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 1 cdaq  1.1 *
 2           *     Common block that contains the mapping of physical fastbus locations
 3           *     to logical detector identification.
 4           *
 5 cdaq  1.2 *     $Log: gen_decode_common.cmn,v $
 6 cdaq  1.4 *     Revision 1.3  1994/10/20 12:26:44  cdaq
 7           *     (JRA) Increate G_DECODE_MAXROCS from 8 to 9
 8           *
 9 cdaq  1.3 * Revision 1.2  1994/04/05  14:31:10  cdaq
10           * Add g_decode_subaddbit for location in FB word of sub address
11           *
12 cdaq  1.2 * Revision 1.1  1994/02/07  19:36:23  cdaq
13           * Initial revision
14 cdaq  1.1 *
15 cdaq  1.2 *
16 cdaq  1.1       integer G_DECODE_MAXWORDS                 ! Must exceed number of
17                 parameter (G_DECODE_MAXWORDS=5000)        ! installed FB channels
18                 integer G_DECODE_MAXROCS
19 cdaq  1.4       parameter (G_DECODE_MAXROCS=8)            ! Largest ROC # + 1
20 cdaq  1.1       integer G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS
21                 parameter (G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS=25)          ! # slots in a FB crate
22                 integer*4 g_decode_slotpointer            ! Pointer into map arrays
23                 integer*4 g_decode_subaddcnt              ! Number of subadds per slot
24 cdaq  1.2       integer*4 g_decode_subaddbit              ! bit shift to get subadd
25 cdaq  1.1       integer*4 g_decode_slotmask
26                 integer*4 g_decode_didmap
27                 integer*4 g_decode_planemap, g_decode_countermap
28                 integer*4 g_decode_sigtypmap
29                 integer*4 g_decode_nextpointer            ! Next free in map arrays
30                 common /UPCOMMON/
31 cdaq  1.4      $     g_decode_slotpointer(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS, G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS),
32                $     g_decode_subaddcnt(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS,G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS),
33                $     g_decode_subaddbit(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS,G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS),
34                $     g_decode_slotmask(0:G_DECODE_MAXROCS,G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS),
35 cdaq  1.1      $     g_decode_didmap(G_DECODE_MAXWORDS),
36                $     g_decode_planemap(G_DECODE_MAXWORDS),
37                $     g_decode_countermap(G_DECODE_MAXWORDS),
38                $     g_decode_sigtypmap(G_DECODE_MAXWORDS),
39                $     g_decode_nextpointer
40 cdaq  1.4 
41                 integer*4 gmax_roc_with_adc
42                 integer*4 gmax_slot_with_adc
43                 integer*4 gnum_adc_channels
44                 parameter (gmax_roc_with_adc=3)
45                 parameter (gmax_slot_with_adc=15)
46                 parameter (gnum_adc_channels=64)
48           * use slot,roc so that g_threshold_readback(1,3,7) >>> thresholds(*) gives
49           * the thresholds(1-64) = the 64 thresholds in roc3,slot7.
51                 integer*4 g_threshold_readback(gnum_adc_channels,
52                &             gmax_roc_with_adc,gmax_slot_with_adc)
54                 common/gen_threshold_check/
55                &     g_threshold_readback
56 cdaq  1.1 
57           *     Local Variables:
58           *     mode: fortran
59           *     End:

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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