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Revision:, Thu Sep 1 13:22:00 2005 UTC (19 years ago) by saw
Branch: hks05
Changes since +8 -0 lines
Add APC power strips and opti3

% This reference originated with and supercedes the file
% ~cdaq/data_acquisition/networking-notes

\title{Networking Notes}
\howtotype{reference} % ``expert'', ``user'', ``reference''
%\experiment{Name of experiment} % Optional
\author{Stephen A. Wood}
%\maintainer{Name of person maintaining document} % Optional
\date{March 23, 2005}


This document describes the networking configuration for Hall C and the
Counting House.  Network wiring and network hardware configuration are
described here and all network devices (computers, network capable
controls devices, etc.) are listed here.  The intended audience for the
document is Hall C data acquisition and controls experts and outside
experts (such as Computer Center staff) who may need to configure the network.


%\section{Configuration of Hall C router}

%\section{Network Wiring}

\section{Assignment of IP addresses}
There are two subnet assigned to Hall C.  The DAQ/Controls network, is used for most DAQ and controls networking.  The
computers and devices on this subnet are in the counting house and in
the Hall.  The G0 DAQ network,, is used primarily for
G0 data acquisition.  It is also used for some non G0 controls.  Most
of the devices on this network are on the second floor of the counting
house while some are in the hall near the G0 SMS magnet.
\subsection{DAQ/Controls Network}

At present, only addresses from the first quarter of the subnet are
used.  The network addresses below are all of the form 129.57.168.x,
where x is the number in the table below.

10 - 100&  Workstations, PC's, Printers, etc.\\
101 - 199& Single board computers (VME, fastbus)\\
200 - 230& X-terminals\\
231 - 240& Wireless and DHCP\\
241 - 255& Terminal servers\\



&1&168-Gateway&Hall C Router\\
&3&hallc-tunnel-canary&?? Down\\
&4&hallc-cr-canary&?? Up\\
&10&cdaqfs&Hall A/C Fileserver\\




&21&jeffylab.jlab.org&Target control screen\\
&22&skylla.jlab.org&HMS Controls Win XP machine\\

&31&g0-sms.jlab.org&   G0 SMS magnet console\\
&32&g0-magnet.jlab.org&G0 SMS magnet console upstairs\\
&33&g0-pc104.jlab.org& G0 PC104 EPICS\\
&34&g0-sms-backup&     G0 SMS magnet controls laptop\\
&35&poltarl3.jlab.org&Target Group PC in Hall (Linux)\\
&37&kernow.jlab.org&Headless linux box\\

Level 1 CUE&&&\\


Single Board CPU's&&&\\
&106&vmec6.jlab.org&SOS HV IOC\\
&111&vmec11.jlab.org&ROC 11 (Enge)\\
&112&vmec12.jlab.org&ROC 12 (Enge)\\
&113&vmec13.jlab.org&ROC 13 (HKS)\\
&114&vmec14.jlab.org&ROC 14 (HKS)\\
&115&vmec15.jlab.org&BCM IOC\\
&120&vmec20.jlab.org&HMS HV IOC\\


&141&vmec11mon&ROC 11 Crate Monitoring\\
&142&vmec12mon&ROC 12 Crate Monitoring\\
&143&vmec13mon&ROC 13 Crate Monitoring\\
&144&hksreboot&APC Reboot Strip\\
&145&hcreboot1&APC Reboot Strip\\
&146&hcreboot12&APC Reboot Strip\\
&147&hcreboot13&APC Reboot Strip\\

Ethernet logic boards&&&\\
&173&hccaen1.jlab.org&New CAEN Mainframe\\
&174&opti3.jlab.org&HKS Reset\\
&176&g0-plc&		G0 Magnet PLC\\
&177&hcpc10401&HKS PC104 \#1\\
&178&hcpc10402&HKS PC104 \#2\\




&230&hallc-ap&Access point?\\
&231&&Access point?\\



&232-239&&DHCP range (wired or wireless)\\

Terminal Servers&&&\\

&241&hctsv1&   8    V00322020    F4-14081\\
&242&hctsv2&   8    V00322036    F4-14078 ** Moved to EP network\\
&243&hctsv3&   8    V00322018    F4-14080\\
&244&hctsv4&  16    V00324528    F4-14066\\
&245&hctsv5&  16    V00324523    F4-14067\\
&248&hctsv8&16    V03878724    F4-14816	G0 area\\
&249&hctsv9&8    V50740788	Enge\\
&250&hctsv10&8    V50740784      HKS\\

\subsection{G0 DAQ network}

50 - 59&	Sun's, Misc\\
60 - 69&	PC's\\
70 - 79&	G0 DAQ cpus\\
80 - 89&	G0 Controls cpus\\
230 - 249&	DHCP\\


&1&165-Gateway&Hall C Router\\
&3& hallcg0-cat.jlab.org&G0 Switch (not used?)\\
&61&gzero.jlab.org&G0 Backup DAQ machine\\
&63&gzerol3.jlab.org&G0 DAQ machine\\
&64&gzerol3-daq.jlab.org&For ROC traffic\\


&70&g0vmets&Trigger supervisor\\


&83&g0ioc3&HKS HV\\
&84&g0ioc4&G0 Cage temp + Temp HV\\

&201&musson-g0&PC104 IOC - Still used?\\
&211&hallc-plc1&HMS PLC\\


\section{Old Notes}
This document is in the process of being written.  What follows are the
parts of the original networking notes document that have not been
migrated to other sections of the document.


Last updated:
	02.01.1999 (saw) Change switch table to reflect new CH router
	17.02.1999 (saw) Set ports 15 and 16 to full duplex/100
	21.05.1999 (saw) Add notes on LAT server, updated wiring
			 to IOC's
	21.07.1999 (saw) 6 port hub in hall no longer used, all segments
			 patched through directly from CH
	21.07.1999 (saw) Move vmec2 to use port 1 of CH MMAC,
			 vmec1/6 now use media converter.
        08.02.2000 (saw) Add sfihnss
	09.02.2000 (saw) Add fileserver, sfich3, double, correct
	25.05.2000 (saw) Add IP assignments
	16.05.2001 (saw) G0 section, optilogic board
	20.09.2001 (saw) Add new DAQ PC for G0
	15.03.2002 (saw) Note locate of access point, hctsv5,
                         clear up explanation of cabling to
                         target area
	30.04.2002 (saw) Add hctsv8, in G0 area in hall
	17.10.2002 (saw) Move g0-sms (aka g0-magnet) to HC CH.
	21.03.2003 (saw) Swap definitiosn of g0-sms and g0-magnet





Fast Ethernet switch: (in rack CH03B09)

100 Mbit/sec ethernet switch.  24 channels.

01: router		17: (f)sfisos		33:
02: cdaqs1		18: (f)sfihnss		34:
03: cdaqs2		19: (f)vmec3		35:
04: cdaqs3	 	20: (f)vmec5		36:
05: cdaqfs (Fileserver)	21: vmec8		37: cdaqh1
06: jeffylab		22: (f)vmec9		38: cdaqh3/vmec15
07: g0-sms      	23:			39: 10mb hub
08: g0ana		24: (f)vmec20 		40: daq mmac
09: opti1		25: Bookshelf area	41: hctsv4
10: cdaql1		26: Bookshelf area	42: vmec4 hub
11: opti2		27: chc1hp		43: g0-magnet
12: cdaql2		28: chchp2		44:
13: (f)sfich1		29: hccaen1		45:
14: (f)sfich2		30:			46:
15: (f)sfich3		31:			47:
16: (f)sfihms		32:			48:
Uplink ports    1: (f)cdaqs1   2: Uplink to router
49, 50 are unused Gigabyte uplink ports

MMAC: (in rack CH03B10)

1: Patched to D234 in CH.  In hall patched to D234 in HMS, in hut
   patched to vmec2 on mezzanine level.
2: Patched to C186 in CH.  In hall C186 is patched to a cable
   running up over door to PS area (vmec10, vmec11, vmec19,
   hctsv5, Access point)
3: Console area: hallcxt9, hallcxt13, esax10
4: Bookshelf area: chc1hp, hallcxt15, hallcxt16
5: Patched to D233 which is connected to HMS D233 to vmec18 in
HMS hut

Hub connected to switch port 42: (in rack CH03B09
Patched to C185 through to Target Patch 32 to vmec4 and hctsv7.
(Presently needs a terminator at hctsv7, so it doesn't work)

[ Obsolete?
Switch port one connects to media converter which
goes to vmec1, vmec6. (In counting house)]

[No LAT's.  Need to update this info]
LAT Hub: (in 4th rack at patch in hall, located above the other hub
1:  D235 to upstairs patched to Counting house LAN.
2: Target Patch 31 (hclat3, hclat4) (Now comes directly from C186)
3: HMS D235 (rack 4) to hclat1
4: SOS C186 (rack 3) to hclat2

The 6 port HUB (in 4th rack at patch in hall) is not presently
being used.  The following information is not meaningful, but
left here as a guide to some wiring that is still in place
1: SOS C185(rack 3)  vmec6 & LAT
2: HMS D234(rack 4) to vmec2
3: Target Patch 32
4: Cable running up over door to CPU (eg vmec10) near power supplies
XX 5: HMS D233(rack 4)
6: T20/3rd arm patch]

Assignment of IP numbers

Port assignments for Terminals Servers


2	sfich3

EP network (G0) Fast Ethernet switch:

100 Mbit/sec ethernet switch.  24 channels.

01: gzero		09: (f)g0vme1		17: (f)
02: hctsv2-ep		10: (f)g0vme2		18:
03: gzerol3		11: g0vme3		19:
04:		 	12: (f)g0vme4		20:
05: 			13: (f)g0vmets		21:
06: 			14: (f)g0fb1		22:
07: 			15: (f)g0ioc1		23:
08: 			16: (f)g0ioc2 		24:

Uplink ports    1: (f)CH router   2: 



% This change log was in the original file:
%Last updated:
%        02.01.1999 (saw) Change switch table to reflect new CH router
%        17.02.1999 (saw) Set ports 15 and 16 to full duplex/100
%        21.05.1999 (saw) Add notes on LAT server, updated wiring
%                         to IOC's
%        21.07.1999 (saw) 6 port hub in hall no longer used, all segments
%                         patched through directly from CH
%        21.07.1999 (saw) Move vmec2 to use port 1 of CH MMAC,
%                         vmec1/6 now use media converter.
%        08.02.2000 (saw) Add sfihnss
%        09.02.2000 (saw) Add fileserver, sfich3, double, correct
%                         jeffylab
%        25.05.2000 (saw) Add IP assignments
%        16.05.2001 (saw) G0 section, optilogic board
%        20.09.2001 (saw) Add new DAQ PC for G0
%        15.03.2002 (saw) Note locate of access point, hctsv5,
%                         clear up explanation of cabling to
%                         target area
%        30.04.2002 (saw) Add hctsv8, in G0 area in hall
%        17.10.2002 (saw) Move g0-sms (aka g0-magnet) to HC CH.

% Revision history:
% $Log: networking_notes.tex,v $
% Revision  2005/09/01 14:22:00  saw
% Add APC power strips and opti3
% Revision  2005/05/23 20:28:13  saw
% Move hcpc10402 to Hall C
% Revision  2005/05/20 04:01:49  saw
% HKS updates
% Revision  2005/05/12 16:35:17  saw
% Add Wiener crate monitor connections.  Add comments for HKS
% Revision 1.9  2005/03/16 15:04:07  saw
% Update and format IP address lists
% Revision 1.8  2005/01/25 17:31:06  saw
% Add g0vme7 (ROC7) and g0vme8(ROC8).
% Revision 1.7  2004/06/25 15:49:50  saw
% Add new document (hms_drift_map)
% Revision 1.6  2004/05/26 13:04:05  saw
% Add g0-musson
% Revision 1.5  2003/07/22 15:53:26  saw
% Add machines for GeP development (stoned, sfigep)
% Revision 1.4  2003/05/30 15:51:59  saw
% Edit for new printer location and new Caen HV crate
% Revision 1.3  2003/04/04 14:28:38  saw
% Prohibit off site access to vendor manuals
% Revision 1.2  2003/03/21 22:31:03  saw
% Swap IP addresses for g0-sms and g0-magnet
% Revision 1.1  2003/03/11 21:52:51  saw
% Initial checkin.  Quick copy from ~cdaq/data_acquisition/networking-notes

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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