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 1 jones 1.1       program stop
 2           c
 3           c  this program was written april 21, 1993 by jpsullivan
 4           c  to estimate the influence of secondary interactions of
 5           c  pions in the na44 target on the observed pion spectrum.
 6           c
 7           c	this program is no longer the simple version of john sullivan program 
 8           c but modified by mohini rawool-sullivan to exclusively look at the energy loss
 9           c in two consecutive blocks of materials for pi- ---- oct 2' 1993
10                 integer nwgean,nh,nwpaw
11                 parameter (nwpaw = 50000000)
12                 parameter (nwgean= 50000000)
13                 real geant
14                 integer ihist
15           c
16           c     the following commons are for use by geant and hbook
17           c
18           c      common / gcbank / geant(nwgean)
19           c      common / pawc   / ihist(nwpaw)
20                 common / gcbank / q(nwgean)
21                 common / pawc   / h(nwpaw)
22 jones 1.1 c
23                 call gzebra ( nwgean )
24                 nh = -nwpaw
25                 call hlimit ( nh )
26                 write(6,*)'hlimit: ',nwpaw,nh
27           c
28           c     initialize graphics
29           c
30                 call hplint(0)
31           c
32           c     open the output metafile
33           c
34           c      open ( 1,file='geant.metafile',form='unformatted' )
35           c      call hplcap(-1)
36           c
37           c     initialization phase
38           c
39           c      call uginit
40           c      write(6,*)'back from initialization phase'
41           c
42                 call gpawpp(nwgean,nwpaw)
43 jones 1.1 c
44           c     processing phase
45           c
46           c      call grun
47           c
48           c     termination phase
49           c
50           c       call uglast
51           c
52                  stop
53                  end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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