(file) Return to fitter.f CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [HallC] / Optics / source_code

 1 jones 1.1 	subroutine me_fitter
 4           	implicit none
 6           	include 'sieve.inc'
 7           	include 'target.inc'
 9           	integer ntid
10           	integer max_events, fit_index
11 jones 1.2 	integer histid /200/
12 jones 1.1         character*3 fittyp
13           	logical retcode
14                   write(*,*) ' in me_fitter'
15                   fit_index = 0
16                   fittyp=' ' 
17           	call kugeti(ntid)	! get ntuple id
18           	write(*,*) ' call kugeti',ntid
19           	call kugeti(max_events)	! get # of events to process
20           	write(*,*) ' call kugeti',max_events
21                   call kugeti(fit_index)
22           	write(*,*) ' call  kugets',fit_index
23           c        if(fittyp(1:3).eq.'   ')fit_index = 1
24           c        if(fittyp(1:3).eq.'y_t')fit_index = 3
25           c        if(fittyp(1:3).eq.'Phi')fit_index = 4
26           c        if(fittyp(1:3).eq.'The')fit_index = 2
27           c        if(fittyp(1:3).eq.'Del')fit_index = 5
28           	write(*,*) 'fit_index= ',fit_index
29 jones 1.2 	write(*,*) ' calling me_fit_histos histid =',histid
30 jones 1.1 	call me_fit_histos(histid)		! define histograms
31           	write(*,*) ' calling me_fit_init',ntid, max_events
32                   call me_fit_init(ntid, max_events, retcode, fit_index)	! read in ntuple
33 jones 1.2 	if (.not. retcode) then
34           	   write(*,*) ' bad return code = ',retcode 
35           	   return
36                   endif
37 jones 1.1         npass = 1
38 jones 1.2 	write(*,*) ' npass,ipass',npass,ipass
39 jones 1.1         do while (npass.le.ipass)
40           	   write(*,*) ' calling me_fit_setup'
41           	   call me_fit_setup(fit_index)		! set up minuit for fitting
42           	   npass = npass + 1
43                   enddo
44 jones 1.2 	write(*,*) ' call me_fit_fill id = ',histid
45 jones 1.1 	call me_fit_fill(histid)		! fill histograms and ntuple
46                   write(*,*)  ' '
47                   write(*,*)  '			DONE !!!			'
48           	end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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