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  1 cdaq  1.1 * hms_scin_parms.cmn -  two common blocks:
  2           *
  3           *    hms_scin_parms - variables from the hms_positions.parm file
  4           *    hms_tof_parms  - tof correction parameters and position parameters
  5           *                     converted to arrays over plane,counter by h_init_scin.
  6           *
  7           *    NOTE:  Variables whose names start with hHODO are arrays over
  8           *           plane and counter.  hSCIN is used for parameters from the
  9           *           .parm files and for arrays over hits.
 10           *
 11           *       Modified 23 March 1994   DFG
 12           *           Add definition of hnum_scin_elements and set parameter value
 13 cdaq  1.2 * $Log: hms_scin_parms.cmn,v $
 14 saw   1.11 * Revision 1.10  1996/01/24 16:19:42  saw
 15            * (JRA) Cosmetic change
 16            *
 17 saw   1.10 * Revision 1.9  1995/08/11 16:32:51  cdaq
 18            * (JRA) Remove old dpos stuff
 19            *       Add hscin_zero accumulators
 20            *
 21 cdaq  1.9  * Revision 1.8  1995/07/28  14:37:25  cdaq
 22            * (JRA) Add dimension to hmisc_dec_data
 23            *
 24 cdaq  1.8  * Revision 1.7  1995/05/22  19:11:18  cdaq
 25            * (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts.
 26            * Make pedestal arrays real.  Add hms_scin_positions and hms_misc_parms commons
 27            *
 28 cdaq  1.7  * Revision 1.6  1995/03/13  19:08:45  cdaq
 29            * (JRA) Move hnum_scin_elements to gen_data_structures, remove
 30            *       hscin_num_counters.  Change hscin_??_top and _left to center and offset.
 31            *       Add hscin_??_spacing parms.  Change hhodo_center_coord to hhodo_center.
 32            *       Add hhodo_???_minph tables.
 33            *
 34 cdaq  1.6  * Revision 1.5  1994/09/13  21:01:55  cdaq
 35            * (JRA) Include arrays for scintillator pedestals
 36            *
 37 cdaq  1.5  * Revision 1.4  1994/09/13  19:24:18  cdaq
 38            * (JRA) Remove hhodo_zpos, add staggering of scintillators
 39            *
 40 cdaq  1.4  * Revision 1.3  1994/08/05  15:27:18  cdaq
 41            * (SAW) Add makereg directive with required include files
 42            *
 43 cdaq  1.3  * Revision 1.2  1994/08/04  17:55:08  cdaq
 44            * (SAW) Add "CTPTYPE=parm" directive for auto generation of CTP reg calls
 45            *
 46 cdaq  1.2  * Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  21:10:43  cdaq
 47            * Initial revision
 48 cdaq  1.3  *
 49            *     The following include statments must precede the inclusion of this
 50            *     file in each routine that uses it.  The *%% syntax is also a
 51            *     directive to makereg to tell it to include the code in the program
 52            *     that it generates.
 53            *
 54 cdaq  1.7  *%%   include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
 55 cdaq  1.2  *
 56            *     CTPTYPE=parm
 57            *
 58 cdaq  1.1  * from parameter file
 59                  integer*4 hscin_1x_nr
 60                  integer*4 hscin_1y_nr
 61                  integer*4 hscin_2x_nr
 62                  integer*4 hscin_2y_nr
 63                  integer*4 hdebugprintscinraw
 64                  integer*4 hdebugprintscindec
 65                  integer*4 hdebugprinttoftracks
 66                  integer*4 hdebugprinttracktests
 67                  real*4 hscin_1x_zpos
 68                  real*4 hscin_1y_zpos
 69                  real*4 hscin_2x_zpos
 70                  real*4 hscin_2y_zpos
 71 cdaq  1.4        real*4 hscin_1x_dzpos
 72                  real*4 hscin_1y_dzpos
 73                  real*4 hscin_2x_dzpos
 74                  real*4 hscin_2y_dzpos
 75 cdaq  1.1        real*4 hscin_1x_left
 76                  real*4 hscin_1y_top
 77                  real*4 hscin_2x_left
 78                  real*4 hscin_2y_top
 79                  real*4 hscin_1x_right
 80                  real*4 hscin_1y_bot
 81                  real*4 hscin_2x_right
 82                  real*4 hscin_2y_bot
 83 cdaq  1.6        real*4 hscin_1x_center(hnum_scin_elements)
 84                  real*4 hscin_1y_center(hnum_scin_elements)
 85                  real*4 hscin_2x_center(hnum_scin_elements)
 86                  real*4 hscin_2y_center(hnum_scin_elements)
 87                  real*4 hscin_1x_offset
 88                  real*4 hscin_1y_offset
 89                  real*4 hscin_2x_offset
 90                  real*4 hscin_2y_offset
 91 cdaq  1.1        real*4 hscin_1x_size
 92                  real*4 hscin_1y_size
 93                  real*4 hscin_2x_size
 94                  real*4 hscin_2y_size
 95 cdaq  1.6        real*4 hscin_1x_spacing
 96                  real*4 hscin_1y_spacing
 97                  real*4 hscin_2x_spacing
 98                  real*4 hscin_2y_spacing
 99 cdaq  1.7        real*4 hscin_all_ped_pos(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
100                  real*4 hscin_all_ped_neg(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
101 cdaq  1.1  
102                  common/hms_scin_parms/            !variables from h_positions.parm
103                 &     hscin_1x_nr, hscin_1y_nr,    !Elements per plane
104                 &     hscin_2x_nr, hscin_2y_nr,
105                 &     hscin_1x_zpos, hscin_1y_zpos, !z position of plane.
106                 &     hscin_2x_zpos, hscin_2y_zpos,
107 cdaq  1.4       &     hscin_1x_dzpos, hscin_1y_dzpos,
108                 &     hscin_2x_dzpos, hscin_2y_dzpos,
109 cdaq  1.1       &     hscin_1x_left, hscin_1y_top, !position of 'negative'(??) end.
110                 &     hscin_2x_left, hscin_2y_top,
111                 &     hscin_1x_right, hscin_1y_bot, !position of 'positive'(??) end.
112                 &     hscin_2x_right, hscin_2y_bot,
113 cdaq  1.6       &     hscin_1x_center, hscin_1y_center, !center (transverse) of element.
114                 &     hscin_2x_center, hscin_2y_center,
115 cdaq  1.1       &     hscin_1x_size, hscin_1y_size, !width of elements.
116                 &     hscin_2x_size, hscin_2y_size,
117 cdaq  1.6       &     hscin_1x_spacing, hscin_1y_spacing, !separation of centers.
118                 &     hscin_2x_spacing, hscin_2y_spacing,
119 cdaq  1.1       &     hdebugprintscinraw,
120                 &     hdebugprintscindec,
121                 &     hdebugprinttoftracks,
122 cdaq  1.5       &     hdebugprinttracktests,
123                 &     hscin_all_ped_pos,
124 cdaq  1.6       &     hscin_all_ped_neg,
125                 &     hscin_1x_offset, hscin_1y_offset, !offset from nominal trans pos.
126                 &     hscin_2x_offset, hscin_2y_offset
128 cdaq  1.1  *     Physical paramteres of counters.  Use hhodo_* for arrays that include
129            *     the entire hodoscope,  hscin_* for arrays that loop over hits.
130                  real*4 hnum_scin_counters(hnum_scin_planes)
131 cdaq  1.6        real*4 hhodo_center(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
132 cdaq  1.1        real*4 hhodo_width(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
133                  real*4 hhodo_pos_coord(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
134                  real*4 hhodo_neg_coord(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
136            *     callibration type variables.
137                  real*4 hhodo_slop(hnum_scin_planes)
138                  real*4 hhodo_vel_light(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
139                  real*4 hhodo_pos_sigma(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
140                  real*4 hhodo_neg_sigma(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
141                  real*4 hhodo_pos_phc_coeff(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
142                  real*4 hhodo_neg_phc_coeff(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
143                  real*4 hhodo_pos_time_offset(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
144                  real*4 hhodo_neg_time_offset(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
145 cdaq  1.6        real*4 hhodo_pos_minph(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements) ! ADC offset for PH correction
146                  real*4 hhodo_neg_minph(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements) ! ADC offset for PH correction
147 cdaq  1.1  
148            *     correction parameters and position information converted to arryas
149            *     over plane and counter
151                  common/hms_tof_parms/
152                 &     hnum_scin_counters,
153 cdaq  1.6       &     hhodo_center,
154 cdaq  1.1       &     hhodo_width,
155                 &     hhodo_pos_coord,
156                 &     hhodo_neg_coord,
157                 &     hhodo_slop,
158                 &     hhodo_vel_light,
159                 &     hhodo_pos_sigma,
160                 &     hhodo_neg_sigma,
161                 &     hhodo_pos_phc_coeff,
162                 &     hhodo_neg_phc_coeff,
163                 &     hhodo_pos_time_offset,
164 cdaq  1.6       &     hhodo_neg_time_offset,
165                 $     hhodo_pos_minph,
166                 $     hhodo_neg_minph
167 cdaq  1.7  *
168            *
169            * hms_misc_parms.cmn -  misc tdc's filled as array over signal number
170            *         (tdc is sparsified, so the raw signals are array over hits)
171            *
172 cdaq  1.8  *     CTPTYPE=parm
173            *
174                  integer*4 hnum_misc_planes
175 saw   1.10       parameter(hnum_misc_planes=2)     !(1=TDC, 2=ADC)
176 cdaq  1.7  *
177            *     CTPTYPE=event
178            *
179 cdaq  1.8        integer*4 hmisc_dec_data(hmax_misc_hits,hnum_misc_planes)
180 saw   1.11       integer*4 hmisc_scaler(hmax_misc_hits,hnum_misc_planes)
181 cdaq  1.7  
182                  common/hms_misc_parms/
183 saw   1.11      &   hmisc_dec_data,
184                 &   hmisc_scaler
185 cdaq  1.9  
187                  integer*4 hscin_zero_pos(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
188                  integer*4 hscin_zero_neg(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
189                  integer*4 hscin_zero_num(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
190                  real*4 hscin_zero_pave(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
191                  real*4 hscin_zero_nave(hnum_scin_planes,hnum_scin_elements)
193                  common /hms_scin_zero/
194                 &    hscin_zero_pos,hscin_zero_neg,
195                 &    hscin_zero_num,
196                 &    hscin_zero_pave,hscin_zero_nave

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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