(file) Return to no_comments.f CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [HallC] / Analyzer / UTILSUBS

 1 cdaq  1.1       SUBROUTINE NO_Comments(string) 
 2           *
 3 cdaq  1.2 * $Log: no_comments.f,v $
 4 saw   1.3 * Revision 1.2  1994/06/06 04:39:27  cdaq
 5           * (KBB) Speedup
 6           *
 7 cdaq  1.2 * Revision 1.1  1994/02/22  20:01:25  cdaq
 8           * Initial revision
 9 cdaq  1.1 *
10 cdaq  1.2 *
11 cdaq  1.1       character*(*) string
12 saw   1.3       integer string_length	!FUNCTION
13 cdaq  1.1       character*23 flag
14                 data flag/'!@#$%^&*<>[]{}*;?:"()~/'/ 
15           c
16 cdaq  1.2 c     strips out comments [including "quotes"]
17 cdaq  1.1 c
18                 do i=1,string_length(string)
19 cdaq  1.2          if(INDEX(flag,string(i:i)).ne.0) then
20                       string(i:)=' '
21                       return
22                    elseif(string(i:).EQ.' ') then
23                       return
24                    endif 
25 cdaq  1.1       enddo
26                 return 
27                 end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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