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File: [HallC] / Poltar / calo / mc_calo_recon.f (download)
Revision: (vendor branch), Wed Oct 22 13:58:53 2003 UTC (20 years, 11 months ago) by jones
Branch: poltar, MAIN
CVS Tags: start, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
 Import simc poltar

	subroutine mc_calo_recon (delta_p,delta_t,delta_phi,y_tgt,fry,delta_y,delta_z,drift_to_cal)
! MC_CALO_RECON : Reconstruct target quantities from tracks.
!		   This subroutine is part of the MC_HMS program.
! Right-handed coordinates are assumed: X=down, Z=downstream, Y = (Z cross X)
! Inputs are from common block in track_*.inc (except for fry):
!  xs, ys, fry  are in cm.
!  dxdzs, dydzs are unitless slopes (we say "radians" to contrast to "mr").
	implicit none

	include '../spectrometers.inc'

	integer*4 specnum
	parameter (specnum = 5)			!this is the CALO routine

C Argument definitions.

	real*8	delta_p,delta_t,delta_phi,y_tgt
	real*8	fry			!vertical position at target (+y=down)
	real*8  ztemp,drift_to_cal,delta_y,delta_z

C Misc. variables.

	integer*4	i,j
	integer*4	chan

	logical		firsttime	/.true./
	character*132	line

C Functions.

	logical locforunt

C No amnesia, please...


C ============================= Executable Code ================================

C Load output values.

	delta_p = dpps
	delta_phi = (xs-fry)/(drift_to_cal-delta_z)
	delta_t = (ys-delta_y)/(drift_to_cal-delta_z) 

c	delta_phi = (xs)/(drift_to_cal-delta_z)
c	delta_t = (ys)/(drift_to_cal-delta_z) 
	y_tgt = 0.0

C ============================ Format Statements ===============================

1001	format(a)
1200	format(1x,4g16.9,1x,5i1)


Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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