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File: [HallC] / Documents / VendorManuals / vendormanual_scan.pl (download) / (as text)
Revision: 1.2, Wed Mar 8 17:34:28 2006 UTC (18 years, 6 months ago) by saw
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +20 -7 lines
Bring back changes from HKS branch

: # feed this into perl *-*-perl-*-*
    eval 'exec perl $0 "$@"'
    if $running_under_some_shell;

# vendormanual_scan.perl:
# $Log: vendormanual_scan.pl,v $
# Revision 1.2  2006/03/08 17:34:28  saw
# Bring back changes from HKS branch
# Revision  2006/03/08 17:11:13  saw
# Allow for experiment dependent branches
# Revision 1.1  2003/03/19 21:18:32  saw
# Makes BibTeX file from individual .bib files and builds HTML index of
# the Vendor Manuals


if(-s "EXPERIMENT") {
    chomp($EXPERIMENT=`head -1 EXPERIMENT`);
} else {
    $EXPERIMENT="Hall C";

open(BIBDB, ">VendorManuals.bib");

print BIBDB "% VendorManuals.bib\n";
print BIBDB "% This file is automatically generated, do not edit\n\n";

open(INDEX, ">index.html");
print INDEX qq{<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">
<title>${EXPERIMENT} Vendor Supplied Manuals</title>
<h1>${EXPERIMENT} Vendor Supplied Manuals</h1>
This page is an archive of manuals for various equipment that may be used in
${EXPERIMENT}.  The manuals are in the format as supplied to us, typically Acrobat
(.pdf), Postscript (.ps), or Word (.doc).
Writers of <a href="../howtos">${EXPERIMENT} howto and reference documents</a>
may cite a manual from this
list with the LaTeX command <tt>\\cite{</tt><i>key</i><tt>}</tt>, where
<i>key</i> is the BibTeX key in the list below.
Out of respect for copyrights, this archive of manuals is only accessble
from JLab computers.
Please send any manuals that belong in this archive to
<a href="mailto:saw@jlab.org">Steve Wood</a>.
<table border cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>

print INDEX "<tr><th>BibTeX Key</th><th>Title</th><th>Format</th></tr>\n";

for $manualfilename (glob("*.{ps,pdf,doc}")) {
#    print "$manualfilename\n";
    ($filenamenosuffix,$format) = $manualfilename=~/^(.*)\.(.*)/;
#    print "$filenamenosuffix\n";
    ($barefilename) = $manualfilename=~/([^\/]*)$/;
#    print "$barefilename\n";
    ($reallybarefilename) = $filenamenosuffix=~/([^\/]*)$/;

    if(not open(BIBIN,"<$filenamenosuffix.bib")) {
	print "$filenamenosuffix.bib not found\n";
	$bibtexkey = $reallybarefilename;
	print BIBDB "\@Misc\{$bibtexkey,\n";
	print BIBDB "  url={$URLBASE/$barefilename}\n";
	print BIBDB "}\n";
    } else {
	while(<BIBIN>) {
	    print BIBDB "$_\n" if(/^\s*[^%]/); # Strip comments
	    if($incompletetitle) {
		$partialtitle = $title." ".$_;
		if($partialtitle =~ /^(.*)},/) {
		    $title = $1;
		} else {
		    $title = $partialtitle;
	    } elsif (/^@.*\{\s*(.*)\s*,/) {
		$bibtexkey = $1;
		print BIBDB "  url={$URLBASE/$barefilename},\n";
	    } elsif (/title\s*=\s*\{(.*)$/) {
		$partialtitle = $1;
		if($partialtitle =~ /^(.*)\},/) {
		    $title = $1;
		} else {
		    $title = $partialtitle;
		    $incompletetitle = 1;
	$title = "Title Missing" if(not $title);
    print INDEX "<tr><td>$bibtexkey</td>
<td><a href=\"$URLBASE/$barefilename\">$title</a><td>$format</td></tr>\n";

print INDEX "</table></body></html>\n";

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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ViewCVS 0.9.2-cvsgraph-1.4.0