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\title{How to operate HKS and Enge magnets}
\author{Mizuki Sumihama}
\category{magnet}        % Allowed choices are
%\maintainer{Name of person maintaining document} % Optional
\date{June 6, 2005}


This Howto outlines how to operate the HKS-D, HKS-Q1, HKS-Q2  and Enge magnets. 

\section {Operation for HKS-D, q1 and q2}

Login any PC of cdaql1 - cdaql6 with 'cvxwrks' and go to /home/cvxwrks/MEDM/HKS. 
Type {\bf mag-control.tcl} and see the window of {\bf MAGNET controller for E01-011}. 
This screen is to turn magnets ON, Off, reset and set current.

Items of Operation are \\

\begin {verbatim}
> 'Turn ON'  to turn ON,
> 'Turn OFF' to turn OFF,
> 'Reset'    to reset,  
> 'Set current (A)'  to set a current, type the current and push the button of 'set!' 
> 'Initialization' to initialize. 

After the power down or trip, you have to do an initialization for magnets.
The initialization procedure is as follows; 

\item HKS-D, q1 and q2 : Three times iteration of 0A - Max current - stay 1min. - 0A -stay 1min. 
\item Wait 15 minutes after push the bottom of Initialization.

\section {Monitor for HKS-D, q1 and q2}

Login any PC of cdaql1 - cdaql6 with 'cvxwrks' and go to /home/cvxwrks/MEDM/HKS. 
Type {\bf mag-monitor.tcl} and see the window of {\bf Magnet monitor for E01-011}. 
This screen is to monitor the current status of magnets. Push the button of 'Show all' 
to check the current fault status.  

Check the current status is as follows, 
\item Mode ; Remote
\item Status; ON
\item Polarity ; Positive
\item B field (Tesla) ; measurements by Hall probe/NMR refer to Table~\ref{ps}.  
\item Fault ;All are 'OK'.

\section {Enge controller and monitor}
Login any PC of cdaql1 - cdaql6 with 'cvxwrks' and go to /home/cvxwrks/MEDM/HKS. 
Type {\bf medm -x MAG$\_$O$\_$MEG3H00.adl}  and see the window of 'ENGE power Supply'. 
To power on and set the current, use the skyblue button in the bottom-left corner.

\item POWER ON to power on.
\item Setpoint to set the current.
\item Check the Readback value. 

Initialization method is as follows;
\item Set the current to 500A(Max.).
\item Stay for 4 minutes.
\item Set the current to 0A(Max.).
\item Stay for 4 minutes.
\item Set the current to 500A(Max.).
\item Stay for 4 minutes.
\item Set the nominal current 323.5A (Check the small paper on the display).

\section {Splitter}

Splitter is controlled by MCC. Call MCC when we need to change the setup 
of Splitter. When we need the ramping in case of power down etc.., call MCC 
and ask for them to do as follows,
\item Set the current to 900A(Max.).
\item Stay for 4 minutes.
\item Set the current to 0A(Max.).
\item Stay for 4 minutes.
\item Set the current to 900A(Max.).
\item Stay for 4 minutes.
\item Set the nominal current 844(?)A (Check the small paper on the display).

\section {Troubleshooting}

If the magnet control screen is hung or doesn't respond, close the
screen and restart it. ({\tt cd ~/MEDM/HKS; ./mag-control.tcl}).

If this doesn't help, the EPICS front end computer, {\tt hcpc10401}
should be rebooted.  To reboot, do the following.
ssh root@hcpc10401    (Use the cvxwrks password)

After about a minute, the control screen should function.  If the
screen appears to work, but one of the magnets does not respond to
commands, try pushing the ``Initalize'', ``Reset'', ``Off'' and ``On''
buttons in that order.  If that does not restore operation of the
magnet, it may be necessary to toggle the Local/Remote setting on the
power supply in the hall.  This is often necessary after the power
supply has been turned off.

\subsection{Splitter Magnet Troubleshooting}
The splitter magnet is controlled by MCC.  (MCC calls it ``MSP3H00''.)
However, if MCC has a problem operating it, they will call the
counting house to try to get it fixed.

To see the screen that MCC uses, from the cvxwrks account type
medm -x MAG_O_3C_MSP3H00_inver.adl

If this screen has many white fields, then {\tt hcpc10401} should be
rebooted as described above.  If most of the fields contain data, but
reset and power on do not restore operation of the magnet, it may be
necessary to toggle the Local/Remote setting on the power supply in
the hall.

\section {Power supplies and Hall probes/NMR}

Table~\ref{ps} is a list of power supplies and Hall probes/NMR. 

\caption{List of power supplies, monitors, operation parameters.}
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
name     & Supply  & Monitor    & Field (T) & Current (A) & Spec.(V/A) \\ \hline
HKS-D    & HKS & NMR        &  1.44030$\pm$0.00001 &1056  & 165/1254 \\ \hline
HKS-Q1   & 001 & Hall probe & -0.86445$\pm$0.00010 & 597  & 160/1000 \\ \hline
HKS-Q2   & 003 & Hall probe & -0.16593$\pm$0.00010 & 401  & 250/1000 \\ \hline
Enge     & -   & Hall probe &  1.4490 $\pm$0.0005  & 323.5 & 150/1000 \\ \hline
Splitter & 004 & Hall probe & -1.54620$\pm$0.00015 & 844   & 150/1500 \\ \hline

All controllers for power supplies and Hall probes/NMR are connected 
with hcpc10401 (pc104 board PC) through RS232C and are operated remotely. 
Some values (current, voltage..) and status are read out every one second, 
and stored in EPICS and data. 


% Revision history:
% $Log: magnet-control.tex,v $
% Revision  2005/06/16 15:31:11  saw
% Typo
% Revision  2005/06/16 15:30:20  saw
% Expand the troubleshooting section
% Revision  2005/06/16 13:42:16  saw
% Add cycling procedures
% Revision  2005/06/06 21:23:57  saw
% New version from Sumihama
% Revision  2005/05/13 13:42:07  saw
% Initial version

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