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File: [HallC] / pol_hms_single / transp.f (download)
Revision: 1.3, Fri Oct 21 13:13:40 2011 UTC (12 years, 11 months ago) by jones
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.2: +1 -1 lines
For gfortran compatibility change "name" to "file"

	subroutine transp(spectr,class,decay_flag,dflag,m2,ppi,zd)
! TRANSP - This subroutine transports a particle through the various
!   segments of a spectrometer. The passed variable CLASS determines
!   which transformation to use. Each transformation IS SEQUENTIAL,
!   and carries the particle from the last transformation to a particular
!   plane Z=const in the spectrometer.
!   NOTE: The coordinate system used here is the right handed "TRANSPORT"
!   coordinate system, in which +Z -> downstream, +X -> in median plane,
!   pointing in direction taken through bending magnet by high momentum rays,
!   +Y = transverse direction.
!   For an upward vertical bend spectrometer:
!   +X points towards the floor,
!   +Y points horizontally LEFT as one looks downstream.
! D. Potterveld - March 1993.
!   Modification History:
! August 1993.	(D. Potterveld) Modified to begin each transformation at
!		the pivot.
!  20-AUG-1993	(D. Potterveld) Modified to use COSY INFINITY forward maps.
!  03-MAR-1994	(D. Potterveld) Fixed bug to correctly compute cosy "A" and "B".
!  10-MAY-1995	(D. Potterveld) Switched to sequential transformations.
!  11-MAY-1995	(D. Potterveld) Added rejection of extremely small coeff.
!  30-OCT-1995	(D. Potterveld) Change to COSY-7 transport units.
!  16-SEP-1998  Check for decay of particle. dflag is true of the particle
!		has already decayed, so check for decay if dflag .eq. .false.
!		After pathlength is calculated, add extra check for decay
!		within the different path length.

	implicit 	none

	include 'track.inc'
	include 'simulate.inc'

C Arguments.

	integer*4       spectr			!HMS=1, SOS=2
	integer*4	class
	character*(*)	file			!Used in entry point below.
	logical		decay_flag		!check for decay
	logical		dflag			!has particle decayed yet?
	real*8		m2,ppi,zd		!decay variables.

C Parameters.

	integer*4	max_class
	parameter	(max_class = 18)	!maximum number of classes.
	real*8		coeff_min
	parameter	(coeff_min = 1.0d-14)	!coeff's smaller than this = 0

C Local declarations.

	integer*4	idummy

	real*8		delta_z		!pathlength difference.
	integer*4	i,j,k,kk,chan,n_classes

	character*132	str_line
	character*132	file_name

C Cosy reconstruction matrix elements.

	integer*4	max_elements
	parameter	(max_elements = 500)
	integer*4	nspectr
	parameter       (nspectr=2)
	real*8		coeff(nspectr,5,max_elements,max_class)
	integer*2	expon(nspectr,5,max_elements,max_class)
	integer*4	n_terms(nspectr,max_class)
	real*8		sum(5),ray(5),term,temp

C decay variables
	real*8 p_spec
	real*8 z_decay
	real*8 rph,rth1,rth
	real*8 beta,gamma,dlen
	real*8 ef,pf,pxf,pyf,pzf,pxr,pyr,pzr
	real*8 bx,by,bz,er,pr

C Function definitions.

!	integer*4	last_char
	logical*4	locforunt
	real*8 grnd

C No amnesia between calls!!!


C ================================ Executable Code =============================

C A word from the sponsor:
C  a) Using sequential matrix elements, variables with the ending 's' should be
C     used, otherwise they should end on '_transp'
C  b) the sequential matrix elements have been made with COSY 7, i.e. the units
C      to be used are cm, mrad, not m, slopes

C Check for decay.

	if (decay_flag .and. .not.dflag) then	!check for decay
	  p_spec = ppi/(1.+dpps/100.)
	  beta = ppi/sqrt(ppi**2+m2)
	  gamma = 1./sqrt(1.-beta*beta)
	  dlen=ctau*beta*gamma   !1/e decay length (beta*c*tau*gamma)
	  if (zd.le.0) write(6,*) 'transp distance<0:  automatic decay! BAD!'
	  z_decay = -1.*dlen*log(1-grnd())

	  if (z_decay .le. zd/2) then	!decay in first half

	    rph = grnd()*2.*pi
	    rth1 = grnd()*2.-1.
	    rth = acos(rth1)

	    er = 109.787
	    pr = 29.783
	    pxr = 29.783*sin(rth)*cos(rph)
	    pyr = 29.783*sin(rth)*sin(rph)
	    pzr = 29.783*cos(rth)
	    bx = beta * dxdzs / sqrt(1. + dxdzs**2 + dydzs**2)
	    by = beta * dydzs / sqrt(1. + dxdzs**2 + dydzs**2)
	    bz = beta *   1.  / sqrt(1. + dxdzs**2 + dydzs**2)
	    call loren(gamma,bx,by,bz,er,pxr,pyr,pzr,ef,pxf,pyf,pzf,pf)
	    dxdzs = pxf/pzf
	    dydzs = pyf/pzf
	    dpps = 100.*(pf/p_spec-1.)
	    m2 = 105.67**2     !need mass-squared for multiple scattering.
	    Mh2_final = m2      !for ntuple

	endif				!check for decay

C Pack local copy of input coordinates.

	  ray(1) = xs				!cm.	( "X" )
	  ray(2) = dxdzs*1000.			!mrad.	( "THETA" )
	  ray(3) = ys				!cm.	( "Y" )
	  ray(4) = dydzs*1000.			!mrad.	( "PHI" )
	  ray(5) = dpps				!Fractional "Delta P/P"
	else			!SOS - uses sequential transformations.
	  ray(1) = xs				!cm.   ( "X" )
	  ray(2) = dxdzs*1000.			!mrad. ( "THETA" )
	  ray(3) = ys				!cm.   ( "Y" )
	  ray(4) = dydzs*1000.			!mrad. ( "PHI" )
	  ray(5) = dpps				!Fractional variation.

C Reset COSY sums.

	do i = 1,5
	   sum(i) = 0.

C Compute COSY sums.

	k = class
	do i = 1,n_terms(spectr,k)
	  term = 1.0
	  do j = 1,5
	    temp = 1.0
	    if (expon(spectr,j,i,k).ne.0.) temp = ray(j)**expon(spectr,j,i,k)
	    term = term*temp
	  sum(1) = sum(1) + term*coeff(spectr,1,i,k)		! NEW "X"
	  sum(2) = sum(2) + term*coeff(spectr,2,i,k)		! NEW "A"
	  sum(3) = sum(3) + term*coeff(spectr,3,i,k)		! NEW "Y"
	  sum(4) = sum(4) + term*coeff(spectr,4,i,k)		! NEW "B"
	  sum(5) = sum(5) + term*coeff(spectr,5,i,k)		! NEW "dL"
C Unpack output coordinates. Note that DPPS is unchanged by transformation.

	  xs    = sum(1)			!cm
	  dxdzs = sum(2)/1000.			!slope (mr)
	  ys    = sum(3)			!cm
	  dydzs = sum(4)/1000.			!slope (mr)
	  delta_z = -sum(5)			!deltaZ (cm)
	  xs    = sum(1)			!cm
	  dxdzs = sum(2)/1000.			!slope (mr)
	  ys    = sum(3)			!cm
	  dydzs = sum(4)/1000.			!slope (mr)
	  delta_z = -sum(5)			!deltaZ (cm)

C Check for decay in 2nd half of element, which is applied AFTER trasnporting.

	if (decay_flag .and. .not.dflag) then	!check for decay
	  if (z_decay .gt. zd+delta_z) then	!don't decay within magnet.
	  else					!apply decay at end/magnet.

	    rph = grnd()*2.*pi
	    rth1 = grnd()*2.-1.
	    rth = acos(rth1)

	    er = 109.787
	    pr = 29.783
	    pxr = 29.783*sin(rth)*cos(rph)
	    pyr = 29.783*sin(rth)*sin(rph)
	    pzr = 29.783*cos(rth)
	    bx = beta * dxdzs / sqrt(1. + dxdzs**2 + dydzs**2)
	    by = beta * dydzs / sqrt(1. + dxdzs**2 + dydzs**2)
	    bz = beta *   1.  / sqrt(1. + dxdzs**2 + dydzs**2)
	    call loren(gamma,bx,by,bz,er,pxr,pyr,pzr,ef,pxf,pyf,pzf,pf)
	    dxdzs = pxf/pzf
	    dydzs = pyf/pzf
	    dpps = 100.*(pf/p_spec-1.)
	    m2 = 105.67**2     !need mass-squared for multiple scattering.
	    Mh2_final = m2      !for ntuple



C Initialization entry points.

	entry transp_init_file(file,n_classes)

C Use passed filename.

	file_name = file
	goto 100

	entry transp_init(spectr,n_classes)

C Use default filename.
C    HMS: if spectr = 1
C    SOS: if spectr = 2

	if (spectr.eq.1) then
!!	  write(6,*) 'TRANSP_INIT HMS!!!!!!'
!!	  write(6,*) 'TRANSP_INIT SOS!!!!!!'

C Open input file.

100     if (.not.locforunt(chan))
     >  stop 'TRANSP_INIT: No I/O channels!'
	open (unit=chan,status='old',file=file_name)

C Strip away header.

	str_line = '!'
	do while (str_line(1:1).eq.'!')
	  read (chan,1001) str_line
!!	  if (str_line(1:1).eq.'!') write(6,*) str_line(1:min(79,last_char(str_line)))

C Read in the transformation tables.

	n_classes = 0
	do i = 1,max_class
	  n_terms(spectr,i) = 0

	do while (.true.)
	  kk = n_classes + 1

! If too many transformations, complain!

	  if (kk.gt.max_class) stop 'TRANSP_INIT: too many transformations!'

! Add data lines to table, looking for flag line.

	  do while (str_line(1:4).ne.' ---')
	    n_terms(spectr,kk) = n_terms(spectr,kk) + 1
	    if (n_terms(spectr,kk).gt.max_elements)
     >      stop 'TRANSP_INIT: too many COSY terms!'

	    read (str_line,1200)
     >		(coeff(spectr,i,n_terms(spectr,kk),kk),i=1,5),
     >		(expon(spectr,j,n_terms(spectr,kk),kk),j=1,4),idummy,
     >		 expon(spectr,5,n_terms(spectr,kk),kk)

! Ignore time-of-flight term.

	    if (idummy.ne.0) then
	      if (coeff(spectr,1,n_terms(spectr,kk),kk).ne.0.or.
     >		  coeff(spectr,2,n_terms(spectr,kk),kk).ne.0.or.
     >		  coeff(spectr,3,n_terms(spectr,kk),kk).ne.0.or.
     >		  coeff(spectr,4,n_terms(spectr,kk),kk).ne.0)
     >			stop 'TRANSP_INIT: non-zero TOF terms!'
	      n_terms(spectr,kk) = n_terms(spectr,kk) - 1

! Fetch next line from file.

	    read (chan,1001) str_line

! If flag line is seen, increment transformation counter.

	  n_classes = kk
!!	  write(6,*) 'TRANS, ORDER, TERMS =',kk,
!!     >       expon(spectr,5,n_terms(spectr,kk),kk),n_terms(spectr,kk)

! Read lines until a non-blank, non-comment non-terminal line is found.

150       read (chan,1001,end=200) str_line
	  if (str_line(1:1).eq.'!'.or.str_line(1:4).eq.' ---'.or.
     >    str_line.eq.'    ') goto 150

C Done with file.

200     close (unit=chan)

C Go home.


C ============================== Format Statements =============================
1001    format(a)
1101    format(12x,6e11.3)
1102    format(10x,5f10.5)
1200    format(1x,5g14.7,1x,6i1)


Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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