(file) Return to s_one_ev_track.f CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [HallC] / Analyzer / ONEEV

 1 cdaq  1.1       subroutine s_one_ev_track
 2           *
 3           * $Log:$
 5                 implicit none
 7                 include 'sos_data_structures.cmn'
 8                 include 'sos_tracking.cmn'
 9                 include 'sos_geometry.cmn'
10                 include 'sos_calorimeter.cmn'
11                 include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
12                 include 'sos_one_ev.par'
13                 include 'gen_one_ev_gctrak.cmn'
14                 include 'gen_one_ev_gckine.cmn'
15                 include 'gen_one_ev_gcvolu.cmn'
17                 real track_x, track_y, track_z    ! a point on the track
18                 real track_x_slope, track_y_slope ! slope of the track
19                 real x, y, z                      ! coordinates
20                 real z_distance                   ! z distance to end of hut
21                 integer track                     ! index variables
22 cdaq  1.1 
23           *
24           * Take care of creating the reconstructed tracks
25           *
26                 vect(4) =  0.0
27                 vect(5) =  0.0
28                 vect(6) =  1.
29                 vect(7) =  1.
30           *      ipart = 3            !electron to make track red
31           *      ipart = 13          !neutron to make track black
32           *      ipart = 5            !muon to make track green
33                 ipart = 1                         !photon to make track blue
34                 tofg  = 1e-5
35                 itra  = 1
36           *      amass = 0.511e-3
37           *      amass = 0.93957
38                 sleng = 200.
39                 step  = 200.
41                 do track = 1, SNTRACKS_FP
42                   ipart = 1                       !photon to make track blue
43 cdaq  1.1         if (track.eq.SSNUM_FPTRACK) then
44                     ipart = 3                     !electron to make track red
45                   endif
46                   track_x       = -sx_fp(track)   ! x position on track
47                   track_y       = sy_fp(track)    ! y position on track
48                   track_z       = 0               ! z position on track
49                   track_x_slope = -sxp_fp(track)  ! track slope in x
50                   track_y_slope = syp_fp(track)   ! track slope in y
52                   z		= -SHUT_HEIGHT / 2. ! bottom of hut
53                   z_distance	= track_z - z   ! distance from point to floor
54                   x		= track_x - z_distance * sin(track_x_slope) ! x loci
55                   y		= track_y - z_distance * sin(track_y_slope) ! y loci
56                   vect(1) = x
57                   vect(2) = y
58                   vect(3) = z
59                   call gsxyz
60                   z		= SHUT_HEIGHT / 2. ! bottom of hut
61                   z_distance	= z - track_z   ! distance from point to roof
62                   x		= track_x + z_distance * sin(track_x_slope) ! x loci
63                   y		= track_y + z_distance * sin(track_y_slope) ! y loci
64 cdaq  1.1         vect(1) = x
65                   vect(2) = y
66                   vect(3) = z
67                   call gsxyz
68                   call gdxyz (track)
69           *     call gdpart (itra,01,0.5)  !this will number the tracks
70                   itra = itra+1
71           *     ipart = ipart+1   !this changes the color for each track
72                 enddo
73           *
74                 end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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