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  1 jones 1.1         subroutine ugeom
  2           c
  3           c  define experimental setup.  write for cebaf HALL a fpp.
  4           c  august 17, 1994 - e.j. brash, rutgers.
  5           c
  6                   implicit none
  7           c
  8                   include 'fpp_local.h'
  9                   include 'geant_local.h'
 10           c
 11           c        include 'parameter.h'
 12           c        include 'espace_type.h'
 13           c        include 'detector.h'
 14           c        include 'transport.h'
 15           c        include 'experiment.h'
 16           c        include 'option.h'
 17           c
 18                   integer nHALL,iv_HALL,irot,irotnull,irotx,irotu,irotv,iv_targ
 19           	integer nair,ncarbon,naira,nairb,nairc,naird
 20 brash 1.3 	integer naire, nairf, nairg, nairh, nairi
 21                   integer nsci1, nsci2 ,nhch1,nhch2
 22 jones 1.2         integer nfch1,nfch2,nfch3,nfch4,nanl1,nanl2
 23 brash 1.6 	integer nch2,nsci,nanalyz,nhy,ncarbo
 24 jones 1.2 	integer nt_ch2, nt_sci, nt_analyz
 25 jones 1.1 c
 26                   character*4 chnmsv(1),chnamh(6)
 27           c
 28           c  variables used in calls to gstmed (which defines tracking material
 29           c  parameters)
 31 jones 1.2         integer nt_air,nt_carbon, ic, irot1, nt_anll, nt_anl2
 32                   integer ndim,nvac
 33                   integer isvol,ifield,nwbuf
 34 jones 1.1         real fieldm,tmaxfd,dmaxms,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf(10)
 35 jones 1.2         real rotch1(6)
 36                   real zhch1,zhch2
 37 brash 1.3         real zsci1, zsci2 ,zanl1,zfch1,zfch2,zanl2,zfch3,zfch4
 38 jones 1.1         real zaira, zairb, zairc, zaird
 39 jones 1.2         real zaire, zairf, zairg, zairh
 40 brash 1.3         real zairi
 41 jones 1.1 c
 42                   common / gugeompar / irot, irotnull
 43           c
 44 brash 1.3 c       ***ADD FOR SCI2 AND AIRI??***
 45 jones 1.1         parameter (ndim=3)
 46                   parameter (nair=15)
 47                   parameter (nvac=15)	
 48                   parameter (nHALL=100)
 49           	parameter (ncarbon=6)
 50           	parameter (naira=602)
 51           	parameter (nairb=603)
 52           	parameter (nairc=604)
 53           	parameter (naird=605)
 54 jones 1.2 	parameter (naire=606)
 55           	parameter (nairf=607)
 56           	parameter (nairg=608)
 57           	parameter (nairh=609)
 58 jones 1.1 	parameter (nsci1=616)
 59 jones 1.2 	parameter (nhch1=617)
 60           	parameter (nhch2=618)
 61           	parameter (nfch1=619)
 62           	parameter (nfch2=620)
 63           	parameter (nfch3=621)
 64           	parameter (nfch4=622)
 65           	parameter (nch2=625)
 66 jones 1.1 	parameter (nsci=626)
 67 brash 1.6 	parameter (nhy=627)
 68           	parameter (ncarbo=628)
 69 jones 1.1 
 70                   real HALL_size(3)
 71           	real aira_size(3),airb_size(3),airc_size(3),aird_size(3)
 72 jones 1.2 	real aire_size(3),airf_size(3),airg_size(3),airh_size(3)
 73 brash 1.3         real airi_size(3)
 74 jones 1.2         real sci1_size(3),hch1_size(3),hch2_size(3),anl1_size(3)
 75 brash 1.3         real sci2_size(3)
 76 jones 1.2         real anl2_size(3),fch1_size(3),fch2_size(3),fch3_size(3)
 77                   real fch4_size(3)
 78 jones 1.1         real nul_rot(6)
 79                   real rotx(6)
 80                   real rotu(6)
 81                   real rotv(6)
 82                   real theta(3),phi(3),rowmat(3)
 83                   real sinth,costh,sinph,cosph
 84                   real rotmat1, rtod
 85                   logical rotate
 86           c
 87                   common/geomstep/rotmat1(3,3) 
 88           c
 89           c --- scintillator NE-102A  ---
 90                   real ane(2) /12.01,1.01/
 91                   real zne(2) /6.,1./
 92                   real wne(2) /1.,1.105/
 93                   real dne /1.0320/
 94           c --- (CH2)2  ---
 95                   real achh(2) /12.01,1.01/
 96                   real zchh(2) /6.,1./
 97                   real wchh(2) /1.,2./
 98 brash 1.6         real dchh /0.9350/
 99 jones 1.1 c
100           c
101                   integer ihset,ihdet,iset,idet,idtype,nvname,numbv
102                   common/gcsets/ihset,ihdet,iset,idet,idtype,nvname,numbv(20)
103                   integer nbitsv(1) /13/
104                   integer nbitsh(6) /5,6,16,16,18,18/
105                   real orig(6) /0.,0.,0.,0.,200.,0./
106                   real fact(6) /1.,1.,1.,100000.,500.,500./
107           c
108                   data chnmsv /'strw'/
109                   data chnamh /'ipla','nhip','strn','dist','ysva','zsva'/
110           c
111           c
112                   data HALL_size / 600., 600., 1000. /
113                   data nul_rot/ 90.0, 0.0, 90.0, 90.0, 0.0, 0.0 /  !null rotation
114                   data rotx/ 180.0, 0.0, 90.0, 180.0, 90.0, 90.0 / !95 deg. rot for x-straws
115                   data rotv/ 180.0, 0.0, 90.0, 135.0, 90.0, 45.0 / !-45 deg. rot for v-straws
116                   data rotu/ 180.0, 0.0, 90.0, -135.0, 90.0, 135.0 / !45 deg. rot for u-straws
117           c
118                   data rotch1/ 90.0, 0.0, 90.0, 90.0, 0.0, 0.0 / !ch1 rotation
119           c
120 brash 1.3         data hch1_size/75.00,60.00,8.5345/
121           	data aira_size/75.00,60.00,32.131/
122           	data hch2_size/75.00,60.00,8.5345/
123           	data airb_size/60.96,40.64,12.387/
124           	data sci1_size/60.96,40.64,0.50/
125           	data airc_size/60.96,40.64,9.297/
126                   data sci2_size/60.96,40.64,0.50/
127           	data aird_size/71.12,53.975,14.114/
128                   data anl1_size/71.12,53.975,27.94/
129           	data aire_size/83.0,67.0,2.542/
130           	data fch1_size/83.0,67.0,5.60/
131           	data airf_size/83.0,67.0,5.00/
132           	data fch2_size/83.0,67.0,5.60/
133           	data airg_size/71.12,53.975,2.277/
134                   data anl2_size/71.12,53.975,27.94/	
135           	data airh_size/83.0,67.0,2.282/
136           	data fch3_size/83.0,67.0,5.60/
137                   data airi_size/83.0,67.0,5.00/
138           	data fch4_size/83.0,67.0,5.60/
139           c
140                   zhch1=-51.562
141 jones 1.2 	zaira=zhch1+hch1_size(3)+aira_size(3)
142           	zhch2=zaira+aira_size(3)+hch2_size(3)
143                   zairb=zhch2+hch2_size(3)+airb_size(3)
144                   zsci1=zairb+airb_size(3)+sci1_size(3)
145                   zairc=zsci1+sci1_size(3)+airc_size(3)
146 brash 1.3         zsci2=zairc+airc_size(3)+sci2_size(3)
147                   zaird=zsci2+sci2_size(3)+aird_size(3)
148                   zanl1=zaird+aird_size(3)+anl1_size(3)
149                   zaire=zanl1+anl1_size(3)+aire_size(3)
150                   zfch1=zaire+aire_size(3)+fch1_size(3)
151                   zairf=zfch1+fch1_size(3)+airf_size(3)
152                   zfch2=zairf+airf_size(3)+fch2_size(3)
153 brash 1.4         zairg=zfch2+fch2_size(3)+airg_size(3)-0.1
154 brash 1.3         zanl2=zairg+airg_size(3)+anl2_size(3)
155                   zairh=zanl2+anl2_size(3)+airh_size(3)
156                   zfch3=zairh+airh_size(3)+fch3_size(3)
157                   zairi=zfch3+fch3_size(3)+airi_size(3)
158                   zfch4=zairi+airi_size(3)+fch4_size(3)
159 brash 1.4 c
160           c	write(*,*)'Minimum airg position = ',(zairg-airg_size(3))
161           c	write(*,*)'Maximum fch2 position = ',(zfch2+fch2_size(3))
162 brash 1.3 c       
163 jones 1.2 	rtod=180.0/3.14159265
164 jones 1.1 c
165                   rotmat1(1,1)=cos(psoff1)*cos(thoff1)+sin(psoff1)*sin(thoff1)
166                $       *sin(phoff1)
167                   rotmat1(1,2)=cos(psoff1)*sin(thoff1)-sin(psoff1)*cos(thoff1)
168                $       *sin(phoff1)
169                   rotmat1(1,3)=sin(psoff1)*cos(phoff1)
170                   rotmat1(2,1)=-cos(phoff1)*sin(thoff1)
171                   rotmat1(2,2)=cos(phoff1)*cos(thoff1)
172                   rotmat1(2,3)=sin(phoff1)
173                   rotmat1(3,1)=-sin(psoff1)*cos(thoff1)+cos(psoff1)*sin(thoff1)
174                $       *sin(phoff1)
175                   rotmat1(3,2)=-sin(psoff1)*sin(thoff1)-cos(psoff1)*cos(thoff1)
176                $       *sin(phoff1)
177                   rotmat1(3,3)=cos(psoff1)*cos(phoff1)
178                   do ic=1,3
179                      write(*,*)rotmat1(ic,1),rotmat1(ic,2),rotmat1(ic,3)
180                   enddo
181           c
182                   do ic=1,3
183                      rowmat(1)=real(rotmat1(ic,1))
184                      rowmat(2)=real(rotmat1(ic,2))
185 jones 1.1            rowmat(3)=real(rotmat1(ic,3))
186                      call gfang(rowmat,costh,sinth,cosph,sinph,rotate)
187           	   write(*,*)costh,sinth,cosph,sinph
188                      if(rotate) then
189                         if(costh.ne.0) then
190           		theta(ic)=atan(sinth/costh)*rtod
191           	      else
192           		if(sinth.gt.0) then
193           		  theta(ic)=90.0
194           		else if(sinth.lt.0) then
195           		  theta(ic)=-90.0
196           		else
197           		  theta(ic)=0.0
198           		endif
199           	      endif
200                         if(cosph.ne.0) then
201           		phi(ic)=atan(sinph/cosph)*rtod
202           	      else
203           		if(sinph.gt.0) then
204           		  phi(ic)=90.0
205           		else if(sinph.lt.0) then
206 jones 1.1 		  phi(ic)=-90.0
207           		else
208           		  phi(ic)=0.0
209           		endif
210           	      endif
211                      else
212                         theta(ic)=0.0
213                         phi(ic)=0.0
214                      endif
215                      write(6,*)'fpp rotation 1 =',ic,theta(ic),phi(ic)
216                   enddo
217                   irot1=5
218                   call gsrotm(irot1,theta(1),phi(1),theta(2),
219                &                        phi(2),theta(3),phi(3))
220           c     
221           c
222           ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
223           c
224           c --- define the various mixtures for geant ---
225           c
226                 write(6,*)'defining mixtures now'
227 jones 1.2       call gsmixt(nch2,'chtwo$',achh,zchh,dchh,-2,wchh)
228 jones 1.1       call gsmixt(nsci,'scint$',ane,zne,dne,-2,wne)
229           c      uncomment next line for density of hydrogen in (CH2)2
230 brash 1.6       call gsmate(nhy,'hydr$',     1.01, 1.0, 0.135,  865., 790.,0,0)
231 jones 1.1 c      uncomment next line for normal density of carbon 
232           c      call gsmate(ncarbo,'carbo$',12.01,6.0, 2.265, 18.8, 80.,0,0)
233           c      uncomment next line for density of carbon in (CH2)2
234 brash 1.6       call gsmate(ncarbo,'carbo$', 12.01,6.0, 0.800, 18.8, 80.,0,0)
235 jones 1.1 c
236           	write(*,*)'Finished defining these materials'
237           ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
238           c
239           c  define the tracking medium parameters
240           c
241                 nwbuf=10
242           c
243           c *** definition of tracking medium for air:
244           c
245                 write(6,*)'defining air medium now'
246                 nt_air = nvac  ! tracking medium # same as material #
247                 isvol  = 0     ! not sensitive
248                 ifield = 0     ! no magnetic field
249                 fieldm = 0.0   ! max field
250                 tmaxfd = 0.3   ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees
251                 dmaxms = 0.5   ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm)
252                 deemax = 0.2   ! max fractional energy loss in one step
253                 epsil  = 0.01  ! tracking precision (cm)
254                 stmin  = 0.01  ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm)
255                 ubuf(1)= 0.    ! tracking stop switch
256 jones 1.1       write(6,*)'calling gstmed'
257                 call gstmed(nt_air,'HALL$',nvac,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd,
258                1            dmaxms,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf)
259                 write(6,*)'back from gstmed'
260           c
261           c *** definition of tracking medium for carbon:
262           c     
263 brash 1.5       write(6,*)'defining carbon medium now'
264                 nt_carbon = ncarbon  ! tracking medium # same as material #
265                 isvol  = 0     ! not sensitive
266                 ifield = 0     ! no magnetic field
267                 fieldm = 0.0   ! max field
268                 tmaxfd = 0.3   ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees
269                 dmaxms = 0.5   ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm)
270                 deemax = 0.2   ! max fractional energy loss in one step
271                 epsil  = 0.01  ! tracking precision (cm)
272                 stmin  = 0.01  ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm)
273                 ubuf(1)= 0.    ! tracking stop switch
274 jones 1.2 c      write(6,*)'calling gstmed'
275 brash 1.5       call gstmed(nt_carbon,'HALL$',ncarbon,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd,
276                1            dmaxms,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf)
277 jones 1.2 c      write(6,*)'back from gstmed'
278 jones 1.1 c
279           c *** definition of tracking medium for magnet:
280           c          
281           c      nt_mag = nmag  ! tracking medium # same as material number
282           c      isvol  = 0     ! not sensitive
283           c      ifield = 2     ! magnetic field defined in gufld.for - helix tracking
284           c      fieldm = 20.0   ! max field
285           c      tmaxfd = 0.3   ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees
286           c      dmaxms = 0.5   ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm)
287           c      deemax = 0.2   ! max fractional energy loss in one step
288           c      epsil  = 0.01  ! tracking precision (cm)
289           c      stmin  = 0.01  ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm)
290           c      ubuf(1)= 0.    ! tracking stop switch
291           c      call gstmed(nt_mag,'magnet$',nvac,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd,
292           c     1            dmaxms,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf)
293           c
294           c *** definition of tracking medium for pb shielding:
295           c
296           c      nt_pb  = npb   ! tracking medium # same as material #
297           c      isvol  = 1     ! sensitive
298           c      ifield = 0     ! no magnetic field
299 jones 1.1 c      fieldm = 0.0   ! max field
300           c      tmaxfd = 0.3   ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees
301           c      dmaxms = 0.5   ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm)
302           c      deemax = 0.2   ! max fractional energy loss in one step
303           c      epsil  = 0.01  ! tracking precision (cm)
304           c      stmin  = 0.01  ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm)
305           c      ubuf(1)= 0.    ! tracking stop switch
306           c      call gstmed(nt_pb,'HALL$',npb,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd,
307           c     1            dmaxms,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf)
308           c
309           cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
310           c
311           c *** definition of tracking medium for analyzer:
312           c
313                 nt_analyz = 630 ! Choose Arbitrary Tracking Medium Number for Analyzer 
314                 isvol  = 1     ! sensitive
315                 ifield = 0     ! no magnetic field
316                 fieldm = 0.0   ! max field
317                 tmaxfd = 0.3   ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees
318                 dmaxms = 1.0   ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm)
319                 deemax = 0.1   ! max fractional energy loss in one step
320 jones 1.1       epsil  = 0.01  ! tracking precision (cm)
321                 stmin  = 0.05  ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm)
322                 ubuf(1)= 0.    ! tracking stop switch
323           c
324 brash 1.5 c      nanalyz = ncarbon
325 brash 1.6 c      nanalyz = nhy
326 brash 1.8 c      nanalyz = ncarbo
327                 nanalyz = nch2
328 jones 1.1       call gstmed(nt_analyz,'HALL$',nanalyz,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd,
329                1            dmaxms,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf)
330           c
331 jones 1.2       nt_ch2 = nch2   ! tracking medium # same as material #
332           c
333           c *** definition of tracking medium for scintillator:
334           c
335 jones 1.1       nt_sci = nsci ! tracking medium # same as material #
336 jones 1.2       isvol  = 1     ! sensitive
337                 ifield = 0     ! no magnetic field
338                 fieldm = 0.0   ! max field
339                 tmaxfd = 0.3   ! maximum angle due to field (one step) in degrees
340                 dmaxms = 1.0   ! max disp. due to mulsct. in one step (cm)
341                 deemax = 0.1   ! max fractional energy loss in one step
342                 epsil  = 0.01  ! tracking precision (cm)
343                 stmin  = 0.05  ! min step due to e loss or mulsct. (cm)
344                 ubuf(1)= 0.    ! tracking stop switch
345           c
346                 call gstmed(nt_sci,'HALL$',nsci,isvol,ifield,fieldm,tmaxfd,
347                1            dmaxms,deemax,epsil,stmin,ubuf,nwbuf)
348           c
350 jones 1.1 cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
351           c
352           c  print the tracking media parameters
353           c
354                  write(6,*)'printing tracking media params now'
355                  call gptmed ( 0 )
356           c
357           cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
358           c
359           c  the mother volume will be the HALL volume, it is filled with air
360           c
361                 write(6,*)'defining volumes now'
362                 write(6,*)'defining HALL now'
363                 call gsvolu ( 'HALL', 'BOX ', nair, HALL_size, ndim, iv_HALL )
364           c
365                 if ( iv_HALL.le.0 ) then
366                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_HALL=',iv_HALL
367                     write ( 6,* ) '        HALL geometry setup failed'
368                     stop
369                 end if
370           c
371 jones 1.1 c  we do not see the HALL volume in the pictures
372           c
373                 call gsatt ( 'HALL', 'SEEN', 0 )
374           c
375           c  define the null rotation
376           c
377                 write(6,*)'defining null rot now'
378                 irot = 1
379                 call gsrotm(irot,nul_rot(1),nul_rot(2),nul_rot(3),
380                x                 nul_rot(4),nul_rot(5),nul_rot(6) )
381                 irotnull = irot
382           c
383           c  define the rotation necessary to position the x-straws
384           c
385                 write(6,*)'defining rotx now'
386                 irotx = 2
387                 call gsrotm(irotx,rotx(1),rotx(2),rotx(3),
388                x                 rotx(4),rotx(5),rotx(6) )
389           c
390           c
391           c  define the rotation necessary to position the u-straws
392 jones 1.1 c
393                 write(6,*)'defining rotu now'
394                 irotu = 3
395                 call gsrotm(irotu,rotu(1),rotu(2),rotu(3),
396                x                 rotu(4),rotu(5),rotu(6) )
397           c
398           c
399           c  define the rotation necessary to position the v-straws
400           c
401                 write(6,*)'defining rotv now'
402                 irotv = 4
403                 call gsrotm(irotv,rotv(1),rotv(2),rotv(3),
404                x                 rotv(4),rotv(5),rotv(6) )
405           c
406           c
407 jones 1.2       write(6,*)'defining hch1 volume now'
408                 call gsvolu ( 'hch1', 'BOX ', nt_air, 
409                x                   hch1_size, ndim, iv_targ )
410           c
411                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
412                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
413                     write ( 6,* ) '        hch1 geometry setup failed'
414                     stop
415                 end if
416           c
417           c
418 jones 1.1       write(6,*)'defining aira volume now'
419                 call gsvolu ( 'aira', 'BOX ', nt_air, 
420                x                   aira_size, ndim, iv_targ )
421           c
422                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
423                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
424                     write ( 6,* ) '        aira geometry setup failed'
425                     stop
426                 end if
427           c
428           c
429 jones 1.2       write(6,*)'defining hch2 volume now'
430                 call gsvolu ( 'hch2', 'BOX ', nt_air, 
431                x                   hch2_size, ndim, iv_targ )
432           c
433                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
434                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
435                     write ( 6,* ) '        hch2 geometry setup failed'
436                     stop
437                 end if
438           c
439           c
440 jones 1.1       write(6,*)'defining airb volume now'
441                 call gsvolu ( 'airb', 'BOX ', nt_air, 
442                x                   airb_size, ndim, iv_targ )
443           c
444                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
445                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
446                     write ( 6,* ) '        airb geometry setup failed'
447                     stop
448                 end if
449           c
450           c
451 jones 1.2       write(6,*)'defining scintillator now'
452                 call gsvolu ( 'sci1', 'BOX ', nt_sci, 
453                x                   sci1_size, ndim, iv_targ )
454           c
455                 write(6,*)iv_targ
456                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
457                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
458                     write ( 6,* ) '        sci1 geometry setup failed'
459                     stop
460                 end if
462           c
463           c
464 jones 1.1       write(6,*)'defining airc volume now'
465                 call gsvolu ( 'airc', 'BOX ', nt_air, 
466                x                   airc_size, ndim, iv_targ )
467           c
468                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
469                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
470                     write ( 6,* ) '        airc geometry setup failed'
471                     stop
472                 end if
473           c
474 brash 1.3 c
475                 write(6,*)'defining the second scintillator now'
476                 call gsvolu ( 'sci2', 'BOX ', nt_sci,
477                x                   sci2_size, ndim, iv_targ )
478           c
479                 write(6,*)iv_targ
480                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
481                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
482                     write ( 6,* ) '        sci2 geometry setup failed'
483                     stop
484                 end if
485           c
486           c
487                 write(6,*)'defining aird volume now'
488                 call gsvolu ( 'aird', 'BOX ', nt_air, 
489                x                   aird_size, ndim, iv_targ )
490           c
491                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
492                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
493                     write ( 6,* ) '        aird geometry setup failed'
494                     stop
495 brash 1.3       end if
496           c
497 jones 1.2 cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
498           c
499                 write(6,*)'DEFINING THE FIRST ANALYZER NOW!'
500                 call gsvolu ( 'anl1', 'BOX ', nt_analyz, 
501                x                   anl1_size, ndim, iv_targ )
502           c
503                 write(6,*)nt_analyz,anl1_size,iv_targ
504           c
505                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
506                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
507                     write ( 6,* ) '        analyzer geometry setup failed'
508                     stop
509                 end if
510           c
511           c
512                   write(*,*)'analyzer 1 thickness =       ',anl1_size(3)*2.0
513                   write(*,*)'nt_sci =             ',nt_sci
514                   write(*,*)'nt_ch2 =             ',nt_ch2
515                   write(*,*)'nt_analyz =          ',nt_analyz
516           c
517 jones 1.1 c
518 brash 1.3       write(6,*)'defining aire volume now'
519                 call gsvolu ( 'aire', 'BOX ', nt_air, 
520                x                   aire_size, ndim, iv_targ )
521 jones 1.1 c
522                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
523                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
524 brash 1.3           write ( 6,* ) '        aire geometry setup failed'
525 jones 1.1           stop
526                 end if
527           c
528 jones 1.2 c
529                 write(6,*)'defining fch1 volume now'
530                 call gsvolu ( 'fch1', 'BOX ', nt_air, 
531                x                   fch1_size, ndim, iv_targ )
532           c
533                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
534                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
535                     write ( 6,* ) '        fch1 geometry setup failed'
536                     stop
537                 end if
538           c
539           c
540 brash 1.3       write(6,*)'defining airf volume now'
541                 call gsvolu ( 'airf', 'BOX ', nt_air, 
542                x                   airf_size, ndim, iv_targ )
543 jones 1.2 c
544                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
545                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
546 brash 1.3           write ( 6,* ) '        airf geometry setup failed'
547 jones 1.2           stop
548                 end if
549           c
550           c
551                 write(6,*)'defining fch2 volume now'
552                 call gsvolu ( 'fch2', 'BOX ', nt_air, 
553                x                   fch2_size, ndim, iv_targ )
554           c
555                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
556                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
557                     write ( 6,* ) '        fch2 geometry setup failed'
558                     stop
559                 end if
560           c
561           c
562 brash 1.3       write(6,*)'defining airg volume now'
563                 call gsvolu ( 'airg', 'BOX ', nt_air, 
564                x                   airg_size, ndim, iv_targ )
565 jones 1.2 c
566                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
567                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
568 brash 1.3           write ( 6,* ) '        airg geometry setup failed'
569 jones 1.2           stop
570                 end if
571           c
572 jones 1.1 cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
573           c
574 jones 1.2       write(6,*)'DEFINING THE SECOND ANALYZER NOW!'
575                 call gsvolu ( 'anl2', 'BOX ', nt_analyz, 
576                x                   anl2_size, ndim, iv_targ )
577 jones 1.1 c
578 jones 1.2       write(6,*)nt_analyz,anl2_size,iv_targ
579 jones 1.1 c
580                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
581                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
582 jones 1.2           write ( 6,* ) '        anl2 geometry setup failed'
583 jones 1.1           stop
584                 end if
585           c
586           c
587 jones 1.2         write(*,*)'analyzer 2 thickness =       ',anl2_size(3)*2.0
588 jones 1.1         write(*,*)'nt_sci =             ',nt_sci
589 jones 1.2         write(*,*)'nt_ch2 =             ',nt_ch2
590 jones 1.1         write(*,*)'nt_analyz =          ',nt_analyz
591           c
592           c
593 brash 1.3       write(6,*)'defining airh volume now'
594                 call gsvolu ( 'airh', 'BOX ', nt_air, 
595                x                   airh_size, ndim, iv_targ )
596 jones 1.2 c
597                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
598                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
599 brash 1.3           write ( 6,* ) '        airh geometry setup failed'
600 jones 1.2           stop
601                 end if
602 jones 1.1 c
603           c
604 jones 1.2       write(6,*)'defining fch3 volume now'
605                 call gsvolu ( 'fch3', 'BOX ', nt_air, 
606                x                   fch3_size, ndim, iv_targ )
607 jones 1.1 c
608                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
609                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
610 jones 1.2           write ( 6,* ) '        fch3 geometry setup failed'
611 jones 1.1           stop
612                 end if
613           c
614 jones 1.2 c
615 brash 1.3       write(6,*)'defining airi volume now'
616                 call gsvolu ( 'airi', 'BOX ', nt_air, 
617                x                   airi_size, ndim, iv_targ )
618 jones 1.1 c
619                 if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
620                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
621 brash 1.3           write ( 6,* ) '        airi geometry setup failed'
622 jones 1.1           stop
623                 end if
624           c
625 jones 1.2 c
626                 write(6,*)'defining fch4 volume now'
627                 call gsvolu ( 'fch4', 'BOX ', nt_air, 
628                x                   fch4_size, ndim, iv_targ )
629           c
630 jones 1.1       if ( iv_targ.le.0 ) then
631                     write ( 6,* ) ' ugeom: error, iv_targ=',iv_targ
632 jones 1.2           write ( 6,* ) '        fch4 geometry setup failed'
633                     stop
634 jones 1.1       end if
635 jones 1.2 c
636           cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
637           c
638           c
639 jones 1.1 
640           c
641           c  make the target "SEEN" in the pictures and give it COLOr number 3
642           c  (probably green) and then position it inside the mother volume
643           c
644                 call gsatt ( 'aira', 'SEEN', 1 )
645                 call gsatt ( 'aira', 'COLO', 1 )
646                 call gspos ( 'aira', 1, 'HALL', 0.,0.,real(zaira),irot,'only' )
647                 call gsatt ( 'airb', 'SEEN', 1 )
648                 call gsatt ( 'airb', 'COLO', 1 )
649                 call gspos ( 'airb', 1, 'HALL', 0.,0.,real(zairb),irot,'only' )
650                 call gsatt ( 'airc', 'SEEN', 1 )
651                 call gsatt ( 'airc', 'COLO', 1 )
652                 call gspos ( 'airc', 1, 'HALL', 0.,0.,real(zairc),irot,'only' )
653                 call gsatt ( 'aird', 'SEEN', 1 )
654                 call gsatt ( 'aird', 'COLO', 1 )
655 brash 1.3       call gspos ( 'aird', 1, 'HALL', -5.08,0.,real(zaird),irot,'only' )
656 jones 1.2       call gsatt ( 'aire', 'SEEN', 1 )
657                 call gsatt ( 'aire', 'COLO', 1 )
658 brash 1.3       call gspos ( 'aire', 1, 'HALL',-5.08,0.,real(zaire),irot,'only' )
659 jones 1.2       call gsatt ( 'airf', 'SEEN', 1 )
660                 call gsatt ( 'airf', 'COLO', 1 )
661 brash 1.3       call gspos ( 'airf', 1, 'HALL',-5.08,0.,real(zairf),irot,'only' )
662 jones 1.2       call gsatt ( 'airg', 'SEEN', 1 )
663                 call gsatt ( 'airg', 'COLO', 1 )
664 brash 1.3       call gspos ( 'airg', 1, 'HALL',-5.08,0.,real(zairg),irot,'only' )
665 jones 1.2       call gsatt ( 'airh', 'SEEN', 1 )
666                 call gsatt ( 'airh', 'COLO', 1 )
667 brash 1.3       call gspos ( 'airh', 1, 'HALL',-5.08,0.,real(zairh),irot,'only' )
668                 call gsatt ( 'airi', 'SEEN', 1 )
669                 call gsatt ( 'airi', 'COLO', 1 )
670                 call gspos ( 'airi', 1, 'HALL',-5.08,0.,real(zairi),irot,'only' )
672 jones 1.1 c
673           cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
674           c
675 jones 1.2       call gsatt ( 'anl1', 'SEEN', 1 )
676                 call gsatt ( 'anl1', 'COLO', 4 )
677 brash 1.3       call gspos ( 'anl1', 1, 'HALL', -5.08,0.,real(zanl1),irot,'only' )
678 jones 1.2       call gsatt ( 'anl2', 'SEEN', 1 )
679                 call gsatt ( 'anl2', 'COLO', 4 )
680 brash 1.3       call gspos ( 'anl2', 1, 'HALL', -5.08,0.,real(zanl2),irot,'only' )
681 jones 1.2 c
682           cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
683           c
684                 call gsatt ( 'hch1', 'SEEN', 1 )
685                 call gsatt ( 'hch1', 'COLO', 2 )
686                 call gspos ( 'hch1', 1, 'HALL', 0.,0.,real(zhch1),irot,'only' )
687                 call gsatt ( 'hch2', 'SEEN', 1 )
688                 call gsatt ( 'hch2', 'COLO', 2 )
689                 call gspos ( 'hch2', 1, 'HALL', 0.,0.,real(zhch2),irot,'only' )
690           c
691           cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
692           c
693                 call gsatt ( 'fch1', 'SEEN', 1 )
694                 call gsatt ( 'fch1', 'COLO', 5 )
695 brash 1.3       call gspos ( 'fch1', 1, 'HALL', -5.08,0.,real(zfch1),irot,'only' )
696 jones 1.2       call gsatt ( 'fch2', 'SEEN', 1 )
697                 call gsatt ( 'fch2', 'COLO', 5 )
698 brash 1.3       call gspos ( 'fch2', 1, 'HALL', -5.08,0.,real(zfch2),irot,'only' )
699 jones 1.2       call gsatt ( 'fch3', 'SEEN', 1 )
700                 call gsatt ( 'fch3', 'COLO', 5 )
701 brash 1.3       call gspos ( 'fch3', 1, 'HALL', -5.08,0.,real(zfch3),irot,'only' )
702 jones 1.2       call gsatt ( 'fch4', 'SEEN', 1 )
703                 call gsatt ( 'fch4', 'COLO', 5 )
704 brash 1.3       call gspos ( 'fch4', 1, 'HALL', -5.08,0.,real(zfch4),irot,'only' )
705 jones 1.1 c
706           cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
707           c
708                 call gsatt ( 'sci1', 'SEEN', 1 )
709 jones 1.2       call gsatt ( 'sci1', 'COLO', 3 )
710 jones 1.1       call gspos ( 'sci1', 1, 'HALL', 0.,0.,real(zsci1),irot,'only' )
711 brash 1.3       call gsatt ( 'sci2', 'SEEN', 1 )
712                 call gsatt ( 'sci2', 'COLO', 3 )
713                 call gspos ( 'sci2', 1, 'HALL', 0.,0.,real(zsci2),irot,'only' )
714 jones 1.1 c
715           c
716           cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
717                 write(6,*) 'everything is positioned'
718                 return
719                 end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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