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 1 cdaq  1.1 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 2 cdaq  1.2 *-- file: hack_.cmn
 3           *-- include file for USER DEVOLOPMENT common block definitions;
 4           *     used in files HACK_*.F
 5           *-- The parameter hack_enable must be set to .ne. 0 to enable execution of
 6           *     hack_anal subroutine for each event.
 7           *-- provided for general use are the 1024 element long arrays:
 8           *-   hack_eventint, hack_eventreal: two arrays for storage of user-calculated
 9           *     values for each event which can be accessed from the "outside", e.g.
10           *     in histogram definitions or in tests; one array for integer results,
11           *     the other array for real results;
12           *-   hack_parmreal: an array for input of real values, e.g. for calibration
13           *     constants.
14           *-- any additional arrays or variables my be added by the user
15 cdaq  1.1 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 cdaq  1.2 * $Log: hack_.cmn,v $
17           * Revision 1.1  1994/07/22  13:55:48  cdaq
18           * Initial revision
19 cdaq  1.1 *
20 cdaq  1.2 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 cdaq  1.1 *
22                 integer*4 max_user_par
23                 parameter (max_user_par=1024)
24           *
25 cdaq  1.2       integer*4 hack_enable
26                 integer*4 hack_eventint(max_user_par) !User Development event output
27                 real*4 hack_eventreal(max_user_par)   !User Development event output
28                 real*4 hack_parmreal(max_user_par)    !User Development parameter input
29                 common /hack_c/ hack_enable,
30                &  hack_parmreal,hack_eventreal,hack_eventint
31 cdaq  1.1 *
32                 integer hack_hmssc_au(16,4) !raw HMS-scintillator ADC up in fixed array
33                 integer hack_hmssc_ad(16,4) !raw HMS-scintillator ADC down in fixed array
34                 integer hack_hmssc_tu(16,4) !raw HMS-scintillator TDC up in fixed array
35                 integer hack_hmssc_td(16,4) !raw HMS-scintillator TDC down in fixed array
36                 integer hack_hmssc_go(16,4) !info about which ADC/TDC fired
37                 common/hack_copyeve_c/ hack_hmssc_au,hack_hmssc_ad,
38                & hack_hmssc_tu,hack_hmssc_td,hack_hmssc_go
39           *
40           *---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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