(file) Return to h_ntuple.cmn CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [HallC] / Analyzer / INCLUDE

 1 cdaq  1.1 **************************begin: h_ntuple.cmn ***********************
 2           *- 
 3           *-   Created    8-Apr-1994   Kevin B. Beard, Hampton Univ.
 4           *........................................................................
 5           *- Misc. info. required for HMS Ntuple
 6 cdaq  1.2 * $Log: h_ntuple.cmn,v $
 7 jones 1.4 * Revision 1.3  1995/05/22 19:05:38  cdaq
 8           * (SAW) Correct some CTP class types
 9           *
10 cdaq  1.3 * Revision 1.2  1994/06/17  02:11:45  cdaq
11           * (KBB) Fix typos, change variable names, reorder common
12           *
13 cdaq  1.2 * Revision 1.1  1994/04/14  16:05:12  cdaq
14           * Initial revision
15 cdaq  1.1 *
16 cdaq  1.2 *
17 cdaq  1.1       integer HMAX_Ntuple_size
18                 parameter (HMAX_Ntuple_size= 100)
19                 integer default_h_Ntuple_ID
20 cdaq  1.2       parameter (default_h_Ntuple_ID= 9010)
21 cdaq  1.1 *
22 cdaq  1.3 *     CTPTYPE=parm
23           *
24 cdaq  1.1       logical h_Ntuple_exists
25                 integer h_Ntuple_ID
26 cdaq  1.2       integer h_Ntuple_size
27                 integer h_Ntuple_IOchannel
28 cdaq  1.1       character*80 h_Ntuple_name
29                 character*80 h_Ntuple_title
30 cdaq  1.2       character*132 h_Ntuple_directory
31                 character*256 h_Ntuple_file
32 cdaq  1.1       character*8 h_Ntuple_tag(HMAX_Ntuple_size)
33 jones 1.4       integer h_Ntuple_max_segmentevents
34 cdaq  1.3 *
35           *     CTPTYPE=event
36           *
37 jones 1.4       integer h_Ntuple_segmentevents
38                 integer h_Ntuple_filesegments
39 cdaq  1.1       real h_Ntuple_contents(HMAX_Ntuple_size)
40           *
41                 COMMON /HMS_Ntuple/ h_Ntuple_exists,h_Ntuple_ID,
42 cdaq  1.2      &                     h_Ntuple_size,h_Ntuple_IOchannel,
43                &                      h_Ntuple_name,h_Ntuple_title,
44                &                       h_Ntuple_directory,h_Ntuple_file,
45 jones 1.4      &                        h_Ntuple_tag,h_Ntuple_contents,
46                >                    h_Ntuple_max_segmentevents,h_Ntuple_segmentevents,
47                >                    h_Ntuple_filesegments
48 cdaq  1.2 *
49 cdaq  1.1 ****************************end: h_ntuple.cmn ***********************
50 cdaq  1.2 

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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