(file) Return to gen_routines.dec CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [HallC] / Analyzer / INCLUDE

  1 cdaq  1.1 **************** begin: GEN_routines.DEC ***************************
  2 cdaq  1.2 * $Log: gen_routines.dec,v $
  3 cdaq  1.7 * Revision 1.6  1994/07/21  19:49:27  cdaq
  4           * (SAW) Add thgethit and thgethitb
  5           *
  6 cdaq  1.6 * Revision 1.5  1994/06/22  21:03:51  cdaq
  7           * (SAW) Add CTP report routines
  8           *
  9 cdaq  1.5 * Revision 1.4  1994/06/14  02:45:53  cdaq
 10           * (DFG) Correct some typos
 11           *
 12 cdaq  1.4 * Revision 1.3  1994/02/22  18:41:25  cdaq
 13           * (SAW) Add more CTP routines
 14           *
 15 cdaq  1.3 * Revision 1.2  1994/02/22  18:27:44  cdaq
 16           * (SAW) Add more CTP routines, declare each function external
 17           *
 18 cdaq  1.2 * Revision 1.1  1994/02/22  18:18:24  cdaq
 19           * Initial revision
 20           *
 21 cdaq  1.1 *-
 22           *-commonly used functions....
 23           *-
 24 cdaq  1.2       INTEGER G_important_length
 25                 EXTERNAL G_important_length
 26                 INTEGER G_shift_len
 27                 EXTERNAL G_shift_len
 28 cdaq  1.1 *-
 29           *-CTP package
 30 cdaq  1.3       INTEGER regparmint
 31                 EXTERNAL regparmint
 32 cdaq  1.2       INTEGER regparmreal
 33                 EXTERNAL regparmreal
 34                 INTEGER regparmdouble
 35                 EXTERNAL regparmdouble
 36                 INTEGER regparmintarray
 37                 EXTERNAL regparmintarray
 38                 INTEGER regparmrealarray
 39                 EXTERNAL regparmrealarray
 40                 INTEGER regparmdoublearray
 41                 EXTERNAL regparmdoublearray
 42           *
 43 cdaq  1.4       INTEGER regtestint
 44                 EXTERNAL regtestint
 45 cdaq  1.2       INTEGER regtestreal
 46                 EXTERNAL regtestreal
 47                 INTEGER regtestdouble
 48                 EXTERNAL regtestdouble
 49                 INTEGER regtestintarray
 50                 EXTERNAL regtestintarray
 51                 INTEGER regtestrealarray
 52                 EXTERNAL regtestrealarray
 53                 INTEGER regtestdoublearray
 54                 EXTERNAL regtestdoublearray
 55           *
 56 cdaq  1.4       INTEGER regeventint
 57                 EXTERNAL regeventint
 58 cdaq  1.2       INTEGER regeventreal
 59                 EXTERNAL regeventreal
 60                 INTEGER regeventdouble
 61                 EXTERNAL regeventdouble
 62                 INTEGER regeventintarray
 63                 EXTERNAL regeventintarray
 64                 INTEGER regeventrealarray
 65                 EXTERNAL regeventrealarray
 66                 INTEGER regeventdoublearray
 67                 EXTERNAL regeventdoublearray
 68           *
 69                 INTEGER regparmstring
 70                 EXTERNAL regparmstring
 71 cdaq  1.3 *
 72 cdaq  1.2       INTEGER thload
 73                 EXTERNAL thload
 74                 INTEGER thbook
 75                 EXTERNAL thbook
 76                 INTEGER thwhalias
 77                 EXTERNAL thwhalias
 78 cdaq  1.3       INTEGER thtstexe
 79                 EXTERNAL thtstexe
 80                 INTEGER thtstexeb
 81                 EXTERNAL thtstexeb
 82                 INTEGER thhstexe
 83                 EXTERNAL thhstexe
 84                 INTEGER thhstexeb
 85                 EXTERNAL thhstexeb
 86                 INTEGER thtstins
 87                 EXTERNAL thtstins
 88                 INTEGER thtstinsb
 89                 EXTERNAL thtstinsb
 90                 INTEGER thtstcls
 91                 EXTERNAL thtstcls
 92                 INTEGER thtstclsb
 93                 EXTERNAL thtstclsb
 94 cdaq  1.5       INTEGER threp, threpa
 95                 EXTERNAL threp, threpa
 96 cdaq  1.6       INTEGER thgethit, thgethitb
 97                 EXTERNAL thgethit, thgethitb
 98 cdaq  1.7 *-
 99                 integer  clnt_create
100                 external clnt_create
101                 integer  thcrlist, thaddlist, thgetlist, thcgetlist, thremlist
102                 external  thcrlist, thaddlist, thgetlist, thcgetlist, thremlist
103                 integer  itheval,thevalchk
104                 external itheval,thevalchk
105                 integer thservone,thcallback
106                 external thservone,thcallback
107                 real*4 ftheval
108                 external ftheval
109                 real*8 dtheval
110                 external dtheval
111 cdaq  1.1 *-
112           ****************** end: GEN_routines.DEC ***************************
113 cdaq  1.2 *     Local Variables:
114           *     mode: fortran
115           *     fortran-continuation-string: "&"
116           *     End:

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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