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$u<&!$@@HE@E0"9rQedm|ueb|uI.  Introduction

The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator at Jefferson Lab is delivering up to 5 GeV electrons to three experimental halls.  A common data acquisition architecture capable of high event rates (5 kHz) is in use [1].  The data acquisition system is based primarily on Fastbus [2] front-end electronics (ADCs, TDCs), with data collected in parallel by high-speed programmable readout controllers (ROCs).  Event fragments from the ROCs are assembled and may be routed to processors for analysis before storage.
To reduce dead time in a high rate environment the system is designed to support buffered front-end modules.  Having on-board buffering decouples the readout dead time from the conversion dead time, allowing a properly integrated system to run as fast as the front-end operation permits.  The Jefferson Lab data acquisition system is designed to take advantage of on-board buffering for up to 8 events.

The Trigger Supervisor System is the link between the experiment specific triggering system and the ROCs.  The system consists of a single Trigger Supervisor Module and a separate interface card for each ROC.  The Trigger Supervisor Module acts as the central control point for acquisition activity.  It accepts and prescales multiple sources of triggers, both physics and calibration types.  The module maintains system busy while an accepted trigger is being processed.  It generates signals for gating and timing of front-end electronics.  The module coordinates the actions of multi-level triggering systems.  It also keeps track of the number of events currently in the front-end module buffers.  The module communicates trigger information to the ROCs via a parallel link to the ROC interface cards. 
II.  Trigger Supervisor Operation
A diagram of the Trigger Supervisor module (TS) and its connections to the trigger system, front-end electronics, and readout controllers is shown in Figure 1.
A. Triggering  
The TS allows for three logical trigger levels that can be associated with three stages of gating the front-end electronics.  Any number of physical trigger levels may make up a logical level.  Twelve independent Level 1 Trigger streams can be accepted simultaneously.   Four of these inputs can be prescaled by 24-bit factors, while another four can be prescaled by 16-bit factors.  The Level 1 Triggers can be required to be in coincidence with a Common Strobe.  Each Level 1 input can be individually disabled within the TS. 

The TS is ready to accept triggers when all of the following conditions are satisfied: it is user enabled, no trigger is currently latched, and the inputs Front-end Busy and External Inhibit are not asserted.  Front-end Busy is asserted when one or more of the front-end modules of the system are unable to accept new data.  External Inhibit vetoes all input triggers while it is asserted.  When the TS is ready to accept triggers, a Level 1 Trigger that passes through its prescale circuitry will latch up the TS and start a coincidence time window (adjustable 7 to 100 ns).   Level 1 Triggers that occur on any of the 12 input channels during this time interval are latched.  After the coincidence interval expires, this 12-bit latched trigger pattern addresses a fast 

trigger memory that is programmed by the user.  Eight output bits of the memory are used to generate a pattern of Level 1 Accept signals.  These signals have a precise time relationship to the input trigger (minimum 40 ns delay, jitter < 35 ps), and are used by external circuitry to generate ADC gates and TDC starts/stops.  In this way, front-end modules can be selectively gated depending on the trigger type.  Another output bit of the memory is available to tag unacceptable trigger patterns.  When this bit is asserted an internal fast clear feature will reset the TS in 50 ns with no issuance of Level 1 Accept.

The trigger memory also determines how the TS will utilize higher-level trigger logic that may be present.  Each latched trigger pattern is programmed as one of three possible classes.  A Class 1 pattern does not require a higher-level trigger decision to have the event read out.  A Class 2 pattern requires a pass response from the Level 2 logic to read out the event. A Class 3 pattern requires passes from both Level 2 and Level 3 logic for event readout.  For single-hit trigger patterns the Class assignments refer directly to the Level 1 input streams.  A calibration type input might be assigned to Class 1, while a complex physics input may be categorized as Class 3. 

We first discuss the operation of the TS for a Class 3 trigger pattern.  The issuance of Level 1 Accept results in the start of the TS main sequencer.  At the same time the TS issues Level 2 Start to initiate the Level 2 trigger system.  The TS will wait for a pass or fail response from Level 2.  If Level 2 Fail is returned the TS issues Clear, which is used to externally generate a fast clear signal to the front-end electronics.  In this case the TS will wait until the front end is no longer busy.  Then a new Level 1 Trigger may be accepted.  If Level 2 Pass is returned, then Level 2 Accept and Level 3 Start are issued.  Level 2 Accept may be used to generate additional control signals to the front end (e.g. digitize data), while Level 3 Start initiates Level 3 trigger logic.  The TS will wait for a pass or fail response from Level 3.  If Level 3 Fail is returned, the sequencer will issue Clear and wait until the front end is ready to accept a new event.  Then a new Level 1 Trigger may be accepted by the TS.  If Level 3 Pass is returned, the event is to be read out.  Level 3 Accept is issued by the TS and can be used to generate additional control signals to the front end (e.g. buffer data).

	For Class 1 and Class 2 trigger patterns the activity of the TS is somewhat different.  For Class 1 no higher-level trigger decision is required so Level 2 Start and Level 3 Start are never issued.  The TS will nevertheless generate Level 2 Accept and Level 3 Accept signals that may be necessary for front-end control.  These are issued at programmable delays after Level 1 Accept.  For Class 2 trigger patterns the TS generates Level 2 Start and waits for the Level 2 decision.  If Level 2 Fail is returned, the TS asserts Clear and prepares for a new trigger.  If Level 2 Pass is returned, the TS issues Level 2 Accept but not Level 3 Start.  Level 3 Accept is generated by the TS at a programmable time as for Class 1 trigger patterns.   The delays are programmable in 40 ns increments up to a maximum of 2.6 milliseconds.

B. TS-ROC Communication
If Level 3 Accept has been issued the event is to be read out.  The TS makes information about the trigger available to the ROCs in the form of a 6-bit Event Type from the trigger memory.  Like data from the front-end modules, this data is presented to the ROCs in buffered fashion.  The TS supports a total of 32 ROCs on its four independent ROC branches.  Each branch consists of an 8-deep buffer memory (FIFO), buffer counter, and read sequencer on the TS, and an external cable that links up to 8 ROC interface cards.  The Event Type and two status flags (described below) form the data transmitted along the branch.  When Front-end Busy is no longer asserted the TS will load the Event Type and status data into the next location in each of the buffers.  All buffer counters are incremented upon this load.  If none of the buffers are full, the TS will negate Level 1 Accept, Level 2 Accept, Level 3 Accept, and re-arm itself to accept a new Level 1 Trigger.  Otherwise, the sequencer will hold its state and wait for space to become available for the next event before negating the signals and re-arming itself.

The communication of trigger information occurs concurrently and independently on all four branches.  Once the read sequencer on a branch notices that its buffer is not empty, the transmission of trigger information for the event to the ROC interface cards begins.  The read sequencer places the Event Type and status data from the first valid buffer location onto data lines Data(0-7) and strobes these with Strobe.  The ROCs along the branch receive this data and proceed to read out the event fragments according to the function defined by the Event Type.  Each ROC is assigned a unique Acknowledge line on the branch cable.  When a ROC on the branch is finished processing the event it asserts Acknowledge.  Upon receipt of Acknowledge from all enabled ROCs on the branch, the read sequencer negates Strobe and decrements its buffer counter.  Each ROC negates its Acknowledge upon detecting the negation of Strobe.  The read sequencer cycle is completed when it detects that Acknowledge has been negated by all enabled ROCs on the branch.  These cycles on the branch will continue as long as there is valid trigger data available in the buffer.

For systems that have front-end modules with no buffering capability, the depth of the branch buffers can be set to 1.  In this configuration the TS is able to accept new triggers only when the previous event has been completely read out.  The TS also supports a mixed system of buffered and non-buffered front-end modules.  Any Branch can be set to have a buffer depth of 1 independent of the other branches.  All non-buffered front-end modules must have their ROC reside on such a branch when a mixed system is used.

C. System Synchronization
When buffering is enabled the ROCs may be several events behind the trigger.  The position in the parallel buffers links the fragments of data as an event.  There is a danger that if a hardware error occurs resulting in a misalignment of data (e.g. a module misses a gate), all subsequent events will be corrupted.  To avoid this potentially large loss of data the TS system can be enabled to periodically test for synchronization.  The idea is to occasionally stop accepting triggers and check that all front-end module buffers have been emptied.  Missing or excess data in any front-end module is indicative of a synchronization problem.  The TS implements this by using a special status flag and a programmable synchronization counter.  When the TS has accepted this programmed number of events, it asserts and writes the synchronization flag along with the Event Type to the branch buffers.  As long as the sync flag remains asserted the TS will hold its state, unable to accept new triggers.  The read sequencers on the branches continue to send trigger information for events that remain in the branch buffers, and the ROCs continue to read the event fragments from their front-end modules.  A no data response from any module indicates a loss of synchronization and the block of events since the last successful synchronization must be marked as corrupted.  The last event in all branch buffers is the sync tagged event, and the sync flag appears as a Status Data bit on the branch cable when the read sequencer reaches this event.  The ROCs read the associated data from the front-end modules but do not yet respond with Acknowledge.  At this point all front-end module buffers should be empty.  Each ROC attempts one more read to assure that no additional data is found.  When this process and any bookkeeping associated with it is completed, the ROC issues Acknowledge.  When all ROCs have responded, the synchronization flag and counter are reset and the TS cycle is completed with the re-arming of triggers.  The synchronization counter may be programmed to a maximum of 64K events.

A synchronization can also be forced at any time.  When the request is made the TS disables new triggers and waits for any current trigger cycle to finish.  The TS then establishes a zero Event Type and asserts and writes the sync flag along with the Event Type to the branch buffers.  When the ROCs recognize a zero Event Type along with the sync tag, they know that the front-end module buffers should be empty.  As for a scheduled synchronization, each ROC attempts one more read to assure that no additional data is found.  The ROC then issues its Acknowledge.  When all ROCs have responded the synchronization flag and counter are reset and the TS cycle is completed with the re-arming of triggers.

D. Compatibility with Front-end Modules 
This basic scheme assumes that the front-end modules will be told explicitly when to load the digitized data into their buffers.  However, some commercially available buffered front-end modules do not operate in this way.  Consider as an example the LeCroy 1882 Fastbus ADC [3].  When a gate is issued to this device it will sample and hold the analog input.  The hold time is programmable and when it elapses the data will be digitized and the results loaded into its buffer.  Only a Clear during the hold time will successfully purge the data.  A Clear issued by the TS is the result of a Level 2 Fail or Level 3 Fail from the trigger system.  If a fail signal comes after the hold interval expires, the data is destined for the buffers and the TS must declare to the ROCs that this event has been accepted.  To do this the TS has a programmable clear enable timer that is started on the issuance of Level 1 Accept.   The TS will behave as described earlier as long as this timer has not expired.  If this clear enable period expires before the highest level decision required of the trigger occurs, the Clear signal is disabled and the TS continues to wait for a decision.  If it is a fail, the TS tags the event by asserting and writing the Late Fail flag along with the Event Type to the branch buffers.  The ROCs can use the Late Fail flag to flush the data for this event from the front-end module buffers if desired. The clear enable timer is programmable in 40 ns increments up to a maximum of 2.6 milliseconds.  The value programmed should be less than the smallest front-end module hold time in the system.

E. Other Features
An alternate mode of trigger operation exists.  In this mode, all Level 1 Accept signals are driven promptly (10 ns delay) when the initial trigger latches up the TS.  The trigger pattern latched during the coincidence window still serves as the address of the trigger memory, but its outputs only determine the Event Type, event Class, and veto status.  Because the Level 1 Accepts have already been driven, a true fast veto of an unacceptable trigger pattern is not possible.  The TS instead issues Clear to the front-end modules.  In this mode the ability to drive different patterns of Level 1 Accept signals is sacrificed to enable adjustment of the coincidence window without impact on front-end module timing.  

The functionality of a VME ROC Interface module is also included on the TS.  This is useful when the TS crate contains modules that must be read out on an event-by-event basis.  The single board computer in the TS crate can thus act as an event driven ROC without requiring an external ROC Interface module to be installed in the crate.

Two programmed events are available.  These are special events in which the TS communicates with the ROCs but not with the front-end modules (i.e. no Level 1 Accepts, etc.).  In this way they resemble the forced sync event feature.  They can be useful in signaling the ROC to execute a special action (e.g. readout of scalers).  The Event Type for each special event is stored in a register and identifies it.  Optionally, the synchronization flag may be also be asserted for these events.  Both events can be triggered to occur by software, and one can be triggered by a front-panel input.  A programmed event is guaranteed to be seen by the ROCs, as the latching of Level 1 Triggers is suspended until the event is inserted into the TS-ROC pipeline.

The pattern of twelve latched Level 1 Trigger bits for accepted events is stored in an onboard FIFO that can be read out at any time.  The latched bits are also driven promptly from the board so that they may be used in higher-level trigger logic.

The number of events currently stored in each ROC branch buffer can be read at any time.  The status of each ROC Acknowledge signal can also be monitored.

The TS has 21 on-board 32-bit scalers to monitor the system.   Each of the 12 Level 1 Trigger inputs has a dedicated scaler assigned to it.  One scaler counts accepted events, and six additional scalers can be programmed to monitor various other important TS signals.  A pair of scalers is specially configured to allow a measurement of the system live time.  The pair count a free running 200 kHz clock, with one scaler being gated by the TS live signal.  The ratio of these scalers is thus an estimate of the system live time.

TS Facts

Level 1 Trigger Inputs				12

Prescalable Inputs					8

Prescale Factors
			Inputs 1-4				24 bits
			Inputs 5-8				16 bits

Prescale Input Bandwidth				> 60 MHz

Level 1 Trigger Coincidence window			7-100 ns

Delay (Trigger to Level 1 Accept)			40 ns (min)

Level 1 Accept Jitter (RMS)				<35 ps

Maximum Event Rate					3 MHz

TS-ROC Communication				RS-485 parallel,
								Full handshake

Programming Interface				A24/D32 
								VME slave

Form Factor						D size VXI
(340 x 367 mm)


	Table 2.1  Connector A signal definition (listed top to bottom)

All signals are differential ECL pairs
All signal pairs are terminated into 100 ohms

		Signal name		Direction	Pin # (Q,/Q)

		Common Strobe	Input		39,40

		Trigger 1		Input		37,38
		Trigger 2		Input		35,36
		Trigger 3		Input		33,34
		Trigger 4		Input		31,32
		Trigger 5		Input		29,30
		Trigger 6		Input		27,28
		Trigger 7		Input		25,26
		Trigger 8		Input		23,24
		Trigger 9		Input		21,22
		Trigger 10		Input		19,20
		Trigger 11		Input		17,18
		Trigger 12		Input		15,16

		External Event		Input		13,14

		Level 2 Pass		Input		11,12
		Level 2 Fail		Input		9,10

		Level 3 Pass		Input		7,8
		Level 3 Fail		Input		5,6

		Front End Busy	Input		3,4

		External Inhibit	Input		1,2


	Table 2.2  Connector B signal definition (listed top to bottom)

		- All signals are differential ECL pairs

		Signal name			Direction	Pin # (Q,/Q)

	Level 1 Accept (0)		Output		39,40
	Level 1 Accept (1)		Output		37,38
		Level 1 Accept (2)		Output		35,36
		Level 1 Accept (3)		Output		33,34
		Level 1 Accept (4)		Output		31,32
		Level 1 Accept (5)		Output		29,30
		Level 1 Accept (6)		Output		27,28
		Level 1 Accept (7)		Output		25,26
		Level 1 Accept (8)		Output		23,24

		Level 2 Accept		Output		21,22
		Level 3 Accept		Output		19,20

	Clear				Output		17,18

		Level 2 Start			Output		15,16
		Level 3 Start			Output		13,14

		Enable level 1			Output		11,12

		TS Live			Output		9,10
		TS Busy			Output		7,8

		OR Level 1 Trigger		Output		5,6

		GO TS				Output		3,4

		Gate Out			Output		1,2


	Table 2.3  Connector C signal definition (listed top to bottom)

		- All signals are differential ECL pairs

		Signal name			Direction	Pin # (Q,/Q)

		Latched Trigger 12		Output		49,50
		Latched Trigger 11		Output		47,48
		Latched Trigger 10		Output		45,46
		Latched Trigger 9		Output		43,44
		Latched Trigger 8		Output		41,42
		Latched Trigger 7		Output		39,40
		Latched Trigger 6		Output		37,38
		Latched Trigger 5		Output		35,36
		Latched Trigger 4		Output		33,34
		Latched Trigger 3		Output		31,32
		Latched Trigger 2		Output		29,30
		Latched Trigger 1		Output		27,28

		(No Connection)				25,26

		Prescaled Trigger 12		Output		23,24
		Prescaled Trigger 11		Output		21,22
		Prescaled Trigger 10		Output		19,20
		Prescaled Trigger 9		Output		17,18
		Prescaled Trigger 8		Output		15,16
		Prescaled Trigger 7		Output		13,14
		Prescaled Trigger 6		Output		11,12
		Prescaled Trigger 5		Output		9,10
		Prescaled Trigger 4		Output		7,8
		Prescaled Trigger 3		Output		5,6
		Prescaled Trigger 2		Output		3,4
		Prescaled Trigger 1		Output		1,2


	Table 2.4  Connector 1, 2, 3, 4 signal definition (listed top to bottom)

All signals are differential RS-485 pairs
The four connectors represent the four ROC branches, all having the same basic signal assignments shown below (ROC n represents the nth ROC on the given branch)

		Signal name			Direction	Pin # (Q,/Q)

		ROC 7 Acknowledge		Input		33,34
		ROC 6 Acknowledge		Input		31,32
		ROC 5 Acknowledge		Input		29,30
		ROC 4 Acknowledge		Input		27,28
		ROC 3 Acknowledge		Input		25,26
		ROC 2 Acknowledge		Input		23,24
		ROC 1 Acknowledge		Input		21,22
		ROC 0 Acknowledge		Input		19,20

		ROC Code Data Bit 5		Output		17,18
		ROC Code Data Bit 4		Output		15,16
		ROC Code Data Bit 3		Output		13,14
		ROC Code Data Bit 2		Output		11,12
		ROC Code Data Bit 1		Output		9,10
		ROC Code Data Bit 0		Output		7,8

		Late Fail Flag			Output		5,6
		Synchronization Flag		Output		3,4

		Strobe				Output		1,2

The Trigger Supervisor Registers

	The Trigger Supervisor is programmed by the user through VME bus protocols (ANSI/IEEE STD1014-1987).  The device meets all VME bus standards except in terms of board size.  The form factor is that of a 'D' size (340 x 367 mm) VXI module (VME extension for instrumentation).  This configuration allows the device to plug directly into the VXI based trigger system of one experimental hall as well as into standard 32-bit VME backplanes (with suitably modified card cage) of other experimental facilities.

	Officially the Trigger Supervisor is categorized as an A24, D32 VME bus slave.  All storage locations can be accessed as both Standard Supervisory and Standard Non-privileged data.  In terms of its interrupt capability the module is classified as an I(1-7), D08(O), ROAK VME bus interrupter.

	A brief discussion of the types of register access through VME is presented here because it impacts of the correct use of the Trigger Supervisor.  The user is referred to the full VME bus specification for a complete description.
	The smallest addressable unit of storage is the byte location, to which a unique binary address is assigned.  There are four categories of bytes distinguished by the least significant two bits of their address:

			xx...x00     BYTE(0)
			xx...x01     BYTE(1)
			xx...x10     BYTE(2)
			xx...x11     BYTE(3).

A set of byte locations differing only in the two least significant bits defines a four byte BYTE(0-3) group.  The VME data transfer protocols allow a master to access 1, 2, 3, or 4 byte locations from the same group simultaneously:

	Single byte access   - BYTE(0), BYTE(1), BYTE(2), BYTE(3),
	Double byte access - BYTE(0-1), BYTE(1-2), BYTE(2-3),
	Triple byte access   - BYTE(0-2), BYTE(1-3),
	Quad byte access    - BYTE(0-3).

For example, the 32-bits of data stored in a 4-byte group of a D32 slave may be accessed by a D32 master in a single bus cycle via the BYTE(0-3) transfer, or in 4 bus cycles via the BYTE(n) transfer.  However, a 16-bit master would require a minimum of 2 bus cycles (BYTE(0-1) & BYTE(2-3)) to accomplish the same data transmission.

	We now turn to a general discussion of the Trigger Supervisor's registers in the above terminology.  Each individual register or memory location of the Trigger Supervisor is defined to be a 4-byte group.  This is somewhat inefficient usage of address space as the actual storage locations contain from 1 to 4 bytes of data.  However, the decision results in a simplification of board design and possibly in programming (since all of the above access types are legal for all locations).  The local address given in this document for each register is the address of BYTE(0) for that register.  Data is stored in the 4-byte registers as follows:

			D(31)-D(24)	BYTE(0)
			D(23)-D(16)	BYTE(1)
			D(15)-D(08)	BYTE(2)
			D(07)-D(00)	BYTE(3).

Certain considerations concerning a register's function must be understood by the user before employing the different access schemes described above.  For example, data written to some registers has to be loaded into counters.  For simplicity we have coupled this loading action with the actual write of the register.  But as discussed above, the entire data word may be assembled as several writes by user choice or hardware constraints.  We therefore adopt the convention that only a write of BYTE(3) triggers such a loading process.  This requires that BYTE(3) must be included in the group of bytes that is written last. 
	Similarly, some data to be read is dynamic in nature.  Such data must be latched as a unit and then read.  For simplicity we have coupled the latching action with the actual read of the register.  But as discussed above, the full data word may be assembled only after several reads.  We therefore adopt the convention that such dynamic data is latched only upon a read of BYTE(0).  Reading of the remaining bytes causes no latching action to occur.  This requires that BYTE(0) must be included in the group of bytes that is read first.

	Of course, as long as the mode of access includes all bytes of interest, the above requirements are automatically met.  

	Many of the trigger supervisor's registers are designated as protected against writes while the device is active.  The trigger supervisor is defined to be active if any of the following conditions hold:
	- the GO bit of the Control/Status Register (CSR) is set,
	- the TS main sequencer is active,
- the TS user synchronization or program event sequencers is active.

The write protection prevents the user from changing the TS operating conditions while events are being processed.
	The Trigger Supervisor's memory is also protected against reads while the device is active.  Reading the memory while the device is active would interfere with event driven memory accesses.  

	The base address of the module is set by 9 DIP switch elements corresponding to VME address bits A23-A15.   An open switch defines a 1.  The base address (hex) can thus be set to XX0000 or XX8000.  The module occupies 32 Kbytes (8K Word, 32-bit) of address space.  The first half of this is for access to the Trigger Supervisor registers.  The second half corresponds to the RAM that stores the trigger lookup table.   

In what follows the local register and memory addresses (hex) are listed.  The absolute VME bus address is given by:

		VME Address  =  Module Base Address  +  Local Address.

	The VME bus interrupt request level of the module is set by 3 DIP switch elements.  An open switch defines a 1.  The level (1-7) is binary encoded.  


TS Register List
(0x00)	CSR 1
(0x04)	CSR 2
(0x08)	Trigger Control Register 
(0x0C)	ROC Enable Register

(0x10)	Synchronization Interval Register
(0x14)	Trigger Word Count Register
(0x18)	Trigger Data Register
(0x1C)	Local ROC (Branch 5) Data Register

(0x20)	Trigger Input (1) Prescale Register
(0x24)	Trigger Input (2) Prescale Register 
(0x28)	Trigger Input (3) Prescale Register 
(0x2C)	Trigger Input (4) Prescale Register 

(0x30)	Trigger Input (5) Prescale Register 
(0x34)	Trigger Input (6) Prescale Register 
(0x38)	Trigger Input (7) Prescale Register 
(0x3C)	Trigger Input (8) Prescale Register 

(0x40)	Clear Permit Timer Register
(0x44)	Level 2 Accept Timer Register
(0x48)	Level 3 Accept Timer Register
(0x4C)	Front Busy Timer Register

(0x50)	Clear Hold Timer Register
(0x54)	Interrupt ID Register
(0x58)	Branch (1 - 4) ROC Buffer Status Register
(0x5C)	Local ROC (Branch 5) Buffer Status Register

(0x60)	Branch (1 - 4) ROC Acknowledge Status Register
(0x64)	Program 1 Event Data Register
(0x68)	Program 2 Event Data Register
(0x6C)	State Register

(0x70)	Test Register
(0x74)	Reserved
(0x78)	Scaler (13 - 18) Assign Register
(0x7C)	Scaler Control Register

(0x80)	Scaler Trigger Input 1 Register
(0x84)	Scaler Trigger Input 2 Register
(0x88)	Scaler Trigger Input 3 Register
(0x8C)	Scaler Trigger Input 4 Register

(0x90)	Scaler Trigger Input 5 Register
(0x94)	Scaler Trigger Input 6 Register
(0x98)	Scaler Trigger Input 7 Register
(0x9C)	Scaler Trigger Input 8 Register

(0xA0)	Scaler Trigger Input 9 Register
(0xA4)	Scaler Trigger Input 10 Register
(0xA8)	Scaler Trigger Input 11 Register
(0xAC)	Scaler Trigger Input 12 Register

(0xB0)	Scaler 13 Register
(0xB4)	Scaler 14 Register
(0xB8)	Scaler 15 Register
(0xBC)	Scaler 16 Register

(0xC0)	Scaler 17 Register
(0xC4)	Scaler 18 Register
(0xC8)	Scaler Event Register
(0xCC)	Scaler Live 1 Register

(0xD0)	Scaler Live 2 Register
(0xD4)	Version Register

(0x4000  0x7FFC)  Memory

TS Registers

CSR 1  (0x0)
	Writing 1 to bit N (N=0,,9) sets the function associated with that bit, while writing 1 to bit N+16 clears that same function.  Bits are Read/Write unless otherwise indicated.

Pause on Next Scheduled Sync
Sync and Pause
Initiate Sync Event
Initiate Program 1 Event
Initiate Program 2 Event
Enable Level 1 (drives output)
Override Inhibit
Test Mode
(10) - (13) Unused (Read as 1)
(14) Reset (Write only, Read as 1)
(15) Initialize (Write only, Read as 1)

(26) - (30) Unused (Read as 1)
(31) Clear Latched Status bits (16) - (23) (Write only, Read as 1)

Latched Status bits

(16) Sync Event occurred
(17) Program 1 Event occurred
(18) Program 2 Event occurred
(19) Late Fail occurred
(20) Inhibit occurred
(21) Write FIFO Error occurred
(22) Read FIFO Error occurred
(23) Reserved

CSR 2  (0x4)  (Write protected when TS active)

Enable Scheduled Sync
Use Clear Permit Timer
Use Front Busy Timer
Use Clear Hold Timer
Use External Front Busy
Lock ROC Branch 1
Lock ROC Branch 2
Lock ROC Branch 3
Lock ROC Branch 4
Lock ROC Branch 5
(10) Enable Program 1 Front Panel Input
(11) Enable Interrupt
(12) Enable Local ROC (Branch 5)
(13) Reserved
(14) Disable Level 1 Trigger Inputs 9 - 12 from Triggering
(15) Use Fast Mode (no memory lookup for Level 1 Accept)

(16) - (31) Unused (Read as 1) 

Trigger Control Register  (0x8)   (Write protected when TS active)   

Non-Common Strobe Mode
- (12) Input Enables
(13) No Pulse Regeneration on Trigger Inputs 9 - 10
(14) No Pulse Regeneration on Trigger Inputs 11 - 12
(15) Open Prescales

(16)  (31) Unused (Read as 1)

ROC Enable Register  (0xC)   (Write protected when TS active)

(0) - (7)     Enable ROC 0-7 on Branch 1
(8) - (15)   Enable ROC 0-7 on Branch 2
(16) - (23) Enable ROC 0-7 on Branch 3
(24) - (31) Enable ROC 0-7 on Branch 4

Synchronization Interval Register  (0x10)   (Write protected when TS active)

- (15)  Number of Events between Scheduled Synchronizations

(16) - (31) Unused (Read as 1)

Trigger Word Count Register  (0x14)  (Read only)

(0) - (15)  Number of Trigger Data words in Trigger FIFO

(16) - (31) Unused (Read as 1)

Trigger Data Register  (0x18)  (Read only)

(0) - (11)   Next Trigger Data word from Trigger FIFO
(12) - (15) Unused (Read as 0)
(16) - (31) Unused (Read as 1)

Local ROC (Branch 5) Data Register  (0x1C)

Synchronization Flag
Late Fail Flag
- (7) ROC code (0) - (5)

(8) - (31) Unused (Read as 1)

Input Trigger (1 - 4) Prescale Registers  (0x20, 0x24, 0x28, 0x2C)   
(Write protected when TS active)

(0) - (23)  Prescale Factor

(24) - (31) Unused (Read as 1)

Input Trigger (5 - 8) Prescale Registers  (0x30, 0x34, 0x38, 0x3C)
(Write protected when TS active)

(0) - (15)  Prescale Factor

(16) - (31) Unused (Read as 1)

Clear Permit Timer Register  (0x40)   (Write protected when TS active)

(0) - (15) Timer Value (40 ns/count)

(16) - (31) Unused (Read as 1)

Level 2 Accept Timer Register  (0x44)   (Write protected when TS active)

(0) - (15) Timer Value (40 ns/count)

(16) - (31) Unused (Read as 1)

Level 3 Accept Timer Register  (0x48)   (Write protected when TS active)

(0) - (15) Timer Value (40 ns/count)

(16) - (31) Unused (Read as 1)

Front Busy Timer Register  (0x4C)   (Write protected when TS active)

(0) - (15) Timer Value (40 ns/count)

(16) - (31) Unused (Read as 1)

Clear Hold Timer Register  (0x50)   (Write protected when TS active)

(0) - (7) Timer Value (40 ns/count)

(8) - (31) Unused (Read as 1)

Interrupt ID Register  (0x54)   (Write protected when TS active)

(0) - (7) Interrupt ID

(8) - (31) Unused (Read as 1)

Branch (1 - 4) ROC Buffer Status Register  (0x58)  (Read only)

(0) - (3)  Branch 1 Buffer Count
(4) - (5)  Unused (Read as 0)
(6)  Branch 1 Empty Flag
(7)  Branch 1 Full Flag

(8) - (11)  Branch 2 Buffer Count
(12) - (13)  Unused (Read as 0)
(14)  Branch 2 Empty Flag
(15)  Branch 2 Full Flag

(16) - (19)  Branch 3 Buffer Count
(20) - (21)  Unused (Read as 0)
(22)  Branch 3 Empty Flag
(23)  Branch 3 Full Flag

(24) - (27)  Branch 4 Buffer Count
(28) - (29)  Unused (Read as 0)
(30)  Branch 4 Empty Flag
(31)  Branch 4 Full Flag

Local ROC (Branch 5) Buffer Status Register  (0x5C)
	Bits 0 - 7, and 15 are Read only.

(0) - (3)  Buffer Count
(4) - (5)  Unused (Read as 0)
(6)  Empty Flag
(7)  Full Flag

(8)  Local Acknowledge

(9) - (14) Unused (Read as 1)

(15)  Local Event Strobe Status

(16)  (31) Unused (Read as 1)

Branch (1 - 4) ROC Acknowledge Status Register  (0x60)  (Read only)

(0) - (7)  Branch 1 ROC Acknowledge 0 - 7

(8) - (15)  Branch 2 ROC Acknowledge 0 - 7

(16) - (23)  Branch 3 ROC Acknowledge 0 - 7

(24) - (31)  Branch 4 ROC Acknowledge 0 - 7

Program 1 Event Data Register  (0x64)

(0) - (5)  Program 1 Event ROC code
(6)  Reserved
(7)  Program 1 Event Synchronization Flag

(8) - (31) Unused (Read as 1)

Program 2 Event Data Register  (0x68)

(0) - (5)  Program 2 Event ROC code
(6)  Reserved
(7)  Program 2 Event Synchronization Flag

(8) - (31) Unused (Read as 1)

State Register  (0x6C) (Read only)

Level 1 Accept
Start Level 2 Trigger
Level 2 Pass Latched
Level 2 Fail Latched
Level 2 Accept
Start Level 3 Trigger
Level 3 Pass Latched
Level 3 Fail Latched
Level 3 Accept
(10) Front End Busy (external)
(11) External Inhibit
(12) Latched Trigger
(13) TS Busy
(14) TS Active
(15) TS Ready
(16) Main Sequencer Active
(17) Synchronization Sequencer Active
(18) Program 1 Event Sequencer Active
(19) Program 2 Event Sequencer Active
(20) - (31) Unused (Read as 1)

Test Register  (0x70)
	Bits (0) - (7) are write only and Read as 1.

Level 1 Trigger Pulse
Level 2 Pass Pulse
Level 3 Pass Pulse
Level 2 Fail Pulse
Level 3 Fail Pulse
(5) - (7)  Reserved

Front End Busy Level
External Inhibit Level
 Branch 1 ROC Acknowledge Level
 Branch 2 ROC Acknowledge Level
 Branch 3 ROC Acknowledge Level
 Branch 4 ROC Acknowledge Level
 Enable Test ROC Acknowledge for Branches 1 - 4

(16) - (31)  Unused (Read as 1)

Scaler (13 - 18)  Assign Register (0x78)

(0)  (3)  Scaler 13 Assign Code

(4)  (7)  Scaler 14 Assign Code

(8)  (11)  Scaler 15 Assign Code

(12)  (15)  Scaler 16 Assign Code

(16)  (19)  Scaler 17 Assign Code

(20)  (23)  Scaler 18 Assign Code

(24)  (31)  Unused (Read as 1)

	Assign Codes:		0  OR TRIGGER 		1  LATCHED TRIGGER
				6  CLEAR			7  LEVEL 2 PASS
				8  LEVEL 2 FAIL		9  LEVEL 3 PASS

Scaler Control Register (0x7C)
	Bits 0  19 are write only, and Read as 1.

 Reset Scaler 1
 Reset Scaler 2
 Reset Scaler 3
 Reset Scaler 4
 Reset Scaler 5
 Reset Scaler 6
 Reset Scaler 7
 Reset Scaler 8
 Reset Scaler 9
 Reset Scaler 10
(10)  Reset Scaler 11
(11)  Reset Scaler 12
(12)  Reset Scaler 13
(13)  Reset Scaler 14
(14)  Reset Scaler 15
(15)  Reset Scaler 16
(16)  Reset Scaler 17
(17)  Reset Scaler 18
(18)  Reset Event Scaler
(19)  Reset Live Time Scalers

(20) - (22) Unused (Read as 1)

(23)  Latch and Hold all Scaler Registers

Scaler Registers  (Read only)

0x80:	(0)  (31)  Trigger Input 1 Count

0x84:	(0)  (31)  Trigger Input 2 Count

0x88:	(0)  (31)  Trigger Input 3 Count

0x8C:	(0)  (31)  Trigger Input 4 Count

0x90:	(0)  (31)  Trigger Input 5 Count

0x94:	(0)  (31)  Trigger Input 6 Count

0x98:	(0)  (31)  Trigger Input 7 Count

0x9C:	(0)  (31)  Trigger Input 8 Count

0xA0:	(0)  (31)  Trigger Input 9 Count

0xA4:	(0)  (31)  Trigger Input 10 Count

0xA8:	(0)  (31)  Trigger Input 11 Count

0xAC:	(0)  (31)  Trigger Input 12 Count

0xB0:	(0)  (31)  Scaler 13 Count

0xB4:	(0)  (31)  Scaler 14 Count

0xB8:	(0)  (31)  Scaler 15 Count

0xBC:	(0)  (31)  Scaler 16 Count

0xC0:	(0)  (31)  Scaler 17 Count

0xC4:	(0)  (31)  Scaler 18 Count

0xC8:	(0)  (31)  Event Count

0xCC:	(0)  (31)  Live 1 Count

0xD0:	(0)  (31)  Live 2 Count  ( Live Time = (Live 1 Count) / (Live 2 Count) )

Version Register  (0xD4)

(0)  (15)  Encoded information about circuit board and firmware revision.

Memory  (0x4000  0x7FFC)   (Write and read protected when TS active)

Level 1 OK
Class 1 Trigger
Class 2 Trigger
Class 3 Trigger
- (7) Unused
(8) - (15) Level 1 Accept Pattern Output
(16) - (21) ROC code
(22) - (31) Unused

The VME address of a memory location is related to the input Trigger Pattern by the equation:

	Memory Address (hex)   =   4 * Trigger Pattern  +  4000

Trigger Pattern (0) - (11)  =  Latched Level 1 Trigger Inputs (1)  (12).

	A Level 1 Trigger signal is admitted by the TS only if the input channel has been enabled. When operating in the Common Strobe Mode (Trigger Control Register (0x8), bit 0 = 0), the Level 1 Trigger input signals must be in coincidence with the Common Strobe signal. 

	Before entering the prescale circuitry the trigger signal is regenerated (on occurrence of its rising edge) as a 15 ns pulse.  The prescale circuitry requires a pulse at least this wide to function properly.  The regeneration rather than an input specification is necessary because when the Common Strobe Mode is used, the resulting overlap pulse that is fed to the prescale circuitry 
could be narrow enough to violate any specification. 

	Channels 9-12 have no prescaling feature but are otherwise identical to channels 1-8.  This insures that the propagation delays will be roughly the same for all input channels.

	After prescaling the 12 trigger channels are collected into a 12-fold OR signal.  The leading  edge of the OR signal sets a latch if the TS is ready.  The TS is ready if all of the following are true: the GO bit is set (CSR 1 (0) = 1), no TS cycle is currently active, the Front End Busy input is not asserted, and the External Inhibit input is not asserted.  From this latched trigger signal a trigger gate signal is generated.  Trigger pulses from the 12 channels that are in coincidence with this gate are individually latched.  The latch pattern determines the address that is applied to the look-up memory.  The data from this memory location fixes the status of the trigger (accept or fast TS reset).  If the trigger is accepted the data also defines the trigger class, the pattern of Level 1 Accept signals generated, and the ROC Code (i.e. event type) for the event.

	The trigger gate width for the TS as supplied defines a simultaneous trigger resolution time of 10 ns.  That is, if an input trigger signal on any channel has a leading edge within 10 ns of the first such trigger signal, it is included among those that are latched to determine the look-up memory address.  Adjusting a timing resistor and positioning jumpers on the board permits the user to select resolution times of up to 100 ns. 

	When the data from the memory is valid it is strobed by a delayed signal derived from the trigger gate.  If the trigger pattern is acceptable (Level 1 OK bit asserted) the Level 1 Accept signals (1)-(8) are driven out as programmed along with the Level 1 OK signal (Level 1 Accept (0)).  These 9 signals are in time with each other, and are issued 42 ns later than the input trigger's leading edge ("insertion time"), assuming a 10 ns simultaneous trigger resolution time.  (An increase in the trigger resolution time beyond 10 ns will increase the insertion time by the same amount.)  The Level 1 OK signal also starts the main sequencer (50 Mhz) of the TS.  The pattern of Level 1 Accept signals will remain asserted until the sequencer has completed its cycle.  The latched trigger is then reset and the TS can accept new triggers.

	If the trigger pattern is not acceptable (Level 1 OK bit not asserted), the TS resets its logic with no Level 1 Accept signals issued.  The total time from the rejected input trigger to the trigger being re-enabled is the insertion time plus 15 ns.

Optional Trigger Configurations

	There are optional ways to configure the triggering behavior of the module.  These add some flexibility in its use.  The options may be used simultaneously.

Option 1 - (Fast Mode) In this mode, all Level 1 Accept signals are driven promptly (10 ns delay) when the initial trigger latches up the TS.  The trigger pattern latched during the coincidence window still serves as the address of the trigger memory, but its outputs only determine the Event Type (ROC Code), Event Class, and Veto Status.  Because the Level 1 Accepts have already been driven, a true fast veto of an unacceptable trigger pattern is not possible.  The TS instead issues Clear to the front-end modules.  In this mode the ability to drive different patterns of Level 1 Accept signals is sacrificed to enable adjustment of the coincidence window without impact on front-end module timing.  Select the Fast Mode by programming CSR 2 (15) = 1. 

Option 2 - Channels 9-12 are configured as a group not to contribute to the OR trigger signal.  Input signals on these channels cannot themselves generate a latched trigger and start a TS cycle. However, they continue to be latched when in coincidence with a latched trigger originating from channels 1-8.  This allows the signals of channels 9-12 to serve as in-time vetoes (by using the TS fast reset capability), or simply as additional in-time information with which to determine the Level 1 Accept pattern and ROC Code for the event.  Select Option 2 by programming CSR 2 (14) = 0.

Option 3 - Channel pairs 9-10, and 11-12 can be configured to bypass pulse regeneration.  For a channel pair so configured, an input level (rather than an in-time edge) may be used to tag latched triggers when Option 2 is used.  Select Option 3 by setting the Trigger Control Register bits (13) or (14).

Using the Trigger Supervisor Scalers

	The Trigger Supervisor has a set of 32-bit scalers on board.  An individual scaler consists of a counter and register, each 32-bits wide.  The action of reading a scaler latches the current counter value into its associated register, and enables the data from this register onto the VME bus.  Reading a scaler in no way interferes with its counting.

	When we read a set of scalers sequentially, we are latching their counter values at different times.  We also have the capability of latching the counter values of all scalers simultaneously.  Writing a 1 to bit 23 of the Scaler Control Register (0x7C) does this.  While bit 23 of this register remains set, the latching action of any scaler read is disabled.  Once we have read all the scalers of interest, we can clear this control bit.  In this way we can take a single snapshot of all the scalers.  None of this interferes with the actual counting of the scalers.

	We have the capability to reset the counts of any set of scalers by writing the appropriate bit pattern to the Scaler Control Register (0x7C).  The resetting action occurs simultaneously for all scalers selected for reset when the write to this register occurs.

	The six scalers of the Trigger Supervisor that are not dedicated can be assigned to monitor selected signals by programming the Scaler Assign Register (0x78).  We can choose from a set of 16 important signals to monitor.

Figure 2:  Trigger Supervisor
                 front panel.






















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