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\title{SOS Drift Chamber HV and Signal Connections}
\howtotype{reference} % ``expert'', ``user'', ``reference''
%\experiment{Name of experiment} % Optional
\author{H. Fenker}
\category{sos} % Subject area of this document

%\maintainer{Name of person maintaining document} % Optional
\date{April 4, 2003} % Can use \today as the argument


This documents the signal ribbon cable and high voltage cable
routing on the SOS drift chambers and the SOS drift chamber TDC's.

\section{Related {\it Howtos}} 
The following Hall-C {\it Howto} documents may be helpful.

User Level Documents-
    \par \indent \indent Monitoring SOS ``Utilities'' Systems \cite{howto:sos_detector_monitoring}
    \par \indent \indent High Voltage System Use and Reconfiguration \cite{howto:CAEN_HV_operation}
    \par \indent \indent Operating the SOS Shield House Door \cite{howto:open_sos_door}

Expert Level Documents-
    \par \indent \indent Starting Up and Shutting Down the SOS Detectors \cite{howto:turn_on_sos}
    \par \indent \indent Starting Up and Shutting Down the HMS Detectors \cite{howto:turn_on_hms}
    \par \indent \indent Drift Chamber Gas System \cite{howto:drift_gas_system}
    \par \indent \indent Operating the Hall-C Flammable Gas Leak Detector System \cite{howto:flam_gas_sensors}

Reference Documents-
    \par \indent \indent Detector Signal and High Voltage Cable Map \cite{howto:cable_map}
    \par \indent \indent SOS Drift Chamber High Voltage and Signal Connections \cite{howto:hms_drift_map}
    \par \indent \indent SOS Nominal Settings: Voltages, Currents, Flows, etc. \cite{howto:sos_nominals}

\section{HV and Signal Cables on the Chambers}

The two SOS drift chambers are essentially identical. Twenty preamplifier
cards read out the six planes of wires. Two high voltage cables feed
a)~the foil cathode planes and b)~the field-wires via
distribution boxes on each chamber. The preamplifier locations and high
voltage cable routing are as shown in Figure \ref{fig:sos_drift_layout}.

\section{Preamp Low Voltage}

Preamplifier power and threshold are distributed over the chamber through
individual wires between the preamp mother-boards and on traces on
the mother-boards themselves. The color code and labeling scheme
for these control voltages is given in Table \ref{tab:dc_lov}.

Function & Abbreviation & Wire Color \\ \hline
+5V Power & + & Red  \\
-5V Power & - & Blue \\
Common    & G & Black \\
Threshold & B & Green \\ \hline
\caption{Wire Color Code and Abbreviation used on SOS Drift
Chamber Control Power Distribution

\caption {SOS Drift Chamber Preamplifier Locations and High Voltage
Cable Routing as viewed from upstream of the chamber.

\section{TDC Signal Map}

The signals from the SOS drift chambers are carried over twisted-pair
ribbon cables to the inputs of the TDC's in the Fastbus crate inside
the SOS shield house. The signal wires going to each TDC channel are
as shown if Table \ref{tab:sos_drift_tdcs}.

\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{TDC} & & & & Plane \\
Slot & Channels & Chamber & Plane & Wires & Number \\ \hline
1  & 0 -15 & 1 & U  & 1-16  & 1  \\ 
1  & 16-31 & 1 & U  & 17-32 & 1  \\ 
1  & 32-47 & 1 & U  & 33-48 & 1  \\ 
1  & 48-63 & 1 & U' & 1-16  & 2  \\ 
1  & 64-79 & 1 & U' & 17-32 & 2  \\ 
1  & 80-95 & 1 & U' & 33-48 & 2  \\ \hline
2  & 0 -15 & 1 & V  & 1-16  & 5  \\ 
2  & 16-31 & 1 & V  & 17-32 & 5  \\ 
2  & 32-47 & 1 & V  & 33-48 & 5  \\ 
2  & 48-63 & 1 & V' & 1-16  & 6  \\ 
2  & 64-79 & 1 & V' & 17-32 & 6  \\ 
2  & 80-95 & 1 & V' & 33-48 & 6  \\ \hline
4  & 0 -15 & 1 & X  & 1-16  & 3  \\ 
4  & 16-31 & 1 & X  & 17-32 & 3  \\ 
4  & 32-47 & 1 & X  & 33-48 & 3  \\ 
4  & 48-63 & 1 & X  & 49-64 & 3  \\ \hline
5  & 0 -15 & 1 & X' & 1-16  & 4  \\ 
5  & 16-31 & 1 & X' & 17-32 & 4  \\ 
5  & 32-47 & 1 & X' & 33-48 & 4  \\ 
5  & 48-63 & 1 & X' & 49-64 & 4  \\ \hline \hline
8  & 0 -15 & 2 & U  & 1-16  & 7  \\ 
8  & 16-31 & 2 & U  & 17-32 & 7  \\ 
8  & 32-47 & 2 & U  & 33-48 & 7  \\ 
8  & 48-63 & 2 & U' & 1-16  & 8  \\ 
8  & 64-79 & 2 & U' & 17-32 & 8  \\ 
8  & 80-95 & 2 & U' & 33-48 & 8  \\ \hline
9  & 0 -15 & 2 & V  & 1-16  & 11 \\ 
9  & 16-31 & 2 & V  & 17-32 & 11 \\ 
9  & 32-47 & 2 & V  & 33-48 & 11 \\ 
9  & 48-63 & 2 & V' & 1-16  & 12 \\ 
9  & 64-79 & 2 & V' & 17-32 & 12 \\ 
9  & 80-95 & 2 & V' & 33-48 & 12 \\ \hline
11 & 0 -15 & 2 & X  & 1-16  & 9  \\ 
11 & 16-31 & 2 & X  & 17-32 & 9  \\ 
11 & 32-47 & 2 & X  & 33-48 & 9  \\ 
11 & 48-63 & 2 & X  & 49-64 & 9  \\ \hline
12 & 0 -15 & 2 & X' & 1-16  & 10 \\ 
12 & 16-31 & 2 & X' & 17-32 & 10 \\ 
12 & 32-47 & 2 & X' & 33-48 & 10 \\ 
12 & 48-63 & 2 & X' & 49-64 & 10 \\ \hline
\caption{TDC Channel Assignments of SOS Drift Chamber Wires.


% Revision history:
% $Log: sos_drift_map.tex,v $
% Revision 1.1  2003/04/04 16:00:47  saw
% Initial Checkin

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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