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File: [HallC] / Analyzer / INCLUDE / mc_structures.cmn (download)
Revision: 1.2, Wed Jun 8 18:49:44 1994 UTC (30 years, 3 months ago) by cdaq
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: spring03, sep0596, sep-26-2002, sep-25-2002, sep-24-2002, sep-09-2002, sane, pionct, online07, online04, online03, oct1199, oct1194, nov2894, nov2696, mduality, may2495, mar1495, mar-24-2003, jun1794, jun1594, jun1394, jul2895, jul0794, jan2795, jan2496, jan1896, jan1796, gep_online, gep3, fpi2, emc, e01004, dec0694, dec0198, bigcal, baryon, aug1794, aug0394, aug-12-2003, apr3096, apr0695, apr-02-2003, Initial-CVS-Release, HEAD, Extra_Shower_Tubes_on_HMS_not_SOS
Changes since 1.1: +86 -91 lines
(KBB) Modified to change storage (24-Feb-1994)

*****************begin: mc_structures.cmn*************************
*- This file defines the structure of GEANT simulated quantities
*- to be packed in a FASTBUS-CODA file.
*-         6-Feb-1994  K.B.Beard, Hampton U. 
*- Modified to add path length, internal setup 7-Feb-1994  KBB
*- note: units are hall C standard units: GeV, cm, nSec
*        ID numbers are as given by "g_decode" package.
* $Log: mc_structures.cmn,v $
* Revision 1.2  1994/06/08 19:49:44  cdaq
* (KBB) Modified to change storage (24-Feb-1994)
* Revision 1.1  1994/02/17  21:01:14  cdaq
* Initial revision
      CHARACTER*4 mc_TEST_C4
      REAL*4 mc_TEST_R4
      INTEGER*4 mc_TEST_I4
*- following are used to determine the proper byte swapping;
*- sort of a "Rosetta Stone" for CODA files
*-                   each of 4 bytes unique!
      PARAMETER (mc_TEST_C4= 'gMc_')             !program pkg
      PARAMETER (mc_TEST_R4= 2.24)               !version
      PARAMETER (mc_TEST_I4= '23fb1994'x)        !date
*- identifing status and ROC integer
      INTEGER mc_status_and_ROC
      PARAMETER (mc_status_and_ROC= 'FFFF'x)
*- status of all subsequent Monte Carlo info.
*- All tracks are put in sequentially (don't start over with #1 for 2nd arm)
      INTEGER mc_MAX_Trks                  !upper limit on tracks
      PARAMETER (mc_MAX_Trks= 1000)
      INTEGER mc_N_Trks                       !present # of target tracks
      INTEGER mc_Trk_ancestor(mc_MAX_Trks)    !ancestor track ID (0=none)
      CHARACTER*4 mc_Trk_system(mc_MAX_Trks)  !name trk coord. (LAB,HMS,SOS..)
      REAL mc_Trk_X(mc_MAX_Trks)
      REAL mc_Trk_Y(mc_MAX_Trks)              !position[cm]
      REAL mc_Trk_Z(mc_MAX_Trks)
      REAL mc_Trk_T(mc_MAX_Trks)              !time[nS]
      REAL mc_Trk_Px(mc_MAX_Trks)
      REAL mc_Trk_Py(mc_MAX_Trks)             !momentum[GeV/c]
      REAL mc_Trk_Pz(mc_MAX_Trks)
      REAL mc_Trk_M(mc_MAX_Trks)              !mass[GeV/c2]
      REAL mc_Trk_path(mc_MAX_Trks)           !distance to end of track[cm]
      INTEGER mc_Trk_geantID(mc_MAX_Trks)     !GEANT particle type ID
      CHARACTER*4 mc_Trk_comment(mc_MAX_Trks) !very brief comment (optional)
      INTEGER mc_Trk_extra(mc_MAX_Trks)       !resv'd for additional information
*- All hits are put in sequentially (relevant trackk ID# and detector ID#
*- determine which arm (don't start over with 1 for 2nd arm).
      INTEGER mc_MAX_Hits                    !upper limit on # of hits
      PARAMETER (mc_MAX_Hits= 1000)
*- standare hall C detector,plane|row,wire|element|column ID numbers 
*- assigned according to those specified in "gen_detectorids.cmn"
      INTEGER mc_N_Hits                      !present # of hits
      INTEGER mc_Hit_ancestor(mc_MAX_Hits)   !relevant track ID#
      CHARACTER*4 mc_Hit_system(mc_MAX_Hits) !name hit coord. (HMSf,SOSf,...)
      REAL mc_Hit_X(mc_MAX_Hits)
      REAL mc_Hit_Y(mc_MAX_Hits)             !position[cm]
      REAL mc_Hit_Z(mc_MAX_Hits) 
      REAL mc_Hit_T(mc_MAX_Hits)             !time[nS]
      REAL mc_Hit_Px(mc_MAX_Hits)
      REAL mc_Hit_Py(mc_MAX_Hits)            !momentum[GeV/c]
      REAL mc_Hit_Pz(mc_MAX_Hits)
      REAL mc_Hit_dE(mc_MAX_Hits)            !energy loss[GeV]
      INTEGER mc_Hit_detector(mc_MAX_Hits)   !detector ID#
      INTEGER mc_Hit_plane(mc_MAX_Hits)      !plane-row ID#
      INTEGER mc_Hit_element(mc_MAX_Hits)    !wire-element-column ID#
      INTEGER mc_Hit_extra(mc_MAX_Hits)      !resv'd for additional information
      COMMON /Mc_status/ mc_READY
      COMMON /Mc_tracks/ mc_N_Trks,mc_Trk_ancestor,mc_Trk_system,
     &    mc_Trk_X,mc_Trk_Y,mc_Trk_Z,mc_Trk_T,mc_Trk_Px,mc_Trk_Py,
     &    mc_Trk_Pz,mc_Trk_M,mc_Trk_path,mc_Trk_geantID,mc_Trk_comment,
     &    mc_Trk_extra
      COMMON /Mc_hits/ mc_N_Hits,mc_Hit_ancestor,mc_Hit_system,
     &    mc_Hit_X,mc_Hit_Y,mc_Hit_Z,mc_Hit_T,mc_Hit_Px,mc_Hit_Py,
     &    mc_Hit_Pz,mc_Hit_dE,mc_Hit_detector,mc_Hit_plane,
     &    mc_Hit_element,mc_Hit_extra
*-reported coordinate systems used in simulation
      INTEGER mcCo_MAX_coords
      PARAMETER (mcCo_MAX_coords= 20)
*                                                  !note: "LAB" always exists!
      INTEGER mcCo_N_coords                        !# of coordinates to follow
      CHARACTER*4 mcCo_NAME(mcCo_MAX_coords)       !name of coordinate system
      CHARACTER*4 mcCo_reference(mcCo_MAX_coords)  !system define w.r.t.
*-first translate
      REAL mcCo_Lo_to_Xo(mcCo_MAX_coords)
      REAL mcCo_Lo_to_Yo(mcCo_MAX_coords)          !from LAB to system
      REAL mcCo_Lo_to_Zo(mcCo_MAX_coords)
*-next Euler rotatation
      REAL mcCo_Lo_THETA_rot(mcCo_MAX_coords)      !about Z
      REAL mcCo_Lo_PHI_rot(mcCo_MAX_coords)        !about Y'
      REAL mcCo_Lo_THETAprime_rot(mcCo_MAX_coords) !about Z'
      COMMON /mcCo_systems/ mcCo_N_coords,mcCo_NAME,mcCo_reference,
     &   mcCo_Lo_to_Xo,mcCo_Lo_to_Yo,mcCo_Lo_to_Zo,
     &   mcCo_Lo_THETA_rot,mcCo_Lo_PHI_rot,mcCo_Lo_THETAprime_rot
*******************end: mc_structures.cmn*************************

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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