(file) Return to s_one_ev_generate.f CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [HallC] / Analyzer / ONEEV

  1 cdaq  1.1       subroutine s_one_ev_generate
  2           *
  3           * $Log:$
  5                 implicit none
  7                 include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
  8                 include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
  9                 include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
 10                 include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
 11                 include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
 12                 include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
 13                 include 'sos_one_ev.par'
 14                 include 'gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn'
 15                 include 'gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn'
 16                 include 'gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn'
 18                 character*4 lnames(0:3)		! volume names
 19                 integer lnums(0:3)                ! volume numbers or copies
 20                 real xd(3), xm(3)			! coordinates
 21                 integer error_code                ! error return code
 22 cdaq  1.1       integer chamhit,scinhit,showhit   ! index variables
 23                 integer wirenum                   ! indicates GEANT wirenumber
 25                 character*5 wire          !define names and indicies to loop over...
 26                 character*5 scinname 
 27                 character*4 blockname
 28                 character*5 layername
 30           *
 31           * Reset the detector hit indicators...
 32                 call s_one_ev_det_reset
 33           *
 34           * Clear any previous drawing
 35           *
 36                 call iclrwk (0, 0)
 37                 call gtrigc
 38                 call gtrigi
 39           *
 40           * define some colors for the various wires, and turn shading on 
 41           *
 42                 call iscr(1,1,.5,.5,.5)        !make the detectors grey
 43 cdaq  1.1       call iscr(1,15,1.,0.7,0.2)    !define an "orange"
 44                 call iscr(1,13,0.,.65,0.)      !define a "dark green"
 45                 call iscr(1,14,0.,0.,1.)       !define a dark blue
 46                 call gdopt ('SHAD','ON')
 48           *
 49           * Now loop over all the detector elements "lighting" each one if it has been hit 
 50           *
 51                 xd(1) = 0.			! find the center of the detector
 52                 xd(2) = 0.			! find the center of the detector
 53                 xd(3) = 0.			! find the center of the detector
 54           * Start with the wire chambers
 55           * See the file "displaynumbering.help" for a description of the numbering of the
 56           * various detector elements
 57           *
 58                 if (SDC_TOT_HITS .GT. 0) then
 59                   lnames(0) = 'SHUT'
 60                   lnums(0)  = 1
 61                   do chamhit = 1, SDC_TOT_HITS
 62           **************************************************************************************
 63           *UUU
 64 cdaq  1.1 ****
 65                     if (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 1) then
 66                       nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
 67                       lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
 68                       lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
 69                       lnames(2) = 'WAAU'		! U plane
 70                       lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
 71                       wirenum = nint(sdc_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
 72                &           - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
 73                       if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
 74                &           wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
 75                       if (wirenum .le. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AUA',char(64 + wirenum)
 76                       if (wirenum .gt. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AUB',char(64 - 24 + wirenum)
 77                       lnames(3) = wire		! U wires
 78                       lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
 79                       call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
 80                       call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
 81                       call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
 82                       call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
 83           *            call gsahit (1, 4, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
 84           **************************************************************************************
 85 cdaq  1.1 *UUU
 86           ****
 87                     elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 2) then
 88                       nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
 89                       lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
 90                       lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
 91                       lnames(2) = 'WABU'		! U plane
 92                       lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
 93                       wirenum = nint(sdc_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
 94                &           - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
 95                       if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
 96                &           wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
 97                       if (wirenum .le. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AUC',char(64 + wirenum)
 98                       if (wirenum .gt. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AUD',char(64 - 24 + wirenum)
 99                       lnames(3) = wire		! U wires
100                       lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
101                       call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
102                       call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
103                       call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
104                       call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
105           *            call gsahit (1, 4, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
106 cdaq  1.1 **************************************************************************************
107           *VVV
108           ****
109                     elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 3) then
110                       nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
111                       lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
112                       lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, higher chamber
113                       lnames(2) = 'WAAX'		! X plane
114                       lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
115           	    wirenum = nint(SDC_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
116                &           - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
117                       if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
118                &           wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
119                       if (wirenum .le. 16) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AXA',char(64 + wirenum)
120                       if ((wirenum .gt. 16) .and. (wirenum .le. 32))  write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
121                $           'AXB',char(64 - 16 + wirenum)
122                       if ((wirenum .gt. 32) .and. (wirenum .le. 48))  write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
123                $           'AXC',char(64 - 32 + wirenum)
124                       if ((wirenum .gt. 48) .and. (wirenum .le. 64))  write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 
125                $           'AXD',char(64 - 48 + wirenum)
126           	    lnames(3) = wire
127 cdaq  1.1             lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
128                       call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
129                       call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
130                       call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
131                       call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
132           *           call gsahit (1, 6, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
133           **************************************************************************************
134           *VVV
135           ****
136                    elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 4) then
137                      nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
138                      lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
139                      lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
140                      lnames(2) = 'WABX'		! X plane
141                      lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
142                      wirenum = nint(SDC_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
143                &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
144                      if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
145                &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
146                      if (wirenum .le. 16) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AXE',char(64 +
147                $          wirenum)
148 cdaq  1.1            if ((wirenum .gt. 16) .and. (wirenum .le. 32))  write(wire
149                $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'AXF',char(64 - 16 + wirenum)
150                      if ((wirenum .gt. 32) .and. (wirenum .le. 48))  write(wire
151                $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'AXG',char(64 - 32 + wirenum)
152                      if ((wirenum .gt. 48) .and. (wirenum .le. 64))  write(wire
153                $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'AXH',char(64 - 48 + wirenum)
154                      lnames(3) = wire
155                      lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
156                      call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
157                      call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
158                      call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
159                      call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
160           *     call gsahit (1, 6, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
161           **************************************************************************************
162           *XXX
163           ****
164                    elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 5) then
165                      nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
166                      lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
167                      lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
168                      lnames(2) = 'WAAV'		! V plane
169 cdaq  1.1            lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
170                      wirenum = nint(SDC_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
171                &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
172                      if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
173                &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
174                      if (wirenum .le. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AVA',char(64 +
175                $          wirenum)
176                      if (wirenum .gt. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AVB',char(64 - 24
177                $          + wirenum)
178                      lnames(3) = wire		! V wires
179                      lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
180                      call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
181                      call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
182                      call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
183                      call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
184           *            call gsahit (1, 5, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
185           *            call gsahit (1, 90, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
186           **************************************************************************************
187           *XXX
188           ****
189                    elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 6) then
190 cdaq  1.1            nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
191                      lnames(1) = 'WCHA'		! level one
192                      lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
193                      lnames(2) = 'WABV'		! V plane
194                      lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
195                      wirenum = nint(SDC_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
196                &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
197                      if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
198                &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
199                      if (wirenum .le. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AVC',char(64 +
200                $          wirenum)
201                      if (wirenum .gt. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'AVD',char(64 - 24
202                $          + wirenum)
203                      lnames(3) = wire		! V wires
204                      lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
205                      call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
206                      call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
207                      call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
208                      call gsatt (wire,'COLO',13)
209           *     call gsahit (1, 5, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
210           *            call gsahit (1, 90, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
211 cdaq  1.1 **************************************************************************************
212           **************************************************************************************
213           *UUU
214           ****
215                    elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 7) then
216                      nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
217                      lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
218                      lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
219                      lnames(2) = 'WBAU'		! U plane
220                      lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
221                      wirenum = nint(sdc_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
222                &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
223                      if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
224                &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
225                      if (wirenum .le. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BUA',char(64 +
226                $          wirenum)
227                      if (wirenum .gt. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BUB',char(64 - 24
228                $          + wirenum)
229                      lnames(3) = wire		! U wires
230                      lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
231                      call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
232 cdaq  1.1            call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
233                      call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
234                      call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
235           *            call gsahit (1, 4, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
236           **************************************************************************************
237           *UUU
238           ****
239                    elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 8) then
240                      nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
241                      lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
242                      lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
243                      lnames(2) = 'WBBU'		! U plane
244                      lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
245                      wirenum = nint(sdc_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
246                &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
247                      if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
248                &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
249                      if (wirenum .le. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BUC',char(64 +
250                $          wirenum)
251                      if (wirenum .gt. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BUD',char(64 - 24
252                $          + wirenum)
253 cdaq  1.1            lnames(3) = wire		! U wires
254                      lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
255                      call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
256                      call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
257                      call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
258                      call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
259           *            call gsahit (1, 4, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
260           **************************************************************************************
261           *VVV
262           ****
263                    elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 9) then
264                      nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
265                      lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
266                      lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
267                      lnames(2) = 'WBAX'		! X plane
268                      lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
269                      wirenum = nint(SDC_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
270                &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
271                      if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
272                &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
273                      if (wirenum .le. 16) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BXA',char(64 +
274 cdaq  1.1      $          wirenum)
275                      if ((wirenum .gt. 16) .and. (wirenum .le. 32))  write(wire
276                $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'BXB',char(64 - 16 + wirenum)
277                      if ((wirenum .gt. 32) .and. (wirenum .le. 48))  write(wire
278                $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'BXC',char(64 - 32 + wirenum)
279                      if ((wirenum .gt. 48) .and. (wirenum .le. 64))  write(wire
280                $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'BXD',char(64 - 48 + wirenum)
281                      lnames(3) = wire
282                      lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
283                      call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
284                      call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
285                      call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
286                      call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
287           *           call gsahit (1, 6, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
288           **************************************************************************************
289           *VVV
290           ****
291                    elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 10) then
292                      nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
293                      lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
294                      lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
295 cdaq  1.1            lnames(2) = 'WBBX'		! X plane
296                      lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
297                      wirenum = nint(SDC_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
298                &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
299                      if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
300                &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
301                      if (wirenum .le. 16) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BXE',char(64 +
302                $          wirenum)
303                      if ((wirenum .gt. 16) .and. (wirenum .le. 32))  write(wire
304                $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'BXF',char(64 - 16 + wirenum)
305                      if ((wirenum .gt. 32) .and. (wirenum .le. 48))  write(wire
306                $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'BXG',char(64 - 32 + wirenum)
307                      if ((wirenum .gt. 48) .and. (wirenum .le. 64))  write(wire
308                $          ,'(a,a,a,a)')'BXH',char(64 - 48 + wirenum)
309                      lnames(3) = wire
310                      lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
311                      call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
312                      call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
313                      call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
314                      call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
315           *           call gsahit (1, 6, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
316 cdaq  1.1 **************************************************************************************
317           *XXX
318           ****
319                    elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 11) then
320                      nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
321                      lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
322                      lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
323                      lnames(2) = 'WBAV'		! V plane
324                      lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
325                      wirenum = nint(SDC_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
326                &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
327                      if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
328                &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
329                      if (wirenum .le. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BVA',char(64 +
330                $          wirenum)
331                      if (wirenum .gt. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BVB',char(64 - 24
332                $          + wirenum)
333                      lnames(3) = wire		! V wires
334                      lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
335                      call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
336                      call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
337 cdaq  1.1            call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
338                      call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
339           *            call gsahit (1, 5, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
340           *            call gsahit (1, 90, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
341           **************************************************************************************
342           *XXX
343           ****
344                    elseif (SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit) .EQ. 12) then
345                      nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
346                      lnames(1) = 'WCHB'		! level one
347                      lnums(1)  = 1                ! copy one, higher chamber
348                      lnames(2) = 'WBBV'		! V plane
349                      lnums(2)  = 1                ! copy one
350                      wirenum = nint(SDC_nrwire(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit))) + 1
351                &          - SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
352                      if (SDC_WIRE_COUNTING(SDC_PLANE_NUM(chamhit)) .EQ. 1)
353                &          wirenum = SDC_WIRE_NUM(chamhit)
354                      if (wirenum .le. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BVC',char(64 +
355                $          wirenum)
356                      if (wirenum .gt. 24) write(wire,'(a,a,a,a)') 'BVD',char(64 - 24
357                $          + wirenum)
358 cdaq  1.1            lnames(3) = wire		! V wires
359                      lnums(3)  = wirenum		! wire number
360                      call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
361                      call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)       ! transform from detector to MARS
362                      call gsatt (wire,'SEEN',1)
363                      call gsatt (wire,'COLO',15)
364           *            call gsahit (1, 5, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
365           *            call gsahit (1, 90, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
366           **************************************************************************************
367                    endif
368                  enddo
369                 endif
371           * Take a look at the hodoscopes
372           * See the file "displaynumbering.help" for a description of the numbering of the
373           * various detector elements
374           *
375                 if (SSCIN_TOT_HITS .GT. 0) then
376                   lnames(0) = 'SHUT'              ! relative to the hut
377                   lnums(0)  = 1                   ! copy 1
378                   do scinhit = 1, SSCIN_TOT_HITS
379 cdaq  1.1 *
380           * First the lower X
381           *
382                     if (SSCIN_PLANE_NUM(scinhit) .EQ. 1) then
383                       nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
384                       lnames(1) = 'HOD1'		! level one
385                       lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, lower hodo
386                       lnames(2) = 'HDX1'		! X strips
387                       lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
388           	    write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1X',char(64 + SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit))
389                       lnames(3) = scinname		! X strips
390                       lnums(3)  = SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit) ! X strip number
391                       call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
392                       call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
393           *            call gsahit (1, 2, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
394           	    call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',14)   !change the color of the it element
395                       call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',5)
396                       call gsatt (scinname,'LWID',1)
397           *     
398           * now the upper X
399           *
400 cdaq  1.1           elseif (SSCIN_PLANE_NUM(scinhit) .EQ. 3) then
401                       nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
402                       lnames(1) = 'HOD2'		! level one
403                       lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy two, upper hodo
404                       lnames(2) = 'HDX2'		! X strips
405                       lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
406           	    write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2X',char(64 + SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit))
407                       lnames(3) = scinname		! X strips
408                       lnums(3)  = SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit) ! X strip number
409                       call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
410                       call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
411           *            call gsahit (1, 2, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
412           	    call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',14)   !change the color of the it element
413                       call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',5)
414                       call gsatt (scinname,'LWID',1)
415           *
416           * now the lower Y
417           *
418                     elseif (SSCIN_PLANE_NUM(scinhit) .EQ. 2) then
419                       nlevel = 0			! initial value for # of levels
420           	    lnames(1) = 'HOD1'
421 cdaq  1.1             lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy one, lower hodo
422                       lnames(2) = 'HDY1'		! Y strips
423                       lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
424           	    write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H1Y',char(64 + SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit))
425                       lnames(3) = scinname		! Y strips
426                       lnums(3)  = SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit) ! Y strip number
427                       call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
428                       call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
429           *            call gsahit (1, 3, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
430           	    call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',14)    !change the color of the it element
431                       call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',5)
432                       call gsatt (scinname,'LWID',1)
433           *     
434           * now the upper Y
435           *
436                     elseif (SSCIN_PLANE_NUM(scinhit) .EQ. 4) then
437                       nlevel = 0                  ! initial value for # of levels
438           	    lnames(1) = 'HOD2'
439                       lnums(1)  = 1               ! copy two, upper hodo
440                       lnames(2) = 'HDY2'          ! Y strips
441                       lnums(2)  = 1               ! copy one
442 cdaq  1.1 	    write (scinname,'(a,a)') 'H2Y',char(64 + SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit))
443                       lnames(3) = scinname          ! Y strips
444                       lnums(3)  = SSCIN_COUNTER_NUM(scinhit) ! Y strip number
445                       call glvolu (4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
446                       call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)      ! transform from detector to MARS
447           *            call gsahit (1, 3, 1, lnums(1), xm, ihit) ! store the hit
448           	    call gsatt (scinname,'COLO',14)   !change the color of the it element
449                       call gsatt (scinname,'FILL',5)
450                       call gsatt (scinname,'LWID',1)
451                     endif
452                   enddo
453                 endif
454           * 
455           * Now take care of the shower detector
456           * See the file "displaynumbering.help" for a description of the numbering of the
457           * various detector elements
458           *
459                 lnames(0) = 'SHUT'
460                 lnums(0) = 1
461                 if (SCAL_NUM_HITS .GE. 0) then
462                   do showhit = 1, SCAL_NUM_HITS
463 cdaq  1.1           nlevel = 0
464                     lnames(1) = 'SHOW'            ! shower detector
465                     lnums(1)  = 4                 ! copy 1
466                     write(layername,'(a,i1)') 'LAY',SCAL_COLS(showhit)
467                     lnames(2) = layername         ! x subdivisions
468                     lnums(2) = 11
469                     lnums(3)  = 1
470                     write (blockname,'(a,i1,a)') 'BL',SCAL_COLS(showhit),
471                $         char(64 + scal_rows(showhit))
472                     lnames(3) = blockname         ! z subdivisions
473                     call glvolu(4, lnames, lnums, error_code)
474                     call gdtom (xd, xm, 1)        ! transform from det to MARS
475                     call gsatt (blockname,'COLO',14) !change the color of the it element
476                     call gsatt (blockname,'FILL',5)
477                     call gsatt (blockname,'LWID',2)
478                   enddo
479                 endif
480                 end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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