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  1 saw \documentclass{chowto}
  3               \title{HKS and Enge geometry parameter file locations?}
  4               \howtotype{user}
  5               \experiment{HKS}
  6               \author{Masashi Kaneta}
  7               \category{general} % Subject area of this document
  8               %\maintainer{Name of person maintaining document} % Optional
  9               \date{June 1, 2005}
 11               \begin{document}
 13               \begin{abstract}
 14               This is a document to explain how to define geometry parameter for HKS and Enge in E01-011 (HKS) experiment.
 15               \end{abstract}
 17               \section{File structure}
 19               We assume you have already checked-out the run analysis code (see Ref.~\cite{howto:e01011ana} in detail).
 20               The following two directories are under \verb|/group/hks/e01011soft| on CVS.
 21               \begin{verbatim}
 22 saw     e01011src
 23                   e01011-replay
 24               \end{verbatim}
 25               You will find two directories \verb|DBASE| and \verb|PARAM| under \verb|e01011-replay|.
 26               The two directories are need to seek when you want to find some parameters.
 27               If you want to know how program read variable from input file, you need to read the source codes in \verb|e01011src| or read Ref.\cite{howto:ctp_manual}.
 29               The input file for \verb|engine-replay| is \verb|REPLAY.PARM|, where \verb|engine-replay| is a analysis code for E01-011 experiment.
 30               \verb|engine-replay| will be compiled when you follow steps described in Ref.~\cite{howto:e01011ana}.
 31               \verb|REPLAY.PARM| has many lines.
 32               To know geometry parameters, what you need to find is:
 33               \begin{verbatim}
 35                   ;INPUT FILES.
 36                     g_ctp_database_filename =   'DBASE/e01011.database' 
 38               \end{verbatim}
 39               The variable \verb|g_ctp_database_filename| tell a file name for detector parameters, e.g., detector geometry, ADC channel gains, and pedestals.
 40               The file has like the following lines.
 41               \begin{verbatim}
 43 saw     50000-99999
 44                   g_ctp_parm_filename   = 'DBASE/e01011.param.50000'
 45                   g_decode_map_filename = 'MAPS/e01011.map.50000'
 46                   g_ctp_kinematics_filename ='DBASE/e01011.kinematics'
 47               \end{verbatim}
 48               You will see many similar lines in the file.
 49               Because \verb|g_ctp_database_filename| is designed to set the parameters for many run numbers.
 50               In the above example, the line \verb|50000-99999| is a valid range of run number for the following three lines.
 51               The three variables \verb|g_ctp_parm_filename|,  \verb|g_decode_map_filename|, and \verb|g_ctp_kinematics_filename| has some information for the data analysis, 
 52               Note that the run number is set by a variable \verb|grun| for \verb|engine-replay|, not from file name or from inside of the file.
 53               Therefore, you can set any run number for any input file.
 55               The detector geometry (also, the other information) is assigned in \verb|g_ctp_parm_filename|.
 56               \begin{verbatim}
 58                   ;  This file contains the HKS and ENGE parameters 
 59                   ;  needed for all the analysis
 61                   begin parm kinematics
 62                   #include "PARAM/general.param.50000"
 63                   #include "PARAM/gscalers.param"
 64 saw     end parm kinematics
 66                   begin parm enge_parameters
 67                   #include "PARAM/edeadwires.param"
 68                   #include "PARAM/ehodo.param.6003"
 69                   #include "PARAM/edriftmap.param.1192"
 70                   #include "PARAM/edc.param.1192"
 71                   #include "PARAM/edriftcoeff.param.1205"
 72                   end parm enge_parameters
 74                   begin parm hks_parameters
 75                   #include "PARAM/hdc.param"
 76                   #include "PARAM/hdriftmap.param"
 77                   #include "PARAM/hhodo.param.6001"
 78                   #include "PARAM/haer.param.50000"
 79                   #include "PARAM/hwat.param.50000"
 80                   end parm hks_parameters
 82                   begin parm coin_parameters
 83                   #include "PARAM/coin.param"
 84                   end parm coin_parameters
 85 saw \end{verbatim}
 86               Note that the lines may not be the same as a file in CVS.
 88               Due to a historical reason (I guess), the geometry information are stored in two kind of files.
 89               One is \verb|*.param| and the other is \verb|*.pos|.
 90               If you see a number following \verb|param.| or \verb|pos.|, it may be a run number to explain start run number for the setting.
 91               However, you can set any kind of file name here.
 92               It means that you can test parameter files with changing of file name which you want.
 94               The geometries variable of Aerogel Cherenkov Detectors and Water Cherenkov Detectors are written in the following files.
 95               \begin{verbatim}
 96                   PARAM/haer.param.50000
 97                   PARAM/hwat.param.50000
 98               \end{verbatim}
 99               In the above example.
100               On the other hand, Drift Chamber and Hodoscope (Time-Of-Flight detector) geometries files are assigned in
101               \begin{verbatim}
102                   PARAM/general.param.50000 
103               \end{verbatim}
104               You will find the following lines in the files in this case.
105               \begin{verbatim}
106 saw     #include "PARAM/hdc.pos.50000"
107                   #include "PARAM/edc.pos.1"
108                   #include "PARAM/hhodo.pos.50000"
109                   #include "PARAM/ehodo.pos"
110               \end{verbatim}
111               The adobe four lines set detector parameter for HKS Drift Chambers, Enge Drift Chambers, HKS hodoscopes, and Enge hodoscopes.
113               \section{Summary}
115               The following is the step to find geometry setting.
116               \begin{itemize}
117                 \item In \verb|REPLAY.PARM|, check file name for \verb| g_ctp_database_filename|, for example \\
118                       \verb| g_ctp_database_filename =   'DBASE/e01011.database' |
119                 \item Find a line which shows a run period you want, like \\
120                       \verb|xxxxx| - \verb|XXXXX| \\
121                       where  \verb|xxxxx| is a start of run and \verb|XXXXX| is an end of run of a period.
122                       The next line is set parameter file name, like \\
123                       \verb|g_ctp_parm_filename   = 'DBASE/e01011.param.50000'|
124                 \item In the file set be \verb|g_ctp_parm_filename| has following lines.
125                       \begin{verbatim}
126                   .
127 saw     #include "PARAM/general.param.*"
128                   .
129                   .
130                   #include "PARAM/haer.param.50000"
131                   #include "PARAM/hwat.param.50000"
132                       \end{verbatim}
133                       The Aerogel (\verb|haer.param.*|) and Water Cherenkov (\verb|hwat.param.*|) geometry files are assigned in this file.
135                 \item The Drift Chambers and Hodoscopes geometry files are set in \verb|PARAM/general.param.*|, like
136                       \begin{verbatim}
137                   #include "PARAM/hdc.pos.*"
138                   #include "PARAM/edc.pos.*"
139                   #include "PARAM/hhodo.pos.*"
140                   #include "PARAM/ehodo.pos.*"
141                       \end{verbatim}
144               \end{itemize}
146               \end{document}

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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