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  1 cdaq  1.1 * sos_scin_parms.cmn -  two common blocks:
  2           *
  3           *    sos_scin_parms - variables from the sos_positions.parm file
  4           *    sos_tof_parms  - tof correction parameters and position parameters
  5           *                     converted to arrays over plane,counter by s_init_scin.
  6           *
  7           *    NOTE:  Variables whose names start with sHODO are arrays over
  8           *           plane and counter.  sSCIN is used for parameters from the
  9           *           .parm files and for arrays over hits.
 10           *
 11           *       Modified 23 March 1994   DFG
 12           *           Add definition of snum_scin_elements and set parameter value
 13           *
 14           * $Log:$
 15           *  
 16                 integer*4 snum_scin_elements
 17                 parameter (snum_scin_elements=20)
 18           *
 19           * from parameter file
 20                 integer*4 sscin_1x_nr
 21                 integer*4 sscin_1y_nr
 22 cdaq  1.1       integer*4 sscin_2x_nr
 23                 integer*4 sscin_2y_nr
 24                 integer*4 sscin_num_counters(sNUM_SCIN_PLANES)
 25                 integer*4 sdebugprintscinraw
 26                 integer*4 sdebugprintscindec
 27                 integer*4 sdebugprinttoftracks
 28                 integer*4 sdebugprinttracktests
 29                 real*4 sscin_1x_zpos
 30                 real*4 sscin_1y_zpos
 31                 real*4 sscin_2x_zpos
 32                 real*4 sscin_2y_zpos
 33                 real*4 sscin_1x_left
 34                 real*4 sscin_1y_top
 35                 real*4 sscin_2x_left
 36                 real*4 sscin_2y_top
 37                 real*4 sscin_1x_right
 38                 real*4 sscin_1y_bot
 39                 real*4 sscin_2x_right
 40                 real*4 sscin_2y_bot
 41                 real*4 sscin_1x_top(snum_scin_elements)
 42                 real*4 sscin_1y_left(snum_scin_elements)
 43 cdaq  1.1       real*4 sscin_2x_top(snum_scin_elements)
 44                 real*4 sscin_2y_left(snum_scin_elements)
 45                 real*4 sscin_1x_size
 46                 real*4 sscin_1y_size
 47                 real*4 sscin_2x_size
 48                 real*4 sscin_2y_size
 50                 common/sos_scin_parms/            !variables from s_positions.parm
 51                &     sscin_1x_nr, sscin_1y_nr,    !Elements per plane
 52                &     sscin_2x_nr, sscin_2y_nr,
 53                &     sscin_1x_zpos, sscin_1y_zpos, !z position of plane.
 54                &     sscin_2x_zpos, sscin_2y_zpos,
 55                &     sscin_1x_left, sscin_1y_top, !position of 'negative'(??) end.
 56                &     sscin_2x_left, sscin_2y_top,
 57                &     sscin_1x_right, sscin_1y_bot, !position of 'positive'(??) end.
 58                &     sscin_2x_right, sscin_2y_bot,
 59                &     sscin_1x_top, sscin_1y_left, !position of edges of elements.
 60                &     sscin_2x_top, sscin_2y_left,
 61                &     sscin_1x_size, sscin_1y_size, !width of elements.
 62                &     sscin_2x_size, sscin_2y_size,
 63                &     sscin_num_counters,
 64 cdaq  1.1      &     sdebugprintscinraw,
 65                &     sdebugprintscindec,
 66                &     sdebugprinttoftracks,
 67                &     sdebugprinttracktests
 70           * Physical paramteres of counters.  Use shodo_* for arrays that include
 71           *   the entire hodoscope,  sscin_* for arrays that loop over hits.
 72                 real*4 snum_scin_counters(snum_scin_planes)
 73                 real*4 shodo_zpos(snum_scin_planes)
 74                 real*4 shodo_center_coord(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
 75                 real*4 shodo_width(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
 76                 real*4 shodo_pos_coord(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
 77                 real*4 shodo_neg_coord(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
 79           * callibration type variables.
 80                 real*4 shodo_slop(snum_scin_planes)
 81                 real*4 shodo_vel_light(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
 82                 real*4 shodo_pos_sigma(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
 83                 real*4 shodo_neg_sigma(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
 84                 real*4 shodo_pos_phc_coeff(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
 85 cdaq  1.1       real*4 shodo_neg_phc_coeff(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
 86                 real*4 shodo_pos_time_offset(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
 87                 real*4 shodo_neg_time_offset(snum_scin_planes,snum_scin_elements)
 90           * correction parameters and position information converted to arryas
 91           * over plane and counter
 93                 common/sos_tof_parms/
 94                &     snum_scin_counters,
 95                &     shodo_zpos,
 96                &     shodo_center_coord,
 97                &     shodo_width,
 98                &     shodo_pos_coord,
 99                &     shodo_neg_coord,
100                &     shodo_slop,
101                &     shodo_vel_light,
102                &     shodo_pos_sigma,
103                &     shodo_neg_sigma,
104                &     shodo_pos_phc_coeff,
105                &     shodo_neg_phc_coeff,
106 cdaq  1.1      &     shodo_pos_time_offset,
107                &     shodo_neg_time_offset

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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