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File: [HallC] / Analyzer / T20 / g_decode_fb_bank.f (download)
Revision: 1.1, Tue Dec 1 20:58:23 1998 UTC (25 years, 9 months ago) by saw
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: spring03, sep-26-2002, sep-25-2002, sep-24-2002, sep-09-2002, sane, pionct, online07, online04, online03, oct1199, mduality, mar-24-2003, gep_online, gep3, fpi2, emc, e01004, bigcal, baryon, aug-12-2003, apr-02-2003, Initial-CVS-Release, HEAD, Extra_Shower_Tubes_on_HMS_not_SOS
Initial revision

      subroutine g_decode_fb_bank(bank, ABORT, error)
*     Purpose and Methods: Decode a Fastbus bank.
*     Looks at detector ID for a word in a data bank and passes the
*     appopriate data structure pointers to the g_decode_fb_detector routine.
*     That routine will return when it gets to another detector in which
*     case the the present routine will dispatch g_decode_fb_detector with a
*     new set of pointers.
*     This routine must be modified when new detectors are added.  It may
*     also may need to modified if fastbus modules other than from LeCroy
*     are used.
*     It is the responsibility of the calling routine to call
*     g_decode_fb_bank only for banks of fastbus data.
*     Inputs:
*     bank       Pointer to the first word (length) of a data bank.
*     Outputs:
*     ABORT
*     error
*     Created  16-NOV-1993   Stephen Wood, CEBAF
*     Modified  3-Dec-1993   Kevin Beard, Hampton U.
* $Log: g_decode_fb_bank.f,v $
* Revision 1.1  1998/12/01 20:58:23  saw
* Initial revision
* Revision 1.24  1996/11/08 15:48:01  saw
* (WH) Add decoding for lucite counter
* Revision 1.23  1996/04/29 19:45:37  saw
* (JRA) Update Aerogel variable names
* Revision 1.22  1996/01/22 15:13:56  saw
* (JRA) Put BPM/Raster data into MISC data structures
* Revision 1.21  1996/01/16 20:49:40  cdaq
* (SAW) Handle banks containing two parallel link ROC banks
* Revision 1.20  1995/12/06 19:04:24  cdaq
* (SAW) What is this version?  Two bank banks processing lost.
* Revision 1.19  1995/11/28 18:50:03  cdaq
* (SAW) Quick hack to accept banks with 2 rocs (from parallel link)
* Revision 1.18  1995/10/09 18:20:51  cdaq
*       Replace g_decode_getdid call with explicit calculation (for speed)
* Revision 1.17  1995/07/27 19:06:02  cdaq
* (SAW) Use specific bit manipulation routines for f2c compatibility
*       Get FB roc from header on parallel link banks
* Revision 1.16  1995/05/22  20:50:45  cdaq
* (SAW) Split gen_data_data_structures into gen, hms, sos, and coin parts"
* Revision 1.15  1995/05/22  13:35:40  cdaq
* (SAW) Fix up some problems with decoding of parallel link wrappers around
* fastbus events.  Still doesn't hadle two fb rocs wrapped into one bank.
* Revision 1.14  1995/05/11  17:17:00  cdaq
* (SAW) Extend || link hack for SOS.  Add Aerogel detector.
* Revision 1.13  1995/04/01  19:44:50  cdaq
* (SAW) Add BPM hitlist
* Revision 1.12  1995/01/27  20:12:48  cdaq
* (SAW) Add hacks to deal with parallel link data.  Pass lastslot variable to
*       g_decode_fb_detector so it can find 1881M/1877 headers.
* Revision 1.11  1994/11/22  20:13:02  cdaq
* (SPB) Update array names for raw SOS Scintillator bank
* Revision 1.10  1994/06/28  20:01:23  cdaq
* (SAW) Change arrays that HMS scintillators go into
* Revision 1.9  1994/06/18  02:45:49  cdaq
* (SAW) Add code for miscleaneous data and uninstrumented channels
* Revision 1.8  1994/06/09  04:48:28  cdaq
* (SAW) Fix length argument on gmc_mc_decode call again
* Revision 1.7  1994/04/13  18:49:10  cdaq
* (KBB Fix length argument on gmc_mc_deocde call
      implicit none
      character*16 here
      parameter (here='g_decode_fb_bank')
      logical ABORT
      character*(*) error
      integer*4 bank(*)

*     This routine unpacks a ROC bank.  It looks a fastbus word to
*     determine which detector it belongs to.  It then passes the
*     appropriate arrays for that detector to detector independent unpacker
*     G_DECODE_FB_DETECTOR which will unpack words from the bank into the
*     hit arrays until the detector changes or it runs out of data.
*     G_DECODE_FB_DETECTOR returns a pointer to the next data word to be
*     processed.
      include 'gen_detectorids.par'
      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
      include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
      include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
      include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
*      include 'mc_structures.cmn'
      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'

      integer*4 pointer                 ! Pointer FB data word
      integer*4 banklength,maxwords
      integer*4 roc,subadd,slot,lastslot
      integer*4 stat_roc
      integer*4 slotp                   ! temp variable
      integer*4 did                     ! Detector ID
      integer*4 g_decode_fb_detector    ! Detector unpacking routine
      integer*4 last_first              ! Last word of first bank in || bank
      integer*4 jiand, jishft           ! Declare to help f2c

      banklength = bank(1) + 1          ! Bank length including count
      last_first = banklength

      stat_roc = jishft(bank(2),-16)
      roc = jiand(stat_roc,'1F'X)                ! Get ROC from header
      if(roc.eq.15) roc = 4             ! Map t20 EEL ROC# to 4

*     First look for special Monte Carlo Banks
c      if(stat_roc.eq.mc_status_and_ROC) then
c*        call gmc_mc_decode(banklength-2,bank(3),ABORT,error)
c        ABORT = .TRUE.
c        error = 'Monte Carlo Event analysis disabled'
c        if(ABORT) then
c          call g_add_path(here,error)
c        endif
c        return
c      endif
      if(roc.gt.G_DECODE_MAXROCS .and. roc.ne.9) then
        ABORT = .false.                 ! Just warn
        write(error,*) ':ROC out of range, ROC#=',roc
        call g_add_path(here,error)
      pointer = 3                               ! First word of bank
      if (roc.eq.7 .or. roc.eq.8 .or. roc.eq.9) then
*     These 3 rocs are VME front ends for fastbus crates.  At present
*     we assume that each VME front end is only taking data from one
*     FB roc and that this FB roc # is in 4 word of the bank.  This
*     hack will not work when we have roc 8 taking data from both
*     fbch1 and fbch2.  But it should work for runs up through
*     at least 5/31/95.
        last_first = pointer + bank(pointer) ! Last word in sub bank
        stat_roc = jishft(bank(pointer+1),-16)!2 words are fb roc header.
        roc = jiand(stat_roc,'1F'X)
        if(roc.eq.15) roc = 4           ! Map t20 EEL ROC# to 4
        pointer=pointer+2               !using parallel link, so next

      lastslot = -1
      do while (pointer .le. banklength)
        if(pointer.eq.(last_first+1)) then ! Second bank in a two bank bank
          last_first = banklength       ! Reset to end of second bank
          stat_roc = jishft(bank(pointer+1),-16) !2 words are fb roc header
          roc = jiand(stat_roc,'1F'X)  ! New roc
          if(roc.eq.15) roc = 4         ! Map t20 EEL ROC# to 4
*     Look for and report empty ROCs.
      if (bank(pointer).eq.'DCFF0000'X) then
	if (roc.eq.1 .or. roc.eq.2) then    !missing hms data
          if (gen_event_type.ne.2) then     !event type 2 is sos only event.
            write(6,'(a,i3,a,i8,a,z8,a,i2)') 'roc',roc,' has no data for event'
     &           ,gen_event_id_number,' scanmask=',bank(pointer+1)
     $           ,', evtype=',gen_event_type
        else                                !missing sos data
          if (gen_event_type.ne.1) then     !event type 1 is hms only data.
            write(6,'(a,i3,a,i8,a,z8,a,i2)') 'roc',roc,' has no data for event'
     &           ,gen_event_id_number,' scanmask=',bank(pointer+1)
     $           ,', evtype=',gen_event_type
      slot = jiand(jishft(bank(pointer),-27),'1F'X)
      if(slot.gt.0.and.slot.le.G_DECODE_MAXSLOTS .and.
     $     roc.gt.0 .and. roc.le.g_decode_maxrocs) then
c      write(6,*) 'pointer,roc,slot=',pointer,roc,slot
        subadd = jiand(jishft(bank(pointer),
     $       -g_decode_subaddbit(roc,slot)),'7F'X)

        if (subadd .lt. '7F'X) then     ! Only valid subaddress
                                        ! This skips module headers

          slotp = g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot)
          if (slotp.gt.0) then
            did = g_decode_didmap(slotp+subadd)
            did = UNINST_ID

          maxwords = last_first - pointer + 1
*        1         2         3         4         5         6         7
          if(did.eq.HDC_ID) then
            pointer = pointer +
     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
     &           maxwords, did, 
     $           HDC_RAW_WIRE_NUM,1 ,HDC_RAW_TDC,0, 0, 0)

          else if (did.eq.HSCIN_ID) then
            pointer = pointer +
     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
     &           maxwords, did, 

          else if (did.eq.HCAL_ID) then
            pointer = pointer +
     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
     &           maxwords, did,
     $           HCAL_ROW, 1, HCAL_ADC, 0, 0, 0)

          else if (did.eq.HCER_ID) then
*     Cerenkov has no plane array.  Pass it HCER_COR_ADC.  Unpacker will
*     fill it with zeros or ones.  (Or whatever we tell the unpacker the
*     plane number is.)
            pointer = pointer +
     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
     &           maxwords, did, 
     $           HCER_TUBE_NUM, 1, HCER_RAW_ADC, 0, 0, 0)

          else if (did.eq.HMISC_ID) then
*     This array is for data words that don't belong to a specific
*     detector counter.  Things like energy sums, and TDC's from various
*     points in the logic will go here.  Most likely we will set ADDR1
*     always to 1, and ADDR2 will start at 1.
            pointer = pointer +
     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
     &           maxwords, did, 
     $           HMISC_RAW_ADDR2, 1, HMISC_RAW_DATA, 0, 0, 0)

*        1         2         3         4         5         6         7
*     T20 Detector POLDER and Test detection counters.  Not DONE!
          else if (did.eq.TMWPC_ID) then

            pointer = pointer +
     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
     &           maxwords, did,
     $           TMWPC_RAW_WIRE_NUM, 1, TMWPC_RAW_TDC, 0, 0, 0)

          else if (did.eq.THODO_ID) then

            pointer = pointer +
     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
     &           maxwords, did,
     $           THODO_BAR_NUM, 1, THODO_TDC_VAL, 0, 0, 0)

*     This array is for data words that don't belong to a specific
*     detector counter.  Things like energy sums, and TDC's from various
*     points in the logic will go here.  Most likely we will set ADDR1
*     always to 1, and ADDR2 will start at 1.
          else if (did.eq.TMISC_ID) then
            pointer = pointer +
     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
     &           maxwords, did,
     $           TMISC_RAW_ADDR2, 1, TMISC_RAW_DATA, 0, 0, 0)

          else if (did.eq.TSTRAW_ID) then
            pointer = pointer +
     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
     &           maxwords, did, 
     $           TTST_RAW_GROUP_NUM, 1, TTST_RAW_TDC, 0, 0, 0)

ccc          else if (did.eq.TSTRAW_MISC_ID) then
*     BPM/Raster ADC values. 
          else if (did.eq.GMISC_ID) then
            pointer = pointer +
     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
     &           maxwords, did,
     $           GMISC_RAW_ADDR2, 1, GMISC_RAW_DATA, 0, 0, 0)
*     Data from Uninstrumented channels and slots go into a special array
          else if (did.eq.UNINST_ID) then
            pointer = pointer +
     $           g_decode_fb_detector(lastslot, roc, bank(pointer), 
     &           maxwords, did, 
     $           GUNINST_RAW_SUBADD, 1, GUNINST_RAW_DATAWORD, 0, 0, 0)

*     Should never get here.  Unknown detector ID's or did=-1 for bad ROC#
*     or SLOT# will come here.
            print *,"BAD DID, unknown ROC,SLOT",roc,slot,did
            pointer = pointer + 1       ! Skip unknown detector id's
          lastslot = slot
          pointer = pointer + 1         ! Skip Bad subaddresses (module header)
        pointer = pointer + 1           ! Skip bad slots
      ABORT= .FALSE.
      error= ' '
*     Local Variables:
*     mode: fortran
*     fortran-if-indent: 2
*     fortran-do-indent: 2
*     End:

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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