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File: [HallC] / sane_geant_mc / SRC / beta_geom.inc (download)
Revision: 1.1, Thu Apr 22 13:13:57 2010 UTC (14 years, 4 months ago) by jones
Branch: MAIN
in new subdirectory

C-- beta_geom.inc        Glen Warren  8/03
C-- details geometry of BETA detector

C Detector geometry

      real*4 block_height, block_width
      real*4 cal_height,cal_width
      real*4 cal_depth
      real*4 cer_length
      integer*4 horz_blocks,vert_blocks

      parameter( block_height =   4.d0 )
      parameter( block_width  =   4.d0 )
      parameter( horz_blocks  =  28    )
      parameter( vert_blocks  =  58    )
      parameter( cal_depth    =  40.d0 )
      parameter( cer_length   = 150.d0 )

      parameter( cal_height   = vert_blocks*block_height )
      parameter( cal_width    = horz_blocks*block_width  )

      real*4 gain_thk

      parameter( gain_thk = 1./2.)

      real*4 cer_win_thk

      parameter( cer_win_thk = 0.0127 )

      real*4 hodo_thk

      parameter( hodo_thk = 3.75)

C Detector Setup

      real*4 eff_cal_drift
      real*4 cal_drift 
      real*4 cer_drift
      real*4 front_width
      real*4 fronthodo_drift

      parameter( eff_cal_drift = 335.d0 ) ! used in reconstruction
      parameter( cal_drift    = 325.d0 )
      parameter( cer_drift    =  55.d0 )
      parameter( front_width  =  0.3   )
      parameter( fronthodo_drift  =  52.0   )

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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