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  1 saw   1.1 \documentclass{chowto}
  3           \title{How to Set the HMS and SOS Collimators}
  4           \howtotype{user}
  5           %\experiment{Name of experiment} % Optional
  6           \author{Dave Gaskell}
  7           \category{general} % Subject area of this document
  8           %\maintainer{Name of person maintaining document} % Optional
  9 saw   1.3 \date{April 14, 2003}
 10 saw   1.1 
 11           \begin{document}
 13           \begin{abstract}
 14           This document describes how one moves the collimators for the HMS and SOS.
 15           \end{abstract}
 17           \section{HMS and SOS Slit Controls}
 19           A remote control system consisting of motor/actuators exists to slide the 
 20           slits into place. Resolvers specify the exact position of the slits. The 
 21           control box is located downstairs in Hall C, behind the blue power supply 
 22           racks. On the front face there are four buttons for each spectrometer. These 
 23           indicate the three different slit positions and the ``home" position, which 
 24           denotes that no slit is used at all (slit ladder in the up position). Brake 
 25           cables are added to prevent the slit ladder from falling in case of a power 
 26           loss. Next to this an emergency button is included to electrically shut down 
 27           the control system.
 29           After a power cycle the HMS and SOS slits move to the HOME position, returning 
 30           a reading of 0. Thus, after a power failure or other cycle, the slits must be 
 31 saw   1.1 commanded to a meaningful position using the commands described below.
 33           Normally, the slits are operated remotely. 
 35 saw   1.2 %\newpage
 36 saw   1.1 
 37 saw   1.2 \section{Operation of the HMS Collimators}
 38 saw   1.1 \begin{itemize}
 39           \item{Connect to terminal server 7, port 3, i.e., 
 40           \texttt{telnet hctsv7 2003}.}
 41 saw   1.3 \item{Hit return to get a \texttt{B->} prompt.\\
 42           NOTE:  Occasionally, just hitting return does not work.  If you hit return a 
 43           few times and do not get a prompt, try typing \texttt{$\backslash$B} 
 44           (the old procedure). This will hopefully get you a prompt.}
 45 saw   1.1 \item{Type \texttt{EN}, to enable the motor.}
 46           \item{Type \texttt{RUN 10} and follow the instructions.}
 47           \item{After the slit is in place, disable the motor by typing ``1''.}
 48           \item{Get rid of your session by typing \texttt{cntrl-]}.  This is very 
 49           important, otherwise, no one else can communicate with the slit controllers.}
 50           \end{itemize}
 52 saw   1.2 \section{Operation of the SOS Collimators}
 53 saw   1.1 \begin{itemize}
 54           \item{Connect to terminal server 5, port 5, i.e., 
 55           \texttt{telnet hctsv5 2005}.}
 56           \item{Hit return to get a \texttt{-->} prompt.}
 57           \item{Type \texttt{EN}, to enable the motor.}
 58           \item{Type \texttt{RUN 10} and follow the instructions.}
 59           \item{After the slit is in place, disable the motor by typing \texttt{1}.}
 60 saw   1.2 \item{Get rid of your session by typing \texttt{cntrl-]}.}
 61 saw   1.1 \end{itemize}
 63 saw   1.2 \section{Collimator Positions}
 64           The collimator positions can be checked by typing \texttt{p pfb} while
 65           connected to the collimator controllers.  The HMS and SOS collimator positions
 66           are given in Table~\ref{positions}.
 68           \begin{table}
 69           \begin{center}
 70           \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|}\hline
 71           		 & HMS 		 & SOS \\\hline
 72           Sieve slit       & 19804600      & 11638719 \\ \hline
 73           Large Collimator & --            & 3190717 \\ \hline
 74           Pion Collimator  & -3096800      & --      \\ \hline
 75           \end{tabular}
 76           \caption{Collimator positions.}
 77           \label{positions}
 78           \end{center}
 79           \end{table}
 81 saw   1.3 \section{Troubleshooting}
 83           \begin{itemize}
 85           \item{\emph{When I try to log in to the HMS slit controller, I get the} 
 86           \texttt{PortServer~8} \emph{text, but when I hit return, nothing happens.}\\
 87           Try hitting return a couple times and wait a few seconds (like maybe 5-10).
 88           If still nothing happens, try typing \texttt{$\backslash$B} (the old 
 89           procedure).}
 91           \item{\emph{I can log in, and I get a prompt, but when I try} \texttt{run 10} 
 92           \emph{I get some weird error message about not being at the right level 
 93           (error 63).}\\
 94           In this case, it is likely that the controller has been left in monitor--mode.
 95           If your prompt has two lines before the arrow (i.e. \texttt{B=>}) ,this is 
 96           likely the case.  Try hitting \texttt{escape} to get out of monitor mode and
 97           start over from \texttt{EN}.}
 99           \end{itemize}
100 saw   1.1 
102           \end{document}
104           % Copied stuff from Hall C Manual - updated instructions to account 
105           % for replaced SOS controller.
106           %
107           % Revision history:
108 saw   1.2 % $Log: slits.tex,v $
109 saw   1.3 % Revision 1.2  2003/04/05 22:24:43  saw
110           % (gaskelld) Added info on how to check collimator positions and table of
111           % nominal positions
112           %
113 saw   1.2 % Revision 1.1  2003/04/03 15:04:40  saw
114           % Information from old Hall C manual with updates to account for replaced
115           % SOS controller.
116 saw   1.1 

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