(file) Return to g_initialize.f CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [HallC] / Analyzer / T20

  1 saw   1.1       SUBROUTINE G_initialize(ABORT,err)
  2           *----------------------------------------------------------------------
  3           *-       Prototype hall C initialize routine
  4           *- 
  5           *-   Purpose and Methods : Initialization is performed and status returned
  6           *- 
  7           *-   Output: ABORT      - success or failure
  8           *-         : err        - reason for failure, if any
  9           *- 
 10           *-   Created   9-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard
 11           *-   Modified 20-Nov-1993   Kevin B. Beard
 12           * $Log: g_initialize.f,v $
 13           * Revision 1.21  1996/11/05 21:41:36  saw
 14           * (SAW) Use CTP routines as functions rather than subroutines for
 15           * porting.
 16           *
 17           * Revision 1.20  1996/09/04 14:37:56  saw
 18           * (JRA) Open output file for charge scalers
 19           *
 20           * Revision 1.19  1996/04/29 19:47:42  saw
 21           * (JRA) Add call to engine_command_line
 22 saw   1.1 *
 23           * Revision 1.18  1996/01/22 15:18:12  saw
 24           * (JRA) Add call to g_target_initialize.  Remove call to
 25           * g_kludge_up_kinematics
 26           *
 27           * Revision 1.17  1996/01/16 18:24:47  cdaq
 28           * (JRA) Get kinematics for runinfo event, create a tcl stats screen.  Groupify
 29           *       CTP calls
 30           *
 31           * Revision 1.16  1995/10/09 18:42:57  cdaq
 32           * (SAW) Move loading of ctp_kinematics database to before CTP loading.  Take
 33           * ntuple inialization out of spec specific init routines into a all ntuple
 34           * init routine.
 35           *
 36           * Revision 1.15  1995/09/01 14:29:41  cdaq
 37           * (JRA) Zero run time variable, read kinematics database after last book
 38           *
 39           * Revision 1.14  1995/07/27  19:36:41  cdaq
 40           * (SAW) Relocate data statements for f2c compatibility, check error returns
 41           *       on thload calls and quit if important files are missing.
 42           *
 43 saw   1.1 * Revision 1.13  1995/05/22  20:41:40  cdaq
 44           * (SAW) Split g_init_histid into h_init_histid and s_init_histid
 45           *
 46           * Revision 1.12  1995/04/01  19:47:22  cdaq
 47           * (SAW) One report file for each of g, h, s, c instead of a single report file
 48           *       Allow %d for run number in filenames
 49           *
 50           * Revision 1.11  1994/10/11  18:39:40  cdaq
 51           * (SAW) Add some hacks for event display
 52           *
 53           * Revision 1.10  1994/09/21  19:52:57  cdaq
 54           * (SAW) Cosmetic change
 55           *
 56           * Revision 1.9  1994/08/30  14:47:41  cdaq
 57           * (SAW) Add calls to clear the test flags and scalers
 58           *
 59           * Revision 1.8  1994/08/18  03:45:01  cdaq
 60           * (SAW) Correct typo in adding hack stuff
 61           *
 62           * Revision 1.7  1994/08/04  03:08:11  cdaq
 63           * (SAW) Add call to Breuer's hack_initialize
 64 saw   1.1 *
 65           * Revision 1.6  1994/06/22  20:55:14  cdaq
 66           * (SAW) Load report templates
 67           *
 68           * Revision 1.5  1994/06/04  02:35:59  cdaq
 69           * (KBB) Make sure CTP files are non-blank before trying to thload them
 70           *
 71           * Revision 1.4  1994/04/12  20:59:21  cdaq
 72           * (SAW) Add call to calculation of histid's for hfilled histograms
 73           *
 74           * Revision 1.3  1994/03/24  22:02:31  cdaq
 75           * Reorganize for online compatibility
 76           *
 77           * Revision 1.2  1994/02/11  18:34:49  cdaq
 78           * Split off CTP variables registration from initialize routines
 79           *
 80           * Revision 1.1  1994/02/04  22:00:26  cdaq
 81           * Initial revision
 82           *
 83           *-
 84           *- All standards are from "Proposal for Hall C Analysis Software
 85 saw   1.1 *- Vade Mecum, Draft 1.0" by D.F.Geesamn and S.Wood, 7 May 1993
 86           *-
 87           *--------------------------------------------------------
 88                 IMPLICIT NONE
 89                 SAVE
 90           *
 91                 character*12 here
 92                 parameter (here= 'G_initialize')
 93           *
 94                 logical ABORT
 95                 character*(*) err
 96           *
 97                 INCLUDE 'gen_filenames.cmn'               !all setup files
 98                 INCLUDE 'hms_filenames.cmn'
 99                 INCLUDE 't20_filenames.cmn'
100                 INCLUDE 'coin_filenames.cmn'
101                 INCLUDE 'gen_routines.dec'
102                 INCLUDE 'gen_pawspace.cmn'        !includes sizes of special CERNLIB space
103                 INCLUDE 'gen_run_info.cmn'
104                 include 'gen_scalers.cmn'
105                 include 'hms_data_structures.cmn'
106 saw   1.1       include 't20_data_structures.cmn'
107           *
108                 integer ierr
109                 logical HMS_ABORT,T20_ABORT, HACK_ABORT
110                 character*132 HMS_err,T20_err, HACK_err
111           *
112                 character*132 file
113                 logical*4 first_time                      ! Allows routine to be called 
114                 save first_time
115                 data first_time /.true./                  ! by online code
116           *
117           *--------------------------------------------------------
118           *
119                 ABORT= .FALSE.                            !clear any old flags
120                 err= ' '                                  !erase any old errors
121                 HMS_err= ' '
122                 T20_err= ' '
123           *
124           * set the runtime variable to avoid divide by zero during report
125           *
126                 g_run_time = 0.0001
127 saw   1.1 *
128           *     Book the histograms, tests and parameters
129           *
130                 if(first_time) then
131                   call HLIMIT(G_sizeHBOOK)        !set in "gen_pawspace.cmn"
132                 endif
133           *     Load and book all the CTP files
134           *
135           *
136                 if((first_time.or.g_parm_rebook).and.g_ctp_parm_filename.ne.' ') then
137                   file = g_ctp_parm_filename
138                   call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
139                   if(thload(file).ne.0) then
140                     ABORT = .true.
141                     err = file
142                   endif
143                   ierr = thbook()                 ! Assert parm values
144                 endif                             ! so that ctp_database can override
145           *
146           *
147           *     Now if there is a g_ctp_kinematics_filename set, pass the run number
148 saw   1.1 *     to it to set CTP variables.  Parameters placed in this file will
149           *     override values defined in the CTP input files.
150           *
151                 if(.not.ABORT.and.g_ctp_kinematics_filename.ne.' ') then
152                   write(6,'(a,a60)') 'KINEMATICS FROM ',g_ctp_kinematics_filename(1:60)
153                   call g_ctp_database(ABORT, err
154                $       ,gen_run_number, g_ctp_kinematics_filename)
155                   IF(ABORT) THEN
156                     call G_add_path(here,err)
157                   endif
158                 ENDIF
159           *
160                 if((first_time.or.g_test_rebook).and.g_ctp_test_filename.ne.' ') then
161                   file = g_ctp_test_filename
162                   call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
163                   print *,'Test:',file
164                   if(thload(file).ne.0) then
165                     ABORT = .true.
166                     if(err.ne.' ') then
167                       call g_append(err,' & '//file)
168                     else
169 saw   1.1             err = file
170                     endif
171                   endif
172                 endif
174                 write(6,'(a)') 'COMMAND LINE FLAGS'
175                 call engine_command_line(.true.)  ! Reset CTP vars from command line
177           * that was the last call to engine_command_line, the last time to input
178           * ctp variables.  Set some here to avoid divide by zero errors if they
179           * were not read in.
180                 if (hpcentral.le.0.001)  hpcentral = 1.
181                 if (tpcentral.le.0.001)  tpcentral = 1.
182                 if (htheta_lab.le.0.001) htheta_lab = 90.
183                 if (ttheta_lab.le.0.001) ttheta_lab = 90.
185                 if((first_time.or.g_hist_rebook).and.g_ctp_hist_filename.ne.' ') then
186                   file = g_ctp_hist_filename
187                   call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
188                   print *,'Hist:',file
189                   if(thload(file).ne.0) then
190 saw   1.1           ABORT = .true.
191                     if(err.ne.' ') then
192                       call g_append(err,' & '//file)
193                     else
194                       err = file
195                     endif
196                   endif
197                 endif
198           *
199                 if(ABORT) then
200                   call g_add_path(here,err)
201                   return                          ! Don't try to proceed
202                 endif
204           *     
205           *     Load the report definitions
206           *
207                 if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook)
208                $     .and.g_report_template_filename.ne.' ') then
209                   file = g_report_template_filename
210                   call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
211 saw   1.1         ierr = thload(file)
212                 endif
213           *
214                 if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook)
215                $     .and.g_stats_template_filename.ne.' ') then
216                   file = g_stats_template_filename
217                   call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
218                   ierr = thload(file)
219                 endif
220           *
221                 if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook)
222                $     .and.t_report_template_filename.ne.' ') then
223                   file = t_report_template_filename
224                   call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
225                   ierr = thload(file)
226                 endif
227           *
228                 if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook)
229                $     .and.h_report_template_filename.ne.' ') then
230                   file = h_report_template_filename
231                   call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
232 saw   1.1         ierr = thload(file)
233                 endif
234           *
235                 if((first_time.or.g_report_rebook)
236                $     .and.c_report_template_filename.ne.' ') then
237                   file = c_report_template_filename
238                   call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
239                   ierr = thload(file)
240                 endif
241           *
242           *     Call thbook if any new files have been loaded
243           *
244                 if(first_time.or.g_parm_rebook.or.g_test_rebook
245                $     .or.g_hist_rebook.or.g_report_rebook) then
246                   ierr = thbook()
247           *
248           *     Recalculate all histogram id's of user (hard wired) histograms
249           *
250                   call h_init_histid(ABORT,err)
251                   call t_init_histid(ABORT,err)
252           *
253 saw   1.1         if(g_alias_filename.ne.' ') then
254                     file = g_alias_filename
255                     call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
256                     ierr = thwhalias(file)
257                     if (ierr.ne.0) print *,'called haliaswrite',ierr
258                   endif
259                 endif
260           *
261                 call thtstclrg("default")                     ! Clear test flags
262                 call thtstclsg("default")                     ! Clear test scalers
263           *
264                 call g_target_initialize(ABORT,err)
266           * Open output file for charge scalers.
267                 if (g_charge_scaler_filename.ne.' ') then
268                   file=g_charge_scaler_filename
269                   call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
270                   open(unit=G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER,file=file,status='unknown')
271                   write(G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER,*) '!Charge scalers - Run #',gen_run_number
272                   write(G_LUN_CHARGE_SCALER,*) '!event   Unser(Hz)     BCM1(Hz)     BCM2(Hz)',
273                &               '     BCM3(Hz)     Time(s)'
274 saw   1.1       endif
276           * Open output file for epics events.
277                 if (g_epics_output_filename.ne.' ') then
278                   file=g_epics_output_filename
279                   call g_sub_run_number(file,gen_run_number)
280                   open(unit=G_LUN_EPICS_OUTPUT,file=file,status='unknown')
281                 endif
283           *-HMS initialize
284                 call H_initialize(HMS_ABORT,HMS_err)
285           *
286           *-T20 initialize
287                 call T_initialize(T20_ABORT,T20_err)
288           *
289                 ABORT= HMS_ABORT .or. T20_ABORT
290                 If(HMS_ABORT .and. .NOT.T20_ABORT) Then
291                    err= HMS_err
292                 ElseIf(T20_ABORT .and. .NOT.HMS_ABORT) Then
293                    err= T20_err
294                 ElseIf(HMS_ABORT .and. T20_ABORT) Then
295 saw   1.1          err= '&'//T20_err
296                    call G_prepend(HMS_err,err)
297                 EndIf
298           *
299                 IF(.NOT.ABORT) THEN
300           *
301           *-COIN initialize
302           *
303                    call C_initialize(ABORT,err)
304           *
305                 ENDIF
306           *
307                 call g_ntuple_init(HACK_ABORT,HACK_err) ! Ingore error return for now
308           *
309                 call hack_initialize(HACK_ABORT,HACK_err) ! Ignore error return for now
310           *
311           *-force reset of all space of all working arrays
312           *-(clear just zeros the index of each array)
313                 IF(.NOT.ABORT) THEN
314                    call G_reset_event(ABORT,err)
315           *
316 saw   1.1       ENDIF
317           *
318                 IF(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
319           *
320                 first_time = .false.
321           *     
322                 RETURN
323                 END

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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