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  1 saw   1.1 \documentclass{chowto}
  3           \title{Drift Chamber Gas System Operation}
  4           \howtotype{expert} % ``expert'', ``user'', ``reference''
  5           %\experiment{Name of experiment} % Optional
  6           \author{H. Fenker}
  7           \category{general} % Subject area of this document
  9           %\maintainer{Name of person maintaining document} % Optional
 10 jones 1.3 \date{\today} % Can use \today as the argument
 11 saw   1.1 
 13           \begin{document}
 14           \providecommand{\degg}{\ensuremath{^{\circ}\ }}
 16           \begin{abstract}
 17           This document provides detailed setup information for the drift chamber gas mixing
 18           system, as well as the correct procedure for refilling the alcohol supply and changing
 19           gas bottles. This information is intended for use by {\bf gas system  experts only.}
 20           For day-to-day shift worker instructions, refer to the corresponding {\it user} howto
 21           document.
 22 jones 1.3 
 23           {\bf Please Note:} The Hall-C Drift Chamber Gas System was significantly changed in
 24           early 2007. It is now a {\it pressure-driven system} whereas it had been
 25           flow-controlled. Long-time Hall-C staff and users will find that the system
 26           operates quite differently now.
 28           {\bf Also Note:} During the 2007 running period, gas entering the hall is still
 29           {\em flow controlled}, as it has been in the past. While the mixing system
 30           produces pressurized gas, the flows to the HMS and SOS are at low pressure
 31           and are controlled by needle valves in the gas shed. See the special note
 32           in section \ref{sec:gas_flow_rates}.
 33 saw   1.1 \end{abstract}
 35           \section{Overview}
 38           The drift chamber gas is composed of 50\% Argon and 50\% Ethane (by volume),
 39 jones 1.3 bubbled through isopropanol maintained at a temperature such that the gas mixture contains
 40 saw   1.2 approximately 1\% alcohol vapor. The mixing system that produces this
 41 jones 1.4 gas is housed in the Hall-C gas shed (Bldg. 96c). The bottles supplying the gas to the mixing
 42 saw   1.1 system are attached to two two-bottle manifolds outside the gas shed, within
 43           the fenced-in gas bottle yard.
 45 jones 1.3 A single mixing system provides the gas for both the SOS and the HMS as well
 46           as auxiliary detectors such as the {\it Focal Plane Polarimeter} chambers. Gas
 47           is delivered to the hall at a pressure of about 9 psi (500 Torr) above atmospheric
 48           pressure. {\bf For 2007, see the note regarding the special interim installation
 49           in section \ref{sec:gas_flow_rates}}. The flow to each detector is controlled by its own individual
 50           needle-valve with flowmeter. The job of the mixing system is to simultaneously
 51           maintain the delivery pressure and mixing ratio by providing whatever total 
 52           flow rate of gas (between zero and 5.28 slpm) is demanded by the detectors.
 53           This is accomplished by controlling two flow valves (argon and ethane) so that
 54           they each flow the same volume of gas while keeping the output pressure nearly
 55           constant. The mixing system flow diagram is shown in Fig. \ref{fig:gas_mixer_diagram}.
 58 saw   1.2 \section{Gas Interlock System}
 59           The flow of gas from the supply bottles may be automatically shut off by
 60           normally-closed solenoid valves installed in the primary argon and ethane manifolds. Several
 61           conditions such as overtemperature, fan failure, gas leak, and fire alarm must all
 62           be in the non-alarm state before these valves will open. Alarm conditions are
 63           indicated on the gas system alarm panel on the lower-left side of the
 64           center counting-house console. 
 66           When any of the required conditions is not satisfied the sounder on the panel
 67           will make an annoying noise and both solenoid valves will close. The audible
 68           alarm may be silenced by a toggle switch on the panel. Be certain to return
 69           it to the ``on'' position as soon as the fault is cleared.
 71           The most confusing, but most common alarm condition is ``Low Pressure''.
 72           The solenoid valves will not remain open unless there is already ample pressure
 73 jones 1.3 on the output side of both valves. This prevents, for example, the flow of
 74 saw   1.2 pure ethane to the drift chambers when the argon bottle is empty. The way
 75           to clear this condition is to make sure there are no other faults and that
 76           both argon and ethane manifolds are properly pressurized and fitted with
 77 jones 1.3 non-empty bottles; then press and hold the ``override'' button on the alarm panel
 78           for several
 79 saw   1.2 seconds. This button forces the solenoid valves to open even if there are
 80           fault conditions present. If all is well, gas will flow through the valves
 81           and clear the ``low pressure'' condition so that the button many be released.
 83 jones 1.3 \begin{figure}[hbt]
 84           \psfig{figure=gasmixer2007.eps,width=6in,bbllx=12,bblly=12,bburx=750,bbury=590}
 85 saw   1.1 \caption{Diagram of Hall~C Gas Mixing System\label{fig:gas_mixer_diagram}}
 86 jones 1.3 \vspace{0.5cm}
 87 saw   1.1 \end{figure}
 89 jones 1.3 \section{Operating the Mass Flow Controller.}
 90 saw   1.1 
 91 jones 1.3 The gas flow is controlled by a MKS~647 controller and mass flow
 92           control valves.  Delivery pressure is sensed at the mixer output
 93           by a {\it Baratron} pressure transducer. 
 94           The 647 is menu driven from a display on the front panel using
 95           a keypad with numeric and cursor controls for input. It features a non-volatile memory
 96           so that most of its settings are retained even if the unit is unpowered.
 97           Unfortunately, the pressure-regulation parameters do need to be reset 
 98           if power is lost, however, so the controller is powered through an
 99           uninterruptable power supply (UPS).
101           \subsection{Settings for Normal Operation}
103           A summary of all of the settings required to make the controller function
104           properly is given in Table~\ref{tab:mixer_nominals}. The table also shows
105           which screen contains each parameter. Instructions for setting parameters
106           is given below. Detailed instructions for configuring and operating the
107           MKS~647 can be found in the manufacturer's instruction manual, a copy of
108           which is posted at $http://hallcweb.jlab.org/document/vendor\_manuals/$.
109           \begin{table}[hbt]
110           \begin{minipage}[h!]{\textwidth}
111           \centering
112 jones 1.3 %\vspace*{-8.4 cm}
113           %\hspace{-1.0cm}
114           {\scriptsize
115           \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|}
116           \hline
117           Parameter   & Set To   & {\it Controller Screen}/Comments\\ \hline
118           \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\bf Manual Valves  } &  Valves are labeled        \\
119           Valves 1, 2, 4, 8 & OPEN                  &         \\
120           Valves 3, 5, 6, 7 & CLOSED                &         \\ \hline
121           \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\bf Pressure PID Loop Settings   } & {\it Pressure Control}  \\
122           Pressure    & 500 Torr &                   \\
123           PID Mode    & AUTO     &                   \\
124           PID GAIN    & 4.0      &                   \\
125           PID INTEG   & 10.0     &                   \\
126           PID LEAD    & 0.000    &                   \\ \hline
127           \bf Mixture     & 1        & {\it User}/ Lower-right corner of screen \\ \hline
128           \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\bf Gas Composition for Mixture 1} & {\it Gas Composition} \\
129           Channel 1   & 1.000    &                   \\
130           Channel 2   & 1.000    &                   \\
131           Channel 3   & 0.000    &                   \\
132           Channel 4   & 0.000    &                   \\ \hline
133 jones 1.3 \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\bf MFC Valve Size / Gas} & {\it Extended Display}   \\
134           Channel 1   & 2.0 slpm / Ar         & provides 2.78 slpm Argon\\
135           Channel 2   & 5.0 slpm / C$_2$H$_6$ & provides 2.50 slpm Ethane\\
136           Channel 3   & \it unused&                  \\
137           Channel 4   & \it unused&                  \\ \hline
138           \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\bf Channels ON/OFF Settings} & {\it Extended Display}   \\
139           Channel 1   & ON       &                   Press ``ON 1'' (\em Argon)  \\
140           Channel 2   & ON       &                   Press ``ON 2'' (\em Ethane) \\
141           Channel 3   & OFF      &                   Press ``OFF 3'' (\em not in use) \\
142           Channel 4   & OFF      &                   Press ``OFF 4'' (\em not in use) \\ \hline
143           \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\bf Pressure Transducer} & {\it Pressure Setup}   \\
144           Type        & STD      &                   \\ 
145           Full Scale  & 1000 Torr&                   \\ \hline
146           \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\bf MFC Valve Controls     } & {\it Instrument Setup}  \\
147           Channel 1   & PID      &                                   \\
148           Channel 2   & SLAVE / 1&                                   \\
149           Channel 3   & INDEP    &                                   \\
150           Channel 4   & INDEP    &                                   \\ \hline
151           \bf Alcohol Temp. & $2^\circ $ C & Electronic Temperature  \\
152                             &              & Control Box             \\ \hline
153           \hline
154 jones 1.3 \end{tabular}
155           }%end of \small
156           \end{minipage}
157           \caption{Normal Valve and Parameter Settings for the Gas Mixing System.
158           \label{tab:mixer_nominals}}
159           \end{table}
163           \subsection{General}
165           If the controller screen is dark, press {\bf ESC} to awaken the display.
166           Many screens merely provide a menu of other screens you may access:
167           simply press the item number you desire. To go up one level in
168           the menu hierarchy, press {\bf ESC}.
170           In general, to change a parameter displayed on the controller
171           screen use the {\bf left/right} arrow keys to move the cursor to the item you
172           wish to change. Then either use the number keys to enter the 
173           value desired for that item (numeric parameter) or use the
174           {\bf ENTER} or {\bf up/down} keys to cycle a parameter through
175 jones 1.3 its available settings (configuration parameter). Numeric parameters
176           may be incrementally modified by using the {\bf up/down} arrow keys. To make
177           certain that a new parameter becomes active, move the cursor
178           off of the parameter after you have entered the new value.
180           \begin{center}
181           \begin{figure}[hbt]
182           \begin{minipage}{2.7in}
183           \psfig{figure=main_menu.eps,width=2.6in,height=1.8in}
184           \caption{MKS 647 Main Menu\label{fig:main_menu}}
185           \end{minipage}
186           \begin{minipage}{2.7in}
187           \psfig{figure=user_display.eps,width=2.6in,height=1.8in}
188           \caption{MKS 647 User Display\label{fig:user_display}}
189           \end{minipage}
190           \end{figure}
191           \end{center}
192 saw   1.1 
194 jones 1.3 The initial menu
195           upon startup is the {\bf Main Menu}.  For normal operation use the 
196           {\bf User Display} menu (Main Menu item \#1). It shows the amount of
197           each gas currently flowing, the total gas flow, and the current delivery
198           pressure. This display also shows which of several possible pre-defined
199           gas mixtures is selected. For normal operation, we use only mixture {\bf \#1},
200           (number shown on the lower-right of the display). Only on this screen 
201           can this parameter be changed.
202 saw   1.1 
203 jones 1.3 The {\bf Extended Display} menu (Main Menu item \#2) shows actual
204           flow, flow set point, units, valve full scale range, gas calibration
205           factor, whether that channel is enabled, and whether each channel is
206           operating in master, slave, PID, or independent mode. This display is most
207           useful to a system expert wishing to verify the system parameter settings.
208           Most parameters cannot be modified from this screen, however.
211           Delivery pressure setpoint and pressure {\bf PID} control parameters 
212           may be configured from the {\bf Pressure Control} screen.
214           \begin{center}
215           \begin{figure}[hbt]
216           \begin{minipage}{2.7in}
217           \psfig{figure=extended_display.eps,width=2.6in,height=1.8in}
218           \caption{Extended Display Screen\label{fig:extended_display}}
219           \end{minipage}
220           \begin{minipage}{2.7in}
221           \psfig{figure=pressure_control.eps,width=2.6in,height=1.8in}
222           \caption{Pressure Control Screen\label{fig:pressure_control}}
223           \end{minipage}
224 jones 1.3 \end{figure}
225           \end{center}
226 saw   1.1 
227 jones 1.3 \subsection{Gas Flow Rates}
228           \label{sec:gas_flow_rates}
229 saw   1.1 
230 jones 1.3 The flow rates are adjusted automatically by the controller in order
231           to maintain a constant delivery pressure at the output. Only the flow
232           {\em ratios} should be set by the operator. We use a 1:1 ratio, set
233           on the {\bf Gas Composition} screen (Fig.~\ref{fig:gas_composition}), 
234           as indicated in Table~\ref{tab:mixer_nominals}.
236           The average total flow should equal the sum of the flows to all of the detectors in the 
237           shield house. (Note that the ball-type flowmeters in the shield house are
238           calibrated for nitrogen. The approximate multiplier to convert these
239           readings for 50/50 Argon-Ethane is 0.9 .)
241           System configuration parameters specifying the full-scale flow
242           capacity (for nitrogen) of each valve, the types of gases actually
243           flowing through each valve, and the mode of control for the valves
244           are set in the screens pictured in Figs.~\ref{fig:range_selection},
245           \ref{fig:gas_selection}, and \ref{fig:mode_selection}. These
246           figures show the nominal settings for the Hall-C system.
248           \begin{center}
249           \begin{figure}[hbt]
250           \begin{minipage}{2.7in}
251 jones 1.3 \psfig{figure=gas_composition.eps,width=2.6in,height=1.8in}
252           \caption{Gas Composition Screen\label{fig:gas_composition}}
253           \end{minipage}
254           \begin{minipage}{2.7in}
255           \psfig{figure=range_selection.eps,width=2.6in,height=1.8in}
256           \caption{Range Selection Screen\label{fig:range_selection}}
257           \end{minipage}
258           \end{figure}
259           \begin{figure}[hbt]
260           \begin{minipage}{2.7in}
261           \psfig{figure=gas_selection.eps,width=2.6in,height=1.8in}
262           \caption{Gas Selection Screen\label{fig:gas_selection}}
263           \end{minipage}
264           \begin{minipage}{2.7in}
265           \psfig{figure=mode_selection.eps,width=2.6in,height=1.8in}
266           \caption{Mode Selection Screen\label{fig:mode_selection}}
267           \end{minipage}
268           \end{figure}
269           \end{center}
270 saw   1.1 
273           During the 2007 running period the total flows to each of the
274           {\em Shield Houses (HMS and SOS)} are set by needle valve~/~ball flowmeter
275           units located in the gas shed. This interim installation makes gas
276           delivery to the shield houses very similar to what the old mixing
277           system provided. The old total flows were 0.6~slpm to the HMS and
278           0.3~slpm to the SOS. Thus the needle valves in the gas shed should
279           be set to obtain ball flowmeter readings of 
280 saw   1.1 \begin{itemize}
281 jones 1.3 \item SOS: (300 / 0.9) = 333~sccm
282           \item HMS: (600 / 0.9) = 666~sccm
283 saw   1.1 \end{itemize}
284 jones 1.3 when the mixer delivery pressure is stabilized at its nominal setting.
285 saw   1.1 
286 jones 1.3 \subsection{To set the Delivery Pressure:}
287 saw   1.1 
288 jones 1.3 Navigate to the {\bf Pressure Control} menu. The pressure setpoint
289           (in Torr) is indicated at the bottom-center of the screen. This
290           value should be se to 500.0. Note that the system can not respond
291           instantly to a change in requested gas pressure: it has no way
292           to release excess pressure and must wait for the detector systems
293           to consume it; it cannot build up pressure any faster than the
294           flow-control valves can supply it. It may take thirty minutes or
295           so for the pressure regulation system to stabilize at a new
296           setpoint or stabilize in response to a change in total gas
297           consumption. However, you should be able to observe a change in
298           the gas flow within a few seconds (possibly up to a minute) 
299           after a setpoint change.
300 saw   1.1 
301           \subsection{To turn gas flow on or off:}
303 jones 1.3 The gas flow can be turned on or off while in any menu. 
304           In the Extended Display menu the bottom line displays ``ON''
305           or ``OFF'', by channel, to show which mass flow valves are enabled. 
306           ``ON" must be displayed in the bottom row of the
307 saw   1.1 Extended Display menu for gas to be flowing in a particular channel.
309 jones 1.3 Turning the gas on or off is done in two steps which can be done in
310           either order.
311 saw   1.1 Each channel must be enabled by pressing ``ON" and then
312           that channel number.  The command input must be enabled by pressing ``ON"
313           and then ``ALL" from the keypad.  This allows a single channel or all of the
314           enabled channels to be turned on or off at once.  Both steps must be
315           performed initially, but thereafter only one of the steps need be performed
316           to cycle the gas flow on or off.
318           To turn gas off in a single channel press ``OFF" and then the
319           desired channel.  If you want to close all the valves simultaneously, press
320           the ``OFF" key and then the ``ALL/0" key.  To turn gas back on you must
321           reverse whichever sequence you used to stop the gas flow.  For example if
322           you turned the gas off by pressing ``OFF" and then the channel number, it
323           must be turned back on by pressing ``on" and then the channel number.  If
324           you turn off all the channels by pressing ``OFF" , ``ALL" you must turn it
325           back on by pressing ``ON" , ``ALL."
327           \section{To Change a Gas Bottle}
329 saw   1.2 The argon and ethane supply bottles should be replaced by new (full)
330           bottles when the bottle content drops below about 10\% of its capacity.
331           For argon, the bottle content is directly indicated by the bottle
332           pressure: a new bottle usually contains 2000 to 3000~psig. Argon bottles
333           should be changed whenever the bottle pressure is found to be below
334           about 200~psig. Ethane bottles, on the other hand, contain liquified
335           ethane. Thus the bottle pressure is just the vapor pressure of ethane
336           at whatever the current temperature happens to be. At 70\degg F this is
337 jones 1.3 about 544~psig. The pressure gauge
338 saw   1.2 will not tell you how much ethane is left in the bottle until it
339           reads zero! Instead, we measure the ethane content by observing the
340           weight of the bottle and comparing it to the weight when the bottle
341           was full. A standard B-size cylinder contains about 32~pounds of ethane.
342           Thus, when the bottle weight is about 30~pounds less than its full weight,
343           the bottle should be replaced. Recent (as of April 2003) experience
344           indicates that full bottles weigh $165\pm 1 lbs.$
346           Handling and connecting bottles of compressed gas require special knowledge.
347 saw   1.1 The high pressure gas stored in the cylinders (bottles) constitutes significant
348           stored energy. Mishandling of a gas bottle can pose a lethal hazard! Refer to
349 saw   1.2 the JLab EH\&S Manual\cite{bi:jlabehs} for safe handling practices. If you do not already know
350 saw   1.1 how to safely manipulate compressed gas hardware, have a knowledgeable
351           person train you.
353 saw   1.2 \section{To by-pass the alcohol system}
355 jones 1.3 Open valve {\bf 3}, then close valves {\bf 1 \& 2}, in that order!
356 saw   1.1 
358           \section{The Alcohol Bubblers}
360 jones 1.3 To reduce the rate of aging of the wire chambers, the operating gas
361           contains a small quantity of alcohol vapor. The vapor is added by
362           bubbling the argon/ethane mixture through liquid alcohol. The
363           temperature of the alcohol controls the alcohol vapor pressure, which
364           determines the amount of vapor added to the gas. The alcohol content
365           also affects the electron drift velocity in the wire chambers, so it
366           must be held approximately constant.
368           Gas is bubbled through the liquid alcohol inside the glass dome-covered
369           vessel in the refrigerator. The dome is covered by a steel cylinder
370           as a precaution against breakage. If you lift the cylinder you can
371           see the alcohol and gas bubbles inside the dome. The alcohol level
372           is controlled by a float valve inside the metal cold reservoir, which
373           is also inside the refrigerator. As long as there is alcohol in the
374           warm reservoir (sitting on top of the refrigerator), the liquid levels
375           inside the refrigerator will remain constant. A drain valve (\#7) inside
376           the refrigerator is available for emptying all liquid from the system.
377           It is for use by experts only and should remain closed during normal
378           operation.
379 saw   1.1 
380           \subsection{To refill the alcohol bubblers:}
382 jones 1.3 {\bf The reservoir should be refilled
383           before it becomes empty to maintain a head of liquid over the float valve.
384           This will prevent air from entering the system.}
386 saw   1.1 
387           \subsection{Step-by-Step Instructions for Refilling the SOS Alcohol Bubbler}
388 jones 1.3 {\em These steps must be individually completed in the order listed!}\\
389 saw   1.1 Refer to Fig.~\ref{fig:gas_mixer_diagram}. 
390           \begin{enumerate}
391 jones 1.3 \item{Remove the three screws securing the cover on the alcohol fill-tank 
392           (the top-most metal tank at the rear of the mixer rack. Carefully remove the lid
393           without allowing dust or dirt to fall into the tank.}
394           \item{Fill this tank to about 75\% full from a bottle of 2-propanol.}
395           \item{Replace the lid and retaining screws.}
396           \item{Remove the small brass cap which seals the port on the lid.}
397           \item{Isolate the warm reservoir by {\bf closing valves 4 and 8.}}
398           \item{Release pressure in the warm reservoir by {\bf slowly opening valve 6 fully.}}
399           \item{{\bf Open valve 5 fully} to begin the flow of alcohol from the fill-tank to the warm reservoir.}
400           \item{{\bf Monitor the level} of alcohol in the warm reservoir sight-tube.}
401           \item{When the level is 2~cm from the top of the sight-tube, {\bf close valve 5.}}
402           \item{Replace the brass cap on the lid of the fill-tank.}
403           \item{{\bf Close valve 6, {\it then} slowly open valve 4.}}
404           \item{{\bf Open valve 8.}}
405 saw   1.1 \item{Record what you did in both the gas logbook and the electronic logbook.} 
406           \end{enumerate}
409           \subsection {Alcohol Temperature Control}
411           To keep the alcohol temperature (and thus the vapor pressure) constant,
412 jones 1.3 the alcohol bubbler is housed in a refrigerator which is controlled by
413           an electronic temperature regulator having 1~C\degg  sensitivity. The 
414           controller is located on a shelf in the  rack of the gas mixing
415           system. Normally, the actual temperature in the refrigerator is
416           indicated on the front panel of the controller. The controller should
417           be set to maintain a temperature of 2\degg  C.
418 saw   1.1 
419           \section{Gas Filters Maintenance}
421           There are gas filters on the argon and ethane supply lines just inside
422           the gas shed. These filters should be replaced on a regular schedule.
423           See Bill Vulcan for details.
425           \section{Secure Pressure Regulators}
427           The gas mixing system is protected from failure or mis-setting of the 
428           primary pressure regulators (the ones mounted on the manifolds on the
429           exterior of the gas shed -- near the bottles) by {\it hidden} regulators
430           mounted just inside the gas shed. It is these regulators which actually
431           set the maximum supply pressure to the mixing valves. These regulators
432           should {\em never} be adjusted by other than a gas system expert! The
433           nominal secondary pressure supplied by both the argon and ethane
434 jones 1.3 secure regulators is 30 psig.
436           \section{Ethane Flow Restrictor}
438           A calibrated flow-restricting orifice is installed at the outlet of
439           the main ethane high-pressure manifold outside the gas shed. This
440           orifice passively limits the flow rate of ethane into the gas shed
441           even if there is a catastrophic failure of the flow and pressure-controlling
442           devices inside the shed. It is model {\tt IC-DM4-9-SS} manufactured by
443           {\em O'Keefe Controls Co.}, Trumbull, CT, USA. While it may look like
444           simply a stainless-steel union fitting, it is in fact a precision part,
445           and a necessary component of the gas safety system. It limits the flow
446           of ethane to less than 26.5 standard liters per minute, which is a little
447           less than ten times the maximum capacity of the flow-control system.
448 saw   1.1 
450           \section{Related {\it Howtos}}
451           \begin{itemize}
452 jones 1.3 \item MKS~647 Mass Flow Controller Manual \cite{647C_EN_0504A1}
453 saw   1.1 \item Flammable Gas Detector System \cite{howto:flam_gas_detector}
454           \item Gas System Interlock Panel \cite{howto:gas_interlock_panel}
455           \item Base Equipment Shift Checklist Items \cite{howto:base_equip_checklist}
456           \end{itemize}
458           \end{document}
460           % Revision history:
461           %  1st draft by Howard Fenker 27FEB03 -- taken from existing ops manual.
462 jones 1.3 %  Rev. 1.1 - added notes on bottle changing, ethane bottle pressure.
463           % $Log$

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