(file) Return to t_register_variables.f CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [HallC] / Analyzer / T20

 1 saw   1.1       subroutine t_register_variables(ABORT,err)
 2           *----------------------------------------------------------------------
 3           *
 4           *     CTP variable registration routine for T20
 5           *
 6           *     Purpose : Register all variables that are to be used by CTP, that are
 7           *     connected with the SOS.  This includes externally configured
 8           *     parameters/contants, event data that can be a histogram source, and
 9           *     possible test results and scalers.
10           *
11           *     Output: ABORT      - success or failure
12           *           : err        - reason for failure, if any
13           *
14           *     Created: 22-Jan-1997  Stephen A. Wood
15           *
16           * $Log:$
17           *----------------------------------------------------------------------
18                 implicit none
19                 save
20           *
21                 character*20 here
22 saw   1.1       parameter (here='t_register_variables')
23           *
24                 logical ABORT
25                 character*(*) err
26           *
27                 logical FAIL
28                 character*1000 why
29           *
30           *--------------------------------------------------------
31                 err= ' '
32                 ABORT = .FALSE.
33           *
34                 call r_t20_data_structures
36                 call r_t20_filenames
38                 call r_t20_test_detectors
40                 call r_t20_hodo
42                 call r_t20_reg_polder_structures
43 saw   1.1 
44                 call r_t20_misc
46                 call r_t20_hms
48                 call r_t_ntuple
50                 call t_register_param(FAIL,why) ! TRACKING ROUTINE
51                 IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN   !keep warnings
52                   call G_append(err,' & '//why)
53                 ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
54                   err= why
55                 ENDIF
56                 ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
57           *
58                 call t_ntuple_register(FAIL,why)  ! Remove this when ctp files fixed
59                 IF(err.NE.' ' .and. why.NE.' ') THEN   !keep warnings
60                   call G_append(err,' & '//why)
61                 ELSEIF(why.NE.' ') THEN
62                   err= why
63                 ENDIF
64 saw   1.1       ABORT= ABORT .or. FAIL
65           *
66                 if(ABORT .or. err.NE.' ') call G_add_path(here,err)
67           *
68                 return
69                 end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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