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  1 saw   1.1 \documentclass{chowto}
  3           \title{How to Set the HMS Magnets}
  4           \howtotype{user} % ``expert'', ``user'', ``reference''
  5           %\experiment{Name of experiment} % Optional
  6 saw   1.5 \author{Mike Fowler and Dave Gaskell}
  7 saw   1.1 \category{magnet} % Subject area of this document
  8           %\maintainer{Name of person maintaining document} % Optional
  9           \date{\today} % Can use \today as the argument
 11           \begin{document}
 13           \begin{abstract}
 14           This document describes how one determines and sets the needed 
 15           currents/fields for the HMS magnets (quadrupoles and dipole).
 16           \end{abstract}
 18           \section{Calculate Magnet Settings}\label{field}
 20           The HMS magnet settings are calculated using the program ``field03''.  This
 21           program will provide the needed set--currents for Q1, Q2, and Q3, and the
 22           needed field for the dipole.  To
 23 saw   1.5 access this program, log into cdaqs1 or cdaqs3 as cdaq. Go to the 
 24 saw   1.1 \texttt{FIELD} directory (\texttt{cd FIELD}) and run \texttt{field03}. An 
 25           example follows:\\
 26           \vspace*{0.2in}\\
 27           \texttt{cdaqs1> field03}\\
 28            \texttt{Input HMS momentum in GeV, electron is negative.}\\
 29           \texttt{-2.0}\\
 30             \texttt{Field03 program}\\
 31            \texttt{Set current for Q1 =     260.49874122486 amps}\\
 32            \texttt{Set current for Q2 =    -207.05390149569 amps}\\
 33            \texttt{Set current for Q3 =    100.945638467771 amps}\\
 34            \texttt{Set NMR for Dipole =   -0.54971654308813 Tesla}\\
 37           \section{Setting the Magnets - Quick--Start Guide}
 39           \subsection{Select a magnet}
 41           The quadrupoles (and the dipole) are set from the keyboard and screen in 
 42           in the central controls console, under the large TV screens.  Note that
 43 saw   1.3 the actual controls PC's (a separate one for each magnet) are in the Hall and 
 44           we are using a remote screen and keyboard.  The same screen is used to display 
 45           the controls for all 4 HMS magnets.  
 46 saw   1.1 
 47           One must switch the screen from magnet--to--magnet using a 
 48           sequence of keyboard commands.  This sequence is referred to as the
 49           ``NumLock--minus--NumLock'' or the NmN sequence.  To select a magnet:
 51           \begin{itemize}
 52           \item{Press and hold the \texttt{NumLock} key.}
 53           \item{Press and hold the \texttt{-} key.}
 54           \item{Release the \texttt{-} key.}
 55           \item{Release the \texttt{NumLock} key.}
 56           \item{Press one of the following:}\\
 57           %\begin{itemize}
 58           %	\item{\texttt{a} for Q1}
 59           %	\item{\texttt{b} for Q2}
 60           %	\item{\texttt{c} for Q3}
 61           %	\item{\texttt{d} for the dipole}
 62           %\end{itemize}
 63           	\texttt{a} for Q1\\
 64           	\texttt{b} for Q2\\
 65           	\texttt{c} for Q3\\
 66           	\texttt{d} for the dipole\\
 67 saw   1.1 \item{Hit \texttt{return}.}
 68           \end{itemize}
 72           \subsection{Set the quadrupoles}\label{quad_set}
 74           This section assumes that all the quadrupoles are already on, at the 
 75           correct polarity, and functioning normally.  If they are not at the correct
 76           polarity, see Section~\ref{quadpol}.
 78           If you are changing the current to a {\bf{smaller}} value:
 80           \begin{itemize}
 81           \item{Select the magnet (see above).} 
 82           \item{Select the \texttt{Command Line} window with the arrow keys on the
 83           keyboard.}
 84           \item{Type \texttt{psu:setcur:xxx.xx}, where \texttt{xxx.xx} is the absolute 
 85           value of the current from the magnet setting program.}
 86           \item{Hit enter - the magnet should start ramping to the desired current.}
 87           \end{itemize}
 88 saw   1.1 
 89           If you are changing the current to a {\bf{larger}} value:
 91           \begin{itemize}
 92           \item{Select the magnet (see above).} 
 93           \item{Select the \texttt{Command Line} window with the arrow keys on the
 94           keyboard.}
 95           \item{Set the current to 200 Amps {\bf{above}} the current calculated
 96           in the magnet setting program.  Type \texttt{psu:setcur:yyy.yyy}, where 
 97           \texttt{yyy.yy} is the absolute value of the current determined in the magnet 
 98           setting program + 200.  Hit enter and wait for the magnet to reach the current
 99           you just typed in.}
100           \item{Type \texttt{psu:setcur:xxx.xx}, where \texttt{xxx.xx} is the absolute 
101           value of the current from the magnet setting program.}
102           \item{Hit enter - the magnet should start ramping to the desired current.}
103           \end{itemize}
105 saw   1.3 Note that on occasion one must enter the relevant command (psu:setcur:xxx.xx 
106           for example) more than once before the control computer will respond.  It is in
107           general a good idea to watch for about 30 seconds to see if the computer 
108           responds to your command.  If it does not, just re--enter the command.
109 saw   1.1 
110 saw   1.2 \subsection{Set the dipole}\label{setdipole}
111 saw   1.1 
112 saw   1.5 The dipole can be set in three modes: Current Control, Manual NMR Field 
113           Control, and Automatic NMR Controlled Ramp.  The default method is at the
114 saw   1.2 discretion of the experiment -- consult your run coordinator.  In this 
115 saw   1.5 section, setting the dipole using automatic NMR controlled ramp will be discussed.  To switch  
116           to another operation mode, the dipole current must be zero.
117 saw   1.1 
118 saw   1.5 
119           \subsubsection{Automatic NMR Controlled Ramp (Field Regulation Mode) - Starting from Zero}
120 saw   1.1 
121           \begin{itemize}
122 saw   1.5 \item{Select the dipole screen on the magnet controls console.}
123           \item{Press F1 to go to the dipole main menu screen.}
124           \item{Check the interlock status in the upper right corner of the main menu. If the interlock
125           status field is flashing red:}
127             \begin{itemize}
128               \item{Using the arrow keys, position the cursor over the \texttt{INTERLOCK} menu item.
129                 Type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
130               \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{RESET INTERLOCK} menu item. Type
131                 \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
132               \item{Press F1 and return to main menu.}
133             \end{itemize}
134 saw   1.1 
135 saw   1.5 \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{FIELD REGULATION} menu item - then type 
136           {\texttt{exe}} and press ENTER.}
138           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{DEFAULT mode} menu item.  Type \texttt{exe}
139           and press ENTER.}
140 saw   1.1 
141 saw   1.5 \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{NMR start, PWR on} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and
142           press ENTER.  After approximately one minute the NMR unit is activated.  The NMR is on when the status
143           field is white starts on a green background.} 
144 saw   1.1 
145 saw   1.5 \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Set DEFAULT values} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press
146           ENTER.}
147 saw   1.1 
148 saw   1.5 \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{high} value menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
149 saw   1.1 
150 saw   1.5 \item{Type in the first 4 digits of the desired magnetic field and hit ENTER.  For the example field from 
151           field03 shown in Section~\ref{field} (0.5497165 T), the first 4 digits are 0549 for 0.549.}
152 saw   1.1 
153 saw   1.5 \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{low} value menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
154 saw   1.1 
155 saw   1.5 \item{Type in the last 4 digits of the desired magnetic field and hit ENTER. Example: for 0.5497165 T, type
156           7165.}
157 saw   1.1 
158 saw   1.5 \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{CLOSE} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
159 saw   1.1 
160 saw   1.5 \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Start Excitation} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
161 saw   1.1 
162 saw   1.5 \item{The dipole will now follow the excitation curve and ramp to the desired field.}
163 saw   1.1 
164           \end{itemize}
166 saw   1.2 
167 saw   1.5 \subsubsection{Changing the HMS Dipole Field in Regulation Mode}
168 saw   1.2 
169 saw   1.5 \begin{itemize}
171           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Set DEFAULT values} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and 
172           press ENTER.}
174           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{high} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and 
175           press ENTER.}
176 saw   1.2 
177 saw   1.5 \item{Type in the first 4 digits of the desired magnetic field and hit ENTER.  For the example field from 
178           field03 shown in Section~\ref{field} (0.5497165 T), the first 4 digits are 0549 for 0.549.}
179 saw   1.1 
180 saw   1.5 \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{low} value menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
182           \item{Type in the last 4 digits of the desired magnetic field and hit ENTER. Example: for 0.5497165 T, type
183           7165.}
184 saw   1.1 
185 saw   1.5 \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{CLOSE} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
186 saw   1.1 
187 saw   1.5 \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Start Excitation} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
188 saw   1.1 
189 saw   1.5 \item{The dipole will now follow the excitation curve and ramp to the desired field.}
190           \end{itemize}
191 saw   1.1 
192 saw   1.5 \subsubsection{HMS Dipole Ramp up-err/ Field crtl-err}
193 saw   1.1 
194 saw   1.5 Occasionally the NMR unit terminates the field ramp up/down or terminates the field control.
195           When this happens, the \texttt{Ramp up-err} or \texttt{Field  crtl-err} will change to red.
196           You should always record any fault indications in the hclog, then perform the following:
197 saw   1.1 
198 saw   1.5 \begin{itemize}
199           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{RESET} menu item next to the error indicator, type
200           \texttt{exe} and press ENTER. The NMR unit will continue the ramp up/down or restart
201           field control.}
202 saw   1.1 \end{itemize}
204 saw   1.5 \section{More information about the Quadrupoles}
205 saw   1.1 
206           \subsection{Changing the quadrupole polarity}\label{quadpol}
208           The HMS quadrupole polarity can be changed as follows:
210           \begin{itemize}
212           \item{If the magnet is not at zero current, ramp it to zero
213 saw   1.4 by typing \texttt{psu:setcur:0.0} in the \texttt{Command Line} box.}
214 saw   1.1 
215           \item{When the magnet reaches zero current, type \texttt{psu:pol:+} or
216           \texttt{psu:pol:-} for positive or negative polarity.}
218 saw   1.5 \item{At its new polarity, ramp the magnet to its maximum current (Q1=950 Amps, Q2=900 Amps, Q3=850 Amps): 
219           \texttt{psu:setcur:xxx.x}.}
220 saw   1.1 
221           \item{You can now ramp the magnet down to the desired current: 
222           \texttt{psu:setcur:xxx.xx}, \texttt{xxx.xx} is the absolute value of the 
223           current desired.}
225           \end{itemize}
227 saw   1.2 
228 saw   1.5 \subsection{HMS Quadrupole Interlock Recovery}
229 saw   1.1 
230           Occasionally, an HMS quad power supply will trip off because a real or 
231 saw   1.5 annoyance power supply fault is sensed. Prudent checks of the system temperature,
232           pressure, and liquid level are wise. You should always record any fault 
233           indications in the hclog! Once you have determined that the fault is not real 
234 saw   1.1 or that it has been corrected, and that there is no indication of a quench, 
235           the power supply may be reset by executing the following commands:
237           \begin{itemize}
238 saw   1.5 \item{Type \texttt{psu:setcur:0.0} in the Command Line box.}
239 saw   1.3 \item{WAIT for the magnet to finish ramping to zero current/field (if it 
240           hasn't already).}
241 saw   1.1 \item{Type \texttt{reset}.}
242 saw   1.3 \item{Type \texttt{psu:reset}.  All red faults should now be green.  If they 
243           are not, type \texttt{reset} and \texttt{psu:reset} again.}
244           \item{Type \texttt{psu:on}.  Note that the read LED for the magnet alarms 
245           (near the target computer) will not go off until this step.}
246 saw   1.1 \item{Set the magnet to desired current using the procedure described in 
247           Section~\ref{quad_set}.}
248           \end{itemize}
250 saw   1.5 \subsection{Quadrupole Quench/Dump Switch Open Interlock}
251 saw   1.1 
252 saw   1.5 Recovery from a quadrupole quench can be done remotely. There is little 
253 saw   1.1 or no possibility of a ``real" quench occurring in the main coils so one
254           should always reset and continue. Prudent checks of the system temperature, 
255 saw   1.5 pressure and liquid level are wise. You should record any fault indications
256           in the hclog! There have been real quenches of the trim
257 saw   1.1 coils that subsequently cause enough noise to trip the main coil off. There 
258           are other causes of fast discharges but these have all been the result of 
259           electrical noise or a detection level set too low. There have been no real 
260           quenches observed of any quad main coil. When a quench reset is needed, the 
261           dump switch open interlock and main coil quench interlock are shown on the 
262           ILK screen of the quadrupole display screen.
264 saw   1.5 To remotely reset the dump switch execute the following steps in the proper 
265 saw   1.1 order:
267           \begin{itemize}
268 saw   1.5 \item{Position the cursor over the {\texttt{ILK}} box and press Enter.}
269           \item{In the Command Line box type \texttt{qreset}.  The Main Coil Quench and/or
270           the Current Lead Overvoltage interlock will change to green.}
271           %\item{\texttt{reset}}
272           \item{Wait 7 minutes for the Dump Switch Open interlock to change to green.}
273           \item{Position the cursor over the {\texttt{PSU}} box and press Enter.}
274           \item{Type \texttt{psu:reset}.  The MPS OVERTEMP indicator will turn green.}
275           \item{Type \texttt{psu:on} and set the magnet as normal.}
276 saw   1.1 \end{itemize}
278           To manually reset the dump switch at the control rack in the hall (if you have
279           not done this before, try to get some help):
281           \begin{itemize}
282           \item{Press RESET buttons on control rack (button \#1).}
283           \item{Press button \#2 on the QUENCH SWITCH.}
284           \item{Press button \#3.}
285           \item{Press button \#4.}
286           \item{(wait seven minutes with rabbit foot)}
287           \item{Press RESET button on control rack (button \#5).}
288           \item{Type 'psu:reset'.}
289           \item{Type 'psu:on'. }
290           \end{itemize}
293 saw   1.5 \subsection{Rebooting the HMS quadrupole computers}
295           Occasionally, one or more of the magnet control computers will become hung,
296           stop responding, or cease to function.  If this is the case, check the hall
297           quadrupole hall probes and dipole NMR readback values on the TV monitors.  If
298           they are still at their nominal values, it is NOT necessary to reboot the
299           computer right away.  You may wait until some opportune moment, i.e. when 
300           changing kinematics or when beam may go away for an extended period.
302           When you do decide to reboot the affected PC, first check the Reboot How--to
303           \cite{reboot}.  The steps to follow for the quadrupoles are are summarized below.
304 saw   1.1 
305           \begin{itemize}
306 saw   1.5 \item{Rebooting the quad computer will crash the magnet so make sure
307           you are really ready to reboot!}
308           \item{Go to the screen of the affected computer (NumLock-minus-NumLock, etc.).}
309           \item{Go to the reboot panel (on cdaqs1) and reboot that PC.}
310           \item{The PC will come up with two ``sections''.  On startup, the cursor will
311           be in the bottom (blue?) section.  Get to the top section by hitting the 
312           \texttt{Esc} key. NOTE: If the display remains blank after the reboot and you do not 
313           see the startup screen, go to one of the other magnet screens, then back to the screen
314           of the affected computer.}
315           \item{Now you can move the cursor to the "PSU" box - hit ENTER to get to the PSU screen.}
316           \item{The screen will show an "MPS OVERTEMP" fault.  This is OK.}
317           \item{If the setcurrent readback value is not 0.0, type \texttt{psu:setcur:0.0} in the Command Line box.  
318           The MPS not ready will change from ``Not Ready'' to ``Ready'' when the current is zero.}
319           \item{Type \texttt{psu:reset}.  MPS OVERTEMP will change to green.}
320           \item{Wait 7 minutes or until the MPS OVERTEMP changes to red.}
321           \item{Type \texttt{psu:reset}.  The MPS OVERTEMP should change to green. If not, repeat \texttt{psu:reset}.}
322           \item{Type \texttt{psu:on} and set the magnet current as you would normally.}
323 saw   1.1 \end{itemize}
325 saw   1.5 \section{More information about the Dipole}
327           \subsection{Turning the dipole power supply on}
328 saw   1.1 
329 saw   1.5 \begin{itemize}
330           \item{In Hall C, unlock the and turn on the dipole main breaker.}
331           \item{Turn on the dipole power supply switch located on top of the power supply.}
332           \item{Open the center door and press the diode reset button. Close the door.}
333           \item{Press RESET to clear the interlocks on the power supply. NOTE: One interlock will remain red.}
334           \item{Turn the NMR on.}
335           \end{itemize}
336 saw   1.1 
337 saw   1.5 \subsection{Changing the dipole polarity}
339           \begin{itemize}
340 saw   1.1 
341 saw   1.5 \item{To change the dipole, first let the dipole ramp to zero current - the current can be forced to
342           ramp down quickly by:}
343 saw   1.1 
344           \begin{itemize}
345 saw   1.5 	\item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Interlock} menu item. Type \texttt{exe} and press
346           	  ENTER.}
347           	\item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Fast Discharge by user} menu item. Type \texttt{exe} and 
348           	  press ENTER.}
349 saw   1.1 \end{itemize}
350 saw   1.5 \item{You can monitor the dipole current in the upper left corner of the \texttt{INTERLOCK}
351           page. Wait until the current readback is zero.}
352 saw   1.1 
353 saw   1.5 \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Reset Interlock} menu item. Type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
355           \item{Press F1 (function key \# 1) to return to the Main Menu.}
357           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Field Regulation, NMR Manual op.}, or the \texttt{MPS Manuel op.} menu item,
358           depending on which mode is being used. Type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
360           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{NMR start, PWR on} menu item. Type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.
361           After approximately one minute the NMR unit is activated.  The NMR is on when the status
362           field is white starts on a green background.}
364           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Change +/-} menu item. Type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
366           \item{Once the polarity has changed, set the dipole using the instructions in
367           Section \ref{setdipole}.}
369           \end{itemize}
370 saw   1.3 
371 saw   1.5 
372           \subsection{Dipole Quench Recovery / Interlock Recovery }
374           The recovery from a dipole quench ``real or imaginary" can be completely remote. It is wise to check the 
375           coil voltages, system temperature, pressure, and liquid levels before restarting. You should always record 
376           any fault indications in the hclog! A restart requires the following steps. 
378           \begin{itemize}
380           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Interlock} menu item. Type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
381           \item{Monitor the current value in the upper left corner. Wait until the current read back is zero.}
382           \begin{itemize}
383              \item{The current can be forced to ramp down quickly. Position the cursor over the \texttt{Fast Discharge by 
384                user} menu item. Type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
385           \end{itemize}
386           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Reset Interlock menu item}. Type texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
387           \item{Go to the reboot panel (on cdaqs1) and reset the Dipole Power Supply Diode}
388           \item{Press F1 (function key \# 1) to return to the Main Menu.}
389           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Field Regulation, NMR Manual op.}, or the \texttt{MPS Manual op.} page, 
390           depending on the mode of operation being used.}
391           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{NMR start, PWR on} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.
392 saw   1.5 After approximately one minute the NMR unit is activated. The NMR is on when the status field is white 
393           stars on a green background.}
394           \item{Set desired current or field.}
395           \end{itemize}
397           The HMS dipole has never had a real quench. Even the failure of a current lead in October '93 did not 
398           quench the coil, according to the Hall C engineering staff. There have been numerous fast/slow discharges 
399           and all were due to electrical noise, low trip settings, deliberate operator initiated trips, or interlock 
400           dissatisfaction. 
402           \subsection{HMS Dipole NMR-err / MPS-err}
403           A NMR-err or MPS-err indicates that a communication error has occurred between the control system and 
404           the NMR unit and/or the Power Supply. You should always record any fault indications in the hclog! 
406           \begin{itemize}
407           \item{Set the Magnet alarms (near the target computer) to Bypass.}
408           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Interlock} menu item. Type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
409           \item{Monitor the current value in the upper left corner. Wait until the current read back is zero.}
410           \begin{itemize}
411           \item{The current can be forced to ramp down quickly. Position the cursor over the \texttt{Fast Discharge by 
412           user} menu item. Type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
413 saw   1.5 \end{itemize}
414           \item{Press F1 (function key \# 1) to go to the Main Menu.}
415           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Field Regulation, NMR Manual op.}, or the 
416           \texttt{MPS Manual op.} page, depending on the mode of operation being used. Type \texttt{exe} 
417           and press ENTER.}
418           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{RS232 restart} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
419           \item{Press F7 (function key \# 7) to go to the \texttt{Device} page.}
420           \item{Wait for all the devices to restart. }
421           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Reset Interlock} menu item. Type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
422           \item{Go to the reboot panel (on cdaqs1) and reset the Dipole Power Supply Diode.} 
423           \item{Press F1 (function key \# 1) to return to the Main Menu.}
424           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Field Regulation, NMR Manual op.}, or the \texttt{MPS Manual op.}
425            page, depending on the mode of operation being used. Type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
426           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{NMR start, PWR on} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.
427           After approximately one minute the NMR unit is activated. The NMR is on when the status field 
428           is white stars on a green background.}
429           \item{The field or current may now be set.}
430           \item{Set the Magnet alarms (near the target computer) to Active.}
431           \end{itemize}
433           \subsection{Restricting the NMR }
434 saw   1.5 The NMR unit is very sensitive to electromagnetic interference, so when the unit is searching for the 
435           magnetic field the unit will try to lock in on a NMR signal without magnetic field. For most cases the NMR 
436           will simply attempt to lock in on the interference for a short period of time, then give up and continue on. 
437           However, when ramping the Dipole to high field levels, (0.50 T and above), the NMR unit will try to lock in 
438           on several interference signals and may never reach the magnet field set point after several Ramp up-err 
439           resets. When this happens it is possible to restrict the number of probes that the NMR will search and 
440           improve the probability of obtaining a good field lock. Perform the following steps to restrict the number of 
441           probes.
443           NOTE: The procedure only works when the Dipole is at zero amps.
444           \begin{itemize}
445           \item{Press F1 (function key \# 1) to go to the Main Menu.}
446           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{NMR manual op.} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
447           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Multiplexer} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
448           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Number of multiplexer channel} menu item, type 
449           \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
450           \item{Type in \texttt{1}, and press ENTER.}
451           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Start multiplexer channel} menu item, type \texttt{exe}
452            and press ENTER.}
453           \item{Type in the probe number from the chart below, and press ENTER.}
454           NMR Probes:
455 saw   1.5 \begin{tabular}{cc}
456           Probe \#	&	Range (Tesla)   \\
457              2	&	0.09T - 0.26T \\
458              3	&	0.17T - 0.52T \\
459              4	&	0.35T - 1.05T \\
460              5	&	0.70T - 2.10T 
461           \end{tabular}
463           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Write field multiplexer parameter} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press 
464           ENTER.}
465           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{NMR stop, PWR off}  menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
466           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{NMR start, PWR on} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
468           \end{itemize}
470           \subsection{Setting the HMS Dipole in current control mode }
472           Perform the following steps to operate the dipole in current control mode. 
474           \subsubsection{MPS Manual operation: Starting from zero.}
476 saw   1.5 \begin{itemize}
477           \item{Press F1 (function key \# 1) to go to the Main Menu.}
478           \item{Check the Interlock status, upper right corner of the main menu.
479           If the interlock status field is flashing red:}
481           \begin{itemize}
482           \item{Using the arrow keys, position the cursor over the \texttt{Interlock} menu item. 
483           Type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
484           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Reset Interlock} menu item. Type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
485           \item{Press F1 to return to the Main Menu.}
486           \end{itemize}
488           \item{Position the cursor over the MPS Manual op. menu item. Type EXE and press Enter.}
489           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{NMR start, PWR on} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.
490           After approximately one minute the NMR unit is activated. 
491           The NMR is on when the status field is white stars on a green background.. }
492           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Set current high} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
493           \item{Type high current value 0 to 3000 for integer part of the current in Amps, and press ENTER.}
494           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Set current low} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
495           \item{Enter low bit current value 0 to 999 for 0.000 to 0.999 amps.}
496           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Automatic measurements} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
497 saw   1.5 \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Write set data} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
498           \item{The Dipole will now ramp to the desired current.}
499           \end{itemize}
501           \subsubsection{MPS Manual operation: Changing the current value}
502           \begin{itemize}
503           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Set current high} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
504           \item{Type high current value 0 to 3000 for integer part of the current in Amps, and press ENTER.}
505           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Set current low} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
506           \item{Enter low bit current value 0 to 999 for 0.000 to 0.999 amps. }
507           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Write set data} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
508           \item{The dipole will now ramp to the new current.}
509           \end{itemize}
511           \subsection{Setting the HMS Dipole in NMR Manual operation }
514           \subsubsection{NMR Manual operation: Starting from zero.}
515           \begin{itemize}
516           \item{Press F1 (function key \#1) to go to the Main Menu.}
517           \item{Check the Interlock status, upper right corner of the main menu.
518 saw   1.5      If the interlock status field is flashing red:}
519           \begin{itemize}
520           \item{Using the arrow keys, position the cursor over the \texttt{Interlock} menu item. Type \texttt{exe} and press 
521           ENTER.}
522           \item{Position the cursor over the Reset Interlock menu item. Type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
523           \item{Press F1 to return to the Main Menu.}	
524           \end{itemize}
525           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{NMR manual op.} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
526           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{NMR start, PWR on} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.
527           After approximately one minute the NMR unit is activated. 
528           The NMR is on when the status field is white stars on a green background.}
529           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Auto Measurement} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
530           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Field Target Value} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.
531           The field target value is a 32 bit word split into two 16 bit words, high and low.}
532           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{high value} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
533            \item{Type in the field target value high word, and press ENTER. 
534           (Example: For 1.2345678 T  type 1234 )}
535            \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{low value} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.
536           (Example: For 1.2345678 T  type 5678 )}
537           \item{Position the cursor over the Write field target values menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
538           \item{Wait (The dipole power supply will ramp the magnet.
539 saw   1.5 After the power supply has ramped the magnet, the Searchmode will automatically switch to on.) 
540           The NMR unit will search for the field, lock on, and calculate the regulation window. When this 
541           calculation is complete, and if successful, the NMR-status 5 will change to 1, and the auto 
542           measurements will switch  to manual measurement.) }
543           \begin{itemize}
544           \item{If the NMR-status 5 displays a value other than 1 visit the web site \\ 
545           \texttt{http://www.jlab.org/$\sim$fowler/nmrstatusie.htm} \\ and enter the NMR register values to obtain 
546           more details. You should always record any fault indications in the hclog!}
547           \end{itemize} 
548           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Auto Measurement} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
549           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Field-ctrl ON} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
550           \item{Wait ( The Searchmode will automatically switch on, and the NMR will reacquire field lock. 
551           The NMR will then make adjustments to the power supply, and if successful, the NMR-status 5 
552           will change to 1, and the auto measurements will switch to manual measurement.)}
553           \begin{itemize}
554           \item{If the NMR-status 5 is not set to 1 then an error has occurred.}
555           \item{Position the cursor over the Field-ctrl OFF menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
556           \item{Return to the previous step (turn \texttt{Field-ctrl ON}).}
557           \end{itemize}
558           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Auto Measurement} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
559           \item{Wait (It takes approximately three minutes for the NMR to fine tune the field to the set value.
560 saw   1.5 When the NMR finished, the field the NMR-status 5 will change to 8, and the auto measurements 
561           will switch to manual measurement.)}
562           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Auto Measurement} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
563           \item{The Dipole is now ready.}
564           \end{itemize}
566           \subsubsection{NMR Manual operation: Changing the field target value}
567           \begin{itemize}
568           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Field-ctrl OFF} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
569           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Field Target Value} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
570           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{high value} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
571           \item{Type in the field target value high word, and press ENTER.} 
572           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{low value} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
573           \item{Type in the field target value low word, and press ENTER. }
574           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Write field target values} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
575           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Auto Measurement} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
576           \item{Wait (The dipole power supply will ramp the magnet.
577           After the power supply has ramped the magnet, the Searchmode will automatically switch to on.) 
578           The NMR unit will search for the field, lock on, and calculate the regulation window. When this 
579           calculation is complete, and if successful, the NMR-status 5 will change to 1, and the auto 
580           measurements will switch  to manual measurement.)}
581 saw   1.5 \begin{itemize}
582           \item{If the NMR-status 5 is not set to 1 visit the web site \\
583           \texttt{http://www.jlab.org/$\sim$fowler/nmrstatusie.htm}\\ and enter the NMR register values to obtain 
584           additional details. You should always record any fault indications in the hclog!}
585           \end{itemize} 
586           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Auto Measurement} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
587           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Field-ctrl ON} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
588           \item{Wait ( The Searchmode will automatically switch on, and the NMR will reacquire field lock. 
589           The NMR will then make adjustments to the power supply, and if successful, the NMR-status 5 
590           will change to 1, and the auto measurements will switch to manual measurement.)}
591           \begin{itemize}
592           \item{If the NMR-status 5 is not set to 1 then an error has occurred.}
593           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Field-ctrl OFF} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
594           \item{Return to the previous step (turn \texttt{Field-ctrl ON}).}
595           \end{itemize}
596           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Auto Measurement} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
597           \item{Wait (It takes approximately three minutes for the NMR to fine tune the field to the set value.
598           When the NMR is finished, the NMR-status 5 will change to 8, and the auto measurements will 
599           switch to manual measurement.)}
600           \item{Position the cursor over the \texttt{Auto Measurement} menu item, type \texttt{exe} and press ENTER.}
601           \item{The Dipole is now ready.}
602 saw   1.5 \end{itemize}
604           \subsection{Rebooting the dipole control computers}
606           Occasionally, one or more of the magnet control computers will become hung,
607 saw   1.3 stop responding, or cease to function.  If this is the case, check the hall
608           quadrupole hall probes and dipole NMR readback values on the TV monitors.  If
609           they are still at their nominal values, it is NOT necessary to reboot the
610           computer right away.  You may wait until some opportune moment, i.e. when 
611 saw   1.5 changing kinematics or when beam may go away for an extended period.
612 saw   1.3 
613           When you do decide to reboot the affected PC, first check the Reboot How--to
614           \cite{reboot}.  The steps to follow are summarized below.
616           \begin{itemize}
618           \item{Rebooting the HMS dipole computer will NOT crash the dipole, so this
619           can be done at any time.}
621           \item{Go to the dipole screen (NumLock-minus-NumLock, \texttt{D}, 
622           \texttt{return}.).}
623 saw   1.5 \item{Go to the reboot panel (on cdaqs1) and reboot the dipole PC.}
624           \item{If the display remains blank after the reboot, go to a quadrupole screen, then
625           back to the dipole screen.}
626 saw   1.3 \item{Once the computer has recovered, type \texttt{hms} at the prompt.  This
627 saw   1.5 will start the magnet control program.}
628 saw   1.3 
629           \end{itemize}
631 saw   1.1 \end{document}
633           % Revision history:
634 saw   1.2 % $Log: set_hms_magnets.tex,v $
635 saw   1.5 % Revision 1.4  2003/06/19 16:19:41  saw
636           % Add wait of 5 minutes after reboot.
637           %
638 saw   1.4 % Revision 1.3  2003/06/12 16:03:45  saw
639           % (gaskelld) Add sections on how to reboot things + corrections.
640           %
641 saw   1.3 % Revision 1.2  2003/04/11 02:39:22  saw
642           % (gaskelld) Include preliminary description of how to change HMS polarity
643           %
644 saw   1.2 % Revision 1.1  2003/04/07 20:50:20  saw
645           % Initial Checkin
646           %

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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