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File: [HallC] / Analyzer / PORT / ran_wrappers.f (download)
Revision: 1.1, Wed Feb 24 15:29:17 1999 UTC (25 years, 6 months ago) by saw
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: spring03, sep-26-2002, sep-25-2002, sep-24-2002, sep-09-2002, sane, pionct, online07, online04, online03, oct1199, mduality, mar-24-2003, gep_online, gep3, fpi2, emc, e01004, bigcal, baryon, aug-12-2003, apr-02-2003, HEAD
Add to CVS tree

*     Wrappers for the ran function for f2c fortran
* $Log: ran_wrappers.f,v $
* Revision 1.1  1999/02/24 15:29:17  saw
* Add to CVS tree
      real*4 function ran(seed)
      integer*4 seed
      logical started
      save started
      real*4 RAND_MAX
      integer*4 random
      real*4 fran

      data started /.false./
c     Ignore any seeds
      fran = (random()+1.0)/(RAND_MAX+1.0)
      ran = fran

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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