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  1 saw   1.1       INTEGER*4 FUNCTION g_decode_fb_detector(oslot,roc,evfrag,length,did,
  2                $     maxhits,hitcount,planelist,counterlist,signalcount,signal0,
  3                $     signal1,signal2,signal3)
  4           *----------------------------------------------------------------------
  5           *- Created ?   Steve Wood, CEBAF
  6           *- Corrected  3-Dec-1993 Kevin Beard, Hampton U.
  7           * $Log: g_decode_fb_detector.f,v $
  8           * Revision 1.18  1997/04/03 10:56:05  saw
  9           * (SAW) Better report of DCFE code words.  Prints out roc, slot, event
 10           * number and how many extra events are in the module.
 11           *
 12           * Revision 1.17  96/09/04  14:34:19  14:34:19  saw (Stephen A. Wood)
 13           * (JRA) More error reporting of error codes in FB data stream
 14           * 
 15           * Revision 1.16  1996/04/29 19:46:19  saw
 16           * (JRA) Tweak diagnostic messages
 17           *
 18           * Revision 1.15  1996/01/16 20:51:55  cdaq
 19           * (SAW) Fixes:  Forgot why
 20           *
 21           * Revision 1.14  1995/11/28 18:59:24  cdaq
 22 saw   1.1 * (SAW) Change arrays that use roc as index to start with zero.
 23           *
 24           * Revision 1.13  1995/10/09 18:23:29  cdaq
 25           * (JRA) Comment out some debugging statements
 26           *
 27           * Revision 1.12  1995/07/27 19:10:02  cdaq
 28           * (SAW) Use specific bit manipulation routines for f2c compatibility
 29           *
 30           * Revision 1.11  1995/01/31  15:55:52  cdaq
 31           * (SAW) Make sure mappointer and subaddbit are set on program entry.
 32           *
 33           * Revision 1.10  1995/01/27  20:14:04  cdaq
 34           * (SAW) Add assorted diagnostic printouts.  Add hack to look for the headers
 35           *       on new 1881M/1877 modules while maintaining backward compatibility.
 36           *
 37           * Revision 1.9  1994/10/20  12:34:55  cdaq
 38           * (SAW) Only print out "Max exceeded, did=" meesage once
 39           *
 40           * Revision 1.8  1994/06/27  02:14:18  cdaq
 41           * (SAW) Ignore all words that start with DC
 42           *
 43 saw   1.1 * Revision 1.7  1994/06/22  20:21:24  cdaq
 44           * (SAW) Put -1 in hodoscope signals that don't get any data
 45           *
 46           * Revision 1.6  1994/06/22  20:07:37  cdaq
 47           * (SAW) Fix problems with filling of hodoscope type hit lists (multiple signal)
 48           *
 49           * Revision 1.5  1994/06/21  16:02:54  cdaq
 50           * (SAW) Ignore DCFF0000 headers from Arrington's CRL's
 51           *
 52           * Revision 1.4  1994/06/18  02:48:04  cdaq
 53           * (SAW) Add code for miscleaneous data and uninstrumented channels
 54           *
 55           * Revision 1.3  1994/04/06  18:03:38  cdaq
 56           * (SAW) # of bits to get channel number is now configurable (g_decode_subaddbit).
 57           * Changed range of signal types from 1:4 to 0:3 to agree with documentation.
 58           *
 59           * Revision 1.2  1994/03/24  22:00:15  cdaq
 60           * Temporarily change shift to get subaddress from 17 to 16
 61           *
 62           * Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  21:50:03  cdaq
 63           * Initial revision
 64 saw   1.1 *
 65           *----------------------------------------------------------------------
 66                 implicit none
 67                 SAVE
 68           *
 69           *     The following arguments don't get modified.
 70                 integer*4 roc,evfrag(*),length,did,maxhits,signalcount
 72           *     The following arguments get modified.
 73                 integer*4 oslot
 74                 integer*4 buffer
 75                 integer*4 hitcount,planelist(*),counterlist(*)
 76                 integer*4 signal0(*),signal1(*),signal2(*),signal3(*)
 77                 integer pointer,newdid,subadd,slot,mappointer,plane
 78                 integer counter,signal,sigtyp
 79           *
 80                 include 'gen_decode_common.cmn'
 81                 include 'gen_detectorids.par'
 82                 include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
 83                 include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
 84                 integer iscaler,nscalers
 85 saw   1.1 *
 86                 integer h,hshift
 87                 integer subaddbit
 88                 logical printerr  !flag to turn off printing of error after 1 time.
 89                 logical firsttime
 90           *
 91                 integer*4 jishft, jiand
 92           *     
 93                 printerr = .true.
 94                 pointer = 1
 95                 newdid = did
 97                 firsttime = .true.
 98                 do while(pointer.le.length .and. did.eq.newdid)
 99           *
100                   if(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'FFFFFFFF'x).eq.'DCAA0000'x) then ! VME/FB event length mismatch
101                     write(6,'(a,i10)') 'ERROR: VME/Fastbus event length mismatch for event #',gen_event_id_number
102                     write(6,'(a,z9,a,z9,a)') '   Fastbus event length:',evfrag(pointer+1),
103                &        ' VME event length:',evfrag(pointer+2),' (or vice-versa).'
104                     pointer = pointer + 3
105                     goto 987
106 saw   1.1 ! Check for extra events in FB modules on sync events
107                   else if(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'FFFF0000'x).eq.'DCFE0000'x) then
108                     write(6,'(a,i2,a,i3,a,i3,a,i10)') 'ROC',roc,': Slot'
109                $         ,jiand(jishft(evfrag(pointer),-11),'1F'x),': '
110                $         ,jiand(evfrag(pointer),'7FF'x),' extra events, event=',
111                &         gen_event_id_number
112                     pointer = pointer + 1
113                     goto 987
114                   else if(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'FF000000'x).eq.'DC000000'x) then ! Catch arrington's headers
115                     write(6,'(a,i2,a,i10,a,z10)') 'ROC',roc,': no gate or too much data, event=',
116                &         gen_event_id_number,' error dataword=',evfrag(pointer)
117                     pointer = pointer + 1
118                     goto 987
119                   endif
121           *
122           *     Check for event by event scalers thrown in by the scaler hack.
123           *
124           *        if(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'FF000000'x).eq.'DA000000'x) then ! Magic header
125           *          nscalers = jiand(evfrag(pointer),'FF'x)
126           *          do iscaler=1,nscalers
127 saw   1.1 *            evscalers(iscaler) = evfrag(pointer+iscaler)
128           *          enddo
129           *          pointer = pointer + nscalers + 1
130           *          goto 987
131           *        endif
133                   if(evfrag(pointer).le.1.and.evfrag(pointer).ge.0) then
135           ! on sync events, get zeros at end of event.
136                     if (gen_event_id_number .eq. 1000*int(gen_event_id_number/1000)) then
137                       if (evfrag(pointer).ne.0) then
139                         write(6,'(" ERROR: BAD FB value evfrag(",i4,")=",z10," ROC=",i2,"event=",i7)')
140                $         pointer,evfrag(pointer),roc,gen_event_id_number
141                       endif
142                     endif
143                     pointer = pointer + 1
144                     goto 987
145                   endif
146                   slot = jiand(JISHFT(evfrag(pointer),-27),'1F'X)
147                   if(slot.ne.oslot.or.firsttime) then
148 saw   1.1           if (slot.le.0 .or. slot.ge.26 .or. roc.le.0 .or. roc.ge.9) then
149                       write (6,'(a,i2,i3,z10,a,i5,a,i8)') 'roc,slot,evfrag=',roc,
150                &           slot,evfrag(pointer),
151                $           '(p=',pointer,') for event #',gen_event_id_number
152                       write (6,'(a,i3)') '  Probably after slot',jiand(JISHFT(evfrag(pointer-1),-27),'1F'X)
153                       pointer = pointer + 1
154                       goto 987
155                     else
156                       mappointer = g_decode_slotpointer(roc,slot)
157                       subaddbit = g_decode_subaddbit(roc,slot) ! Usually 16 or 17
158                     endif
159                   endif
160                   if(slot.ne.oslot) then
161                     oslot = slot
163           c
164           c     On 1881M's and 1877, a subaddress of zero could be a header word, so
165           c     we need to put in some hackery to catch these.  We need to make sure
166           c     that 1881's and 1876's will still work.
167           c
168           c     A real ugly hack that looks to see if the first word of an 1881M or
169 saw   1.1 c     1877 has a subaddress of zero, in which case it is the header word and must
170           c     be discarded.  If it is an 1881 or 1876, then the the first word of a
171           c     new slot will have a subaddress of '7F' and later be discarded.
172           c
173                     if(subaddbit.eq.17) then      ! Is not an 1872A (which has not headers)
174                       if(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'00FE0000'X).eq.0) then ! probably a header
175                         if(jiand(evfrag(pointer),'07FF0000'X).ne.0) then
176                           print *,"SHIT:misidentified real data word as a header"
177                           print *,"DID=",did,", SLOT=",slot,", POINTER=",pointer
178                         else
179                           pointer = pointer + 1
180                           goto 987
181                         endif
182                       endif
183                     endif
184                   endif
185           *
186           ***********************
187           cc     write(6,*) buffer
188           c          buffer = jiand(JISHFT(evfrag(pointer),-24),'03'X)
189           c          if (g_decode_bufnum .ne. buffer) then
190 saw   1.1 c            if (g_decode_bufnum.eq.-1) then 
191           c              g_decode_bufnum=buffer
192           c            else
193           c            write (6,*) 'g_decode_fb_detector: roc,slot,buffer='
194           c     &             ,roc,slot,buffer,'but previous data was buffer=',
195           c     &             g_decode_bufnum
196           c              write (6,*) 'gen_event_id_number=',gen_event_id_number
197           cc              stop
198           c            endif
199           c          endif
200           *************************
201                   subadd = jiand(JISHFT(evfrag(pointer),-subaddbit),'7F'X)
202           *
203           *     If a module that uses a shift of 17 for the subaddress is in a slot
204           *     that we havn't told the map file about, it's data will end up in the
205           *     unstrimented channel "detector" hit list.  However, the decoder will
206           *     think that the subaddress starts in channel 16 (since some Lecroy
207           *     modules do so), The next statement will mean that only the first 64
208           *     channels will end up in the uninstrumented hit list.  The rest will
209           *     be lost.  If you don't want to put this module in the map file, put
210           *     in a single entry for it with a detector id of UNINST_ID (zero) and
211 saw   1.1 *     the proper BSUB value.
212           *
213                   if (subadd .lt. '7F'X) then     ! Only valid subaddresses
214                                                   ! Skips headers for 1881 and 1876
215                     if(mappointer.gt.0) then
216                       newdid = g_decode_didmap(mappointer+subadd)
217                     else
218                       newdid = UNINST_ID
219                     endif
220                     if(newdid.eq.did) then
221                       if(did.ne.UNINST_ID) then
222                         plane = g_decode_planemap(mappointer+subadd)
223                         counter = g_decode_countermap(mappointer+subadd)
224                         signal =jiand(evfrag(pointer),g_decode_slotmask(roc,slot))
225                       else
226                         plane = jishft(roc,16) + slot
227                         counter = subadd
228                         signal = evfrag(pointer)
229                       endif
230                       if(hitcount .lt. maxhits) then ! Don't overwrite arrays
231                         if(signalcount .eq. 1) then ! single signal counter
232 saw   1.1 *     
233           *     Starting at end of hit list, search back until a hit earlier in
234           *     the sort order is found.
235           *     
236                           h = hitcount
237                           do while(h .gt. 0 .and. (plane .lt. planelist(h)
238                $               .or.(plane .eq. planelist(h).and. counter .lt.
239                $               counterlist(h))))
240           *
241           *     Shift hit to next place in list
242           *     
243                             planelist(h+1) = planelist(h)
244                             counterlist(h+1) = counterlist(h)
245                             signal0(h+1) = signal0(h)
246                             h = h - 1
247                           enddo
248                           h = h + 1               ! Put hit pointer to blank
249                           planelist(h) = plane
250                           counterlist(h) = counter
251                           signal0(h) = signal
252                           hitcount = hitcount + 1
253 saw   1.1               else if(signalcount.eq.4) then ! Multiple signal counter
254           *     
255           *     Starting at the end of the hist list, search back until a hit on
256           *     the same counter or earlier in the sort order is found.
257           *     
258                           h = hitcount
259                           do while(h .gt. 0 .and. (plane .lt. planelist(h)
260                $               .or.(plane .eq. planelist(h).and. counter .lt.
261                $               counterlist(h))))
262                             h = h - 1
263                           enddo
264           *
265           *     If plane/counter match is not found, then need to shift up the array
266           *     to make room for the new hit.
267           *                
268                           if(h.le.0.or.plane.ne.planelist(h) ! Plane and counter
269                $               .or.counter.ne.counterlist(h)) then ! not found
270                             h = h + 1
271                             do hshift=hitcount,h,-1 ! Shift up to make room
272                               planelist(hshift+1) = planelist(hshift)
273                               counterlist(hshift+1) = counterlist(hshift)
274 saw   1.1                     signal0(hshift+1) = signal0(hshift)
275                               signal1(hshift+1) = signal1(hshift)
276                               signal2(hshift+1) = signal2(hshift)
277                               signal3(hshift+1) = signal3(hshift)
278                             enddo
279                             planelist(h) = plane
280                             counterlist(h) = counter
281                             signal0(h) = -1
282                             signal1(h) = -1
283                             signal2(h) = -1
284                             signal3(h) = -1
285                             hitcount = hitcount + 1
286                           endif
287           *
288                           sigtyp = g_decode_sigtypmap(mappointer+subadd)
289           *
290                           if(sigtyp.eq.0) then
291                             signal0(h) = signal
292                           else if (sigtyp.eq.1) then
293                             signal1(h) = signal
294                           else if (sigtyp.eq.2) then
295 saw   1.1                   signal2(h) = signal
296                           else if (sigtyp.eq.3) then
297                             signal3(h) = signal
298                           endif
299                         endif
300                       else if(hitcount.eq.maxhits .and. printerr) then ! Only print this message once
301           c              print *,'g_decode_fb_detector: Max exceeded, did=',
302           c     $             did,', max=',maxhits,': event',gen_event_id_number
303           c              print *,'   roc,slot,cntr=',roc,slot,counter
304                         printerr = .false.
305           *     
306           *     Print/generate some kind of error that the hit array has been
307           *     exceeded.
308           *     
309                       endif
310                       pointer = pointer + 1
311           *         else
312           *           exit and get called back with the correct arrays for the new did
313                     endif
314                   else
315                     pointer = pointer + 1
316 saw   1.1         endif
317            987    continue
318                 enddo
320                 g_decode_fb_detector = pointer - 1 ! Number of words processed
322                 return
323                 end
324           **************
325           *     Local Variables:
326           *     mode: fortran
327           *     fortran-if-indent: 2
328           *     fortran-do-indent: 2
329           *     End:

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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