hms_fpp_event.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) hms_fpp_params.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  frw  file hms_fpp_params.cmn was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) hms_fpp_params.dte (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  17 years  frw  file hms_fpp_params.dte was initially added on branch gep_online.
(file) s_ntuple.dte (graph)   1.1  30 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) s_sieve_ntuple.cmn (graph)   1.1  29 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) s_sieve_ntuple.dte (graph)   1.1  29 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) sane_data_structures.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  15 years  cdaq  file sane_data_structures.cmn was initially added on branch sane.
(file) sane_filenames.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  15 years  cdaq  file sane_filenames.cmn was initially added on branch sane.
(file) sane_ntuple.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  15 years  cdaq  file sane_ntuple.cmn was initially added on branch sane.
(file) sane_ntuple.dte (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  15 years  cdaq  file sane_ntuple.dte was initially added on branch sane.
(file) sem_data_structures.cmn (not exist) [hide] (graph)   1.1  15 years  cdaq  file sem_data_structures.cmn was initially added on branch sane.
(file) sos_cer_parms.cmn (graph)   1.1  29 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) sos_lucite_parms.cmn (graph)   1.1  27 years  saw  Initial revision
(file) sos_one_ev.par (graph)   1.1  29 years  cdaq  Initial revision
(file) gen_craw.cmn (graph)   1.2  25 years  saw  (SAW) Increase maximum event size from 20000 to 40000
(file) gen_event_info.cmn (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=event" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
(file) gen_pawspace.cmn (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  Increase size of common to 1000000
(file) gen_run_pref.dte (graph)   1.2  29 years  cdaq  (SAW) Comment out everything as it's not used
(file) h_sieve_ntuple.cmn (graph)   1.2  29 years  cdaq  (SAW) Correct some CTP class types
(file) hms_aero_parms.cmn (graph)   1.2  21 years  jones  Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
(file) hms_cer_parms.cmn (graph)   1.2  21 years  jones  Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
(file) hms_one_ev.par (graph)   1.2  28 years  cdaq  (DVW)
(file) mc_structures.cmn (graph)   1.2  30 years  cdaq  (KBB) Modified to change storage (24-Feb-1994)
(file) sos_aero_parms.cmn (graph)   1.2  27 years  saw  (RMM) Add rawadc arrays for diagnostic purposes and saer_sumA/B variables
(file) gen_run_info.dte (graph)   1.3  29 years  cdaq  (SAW) Change .TRUE. to 1 for f2c compatibility
(file) hack_.cmn (graph)   1.3  28 years  cdaq  (JRA) Hacked it a bit
(file) c_ntuple.cmn (graph)   1.4  20 years  jones  Add parameters and variables needed for segmenting rzdat files
(file) coin_data_structures.cmn (graph)   1.4  20 years  jones  Added variables C_costhcm,C_phicm calculated in ENGINE/delta_physics.f
(file) gen_decode_common.cmn (graph)   1.4  28 years  cdaq  (SAW) Change roc index in arrays to start at zero. (JRA) Add structures needed t...
(file) gen_run_pref.cmn (graph)   1.4  29 years  cdaq  (SAW) Add rpc control variables, comment out unused variables
(file) h_ntuple.cmn (graph)   1.4  20 years  jones  Add parameters and variables needed for segmenting rzdat files
(file) s_ntuple.cmn (graph)   1.4  20 years  jones  Add parameters and variables needed for segmenting rzdat files
(file) gen_constants.par (graph)   1.5  25 years  saw  Initial setup
(file) hms_filenames.cmn (graph)   1.5  19 years  saw  Add filename for hms root tree
(file) hms_recon_elements.cmn (graph)   1.5  28 years  saw  (JRA) Add 5th element to h_recon_expon
(file) sos_filenames.cmn (graph)   1.5  19 years  saw  Add filename for sos root tree
(file) sos_recon_elements.cmn (graph)   1.5  28 years  saw  (JRA) Add 5th element to s_recon_expon
(file) hms_bypass_switches.cmn (graph)   1.6  21 years  jones  Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
(file) coin_filenames.cmn (graph)   1.7  19 years  saw  Missing ,
(file) gen_run_info.cmn (graph)   1.7  28 years  saw  (JRA) Add prescale factors and some a debugging flag
(file) hms_pedestals.cmn (graph)   1.7  21 years  jones  Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
(file) sos_bypass_switches.cmn (graph)   1.7  27 years  saw  (WH) Add bypass switch for lucite counter
(file) sos_track_histid.cmn (graph)   1.7  28 years  cdaq  (JRA) Add sidcuttdc and a temporary junk common block
(file) gen_detectorids.par (graph)   1.8  21 years  jones  Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
(file) hms_track_histid.cmn (graph)   1.8  28 years  cdaq  (JRA) Add hidcuttdc and a temporary junk common block
(file) sos_geometry.cmn (graph)   1.8  28 years  saw  (JRA) Make hdc_nrwire integer
(file) sos_scin_parms.cmn (graph)   1.8  28 years  saw  (JRA) Add misc scaler
(file) gen_routines.dec (graph)   1.9  20 years  saw  Add routines for manipulating ROOT trees
(file) sos_pedestals.cmn (graph)   1.9  25 years  csa  (JRA) Add vars for improved pedestal calcs
(file) sos_scin_tof.cmn (graph)   1.9  19 years  jones  Add variables htof_tolerance and stof_tolerance to be used to filter the scintil...
(file) Makefile (graph)   1.10  21 years  jones  Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
(file) sos_data_structures.cmn (graph)   1.10  21 years  jones  Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
(file) hms_geometry.cmn (graph)   1.11  28 years  saw  (JRA) Make hdc_nrwire integer
(file) hms_physics_sing.cmn (graph)   1.11  19 years  jones  Add new code s_select_best_track_prune.f and h_select_best_track_prune.f (P Bost...
(file) hms_scin_parms.cmn (graph)   1.11  28 years  saw  (JRA) Add misc scaler
(file) sos_calorimeter.cmn (graph)   1.11  24 years  saw  Cosmetic
(file) sos_id_histid.cmn (graph)   1.11  25 years  csa  (JRA) Add sidscindpos_pid, cleanup
(file) sos_physics_sing.cmn (graph)   1.11  19 years  jones  Add new code s_select_best_track_prune.f and h_select_best_track_prune.f (P Bost...
(file) hms_calorimeter.cmn (graph)   1.12  25 years  csa  Add hcal_fv_test
(file) hms_data_structures.cmn (graph)   1.12  21 years  jones  Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
(file) hms_scin_tof.cmn (graph)   1.12  19 years  jones  Add variables htof_tolerance and stof_tolerance to be used to filter the scintil...
(file) hms_statistics.cmn (graph)   1.12  21 years  jones  Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
(file) gen_scalers.cmn (graph)   1.13  20 years  jones  Add logical variable skip_events to BEAMCURRENT common block
(file) hms_id_histid.cmn (graph)   1.13  21 years  jones  Modified by Hamlet for new HMS aerogel
(file) sos_statistics.cmn (graph)   1.13  21 years  jones  Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
(file) gen_filenames.cmn (graph)   1.14  21 years  jones  Merge in online03 changes (mkj)
(file) sos_tracking.cmn (graph)   1.18  25 years  csa  (JRA) Remove sdebugcalcpeds
(file) hms_tracking.cmn (graph)   1.27  21 years  jones  Add variables hntracks_max_fp and h_remove_sppt_if_one_y_plane to hms_tracking.c...
(file) gen_data_structures.cmn (graph)   1.35  21 years  jones  Merge in online03 changes (mkj)

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Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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ViewCVS 0.9.2-cvsgraph-1.4.0