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  1 saw   1.1 \documentclass{chowto}
  3           \title{Instructions for online replay}
  4           \howtotype{user} % ``expert'', ``user'', ``reference''
  5           %\experiment{Name of experiment} % Optional
  6           \author{G. Huber}
  7           \category{daq} % Subject area of this document
  8           %\maintainer{Name of person maintaining document} % Optional
  9           \date{April, 7 2003} % Can use \today as the argument
 11           \begin{document}
 13           \begin{abstract}
 14 saw   1.2 Simple instructions for online replay.
 15 saw   1.1 \end{abstract}
 17 saw   1.2 \section{Online Replay Instructions}
 18 saw   1.1 \begin{enumerate}
 20           \item{
 21           cdaq account, password XXXXXXXXX.\\
 22 saw   1.2 Working directory is /home/cdaq/DAQROOT/replay where DAQROOT is the
 23           directory containing the replay and data acquisition code for the current
 24           experiment.  For spring 2003, DAQROOT is ``daq03''.}
 25 saw   1.1 
 26           \item{To replay data, type:\\
 27           {\tt replay grun=44780 gstop=10000}\\
 28           inserting your favorite run number and number of events to analyze.  When
 29           completed, two files are created in the paw directory.  For this example:\\
 30           paw/44780.hbook -- containing the histograms.\\
 31           paw/paw44780.kumac -- containing the histogram name aliases.
 32           }
 34           \item{ONLINE HISTOGRAMS:\\
 35           Start paw from the working directory, and then look at the two following
 36           kumacs:
 38           \begin{enumerate}
 40           \item{For every run, type:\\
 41           {\tt exec kumacs/pscan 44780}\\
 42           This will open the hbook file, read in the aliases, and then execute
 43           kumacs/0macroscan.kumac.
 45           \clearpage
 46 saw   1.1 Alternately, you could do these steps manually:
 47           \begin{itemize}
 48           \item{open hbook file:          paw/44780.hbook}
 49           \item{execute aliases macro:    paw/paw44780.kumac}
 50           \item{execute histogram viewing macro: kumacs/0macroscan.kumac}
 51           \end{itemize}
 52           }
 54           \item{A few times per shift, type:\\
 55           {\tt exec kumacs/shiftscan 44780}\\
 56           This will open the hbook file, read in the aliases, and then execute
 57           kumacs/1extrascan.kumac.  Or if you prefer, just execute 1extrascan.kumac 
 58           manually.
 59           }
 61           \item{Finally, there is a set of histograms which Henk requested for optics
 62           commissioning, which are viewed via the macro\\
 63           kumacs/henk\_request.kumac.
 64           }
 66           \end{enumerate}
 67 saw   1.1 
 68           Reference printouts for these histograms are in the thin black binder.
 69           }
 71           \item{NTUPLES:\\
 72           If you want ntuples created, uncomment the appropriate lines in\\
 73           REPLAY.PARM.  There are separate ntuples for HMS and SOS singles, 
 74           HMS and SOS sieve slit runs, as well as coincidences.
 75           }
 77           \item{To add histograms:
 78           \begin{itemize}
 79           \item{histograms are defined in files in the HIST subdirectory.}
 80           \item{the list of which files to read in for analysis is defined in\\
 81           standard.hist.}
 82           \end{itemize}
 83           }
 85           \item{To set the replay kinematics:
 86           \begin{itemize}
 87           \item{add the beam and spectrometer settings for your run to\\
 88 saw   1.1 DBASE/standard.kinematics.}
 89           \item{target numbers are defined in PARAM/gtarget.param.}
 90           \end{itemize}
 91           }
 93           \end{enumerate}
 95           \end{document}
 97           % Revision history:
 98 saw   1.2 % $Log: online_histos.tex,v $
 99           % Revision 1.1  2003/04/07 18:10:10  saw
100           % Initial Checkin
101           %
102 saw   1.1 %

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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