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 1 cdaq  1.3       subroutine s_one_ev_display(iview)
 2 cdaq  1.1 *
 3           * This routine will store digitized hits for use in the one event display for
 4           * Hall C
 5           *
 6           * August, 1994, Pat Welch, Oregon State University, tpw@physics.orst.edu
 7           *
 8           * Modified from HMS version, h_one_ev_display, on March 1995 by
 9           * Derek van Westrum (vanwestr@cebaf.gov)
10           *
11 cdaq  1.2 * $Log: s_one_ev_display.f,v $
12 cdaq  1.3 * Revision 1.2  1995/09/18 14:43:20  cdaq
13           * (DVW) Improvements
14           *
15 cdaq  1.2 * Revision 1.1  1995/07/31 15:25:20  cdaq
16           * Initial revision
17           *
18 cdaq  1.1 
19                 implicit none
21 cdaq  1.3       integer iview
22 cdaq  1.1 
23 cdaq  1.3       call ixclrwi
24                 if (iview.le.1) then
25 cdaq  1.2         call s_one_ev_persp_view        !draw the perspective view
26 cdaq  1.3       elseif (iview.eq.2) then
27 cdaq  1.2         call s_one_ev_topside_view      !draw the two side views
28 cdaq  1.3       elseif (iview.ge.3) then
29 cdaq  1.2         call s_one_ev_head_view         !draw the head on view
30                 endif
31 cdaq  1.1 
32                 end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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