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  1 saw   1.1 \documentclass{chowto}
  3           \title{Hall-C Base Equipment Checklist}
  4           \howtotype{user} % ``expert'', ``user'', ``reference''
  5           %\experiment{Name of experiment} % Optional
  6           \author{H. Fenker}
  7           \category{general} % Subject area of this document
  8           %\maintainer{Name of person maintaining document} % Optional
  9           \date{March 11, 2003} % Can use \today as the argument
 11           %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 13           %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 14           %\documentstyle[12pt]{article}
 15           \textwidth=8.truein
 16           \textheight=10.0truein
 17           \hoffset=-1.0truein
 18           %\voffset=-1.1truein
 19           \hyphenation{CEBAF}
 20           \pagestyle{empty}
 21           %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 22 saw   1.1 
 24           \begin{document}
 25           \providecommand{\degg}{\ensuremath{^{\circ}\ }}
 27           \begin{abstract}
 29           This document provides the shift checklist covering the Hall-C
 30           base equipment. This checklist should be filled out at least
 31           once per eight-hour shift during experiment data-taking shifts,
 32           and at least once per 24-hour period during {\it Standby} shifts.
 34           Each experiment should modify and/or amend this checklist to satisfy
 35           its own particular needs.
 37           The checklist itself composes Section 2. You should make multiple
 38           copies of the pages of that section for shift workers to fill out.
 39           The remaining sections provide guidance for filling out the checklist.
 41           \end{abstract}
 43 saw   1.1 \section{Related {\it Howtos}}
 44           \begin{itemize}
 45           \item Monitoring HMS ``Utilities'' Systems. \cite{howto:detector_monitoring}
 46           \item Drift Chamber Gas System \cite{howto:drift_gas_system}
 47           \item Monitoring the SOS Magnet System \cite{howto:sos_magnet_monitoring}
 48           \item Monitoring the HMS Magnet System \cite{howto:hms_magnet_monitoring}
 49           \item Reading the Ion Chambers and BLM's \cite{howto:ion_blm_reading}
 50           \item Remote Rotation of the HMS and SOS \cite{howto:spectrometer_rotation}
 51           \item Hall-C Analyzer \cite{howto:analyzer}
 52           \end{itemize}
 54           \section{Base Equipment Checklist}
 55           %=============================================================================================
 56           \small
 57           \newpage
 58           \subsection{Base Equipment Checklist -- Page 1 of 2}
 61           \begin{center}
 62           \begin{tabular}{|l|l|p{1.70cm}|p{1.70cm}|p{1.70cm}|p{1.70cm}|} \hline \hline
 63           DATE (month-day-year)               &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 64 saw   1.1 Time (24 hour clock)                &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 65           Your Name                           &{\it Nominals} & & & & \\ \hline \hline 
 66           \multicolumn{6}{|l|}{\bf Beam Conditions from Overview Screen, DAQ, MEDMs, and Scalers} \\ \hline
 67           Beam Energy (MeV)                   &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 68           Beam Current                        &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 69           Rates on BLMs                       &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 70                                               &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 71                                               &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 72                                               &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 73                                               &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 74           HMS Trigger Rate (vis. scalers)     &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 75           SOS Trigger Rate (vis. scalers)     &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 76           HMS Dead Time (vis. scalers)        &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 77           SOS Dead Time (vis. scalers)        &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 78           IPM3H00B position (medm)            &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 79           Fast Raster Radius$_{max}$,Ix,Iy (medm)       &\dotfill  & & & & \\ \hline
 80           Slow Raster? (medm)                 &\dotfill  & & & & \\ \hline 
 81           M\o ller Target                     &~~OUT    & & & & \\ \hline 
 82           M\o ller LHe/LN2 Levels             &~~$>70\%$ &~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/  \\ \hline
 83           \hline
 84           \multicolumn{6}{|l|}{\bf Stats of Recently Replayed Run from files in the current experiment's online } \\
 85 saw   1.1 \multicolumn{6}{|l|}{\bf ~~~~~~replay directory, typically: $\sim$cdaq/{\it experiment}/replay/scalers/) } \\ \hline
 86           %gen{\it run\_number}.txt)} \\ \hline
 87           Run Number                          &\dotfill& & & & \\ \hline
 88           HMS WC fiducial effi.               &$>90\%$ & & & & \\ \hline
 89           SOS WC fiducial effi.               &$>90\%$ & & & & \\ \hline
 90           Computer Deadtime                   &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 91           HMS Electronic Deadtime             &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 92           SOS Electronic Deadtime             &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 93           \multicolumn{6}{|l|}{\bf Walk-through of Electronics Room} \\ \hline
 94           WC Thresholds HMS1/HMS2/SOS         &5.5/5.5/5.2&~~~~/~~~~/&~~~~/~~~~/&~~~~/~~~~/&~~~~/~~~~/ \\ \hline
 95           Unser Monitor Temperature           &$110\pm 1\degg C$ & & & & \\ \hline  
 96           HMS Trigger (e.g. 3/4*anything)     &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 97           SOS Trigger (e.g. 3/4*electron)     &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
 98           \multicolumn{6}{|l|}{\bf Gas-Yard Checks (Gas Yard Key is \#29} \\ \hline
 99           Argon Manifold High/Low (PSI)       &$>200/30$&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/  \\ \hline
100           Ethane Manifold High/Low (PSI)      &\dotfill/$>20$&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/  \\ \hline
101           Ethane Bottle Weights (lbs)         &{\footnotesize $>[Full-30]$}&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/  \\ \hline
102           \multicolumn{6}{|l|}{\bf Gas-Shed Checks (Gas Shed Key is \#29} \\ \hline
103           SOS Flows: Ar CH1/Eth CH2           &0.3/0.3 {\it \footnotesize slpm}&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/  \\ \hline
104           HMS Flows: Ar CH3/Eth CH4           &0.3/0.3 {\it \footnotesize slpm}&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/  \\ \hline
105           HMS/SOS Fridge (degC)               &$2\pm 1\degg C$&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/  \\ \hline
106 saw   1.1 Alcohol Bubbling? (HMS/SOS)         &~y~/~y~ &~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/  \\ \hline
108           \end{tabular}
110           \end{center}
111           You can find this document as well as help for filling it out
112           among the Hall-C {\it Howtos} \cite{howto:base_equip_checklist}.
114           %=============================================================================================
116           \newpage
117           \subsection{Base Equipment Checklist -- Page 2 of 2}
119           \begin{center}
120           \begin{tabular}{|l|l|p{1.70cm}|p{1.70cm}|p{1.70cm}|p{1.70cm}|} \hline \hline
121           DATE (month-day-year)               &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
122           Time (24 hour clock)                &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
123                                               &{\it Nominals} & & & & \\ \hline \hline 
124           \hline
125           HMS/SOS Slits (hctsv7 2003)        &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
126           Scattering Chamber Vacuum          & $<10^-5$& & & & \\ \hline
127 saw   1.1 Target (material, length)          & & & & & \\ \hline
128           HMS Shutter Open?                  & yes & & & & \\ \hline
129           HMS angle (TV/GUI)                 &\dotfill /\dotfill &~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/  \\ \hline
130           SOS angle (TV/GUI)                 &\dotfill /\dotfill&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/  \\ \hline
131           Hall Survey (TV)                   & OK & & & & \\ \hline
132           HMS Cer. Temp/Press (TV)           & $22\pm 3$/\dotfill& & & & \\ \hline
133           SOS Door Closed? (TV)              & yes & & & & \\ \hline
134           SOS Cerenkov Pressure (TV)         & $|P|<0.100$& & & & \\ \hline 
135           \hline
136           \multicolumn{6}{|l|}{\bf High Voltages: HV {\it ON} and GUI Alarm {\it Enabled?}} \\ \hline
137           HMS Hodoscopes / Drift Chambers    &~$\surd ~~/~\surd$&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/  \\ \hline
138           HMS Cerenkovs: Gas / Aerogel       &~$\surd ~~/~\surd$&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/  \\ \hline
139           HMS Pb-Glass                       &~$\surd ~~/~\surd$& & & & \\ \hline
140           \hline
141           SOS Hodoscopes / Drift Chambers    &~$\surd ~~/~\surd$&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/  \\ \hline
142           SOS Cerenkovs: Gas / Aerogel       &~$\surd ~~/~\surd$&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/  \\ \hline
143           SOS Pb-Glass / Lucite              &~$\surd ~~/~\surd$&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/&~~~~~~/  \\ \hline
144           \hline
145           \multicolumn{6}{|l|}{\bf Spectrometer Magnets} \\ \hline
146           HMS Q1 Current: $\pm$ setpt        & \dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
147           HMS Q2 Current: $\pm$ /setpt       & \dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
148 saw   1.1 HMS Q3 Current: $\pm$ /setpt       & \dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
149           HMS Q1 Hall Field: $\pm$ reading   & \dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
150           HMS Q2 Hall Field: $\pm$ reading   & \dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
151           HMS Q3 Hall Field: $\pm$ reading   & \dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
152           HMS D Current: $\pm$ readback      & \dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
153           HMS D NMR Field: $\pm$ readback    & \dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
154           \hline
155           HMS Q1 N2/He Level (\%)            &{\footnotesize$>70~ / >70$}& & & & \\ \hline
156           HMS Q2 N2/He Level (\%)            &{\footnotesize$>70~ / >70$}& & & & \\ \hline
157           HMS Q3 N2/He Level (\%)            &{\footnotesize$>70~ / >70$}& & & & \\ \hline
158           HMS D  N2/He Level (\%)            &{\footnotesize$>70~ / >70$}& & & & \\ \hline
159           \hline
160           SOS Q  Current polarity/setpt      &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
161           SOS B1 Current polarity/setpt      &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
162           SOS B2 Current polarity/setpt      &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
163           SOS Q  Hall Field                  &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
164           SOS B1 Hall Field                  &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
165           SOS B2 Hall Field                  &\dotfill & & & & \\ \hline
166           \hline
167           \multicolumn{6}{|l|}{\bf Enter Screen Snapshots of the Following Screens in {\it hclog}} \\ \hline
168           BPM medm screen                    &~~~$\surd$ & & & & \\ \hline
169 saw   1.1                                    &~~~$\surd$ & & & & \\ \hline
170           \hline
171           \multicolumn{5}{|r|}{\bf Scan this sheet into {\it hclog} when full. $\longrightarrow$}& \\ \hline
172           Check List Complete ({\it Initial})&~~~$\surd$ & & & & \\ \hline
174           \end{tabular}
175           \end{center}
176           You can find this document as well as help for filling it out
177           among the Hall-C {\it Howtos} \cite{howto:base_equip_checklist}.
180           \clearpage
181           %=============================================================================================
182           \section{Help with Check List Items}
183           \subsection{Help with Page 1}
184           \small
185           \flushleft
186           \begin{tabular}{|p{2in}|p{2.5in}|p{2.5in}|} \hline \hline
188            DATE (month-day-year)  &
189            As given by Run Control &
190 saw   1.1  Enter as MM/DD/YY  \\ \hline
192            Time (24 hour clock)   &
193            As given by Run Control &
194            Write the time into the cell  \\ \hline
196            Your Name              &
197            As given by your parents            &
198            Write legibly                       \\ \hline \hline 
200           \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\bf Beam Conditions from Overview Screen, DAQ, MEDMs, and Scalers} \\ \hline
202           \raggedright
203            Beam Energy (MeV)   &
204            Large TV monitor on top of console, displaying accelerator program.  & 
205            Get the beam energy of Hall C and write it down \\ \hline 
207           \raggedright
208            Beam Current  &
209            Xterm on the far top-left. Look for the BCM screen. The two values indicate two different measurements and should be similar. &
210            Write the beam current in the cell. \\ \hline  
211 saw   1.1 
212           \raggedright
213            Rates on BLM's  &
214            Check rates on Upstream and Downstream BLM. On cdaqs1: run  scaler\_display  & 
215            Write down rates for the BLMs \\ \hline
217           \raggedright
218            HMS Trigger Rate (vis. scalers)     & 
219            Red digital readouts in the right-center of the console.&
220            How many HMS triggers occur over roughly 10 sec.? Divide by 10 and write down the result. \\ \hline
222           \raggedright
223            SOS Trigger Rate (vis. scalers)     & 
224            Red digital readouts in the right-center of the console.&
225            How many SOS triggers occur over roughly 10 sec.? Divide by 10 and write down the result. \\ \hline
227           \raggedright
228            HMS Dead Time (vis. scalers)            &
229            Red digital readouts in the right-center of the console.&
230            Compute: 1-[(HMS~trigger)/(HMS~pretrigger)]  Write it in the field. \\ \hline
232 saw   1.1 \raggedright
233            SOS Dead Time (vis. scalers)            &
234            Red digital readouts in the right-center of the console.&
235            Compute: 1-[(SOS~trigger)/(SOS~pretrigger)]  Write it in the field. \\ \hline
237           \raggedright
238            IPM3H00B nominal? (medm)               &
239            Xterm on the fartop- left. Look for the BPM screen.&
240            Compare displayed beam position with the nominal position posted on the white board or sticky note. \\ \hline
242           \raggedright
243            Fast Raster R$_{max}$,Ix,Iy (medm) &
244            Xterm on the top of the right console. Look for the raster\_hlc\_FR window.& 
245            In the ``set spiral magnet current'' field, record: R$_{max}$= Radius(mm)  Ix=MRAT301H Iy=MRAT301V\\ \hline
248           \raggedright
249            Slow Raster? (medm)                 & 
250                 & 
251                 \\ \hline  
253 saw   1.1 \raggedright
254            M\o ller Target                     &
255            Xterm on the top of the left console. Find the target section of the M\o ller Polarimeter controls screen.&
256            Unless a  M\o ller run is in progress, the target should be retracted ($\sim -3.85$). \\ \hline 
258           \raggedright
259            M\o ller LHe/LN2 Levels             &
260            Xterm on the top of the left console. Find the liquid levels on the M\o ller Cryogenics controls screen.&
261            Record the helium and nitrogen liquid levels (percent). They should be near full if the M\o ller solenoid is being used. \\ \hline 
263           \end{tabular}
264           %---------------------------------------------------------------------
266           \begin{tabular}{|p{2in}|p{2.5in}|p{2.5in}|} \hline \hline
267           \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\bf Stats of Recently Replayed Run (from files in the current experiment's online } \\
268           \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\bf ~~~~~~replay directory, typically: $\sim$cdaq/{\it experiment}/replay/scalers/) } \\ \hline
269            Run Number  &
270            See the RunControl window for the current run. Record items below for a recently taken and analyzed run.&
271            Enter the run number which gives the results noted in the next few lines. \\ \hline    
273            HMS WC fiducial effi.   &
274 saw   1.1  grep effic stats{\it run\_number}.txt&
275            Record the number on the line labeled ``fid~effic'' \\ \hline
277            SOS WC fiducial effi.  &
278            grep effic stats{\it run\_number}.txt&
279            Record the number on the line labeled ``fid~effic'' \\ \hline
282            Computer Deadtime   &
283            grep 'D.T.' hms{\it run\_number}.txt&
284            Record the Computer deadtime. \\ \hline     
287            HMS Electronic Deadtime     &
288            grep 'D.T.' hms{\it run\_number}.txt&
289            Record the Elec. deadtime. \\ \hline
291            SOS Electronic Deadtime     &
292            grep 'D.T.' hms{\it run\_number}.txt&
293            Record the Elec. deadtime. \\ \hline
295 saw   1.1 \end{tabular}
296           %---------------------------------------------------------------------
298           \begin{tabular}{|p{2in}|p{2.5in}|p{2.5in}|} \hline \hline
300           \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\bf Walk-through of Electronics Room} \\ \hline
302           \raggedright
303            WC Thresholds HMS1/HMS2/SOS      &
304            Rack CH03B10. Three digital voltage readouts. Should be 5.5 v for both HMS chambers. 5.0 for SOS.&
305            Record the values. \\ \hline
307           \raggedright
308            Unser Monitor Temperature       &
309            top of rack CH03B12, LED digits. Nominal 110 degrees.&
310            Record the reading. \\ \hline 
312           \raggedright
313            HMS Trigger (e.g. 3/4*anything)     & 
314            CH03B07. NIM crate, third crate from top. Rightmost logic module. Top half.&
315            Where is the coincidence level pin located? \\ \hline
316 saw   1.1 
317           \raggedright
318            SOS Trigger (e.g. 3/4*anything)     & 
319            CH03B05. NIM crate, third crate from top. Rightmost logic module. Top half.&
320            Where is the coincidence level pin located? \\ \hline
322           \end{tabular}
323           %---------------------------------------------------------------------
325           \begin{tabular}{|p{2in}|p{2.5in}|p{2.5in}|} \hline \hline
326           \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\bf Gas-Yard Checks (Gas Yard Key is \#29} \\ \hline
328           \raggedright
329            Argon Manifold High/Low (PSI)    &
330            Outside gas shed, under roof, right-center.&
331            Record the two pressure gauge readings on the argon gas manifold.     \\ \hline
333           \raggedright
334            Ethane Manifold High/Low (PSI)  &   
335            Outside gas shed, under roof, on the right.&
336            Record the two pressures on the ethane gas manifold.\\ \hline
337 saw   1.1 
338           \raggedright
339            Ethane Bottle Weights (lbs) &   
340            Outside gas shed, under roof, on the right.&
341            Record the two bottle weights (digital scales). \\ \hline
343           \end{tabular}
344           %---------------------------------------------------------------------
346           \begin{tabular}{|p{2in}|p{2.5in}|p{2.5in}|} \hline \hline
347           \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\bf Gas-Shed Checks (Gas Shed Key is \#29} \\ \hline
349           \raggedright
350            SOS Flows: Ar CH1/Eth CH2           &
351            Inside gas shed, on the CRT display - channels 1 and 2.&
352            Record the values on the ``Actual flow'' line \\ \hline
354           \raggedright
355            HMS Flows: Ar CH3/Eth CH4           &
356            Inside gas shed, on the CRT display - channels 3 and 4.&
357            Record the values on the ``Actual flow'' line \\ \hline
358 saw   1.1 
359           \raggedright
360            HMS/SOS Fridge (degC)      &
361            Inside gas shed, digital temperature displays near top of left rack.&
362            Record the temperatures.     \\ \hline        
364           \raggedright
365            Alcohol Bubbling? (HMS/SOS)         &
366            Inside gas shed, within refrigerator (left=SOS, right=HMS).&
367            QUICKLY open/close door, verify that gas is bubbling through the alcohol inside the glass dome.  \\ 
368           \hline
370           \end{tabular}
371           %---------------------------------------------------------------------
373           \subsection{Help with Page 2}
374           \begin{tabular}{|p{2in}|p{2.5in}|p{2.5in}|} \hline \hline
376            DATE (month-day-year)  &
377            See what you wrote on page 1. &
378            Enter it here, too.\\ \hline
379 saw   1.1 
380            Time (24 hour clock)  &
381            See what you wrote on page 1. &
382            Enter it here, too.\\ \hline
384            \hline
386            HMS/SOS Slits (hctsv7 2003)        & 
387            telnet~hctsv7~2003   See instructions posted above ``SLOW~CONTROLS'' Xterm or see the Collimators {\it Howto} \cite{howto:slit_system_controls}. &
388            Determine and record the slit position as either PION or SIEVE or SMALL or LARGE. \\ \hline
390            Scattering Chamber Vacuum          & 
391            Target cryo screen. Ask target operator if needed.&
392            Record the reading. \\ \hline
394            Target (material, length)          &
395            Ask target operator.&
396            Record which target is in the beam. \\ \hline
398            HMS Shutter Open?                  & 
399            See the LEDs labeled ``HMS SHUTTER'' located above the ``DATA ACQUISITION'' terminal.&
400 saw   1.1  Shutter must be ``OUT'' when taking beam. \\ \hline
402            HMS angle (TV/GUI)                 &
403            TV Monitor 4 and Spectrometer Rotation GUI&
404            Read the angle and write it down. TV and GUI should agree.\\ \hline
406            SOS angle (TV/GUI)                 &
407            TV Monitor and Spectrometer Rotation GUI&
408            Read the angle and write it down. TV and GUI should agree. \\ \hline
410            Hall Survey (TV)                   &
411            Scan all the cameras in the hall looking for anything unusual.&
412            Verify that you performed the inspection by checking off the box. \\ \hline
414            HMS Cer. Temp/Press (TV)           &
415            Two LED readouts visible on TV monitor \#7. Select the camera labeled ``HMS CERENK''.&
416            Record the values. \\ \hline
418            SOS Door Closed? (TV)              &
419            Note this while doing hall TV survey. & 
420            SOS Door should be closed when using SOS. \\ \hline
421 saw   1.1 
422            SOS Cerenkov Pressure (TV)         &
423            TV Monitor button labeled {\it SOS Cerenkov}&
424            Record the differential pressure. If it is outside the range +0.100 to -0.100~psid, notify an SOS Cerenkov expert as the windows may be damaged. \\ \hline 
426           \hline
427           \end{tabular}
428           %---------------------------------------------------------------------
430           \begin{tabular}{|p{2in}|p{2.5in}|p{2.5in}|} \hline \hline
431           \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\bf High Voltages: HV {\it ON} and GUI Alarm {\it Enabled?}} \\ \hline
433            All HMS Detectors     &
434            HMS HV GUI on SLOW CONTROLS xterm.&
435            Verify that GUI is ``RUNNING'' and not indicating any bad channels. \\ \hline
437            All SOS Detectors     &
438            SOS HV GUI on SLOW CONTROLS xterm.&
439            Verify that GUI is ``RUNNING'' and not indicating any bad channels. \\ \hline
441           \hline
442 saw   1.1 \end{tabular}
443           %---------------------------------------------------------------------
445           \begin{tabular}{|p{2in}|p{2.5in}|p{2.5in}|} \hline \hline
446           \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\bf Spectrometer Magnets} \\ \hline
448            HMS Q1,2,3 and D Currents: $\pm$ setpt        &
449            PC Monitor in center of control console. See HMS magnet controls {\it Howto} \cite{howto:hms_magnet_controls} for how to navigate.&
450            Write down current polarities and setpoints. \\ \hline
452            HMS Q1, Q2, Q3 Hall Fields: $\pm$ reading   &
453            On TV monitor \#5. Button labeled HMS~NMR (it's really a Hall probe). Top to bottom, the three numbers are Hall Probe readings for HMS Q1, Q2, Q3.&
454            Write down the three numbers including sign. \\ \hline
456            HMS D NMR Field: $\pm$ readback    &
457            PC Monitor in center of control console. See HMS magnet controls {\it Howto} \cite{howto:hms_magnet_controls} for how to navigate.&
458            Write down the NMR readout. \\ \hline
460            HMS Q1Q2, Q3, D  N2/He Level                 &
461            PC Monitor in center of control console. See HMS magnet controls {\it Howto} \cite{howto:hms_magnet_controls} for how to navigate.&
462            Record He and N2 levels from their respective screens. \\ \hline
463 saw   1.1 
464            SOS Q, B1, B2  Current polarity/setpt      &
465            telnet VMEC19 and run the program {\tt sos} (see posted instructions for username and password)&
466            Record the readings for {\tt Polarity} and {\tt Current Setpoint} \\ \hline
468            SOS Q, B1, B2  Hall Field      &
469            telnet VMEC19 and run the program {\tt sos} (see posted instructions for username and password)&
470            Record the readings for {\tt Hall probe field} \\ \hline
472           \end{tabular}
474           \end{document}
476           % Revision history: adapted from existing checklist 3/10/03 by H. Fenker
477           % $Log$

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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