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Diff for /Replay/kumacs/coin_hbook.f between version 1.1 and

version 1.1, 2003/07/03 14:34:00 version, 2003/07/15 12:11:22
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         REAL FUNCTION coin_hbook()
         INCLUDE ?
         DATA FIRST /.TRUE./
         SAVE FIRST
         real haero_tot
         real wlocut,whicut,q2min,thetacm,csum
         logical good_electron,good_pion
         logical good_pion1
         logical coint_e_pi,coint_e_pi_delta
         logical mmcut_relax,good_ran
         IF(FIRST) THEN
            PRINT *,  'BOOKING HISTOS...'
            CALL HBOOK1(3,'scal E1 track t=scleantrack',
            CALL HBOOK1(4,'scal Etot track t=scleantrack',
            CALL HBOOK1(5,'scer npe t=scleantrack',100,0.,15.,0)
            CALL HBOOK1(6,'sbeta t=scleantrack',100,0.5,1.2,0)
            CALL HBOOK2(7,'scal x vs Etot t=scleantrack',
            CALL HBOOK2(8,'scal y vs Etot t=scleantrack',
            CALL HBOOK1(13,'hbeta t=hclean',100,-1.,1.5,0)
            CALL HBOOK1(14,'HMS s1xdedx t=hclean',100,0.0,800.,0)
            CALL HBOOK1(15,'HMS TOFmass2 t=hclean',100,-1.,4.0,0)
            CALL HBOOK1(22,'haero-pos-npe-sum t=hclean',100,0.0,40.,0)
            CALL HBOOK1(23,'haero-neg-npe-sum t=hclean',100,0.0,40.,0)
            CALL HBOOK1(25,'haero-tot-npe-sum t=hclean',100,0.0,40.,0)
            CALL HBOOK1(32,'hcer adc bottom t=hcelan',100,0.0,400.,0)
            CALL HBOOK1(33,'hcer adc top t=hclean',100,0.0,400.,0)
            CALL HBOOK1(34,'hcer npe sum t=hclean',100,0.0,40.,0)
            CALL HBOOK2(35,'xcer vs hcer_npe t=hclean',100,0.0,20.,
            CALL HBOOK2(50,'HMS beta vs Cointime t=e pi',100,-10.,
            CALL HBOOK2(51,'SOS beta vs Cointime t=e pi',100,-10.,
            CALL HBOOK1(53,'SOS-HMS path corr(ns) t=e pi',100,-2.0,2.0,0)
            CALL HBOOK2(54,'HMS ztgt vs SOS ztgt t=e pi',100,-8.,8.
          CALL HBOOK1(62,'Mm(pi prod) t=coint e pi delta',100,0.0,1.5,0)
          CALL HBOOK1(63,'Em t=coint e pi delta',100,-0.4,2.4,0)
          CALL HBOOK1(64,'Eexc t=coint e pi delta',100,-0.3,0.3,0)
            CALL HBOOK1(65,'Q2 t=mmcut relax',100,1.0,4.,0)
            CALL HBOOK1(66,'W t=mmcut relax',100,1.5,3.,0)
            CALL HBOOK2(67,'W vs Q2 t=mmcut relax',100,1.4,
            CALL HBOOK2(68,'-t vs phipi t-mmcut relax',100,
           CALL HBOOK1(101,'t, t=mmcut relax',100,0,0.8,0)
           CALL HBOOK1(102,'phipi, t=mmcut relax',100,0.,6.28,0)
            CALL HBOOK1(2001,'hsdelta t=hclean',100,-20.0,20.0,0)
            CALL HBOOK1(2002,'ssdelta,t=sclean',100,-20.0,20.0,0)
            CALL HBOOK1(3000,'Cointime t=e pi',100,-10.,10.,0)
            good_electron = .false.
        ^good_electron = .true.
            good_pion1 = .false.
        ^good_pion1 = .true.
            good_pion = .false.
            if(good_pion1.and.hsmass2.lt.1.0) good_pion= .true.
            coint_e_pi = .false.
           coint_e_pi_delta = .false.
        ^coint_e_pi_delta= .true.
             mmcut_relax = .false.
        ^abs(ssdelta).lt.15.0.and.abs(missmass-0.939).lt.0.05) then
         CALL HFILL(3,ssprtrk,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(4,ssshtrk,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(5,scer_npe,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(6,ssbeta,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(7,ssshtrk,scal_x,1.0)
         CALL HFILL(8,ssshtrk,scal_y,1.0)
         CALL HFILL(13,hsbeta,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(14,hsdedx1,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(15,hsmass2,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(22,haero_po,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(23,haero_ne,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(25,haero_tot,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(32,hceradc1,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(33,hceradc2,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(34,hcer_npe,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(35,hcer_npe,hcersx,1.)
         CALL HFILL(2001,hsdelta,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(2002,ssdelta,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(50, cointime,hsbeta,1.)
         CALL HFILL(51, cointime,ssbeta,1.)
         CALL HFILL(53, coinpath,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(54,sszbeam,hszbeam,1.)
         CALL HFILL(62, missmass,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(63, Em,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(64, Eexc,0.,1.)
         if(good_ran) then
            CALL HFILL(3000,cointime,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(65, Q2,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(66, W,0.,1.)
         CALL HFILL(67, Q2,W,1.)
         CALL HFILL(68,ctphix,ctphiy,1.)
         CALL HFILL(101,t,0.,1.)
   c      print*, 'phi_pq=',phi_pq
         CALL HFILL(102,phi_pq,0.,1.)
         coin_hbook = 1.

Removed from v.1.1  
changed lines
  Added in v.

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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