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   1 jones 1.1 *------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2           *
   3           *       HMS_TRACK  HMS Tracking Routines 
   4           *      -=========-
   5           * 
   6           *	Forward and Backward Tracking of electrons in the Jlab HMS hall 
   7           *       C spectrometer
   8           *
   9           *       Note: - the HMS routines use a lab (HMS) coord. system
  10           *               and the corresponding COSY coord. system, both 
  11           *               right handed with
  12           *                 x : pointing downwards
  13           *                 y : perpendicular to x,z, 
  14           *                     pointing to the left (if seen in z-direction)
  15           *                 z : HMS axis, pointing from the target to the focal plane
  16           *
  17           *             - all lengths (x,y,z,l,...) are measured in [m]
  18           *             - all angles are measured as dx/dz,dy/dz (lab coords.)
  19           *               or as A,B (COSY coords.)       
  20           *             - the momentum is measured in delta (relative momentum
  21           *               deviation  = 1-p0/pHMS)
  22 jones 1.1 *
  23           *       PART 1: Forward trackinh using COSY transport matrices  
  24           *              
  25           *
  26           *       PART 2: Reconstruction (backward tracking) using reconstruction 
  27           *               and COSY transport matrices (including the 
  28           *               effects of a vertical beam offset (out-of plane))  
  29           *                    
  30           *
  31           *       written by Markus Muehlbauer for the GEN Experiment
  32           *
  33           * frw 9/2000
  34           *       changes made in the course of the migration to g77 compiler:
  35           *        - fixed some typos (old ones, too)
  36           *        - all COSY conversion code was already commented out (why?
  37           *          by who?) so I removed it and made the code more readable
  38           *        - various variables were not initialized prior to reading
  39           *          from file.  This may or may not be an issue, but fixed it
  40           *          anyway
  41           *
  42           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43 jones 1.1 
  44           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45           *
  46           *       PART 1:  HMS Forward Tracking (Target to Focal Plane)
  47           *      -=======-       
  48           *
  49           *	Forward tracking in the Jlab HMS hall C spectrometer
  50           *       using COSY transport matrices
  51           *   
  52           *       developed by Cris Cothran
  53           *       modified  by Markus Muehlbauer
  54           *         - CCs orignal program converted into subroutines
  55           *         - mad additions for pure tracking, without checking the acceptance
  56           *         - and changed the innermost loops applying the matrix
  57           *           (which speeds up the whole thing by a factor of about 30)
  58           * 
  59           *       Supplies:
  60           *         hmsInitForward (map) 
  61           *           load the forward transport maps
  62           *         hmsForward (uT,zT,u,z)
  63           *            make a single step transport calculation 
  64 jones 1.1 *            (without treating the acceptance)
  65           *         hmsAccept (uT,zT,u,z)
  66           *            make a multi step transport calculation 
  67           *            (also treating the acceptance)  
  68           *       
  69           *       Note: - Before calling hmsForward or hmsAccept the forward 
  70           *               transport maps have to be loaded by a call to hmsInitForward
  71           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73                 SUBROUTINE hmsInitForward (filename,maxorder,path,p0) 
  74                 IMPLICIT  NONE
  75                 CHARACTER filename*(*)
  76                 INTEGER   maxorder
  77                 LOGICAL   path
  78                 REAL      p0
  80           * --  load the HMS forward (cosy) map 
  81           *
  82           *     Parameter:
  83           *       filename   I : name of the forward map
  84           *       maxorder   I : maximal order to take into account
  85 jones 1.1 *       path       I : calculate the path length/TOF variation
  86           *       p0         I : momentum the spectrometer is set to
  87           *
  88           *     reconInitFormat uses the same map-file as the simulation
  89           *     routines and digs out the necessary matrix elements to
  90           *     perform the focal plane corrections
  91           * 
  92           *     Map Line Ax Ax' Ay Ay' Al Adelta XxYyld
  93           *     
  94           *       Map    : Map number 0-20
  95           *                20: full HMS (target to focal plane)
  96           *       Line   : Line number
  97           *       Ax     : coeff's applied to x 
  98           *       Ax'    : coeff's applied to x'
  99           *       Ay     : coeff's applied to y
 100           *       Ay'    : coeff's applied to y'
 101           *       Al     : coeff's applied to path length deviation
 102           *       X      : exponent of the actual x
 103           *       x      : exponent of the actual x'
 104           *       Y      : exponent of the actual y
 105           *       y      : exponent of the actual y'
 106 jones 1.1 *       l      : exponent of the actual path length
 107           *       d      : exponent of the delta
 109                 REAL       fac,me
 110                 PARAMETER (fac = 0.9904599)
 111                 PARAMETER (me  = 0.00051099906)
 113                 ! transport map common block
 114                 INTEGER NMAPS,NLINES 
 115                 PARAMETER (NMAPS  = 20)
 116                 PARAMETER (NLINES = 10000)
 118                 INTEGER first(NMAPS),last(NMAPS),order
 119                 INTEGER e1(NLINES),e2(NLINES),e3(NLINES) 
 120                 INTEGER e4(NLINES),e5(NLINES),e6(NLINES)  
 121                 REAL    c1(NLINES),c2(NLINES),c3(NLINES) 
 122                 REAL    c4(NLINES),c5(NLINES) 
 124                 COMMON  /hmsTrack/first,last,order,
 125                >                  e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5 
 127 jones 1.1       REAL    delta,mep0
 128                 COMMON  /hmsTrackLabCOSY/delta,mep0
 130                 ! other variables
 131                 INTEGER   i,m,n,num,eof 
 133                 ! read the necessary coeffs from the map data file
 134            10   FORMAT (1X,I2,1X,I5,1X,5(E14.7E2,1X),6I1)
 136                 mep0 = me/(p0*fac)
 138                 DO i=1,NMAPS
 139                   first(i) = 0
 140                   last (i) = 0 
 141                 ENDDO
 143                 DO i=1,NLINES
 144                  c1(i) = 0. 
 145                  c2(i) = 0. 
 146                  c3(i) = 0. 
 147                  c4(i) = 0. 
 148 jones 1.1        c5(i) = 0.        
 149                  e1(i) = 0 
 150                  e2(i) = 0 
 151                  e3(i) = 0 
 152                  e4(i) = 0 
 153                  e5(i) = 0 
 154                  e6(i) = 0 
 155                 ENDDO
 157                 num   = 1
 158                 order = 0
 160                 OPEN (UNIT=97,FILE=filename,STATUS='OLD')
 162                 READ (97,10,IOSTAT=eof)  m,n, 
 163                >  c1(num), c2(num), c3(num), c4(num), c5(num), 
 164                >  e1(num), e2(num), e3(num), e4(num), e5(num), e6(num) 
 165                 IF (.not. path) c5(num) = 0.
 167                 DO WHILE (eof .GE. 0)
 169 jones 1.1         i = e1(num)+e2(num)+e3(num)+e4(num)+e5(num)+e6(num)
 170                   IF ((i .LE. maxorder) .AND. ((c1(num) .NE. 0.0) .OR.
 171                >       (c2(num) .NE. 0.0) .OR. (c3(num) .NE. 0.0) .OR.
 172                >       (c4(num) .NE. 0.0) .OR. (c5(num) .NE. 0.0))) THEN
 173                     IF (i .GT. order)    order    = i
 174                     IF (0 .EQ. first(m)) first(m) = num
 175                     last(m) = num
 176                     num     = num+1
 177                   ENDIF
 178                   READ (97,10,IOSTAT=eof)  m,n, 
 179                >    c1(num), c2(num), c3(num), c4(num), c5(num), 
 180                >    e1(num), e2(num), e3(num), e4(num), e5(num), e6(num) 
 181                   IF (.not. path) c5(num) = 0.
 183                 ENDDO
 185                 CLOSE (97)
 187                 RETURN
 188                 END 
 190 jones 1.1 
 192           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
 194                 SUBROUTINE hmsApplyCOSY (u,num)
 195                 IMPLICIT NONE
 196                 REAL    u(6)
 197                 INTEGER num
 199           * --  apply a COSY matrix on the COSY vector u 
 200           *     (used in the forward tracking only)
 201           *
 202           *     Parameter
 203           *       u   IO : coordinate vector (COSY)
 204           *                 u(1,2) : x [m], A = out of plane coordinates (downwards) 
 205           *                 u(3,4) : y [m], B = inplane coordinates (perp. on x,z)
 206           *                 u(5)   : l [m] = [?] = path length deviation (?)
 207           *                 u(6)   : delta = relative deviation of the particle 
 208           *                                  momentum from p0
 209           *       num I  : cosy matrix to apply 
 211 jones 1.1       ! transport map common block
 212                 INTEGER NMAPS,NLINES 
 213                 PARAMETER (NMAPS  = 20)
 214                 PARAMETER (NLINES = 10000)
 216                 INTEGER first(NMAPS),last(NMAPS),order
 217                 INTEGER e1(NLINES),e2(NLINES),e3(NLINES) 
 218                 INTEGER e4(NLINES),e5(NLINES),e6(NLINES)  
 219                 REAL    c1(NLINES),c2(NLINES),c3(NLINES) 
 220                 REAL    c4(NLINES),c5(NLINES)   
 222                 COMMON  /hmsTrack/first,last,order,
 223                >                  e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5 
 225                 ! other variables
 226                 REAL    a,uu1(0:10),uu2(0:10),uu3(0:10) 
 227                 REAL      uu4(0:10),uu5(0:10),uu6(0:10)
 228                 INTEGER i 
 230                 ! calculate the powers of the focal plane coordinates
 231                 uu1(0) = 1.
 232 jones 1.1       uu2(0) = 1.
 233                 uu3(0) = 1.
 234                 uu4(0) = 1.
 235                 uu5(0) = 1.
 236                 uu6(0) = 1.
 237                 uu1(1) = u(1)
 238                 uu2(1) = u(2)
 239                 uu3(1) = u(3)
 240                 uu4(1) = u(4)
 241                 uu5(1) = u(5)
 242                 uu6(1) = u(6)
 243                 DO i=2,order
 244                   uu1(i)=uu1(i-1)*uu1(1)
 245                   uu2(i)=uu2(i-1)*uu2(1)
 246                   uu3(i)=uu3(i-1)*uu3(1)
 247                   uu4(i)=uu4(i-1)*uu4(1)
 248                   uu5(i)=uu5(i-1)*uu5(1)
 249                   uu6(i)=uu6(i-1)*uu6(1)
 250                 ENDDO
 252                 DO i=1,5
 253 jones 1.1         u(i) = 0.
 254                 ENDDO
 256                 ! apply the cosy matrix
 257                 DO i = first(num),last(num) 
 258                   a = uu1(e1(i)) * uu2(e2(i)) * uu3(e3(i)) * 
 259                >      uu4(e4(i)) * uu5(e5(i)) * uu6(e6(i))
 260                   u(1) = u(1) + c1(i) * a
 261                   u(2) = u(2) + c2(i) * a
 262                   u(3) = u(3) + c3(i) * a
 263                   u(4) = u(4) + c4(i) * a
 264                   u(5) = u(5) + c5(i) * a
 265                 ENDDO
 267                 RETURN
 268                 END   
 270           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
 272                 SUBROUTINE hmsForward (uT,zT,u,zz,lost)
 273                 IMPLICIT none
 274 jones 1.1       REAL     uT(6),zT,u(6),zz
 275                 LOGICAL  lost
 277           * --  make a single step transport calculation (without treating the acceptance)
 278           *
 279           *     Parameter:
 280           *       uT,zT  I : target coordinates
 281           *                    uT(1,2) : x [m], dx/dz = out of plane coord. (downwards) 
 282           *                    uT(3,4) : y [m], dy/dz = inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
 283           *                    uT(5)   : l [?] = path length deviation (?) 
 284           *                    uT(6)   : delta; relative deviation of the particle 
 285           *                                     momentum from p0 
 286           *                    zT      : z [m]; in axis coordinate (towards HMS)
 287           *       u,zz   O : focal plane coordinates  
 288           *                    u(1,2)  : x [m], dx/dz; out of plane coord. (downwards) 
 289           *                    u(3,4)  : y [m], dy/dz; inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
 290           *                    u(5)    : l [?]; path length deviation (?) 
 291           *                    u(6)    : delta; relative deviation of the particle 
 292           *                                     momentum from p0 
 293           *                    zz      : z [m]; in axis coordinate (towards HMS)
 294           *                               position where the particle stops inside HMS
 295 jones 1.1 *                               (here always z-calorimeter) 
 296           *       lost   O : set to .true. if the particle is lost in the HMS, 
 297           *                  otherwise .false. (here always false)         
 299                 ! other variables
 300                 INTEGER i
 302                 lost = .FALSE.
 303                 zz   = 26.44743
 305                 ! copy the target coordinates to the u vector 
 306                 DO i=1,6
 307                   u(i)=uT(i)
 308                 ENDDO
 310                 ! drift backwards to z=0 
 311                 u(1)=u(1)-u(2)*zT
 312                 u(3)=u(3)-u(4)*zT
 314                 !go up to the hut
 315                 CALL hmsApplyCOSY (u,20)
 316 jones 1.1          
 317                 RETURN
 318                 END 
 320           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
 322                 LOGICAL FUNCTION hmsCheckDipole (u,zz,dz)
 323                 IMPLICIT NONE
 324                 REAL     u(6),zz,dz
 326           * --  check for the dipole aperture
 327           *
 328           *     Parameter
 329           *       u       I : target coordinates (COSY or LAB)
 330           *                     u(1,2) : x [m], A or dx/dz = out of plane coord. (downwards) 
 331           *                     u(3,4) : y [m], A or dy/dz = inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
 332           *                     u(5)   : l [?] = path length deviation (?) 
 333           *                     u(6)   : delta; relative deviation of the particle 
 334           *                                     momentum from p0 
 335           *       zz     IO : z [m]; in axis coordinate (towards HMS)
 336           *       dz      I : distance from last check point [m]
 337 jones 1.1       
 338                 zz = zz+dz
 340                 hmsCheckDipole = .TRUE.
 342                 IF (ABS(u(1)).GT.0.27940.OR.ABS(u(3)).GT.0.18415) THEN
 343                   IF (ABS(u(1)).GT.0.34290.OR.ABS(u(3)).GT.0.20320) RETURN
 344                   IF (ABS(u(1)).GT.0.27940.AND.ABS(u(3)).GT.0.12065) THEN
 345                     IF (((ABS(u(1))-0.27940)**2 +
 346                >         (ABS(u(3))-0.12065)**2).GT.0.06350**2) RETURN
 347                   ENDIF
 348                   IF (ABS(u(1)).GT.0.13970 .OR.
 349                >     (ABS(u(1))-10.1852*ABS(u(3))).GT.2.069633) RETURN
 350                 ENDIF
 352                 hmsCheckDipole = .FALSE.
 354                 RETURN
 355                 END
 357           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
 358 jones 1.1 
 359                 LOGICAL FUNCTION hmsCheckQuad (u,zz,dz,r)
 360                 IMPLICIT NONE
 361                 REAL     u(6),zz,dz,r
 363           * --  check for the quadrupole aperture
 364           *
 365           *     Parameter
 366           *       u       I : target coordinates (COSY or LAB)
 367           *                     u(1,2) : x [m], A or dx/dz = out of plane coord. (downwards) 
 368           *                     u(3,4) : y [m], A or dy/dz = inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
 369           *                     u(5)   : l [?] = path length deviation (?) 
 370           *                     u(6)   : delta; relative deviation of the particle 
 371           *                                     momentum from p0 
 372           *       zz     IO : z [m]; in axis coordinate (towards HMS)
 373           *       dz      I : distance from last check point [m]
 374           *       r       I : aperture radius [m]
 376                 zz = zz+dz
 377                 hmsCheckQuad = ((u(1)**2+u(3)**2) .GT. r**2) 
 379 jones 1.1       RETURN
 380                 END
 382           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
 384                 LOGICAL FUNCTION hmsDriftOcta (u,zz,dz,x,y,m,b)
 385                 IMPLICIT NONE
 386                 REAL     u(6),zz,dz,x,y,m,b
 388           * --  drift electron and check for the octagon
 389           *
 390           *     Parameter
 391           *       u       I : target coordinates (COSY or LAB)
 392           *                     u(1,2) : x [m], A or dx/dz = out of plane coord. (downwards) 
 393           *                     u(3,4) : y [m], A or dy/dz = inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
 394           *                     u(5)   : l [?] = path length deviation (?) 
 395           *                     u(6)   : delta; relative deviation of the particle 
 396           *                                     momentum from p0 
 397           *       zz     IO : z [m]; in axis coordinate (towards HMS)
 398           *       dz      I : distance from last check point [m]
 399           *       x,y,m,b I : octagon coordinates (x,y,b [m], m [1])
 400 jones 1.1 
 401                 zz=zz+dz
 402                 u(1)=u(1)+u(2)*dz
 403                 u(3)=u(3)+u(4)*dz
 404                 hmsDriftOcta =  (ABS(u(1)) .GT. x) .OR. (ABS(u(3)) .GT. y) .OR.
 405                >               ((ABS(u(1))+m*ABS(u(3))) .GT. b)  
 407                 RETURN
 408                 END
 410           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
 412                 LOGICAL FUNCTION hmsDriftTPlate (u,zz,dz,r,y)
 413                 IMPLICIT NONE
 414                 REAL     u(6),zz,dz,r,y
 416           * --  drift electron and check for the dipole transition plate
 417           *
 418           *     Parameter
 419           *       u          IO : coordinate vector
 420           *       zz         IO : z position [m]
 421 jones 1.1 *       dz         I  : drift distance
 422           *       r,y        I  : aperture
 424                 zz=zz+dz
 425                 u(1)=u(1)+u(2)*dz
 426                 u(3)=u(3)+u(4)*dz
 427                 hmsDriftTPlate = ((u(1)**2+u(3)**2) .GT. r**2) .OR. 
 428                >                  (ABS(u(3)) .GT. y)
 430                 RETURN
 431                 END
 433           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
 435                 LOGICAL FUNCTION hmsDriftCirc (u,zz,dz,r)
 436                 IMPLICIT NONE
 437                 REAL     u(6),zz,dz,r
 439           * --  drift electron and check for circular aperture
 440           *
 441           *     Parameter
 442 jones 1.1 *       u       I : target coordinates (COSY or LAB)
 443           *                     u(1,2) : x [m], A or dx/dz = out of plane coord. (downwards) 
 444           *                     u(3,4) : y [m], A or dy/dz = inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
 445           *                     u(5)   : l [?] = path length deviation (?) 
 446           *                     u(6)   : delta; relative deviation of the particle 
 447           *                                     momentum from p0 
 448           *       zz     IO : z [m]; in axis coordinate (towards HMS)
 449           *       dz      I : distance from last check point [m]
 450           *       r,y     I : transition plate aperture radius [m]
 452                 zz=zz+dz
 453                 u(1)=u(1)+u(2)*dz
 454                 u(3)=u(3)+u(4)*dz
 455                 hmsDriftCirc = ((u(1)**2+u(3)**2) .GT. r**2)
 457                 RETURN
 458                 END
 460           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
 462                 LOGICAL FUNCTION hmsDriftRect (u,zz,dz,x0,x,y0,y)
 463 jones 1.1       IMPLICIT NONE
 464                 REAL     u(6),zz,dz,x0,x,y0,y 
 466           * --  drift electron and check for rectangular aperture
 467           *
 468           *     Parameter
 469           *       u       I : target coordinates (COSY or LAB)
 470           *                     u(1,2) : x [m], A or dx/dz = out of plane coord. (downwards) 
 471           *                     u(3,4) : y [m], A or dy/dz = inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
 472           *                     u(5)   : l [?] = path length deviation (?) 
 473           *                     u(6)   : delta; relative deviation of the particle 
 474           *                                     momentum from p0 
 475           *       zz     IO : z [m]; in axis coordinate (towards HMS)
 476           *       dz      I : distance from last check point [m]
 477           *       x,x0,
 478           *       y,y0    I : rectangular aperture [m] (half size and offset)
 480                 zz=zz+dz
 481                 u(1)=u(1)+u(2)*dz
 482                 u(3)=u(3)+u(4)*dz
 483                 hmsDriftRect = (ABS(u(1)-x0) .GT. x) .OR.
 484 jones 1.1      >               (ABS(u(3)-y0) .GT. y) 
 485                 RETURN
 486                 END
 488           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
 490                 SUBROUTINE hmsAccept (uT,zT,u,zz,lost)
 491                 IMPLICIT none
 492                 REAL     uT(6),zT,u(6),zz
 493                 LOGICAL  lost
 495           * --  make a transport calculation to find the acceptance
 496           *
 497           *     Parameter:
 498           *       uT,zT  I : target coordinates
 499           *                    uT(1,2) : x [m], dx/dz; out of plane coord. (downwards) 
 500           *                    uT(3,4) : y [m], dy/dz; inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
 501           *                    uT(5)   : l [?]; path length deviation (?) 
 502           *                    uT(6)   : delta; relative deviation of the particle 
 503           *                                     momentum from p0 
 504           *                    zT      : z [m]; in axis coordinate (towards HMS)
 505 jones 1.1 *       u,zz   O : focal plane coordinates  
 506           *                    u(1,2)  : x [m], dx/dz; out of plane coord. (downwards) 
 507           *                    u(3,4)  : y [m], dy/dz; inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
 508           *                    u(5)    : l [?]; path length deviation (?) 
 509           *                    u(6)    : delta; relative deviation of the particle 
 510           *                                     momentum from p0 
 511           *                    zz      : z [m]; in axis coordinate (towards HMS)
 512           *                               position where the particle stops inside HMS
 513           *       lost   O : set to .true. if the particle is lost in the HMS, 
 514           *                  otherwise .false.          
 516                 LOGICAL hmsCheckQuad 
 517                 LOGICAL hmsCheckDipole 
 518                 LOGICAL hmsDriftOcta
 519                 LOGICAL hmsDriftTPlate
 520                 LOGICAL hmsDriftCirc
 521                 LOGICAL hmsDriftRect 
 523                 REAL    uS(6)
 524                 INTEGER i
 526 jones 1.1       lost  = .TRUE.
 527                 zz    = zT
 529                 ! copy the target coordinates to the u vector 
 530                 DO i=1,6
 531                   u(i)=uT(i)
 532                 ENDDO
 534                 ! ----------------------------------------------------------- sive slit
 535                 ! drift to sieve slit: z=1.27636m, 
 536                 !   octagon edge m=2.545977, b=0.13502640m
 537                 IF (hmsDriftOcta(u,zz,1.27636-zT,0.0900176,0.0353568,
 538                >                                 2.5459770,0.1350264)) RETURN
 540                 ! drift to back of sieve slit: z=1.33986m, dz=0.0635m
 541                 !   octagon edge m=2.546569, b=0.141655189 m
 542                 IF (hmsDriftOcta(u,zz,0.0635,0.0944368,0.0370839,
 543                >                             2.546569,0.141655189)) RETURN
 545                 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Q1
 546                 ! drift to mechanical entrance of Q1: z=1.4960m, dz=0.15614m
 547 jones 1.1       IF (hmsDriftCirc(u,zz,0.15614,0.202575)) RETURN
 549                 ! drift to Q1 entrance EFB: z=1.775805635m, dz=0.279805635m
 550                 u(1)=u(1)+u(2)*0.279805635
 551                 u(3)=u(3)+u(4)*0.279805635
 553                 ! and save values
 554                 DO i=1,6
 555                    uS(i)=u(i)
 556                 ENDDO       
 558                 ! transport through Q1 fringe fields:
 559                 CALL hmsApplyCOSY (u,1)
 560                 IF (hmsCheckQuad(u,zz,0.279805635,0.202575)) RETURN
 562                 ! transport through Q1, 1/5 at a time:
 563                 DO i=1,4
 564                   CALL hmsApplyCOSY (u,2)
 565                   IF (hmsCheckQuad(u,zz,1.87838873/5.,0.202575)) RETURN
 566                 ENDDO
 568 jones 1.1       ! restore values:
 569                 DO i=1,6
 570                    u(i)=uS(i)
 571                 ENDDO
 573                 ! transport to Q1 exit EFB:
 574                 CALL hmsApplyCOSY (u,3)
 575                 IF (hmsCheckQuad(u,zz,1.87838873/5.,0.202575)) RETURN
 577                 ! drift to Q1 mechanical exit: z=3.9340m, dz=0.279805635m
 578                 IF (hmsDriftCirc(u,zz,0.279805635,0.202575)) RETURN
 580                 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Q2
 581                 ! drift to mechanical entrance of Q2: z=4.5610m, dz=0.6270m
 582                 IF (hmsDriftCirc(u,zz,0.6270,0.29840)) RETURN
 584                 ! drift to Q2 entrance EFB: z=4.887021890m, dz=0.326021890m
 585                 u(1)=u(1)+u(2)*0.326021890
 586                 u(3)=u(3)+u(4)*0.326021890
 588                 ! and save values
 589 jones 1.1       DO i=1,6
 590                    uS(i)=u(i)
 591                 ENDDO
 593                 ! transport through Q2 fringe fields:
 594                 CALL hmsApplyCOSY (u,4)
 595                 IF (hmsCheckQuad(u,zz,0.326021890,0.29840)) RETURN
 597                 ! transport through Q2, 1/5 at a time:
 598                 DO i=1,4
 599                   CALL hmsApplyCOSY (u,5)
 600                   IF (hmsCheckQuad(u,zz,2.15595622/5.,0.29840)) RETURN
 601                 ENDDO
 603                 ! restore values:
 604                 DO i=1,6
 605                   u(i)=uS(i)
 606                 ENDDO
 608                 ! transport to Q2 exit EFB:
 609                 CALL hmsApplyCOSY (u,6)
 610 jones 1.1       IF (hmsCheckQuad(u,zz,2.15595622/5.,0.29840)) RETURN
 612                 ! drift to Q2 mechanical exit: z=7.3690m, dz=0.326021890m
 613                 IF (hmsDriftCirc(u,zz,0.326021890,0.29840)) RETURN
 615                 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Q3
 616                 ! drift to mechanical entrance of Q3: z=7.6610m, dz=0.2920m
 617                 IF (hmsDriftCirc(u,zz,0.2920,0.29840)) RETURN
 619                 ! drift to Q3 entrance EFB: z=7.990200290m, dz=0.329200290m
 620                 u(1)=u(1)+u(2)*0.329200290
 621                 u(3)=u(3)+u(4)*0.329200290
 623                 ! save values
 624                 DO i=1,6
 625                    uS(i)=u(i)
 626                 ENDDO
 628                 ! transport through Q3 fringe fields:
 629                 CALL hmsApplyCOSY (u,7)
 630                 IF (hmsCheckQuad(u,zz,0.329200290,0.29840)) RETURN
 631 jones 1.1       
 632                 DO i=1,4
 633                   CALL hmsApplyCOSY (u,8)
 634                   IF (hmsCheckQuad(u,zz,2.14959942/5.,0.29840)) RETURN
 635                 ENDDO
 637                 ! and restore values:
 638                 DO i=1,6
 639                    u(i)=uS(i)
 640                 ENDDO
 642                 ! transport to Q3 exit EFB:
 643                 CALL hmsApplyCOSY (u,9)
 644                 IF (hmsCheckQuad(u,zz,2.14959942/5.,0.29840)) RETURN
 646                 ! drift to Q3 mechanical exit: z=10.4690m, dz=0.329200290m
 647                 IF (hmsDriftCirc(u,zz,0.329200290,0.29840)) RETURN
 649                 ! -------------------------------------------------------------- Dipole
 650                 ! drift to transition plate: z=11.058002m, dz=0.589002m
 651                 IF (hmsDriftTPlate(u,zz,0.589002,0.30480,0.205232)) RETURN
 652 jones 1.1       
 653                 ! drift to opposite side of transition plate: z=11.092800m, dz=0.034798m
 654                 IF (hmsDriftTPlate(u,zz,0.034798,0.30480,0.205232)) RETURN
 655                 IF (hmsCheckDipole(u,zz,0.)) RETURN
 657                 ! drift to D magnetic entrance: z=11.55m, dz=0.4572m
 658                 u(1)=u(1)+u(2)*0.4572
 659                 u(3)=u(3)+u(4)*0.4572
 660                 IF (hmsCheckDipole(u,zz,0.4572)) RETURN
 662                 ! save values:
 663                 DO i=1,6
 664                    uS(i)=u(i)
 665                 ENDDO
 667                 ! transport through 1/5 D with rotated entrance face:
 668                 CALL hmsApplyCOSY (u,10)
 669                 IF (hmsCheckDipole(u,zz,5.26053145/5.)) RETURN
 671                 ! transport through 3/5 D with sector segments:
 672                 DO i=1,3
 673 jones 1.1         CALL hmsApplyCOSY (u,11)
 674                   IF (hmsCheckDipole(u,zz,5.26053145/5.)) RETURN
 675                 ENDDO
 677                 ! restore values:
 678                 DO i=1,6
 679                    u(i)=uS(i)
 680                 ENDDO
 682                 ! transport through D (entrance to exit, fringe fields included):
 683                 CALL hmsApplyCOSY (u,13)
 684                 IF (hmsCheckDipole(u,zz,5.26053145/5.)) RETURN
 686                 ! drift to transition plate: z=0.4572m, dz=0.4572m
 687                 IF (hmsDriftTPlate(u,zz,0.457200,0.34290,0.205232)) RETURN
 688                 IF (hmsCheckDipole(u,zz,0.)) RETURN
 690                 ! drift to opposite side of transition plate: z=0.491998m,dz=0.034798m
 691                 IF (hmsDriftTPlate(u,zz,0.034798,0.34290,0.205232)) RETURN
 693                 ! drift to end of first piece of telescope: z=1.119378m, dz=0.62738m
 694 jones 1.1       IF (hmsDriftCirc(u,zz,0.62738,0.338450)) RETURN
 696                 ! drift to end of second piece of telescope: z=4.086098m, dz=2.96672m
 697                 IF (hmsDriftCirc(u,zz,2.96672,0.384175)) RETURN
 699                 ! drift to end of third piece of telescope: z=5.578398m, dz=1.4923m
 700                 IF (hmsDriftCirc(u,zz,1.49230,0.460375)) RETURN
 702                 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- hut
 703                 ! drift to focal plane.  This is the reference point for detector positions.
 704                 u(1)=u(1)+u(2)*0.671602
 705                 u(3)=u(3)+u(4)*0.671602
 706                 zz = zz + 0.671602
 707                 DO i=1,6
 708                   uS(i)=u(i)
 709                 ENDDO      
 711                 ! drift to DC1 entrance: z=-0.51923-0.036=-0.55523m, dz=-0.55523m
 712                 IF(hmsDriftRect(u,zz,-0.55523,-0.01670,0.565,-0.00343,0.26))RETURN
 713                 ! drift to DC1 exit: z=-0.51923+0.054=-0.46523m, dz=0.090m
 714                 IF(hmsDriftRect(u,zz, 0.09000,-0.01670,0.565,-0.00343,0.26))RETURN
 715 jones 1.1       ! drift to DC2 entrance: z=0.29299-0.036=0.25699m, dz=0.72222m
 716                 IF(hmsDriftRect(u,zz, 0.72222,-0.02758,0.565,-0.01653,0.26))RETURN
 717                 ! drift to DC2 exit: z=0.29299+0.054=0.34699m, dz=0.090m
 718                 IF(hmsDriftRect(u,zz, 0.09000,-0.02758,0.565,-0.01653,0.26))RETURN
 720                 ! drift to S1X: z=0.7783m, dz=0.43131m
 721                 IF (hmsDriftRect(u,zz,0.43131,0.015,0.6025,0.000,0.3775)) RETURN     
 722                 ! drift to S1Y: z=0.9752m, dz=0.1969m
 723                 IF (hmsDriftRect(u,zz,0.19690,0.000,0.6025,0.001,0.3775)) RETURN
 724                 ! skip CK - no survey information
 725                 ! drift to S2X: z=2.9882m, dz=2.013m
 726                 IF (hmsDriftRect(u,zz,2.01300,0.004,0.6025,0.000,0.3775)) RETURN
 727                 ! drift to S2Y: z=3.1851m, dz=0.1969m
 728                 IF (hmsDriftRect(u,zz,0.19690,0.000,0.6025,0.013,0.3775)) RETURN
 730                 ! drift to CAL: z=3.3869m, dz=0.2018m
 731                 IF (hmsDriftRect(u,zz,0.20180,-0.134,0.6000,0.000,0.3000)) RETURN
 733                 ! --------------------------------------------------------------- done 
 734                 lost = .FALSE.
 735                 DO i=1,6
 736 jones 1.1         u(i)=uS(i)
 737                 ENDDO      
 739                 RETURN
 740                 END
 742           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
 743           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
 744           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
 745           *
 746           *       PART 2:  HMS Reconstruction (Backward Tracking; Focal Plane to Target)
 747           *      -=======-       
 748           *
 749           *	Reconstruction (backward tracking) in the Jlab HMS hall C 
 750           *       spectrometer using reconstruction and forward COSY matrices 
 751           *       (including the effects of beam offsets (out-of plane)) 
 752           *   
 753           *       Both the normal in-plane scattering and the more special 
 754           *       out-of-plane scattering are handeled. The later makes use 
 755           *       of the forward COSY matrices. The algorithm was tested for
 756           *       beam offsets in the range of cm (up or below the 
 757 jones 1.1 *       nominal scattering plane) 
 758           * 
 759           *       Supplies:
 760           *         hmsInitRecon (map,p0) 
 761           *           load the reconstruction maps
 762           *         hmsInPlane (u,uT,ok)
 763           *           reconstruction of the target coordinates 
 764           *          (delta, dx/dz, y, dy/dz) at z=0
 765           *         hmsOutOfPlane (u,x,uT,ok)
 766           *           reconstruction of the target coordinates 
 767           *           (delta, dx/dz, y, dy/dz) at z=0 including the 
 768           *           vertical beam offset
 769           *
 770           *       Note: - Before calling hmsReconInPlane or hmsReconOutOfPlaneAccept 
 771           *               the reconstruction map has to be loaded by a call to 
 772           *               hmsInitRecon
 773           *             - Before calling hmsReconOutOfPlane the forward transport 
 774           *               maps have to be loaded by a call to hmsInitForward
 775           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
 777                 SUBROUTINE hmsInitRecon (filename) 
 778 jones 1.1       IMPLICIT  NONE
 779                 CHARACTER filename*(*)
 781           * --  load the HMS reconstruction map  
 782           *
 783           *     Parameter:
 784           *       filename    I : name of the reconstruction map
 785           *       p0          I : momentum the spectrometer is set to
 786           *
 787           *     File format:
 788           *      Ax' Ay Ay' Ad XxYy
 789           *     
 790           *       Ax'  : coeff's giving target x'
 791           *       Ay   : coeff's giving target y
 792           *       Ay'  : coeff's giving target y'
 793           *       Ad   : coeff's giving the delta
 794           *       X    : exponent of the focal plane x
 795           *       x    : exponent of the focal plane x'
 796           *       Y    : exponent of the focal plane y
 797           *       y    : exponent of the focal plane y'
 799 jones 1.1       ! matrix elements for the reconstruction
 800                 INTEGER    NTERMS
 801                 PARAMETER (NTERMS=1000)
 803                 INTEGER   e1(NTERMS),e2(NTERMS),e3(NTERMS),e4(NTERMS),num,order
 804                 REAL      c1(NTERMS),c2(NTERMS),c3(NTERMS),c4(NTERMS) 
 805                 COMMON    /hmsRecon/num,order,e1,e2,e3,e4,c1,c2,c3,c4   
 807                 ! other variables
 808                 CHARACTER line*256
 809                 INTEGER   i,eof,e5 
 811                 ! read the necessary coeffs from the map data file
 812            10   FORMAT (A)
 813            20   FORMAT (1X,4G16.9,1X,5I1)
 815                 OPEN (UNIT=97,FILE=filename,STATUS='OLD')
 817                 num   = 1
 818                 order = 0
 820 jones 1.1       READ (97,10,IOSTAT=eof) line
 822                 DO WHILE (eof .EQ. 0) 
 823                   IF ((line(1:1) .NE. '!')     .AND. 
 824                >      (line(1:4) .NE. ' ---')  .AND.
 825                >      (line(1:2) .NE. 'h_'))   THEN
 826                     ! read the reconstruction coefficents
 827                     READ (line,20,IOSTAT=eof)  
 828                >      c2(num), c3(num), c4(num), c1(num),  
 829                >      e1(num), e2(num), e3(num), e4(num), e5  
 830                     IF (((c1(num) .NE. 0.0) .OR. (c2(num) .NE. 0.0) .OR.
 831                >         (c3(num) .NE. 0.0) .OR. (c4(num) .NE. 0.0)) .AND.
 832                >        (e5 .EQ. 0) .AND. (eof .EQ. 0)) THEN
 833                       i = e1(num) + e2(num) + e3(num) + e4(num) 
 834                       IF (i .GT. order) order = i
 835                       num = num+1
 836                     ENDIF
 837                   ENDIF
 839                   IF (eof .EQ. 0) READ (97,10,IOSTAT=eof) line  
 840                 ENDDO
 841 jones 1.1       num = num-1
 843                 CLOSE (97)
 845                 RETURN
 846                 END
 848           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
 850                 SUBROUTINE hmsReconOffset (uT,du)
 852                 IMPLICIT NONE
 854                 REAL uT(6), du(4)
 856           * --  calculates the focal plane correction for a given 
 857           *     set of target coordinates
 858           *
 859           *     Parameter
 860           *       uT   I : target coordinates (lab)
 861           *                  uT(1,2) : x [m], dx/dz = out of plane coord. (downwards) 
 862 jones 1.1 *                  uT(3,4) : y [m], dy/dz = inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
 863           *                  uT(5)   : z [m] = in axis coordinate (towards HMS)
 864           *                  uT(6)   : delta = relative deviation of the particle 
 865           *                                    momentum from p0
 866           *       du   O : correction values for the focal plane quantities
 867           *                  du(1,2)  : correction in x [m], dx/dz 
 868           *                  du(3,4)  : correction in y [m], dy/dz 
 869           *
 870           * frw 9/2000
 871           * adjusted and repaired code in course of migration to g77
 872           *
 873           * some notes on how this routine works, since it does not obviously
 874           * match the description given on MM's web page:
 875           *
 876           * Based on the web page documentation, this subroutine is supposed to transform
 877           * the current guess at the reconstructed target coordinates back to the focal
 878           * plane twice, once with x_target = beam value and once for x_target=0 and
 879           * take the difference between the results as the correction du
 880           * This code takes advantage of numerous cancellation and thereby reduces the 
 881           * calculation effort:
 882           * the sum below (DO i = first(20), last(20) ...) would be evaluated for both
 883 jones 1.1 * values, uT(1)=x and uT(1)=0.  The difference would be du.
 884           * if e1(i)=0 then the result is independent of the value of uT(1) and since 
 885           * that's the only difference between the 2 evaluations, these terms cancel
 886           * in the difference giving du, thus they are omitted.
 887           * similarly, if e1(i)<>0, the evaluation of the terms in the sum for uT(1)=0
 888           * would result in all terms being 0, thus subtracting them from the sum for 
 889           * uT(1)=x changes nothing.  Therefore, the difference between the transform 
 890           * for uT(1)=x and uT(1)=0 is simply equal to the transform for uT(1)=x if the
 891           * elements for which e1(i)=0 are skipped.
 893                 ! transport map common block
 894                 INTEGER NMAPS,NLINES 
 895                 PARAMETER (NMAPS  = 20)
 896                 PARAMETER (NLINES = 10000)
 898                 INTEGER first(NMAPS),last(NMAPS),order
 899                 INTEGER e1(NLINES),e2(NLINES),e3(NLINES) 
 900                 INTEGER e4(NLINES),e5(NLINES),e6(NLINES)  
 901                 REAL    c1(NLINES),c2(NLINES),c3(NLINES) 
 902                 REAL    c4(NLINES),c5(NLINES) 
 904 jones 1.1       COMMON  /hmsTrack/first,last,order,
 905                >                  e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5 
 907                 REAL    delta,mep0
 908                 COMMON  /hmsTrackLabCOSY/delta,mep0
 910                 ! other variables
 911                 REAL    a,uu1(0:10),uu2(0:10),uu3(0:10),uu4(0:10),uu6(0:10) 
 912                 INTEGER i 
 914                 uu1(0) = 1.
 915                 uu2(0) = 1.
 916                 uu3(0) = 1.
 917                 uu4(0) = 1.
 918                 uu6(0) = 1.
 920                 ! drift backwards to z=0 
 921                 uu1(1)=uT(1)-uT(2)*uT(5)
 922                 uu3(1)=uT(3)-uT(4)*uT(5)
 924                 uu2(1) = uT(2) 
 925 jones 1.1       uu4(1) = uT(4)
 926                 uu6(1) = uT(6)
 929                 ! calculate the powers of the COSY coordinates
 930                 DO i=1,4
 931                   du(i) = 0.
 932                 ENDDO
 934                 DO i=2,order
 935                   uu1(i)=uu1(i-1)*uu1(1)
 936                   uu2(i)=uu2(i-1)*uu2(1)
 937                   uu3(i)=uu3(i-1)*uu3(1)
 938                   uu4(i)=uu4(i-1)*uu4(1)
 939                   uu6(i)=uu6(i-1)*uu6(1)
 940                 ENDDO
 942                 ! calculate the focal plane offsets 
 944                 DO i = first(20), last(20)
 946 jones 1.1         IF (e1(i) .NE. 0) THEN
 948                     a = uu1(e1(i)) * uu2(e2(i)) * uu3(e3(i)) 
 949                >                   * uu4(e4(i)) * uu6(e6(i))
 951                     du(1) = du(1) + c1(i) * a
 952                     du(2) = du(2) + c2(i) * a
 953                     du(3) = du(3) + c3(i) * a
 954                     du(4) = du(4) + c4(i) * a
 956                   ENDIF
 958                 ENDDO
 960                 RETURN
 961                 END 
 963           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
 965                 SUBROUTINE hmsReconInPlane (u,uT,ok)
 966                 IMPLICIT NONE
 967 jones 1.1       REAL     u(4),uT(6)
 968                 LOGICAL  ok
 970           * --  performs the reconstruction of the target coordinates 
 971           *     (delta, dx/dz, y, dy/dz) at z=0
 972           *     
 973           *     Parameter: 
 974           *       u      I : focal plane coordinates (lab)  
 975           *                    u(1,2)  : x [m], dx/dz = out of plane coord. (downwards) 
 976           *                    u(3,4)  : y [m], dy/dz = inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
 977           *       uT     O : target coordinates (lab)
 978           *                    uT(1,2) : x [m], dx/dz = out of plane coord. (downwards) 
 979           *                    uT(3,4) : y [m], dy/dz = inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
 980           *                    uT(5)   : z [m] = in axis coordinate (towards HMS)  
 981           *                    uT(6)   : delta (relative deviation of the particle 
 982           *                                     momentum from p0)
 983           *       ok   IO  : status variable 
 984           *                   - if false no action is taken 
 985           *                   - set to false when no reconstruction is found 
 987                 ! matrix elemnts needed for calculating the focal plane offset 
 988 jones 1.1       INTEGER    NTERMS
 989                 PARAMETER (NTERMS=1000)
 991                 INTEGER   e1(NTERMS),e2(NTERMS),e3(NTERMS),e4(NTERMS),num,order
 992                 REAL      c1(NTERMS),c2(NTERMS),c3(NTERMS),c4(NTERMS)  
 993                 COMMON    /hmsRecon/num,order,e1,e2,e3,e4,c1,c2,c3,c4   
 995                 ! other variables
 996                 REAL    a,uu1(0:10),uu2(0:10),uu3(0:10),uu4(0:10) 
 997                 INTEGER i 
1000                 DO i=1,6
1001                   uT(i)  = 0.
1002                 ENDDO
1004                 ! calculate the powers of the focal plane coordinates
1006                 uu1(0) = 1.
1007                 uu2(0) = 1.
1008                 uu3(0) = 1.
1009 jones 1.1       uu4(0) = 1.
1011                 uu1(1) = u(1)
1012                 uu2(1) = u(2)
1013                 uu3(1) = u(3)
1014                 uu4(1) = u(4)
1016                 DO i=2,order
1017                   uu1(i)=uu1(i-1)*uu1(1)
1018                   uu2(i)=uu2(i-1)*uu2(1)
1019                   uu3(i)=uu3(i-1)*uu3(1)
1020                   uu4(i)=uu4(i-1)*uu4(1)
1021                 ENDDO
1023                 ! calculate the target coordinates 
1024                 DO i = 1, num
1025                   a = uu1(e1(i)) * uu2(e2(i)) * uu3(e3(i)) * uu4(e4(i))
1027                   uT(6) = uT(6) + c1(i) * a
1028                   uT(2) = uT(2) + c2(i) * a
1029                   uT(3) = uT(3) + c3(i) * a
1030 jones 1.1         uT(4) = uT(4) + c4(i) * a 
1031                 ENDDO
1033                 ok = ((ABS(uT(2)) .LT. 1.) .AND. (ABS(uT(3)) .LT. 1.) .AND.
1034                >      (ABS(uT(4)) .LT. 1.) .AND. (ABS(uT(6)) .LT. 1.)) 
1036                 RETURN
1037                 END   
1039           *------------------------------------------------------------------------
1041                 SUBROUTINE hmsReconOutOfPlane (u,x,uT,ok)
1042                 IMPLICIT NONE
1043                 REAL     u(4),x,uT(6)
1044                 LOGICAL  ok
1046           * --  performs the reconstruction of the target coordinates 
1047           *     (delta, dx/dz, y, dy/dz) for the out of plane case
1048           *     
1049           *     Parameter: 
1050           *       u      I : focal plane coordinates (lab)  
1051 jones 1.1 *                    u(1,2)  : x [m], dx/dz = out of plane coord. (downwards) 
1052           *                    u(3,4)  : y [m], dy/dz = inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
1053           *       x      I : x-offset at the target [m] (z=0) (out of plane; downwards)
1054           *       uT     O : target coordinates (lab)
1055           *                    uT(1,2) : x [m], dx/dz = out of plane coord. (downwards) 
1056           *                    uT(3,4) : y [m], dy/dz = inplane coord. (perp. on x,z)
1057           *                    uT(5)   : z [m] = in axis coordinate (towards HMS)  
1058           *                    uT(6)   : delta (relative deviation of the particle 
1059           *       ok   IO  : status variable 
1060           *                   - if false no action is taken 
1061           *                   - set to false when no reconstruction is found 
1062           *                                     momentum from p0)
1064                 REAL       eps           
1065                 PARAMETER (eps = 0.0005) ! accuracy in delta
1067                 REAL       dd,du(4),u0(4) 
1068                 INTEGER    n
1072 jones 1.1       CALL hmsReconInPlane (u,uT,ok)     ! first guess
1073                 uT(1) = x
1075                 du(1) = 0.
1076                 du(2) = 0.
1077                 du(3) = 0.
1078                 du(4) = 0.
1080                 dd = 1.
1081                 n  = 0
1083                 DO WHILE ((ABS(dd) .GT. eps) .AND. (n .LT. 10) .AND. ok)
1085                   CALL  hmsReconOffset (uT,du)
1087                   u0(1) = u(1)-du(1)
1088                   u0(2) = u(2)-du(2)  
1089                   u0(3) = u(3)-du(3)  
1090                   u0(4) = u(4)-du(4)  
1092                   dd = uT(6)
1093 jones 1.1         
1094           	CALL hmsReconInPlane (u0,uT,ok)
1095                   uT(1) = x
1097                   dd = dd-uT(6)
1098                   n  = n+1
1100                 ENDDO 
1102                 IF (ABS(dd) .GT. eps) ok = .FALSE.    ! not converged
1104                 RETURN
1105                 END

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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