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 1 cdaq  1.1 *_______________________________________________________________________
 2           *      sos_id_histid.cmn
 3           *
 4           *      This common block contains the HBOOK histogram id numbers
 5           *      for all sos particle id histograms in which direct hfill 
 6           *      calls are made.
 7           *
 8           *      It also contains the paramter flags to turn on and off histograming
 9           *      of each of the hard coded blocks.
10           *
11           *      Created 9 April 1994	D. F. Geesaman
12           *
13 cdaq  1.2 * $Log: sos_id_histid.cmn,v $
14           * Revision 1.1  1994/04/12  21:16:27  cdaq
15           * Initial revision
16 cdaq  1.1 *
17 cdaq  1.2 *%%   include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
18           *%%   include 'sos_scin_parms.cmn'
19           *
20           *     The following don't need to be registered??
21           *     CTPTYPE=parm
22 cdaq  1.1       integer*4 sidscinrawtothits
23                 integer*4 sidscinplane
24                 integer*4 sidscincounters(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
25                 integer*4 sidscinposadc(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES,snum_scin_elements)
26                 integer*4 sidscinnegadc(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES,snum_scin_elements)
27                 integer*4 sidscinpostdc(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES,snum_scin_elements)
28                 integer*4 sidscinnegtdc(SNUM_SCIN_PLANES,snum_scin_elements)
29           *
30                 common/sos_id_histid/
31                &     sidscinrawtothits,
32                &     sidscinplane,
33                &     sidscincounters,
34                &     sidscinposadc,
35                &     sidscinnegadc,
36                &     sidscinpostdc,
37                &     sidscinnegtdc
39 cdaq  1.2 *
40           *     CTPTYPE=parm
41 cdaq  1.1 *
42           *      flags to turn on (.eq.1) or off (.eq. 0) hard coded histograms
43                  integer*4 sturnon_scin_raw_hist
44           *
45                  common/sos_id_hist_flags/
46                &      sturnon_scin_raw_hist

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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