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 1 cdaq  1.1       subroutine h_uginit
 2           *
 3           * Do the GEANT initalization
 4           *
 5           * August, 1994, Pat Welch, Oregon State University, tpw@physics.orst.edu
 6           *
 7           * $Log:$
 9                 implicit none
11                 call ginit                        ! init GEANT
12                 call gzinit                       ! init GEANT data structs
13                 call gdinit                       ! init GEANT drawing package
15                 call gpart                        ! init particle structures
16                 call gmate                        ! init materials structures
17                 call gsrotm(1,90.,0.,90.,90.,0.,0.)
18                 call gsrotm(2,90.,90.,90.,0.,0.,0.)
19                 call gsrotm(3,90.,15.,90.,105.,0.,0.)
20                 call gsrotm(4,90.,345.,90.,75.,0.,0.)
22 cdaq  1.1       call h_one_ev_geometry            ! define the geometry
23                 call h_one_ev_detectors           ! define sensitive detectors
24                 call ggclos                       ! close geometry structures
26                 call gphysi                       ! init physics interaction vars
28                 end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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