(file) Return to guout.f CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [HallC] / sane_geant_mc / SRC

  1 jones 1.1       SUBROUTINE GUOUT
  3                 implicit none
  5                 include 'beta_geom.inc'
  6                 include 'sane_misc.inc'
  7                 include 'geant.inc'
  8                 include 'sane_cwn.inc'
  9                 include 'sane.inc'
 11                 integer changes
 12                 integer i,j
 13 jones 1.2       integer iclust
 14 jones 1.1 
 15                 integer*4 cl,last_cl
 16                 real*4 eng,d1,d2
 17                 integer ihhit
 18                 REAL*4 X_HOD(28),Y_HOD(28),Z_HOD(28),
 19                ,     T_HOD(28),E_HOD(28)
 20                 common/TEMPR/ihhit,X_HOD,Y_HOD,Z_HOD,T_HOD,E_HOD
 21 jones 1.2 c      real Eyx(5,5),xx(5,5),yy(5,5)
 22 jones 1.1       real Eyx(5,5),xx(5,5),yy(5,5)
 23                 common/ENERGYYX/Eyx,xx,yy
 25                 integer nnclust,nnclustA
 26                 real Emax,Etot,Etot9
 27                 real xmax,ymax,xmom,ymom
 28                 integer ixmax,iymax
 29                 real Etot3pp,Etot3pm,Etot3mp,Etot3mm
 30                 common/gg/nnclustA,nnclust,Etot,Etot9, 
 31                ,     ixmax,iymax,Emax,xmax,ymax, 
 32                ,     Etot3pp,Etot3pm,Etot3mp,Etot3mm
 34                 double precision FixX,FixY,FixE
 35                 common/SNEU/FixX,FixY,FixE
 37                 real X_coor,Y_coor,E_coor,Z_coor
 38                 real X_coor_r,Y_coor_r,E_coor_r,Z_coor_r
 40                 real V_coor(3),V_coor_r(3)
 41                 real PHI_C,THETA_C
 42                 real PHI_UC,THETA_UC
 43 jones 1.1 
 44                 real Emt
 45                 real xmomsqr,xmomsq,ymomsqr,ymomsq
 46           c      double precision VectorN(12)
 47                 double precision VectorN(27)
 48                 double precision COORE,coorX2,coorY2
 49                 character*80 arg
 50                 double precision sane_n100xye      
 52                 real*8 Cspead
 53                 parameter (Cspead = 29.9792458)
 54                 parameter (Z_coor=335)
 55           C
 56           C Fill the total energy of the event in the histogram
 57           C
 59           c      write(*,*)'num_gc=',num_gc
 60                 cwn_p_ne =0
 61                 cwn_p_ng =0
 62                 cwn_p_np =0
 63                 do i=1,num_gc
 64 jones 1.1 c         write(*,*)i,gc_part(i)
 65                   if (gc_part(i).eq.1) then
 66           c           write(*,*)gc_x(i),gc_y(i),gc_eng(i)
 67                     cwn_p_ng = cwn_p_ng + 1
 68                     cwn_p_gx(cwn_p_ng) = gc_x(i)
 69                     cwn_p_gy(cwn_p_ng) = gc_y(i)
 70                     cwn_p_ge(cwn_p_ng) = gc_eng(i)
 71                   elseif (gc_part(i).eq.2) then
 72           c           write(*,*)gc_x(i),gc_y(i),gc_eng(i)
 73                     cwn_p_np = cwn_p_np + 1
 74                     cwn_p_px(cwn_p_np) = gc_x(i)
 75                     cwn_p_py(cwn_p_np) = gc_y(i)
 76                     cwn_p_pe(cwn_p_np) = gc_eng(i)
 77                   elseif (gc_part(i).eq.3) then
 78           c           write(*,*)gc_x(i),gc_y(i),gc_eng(i),cwn_p_ne
 79                     cwn_p_ne = cwn_p_ne + 1
 80                     cwn_p_ex(cwn_p_ne) = gc_x(i)
 81                     cwn_p_ey(cwn_p_ne) = gc_y(i)
 82                     cwn_p_ee(cwn_p_ne) = gc_eng(i)
 83                   endif
 84                 enddo
 85 jones 1.1 c      if(part.gt.20.or.part.le.0)then
 86           c      write(*,*) 'Events: ',numevts,'GenEvent',part
 87                    call getarg(2,arg)
 88                    read(arg,'(i1)') particle
 89                    part=particle
 90           c         write(*,*)EE,pp,part,tgt_num,tgt_num1
 91                    if(tgt_num.ne.tgt_num1.and.tgt_num.gt.200)tgt_num=tgt_num1
 92                    if(abs(tgt_num).gt.200)goto 1101
 93           c         part = iipart
 94           c         write(*,*)particle
 95           c      endif
 97           c      write(*,*)'part=',part
 98                 cwn_E    = EE
 99                 cwn_p    = pp
100                 cwn_part = part
101           c      write(*,*)z(tgt_num),n(tgt_num)
102                 cwn_z    = z(tgt_num)
103                 cwn_n    = n(tgt_num)
104                 cwn_xsn  = xsn
105           c      write(*,*)'CR in NTUPLE ',xsn
106 jones 1.1       cwn_asym = asym
107                 cwn_th   = th
108                 cwn_ph   = ph
109                 cwn_cerphot = photCer
111                 call NANcheckF(xsn,12)
112                 call NANcheckF(asym,13)
114           C      write(*,*)0,th*180/3.141,ph-90
115           *      cwn_cergood = photGood
117           C    --- Front and Lucite Hososcopes -JDM - 6/20/07
118                 call digi_tracker()
119                 call digi_lucite()
121 jones 1.2 CCC Loop over clusters to include other particles HB,NK 04/28/10
122                 nclust=0
123                 do iclust=1,5 
124                    call digi_cal()
125                       etot=0
126                       do i=1,5
127                          do j=1,5
128                             etot=etot+eyx(i,j)
129                          enddo
130 jones 1.1             enddo
131 jones 1.2         
132           c      write(*,*)2,part,eyx(3,3)
133                    if(Eyx(3,3).gt.0.and.etot.gt.0.15)then
134                       nclust=nclust+1
135                       VectorN(1)   = eyx(1,1)
136                       VectorN(2)   = eyx(2,1)
137                       VectorN(3)   = eyx(3,1)
138                       VectorN(4)   = eyx(4,1)
139                       VectorN(5)   = eyx(5,1)
140                       VectorN(6)   = eyx(1,2)
141                       VectorN(7)   = eyx(2,2)
142                       VectorN(8)   = eyx(3,2)
143                       VectorN(9)   = eyx(4,2)
144                       VectorN(10)  = eyx(5,2)
145                       VectorN(11)  = eyx(1,3)
146                       VectorN(12)  = eyx(2,3)
147                       VectorN(13)  = eyx(3,3)
148                       VectorN(14)  = eyx(4,3)
149                       VectorN(15)  = eyx(5,3)
150                       VectorN(16)  = eyx(1,4)
151                       VectorN(17)  = eyx(2,4)
152 jones 1.2             VectorN(18)  = eyx(3,4)
153                       VectorN(19)  = eyx(4,4)
154                       VectorN(20)  = eyx(5,4)
155                       VectorN(21)  = eyx(1,5)
156                       VectorN(22)  = eyx(2,5)
157                       VectorN(23)  = eyx(3,5)
158                       VectorN(24)  = eyx(4,5)
159                       VectorN(25)  = eyx(5,5)
161                       VectorN(26) = DBLE(ixmax)
162                       VectorN(27) =DBLE(iymax)
164 jones 1.1             
166                       COORX2 = sane_n100xye(VectorN,0)
167                       COORY2 = sane_n100xye(VectorN,1)
168                       COORE  = sane_n100xye(VectorN,2)
169 jones 1.2             X_coor= XX(3,3)+COORX2
170                       Y_coor= YY(3,3)+COORY2
171                       E_coor= etot+CoorE
172                       V_coor(1) = X_coor
173                       V_coor(2) = Y_coor
174                       V_coor(3) = Z_coor
175                       call ROTATE(V_coor,0.,-40*3.1415926536/180.,0.,V_coor_r)
176           c     write(*,*)1,V_coor,YY(3,3)
177 jones 1.1 c     write(*,*)2,V_coor_r,CoorE
178 jones 1.2             X_coor_r = V_coor_r(1)
179                       Y_coor_r = V_coor_r(2)
180                       Z_coor_r = V_coor_r(3)
182                       call NANcheckF(E_coor,1)
183                       call NANcheckF(x_coor,2)
184                       call NANcheckF(y_coor,3)
185                       call NANcheckF(Z_coor,4)
186                       call NANcheckF(X_coor_r,5)
187                       call NANcheckF(Y_coor_r,6)
188                       call NANcheckF(Z_coor_r,7)
189                       cwn_x_ur(iclust)=X_coor
190                       cwn_y_ur(iclust)=Y_coor
191                       cwn_z_ur(iclust)=Z_coor
192                       call digi_cer(iclust)
194 jones 1.1 c     write(*,*) X_coor_r,  
195           c     ,          Y_coor_r,  
196           c     ,          Z_coor_r,
197           c     ,          E_coor*1000
198 jones 1.2             call CORRECT_ANGLES(
199                ,           X_coor_r,  
200                ,           Y_coor_r,  
201                ,           Z_coor_r,
202                ,           E_coor*1000,                
203 jones 1.1      ,           THETA_C ,
204 jones 1.2      ,           PHI_C,cer_h(iclust))
206                       cwn_E_r(iclust)=E_coor
207                       cwn_th_r(iclust)=THETA_C
208                       cwn_ph_r(iclust)=PHI_C
209                       cwn_x_r(iclust)=X_coor_r
210                       cwn_y_r(iclust)=Y_coor_r
211                       cwn_z_r(iclust)=Z_coor_r
212                       call NANcheckF(THETA_C,8)
213                       call NANcheckF(PHI_C,9)
215 jones 1.1          
216 jones 1.2             call UNCORRECT_ANGLES(
217                ,           X_coor_r,  
218                ,           Y_coor_r,  
219                ,           Z_coor_r,
220                ,           E_coor*1000,                
221                ,           THETA_UC ,
222                ,           PHI_UC)
224           c      enddo !! Finish looping over clusters   
226                       call NANcheckF(THETA_UC,10)
227                       call NANcheckF(PHI_UC,11)
228                       cwn_th_ucr(iclust)=THETA_UC
229                       cwn_ph_ucr(iclust)=PHI_UC
231                       do i=1,5
232                          do j=1,5
233                             Eyx(i,j)=0
234                             XX(i,j)=0
235                             YY(i,j)=0
236                          enddo
237 jones 1.1             enddo
238 jones 1.2 
239                    endif
240                 enddo !! Finish looping over clusters   
242 jones 1.1 c     write(*,*)etot,coore,EE,etot+coorE,etot+FixE
244           C     ---- JDM
246                    if (photGood.gt.0) then
247           *     write(*,*) '# cerenkov photons:',photCer,photGood
248                       if (idebug.ne.0) call gdxyz(0)
249                    endif
251           *     write(*,*) part,cwn_part
253                    do i=1,6
254                       cwn_u(i) = uu(i)
255                       cwn_dedl(i) = ELoss(i)
256                    enddo
258                    cwn_nb = 0
259                    do i=1,vert_blocks
260                       do j=1,horz_blocks
261                          if (dEBloc(i,j).gt.0.001 .or. photBloc(i,j).gt.0) then
262                             cwn_nb = cwn_nb + 1
263 jones 1.1                   cwn_bx(cwn_nb) = i
264                             cwn_by(cwn_nb) = j
265                             cwn_bg(cwn_nb) = photBloc(i,j)
266                             cwn_be(cwn_nb) = dEBloc(i,j)
267                          endif
268                       enddo
269                    enddo
270 jones 1.2 c         if (.not.(Eloss(4).eq.0.and.Eloss(1).eq.0.and.
271           c     1        cwn_nb.eq.0.and.photCer.eq.0))then
272                    if(nclust.gt.0)then
273           c            write(*,*)nclust
274           c            write(*,*) '# cerenkov photons:',photCer,photGood
275                       call hfnt(nt_geant)
276 jones 1.1          endif
277 jones 1.2          call clear_cer()
278                    call clear_cal()
279           c         endif
280 jones 1.1 
281           c      write(*,*)'Next step'
282           cccc
283           cc
284           c     NEW NEURAL NETWORK PART
285           cc
288           c      write(*,*)EYX
289           c            write(*,*) VectorN(1),Emax
291           *      if (num_electrons+num_positrons.ge.2) write(*,*) electron_radius
292           *      if (num_gc.gt.0) then
293           *        do i=1,num_gc
294           *          write(*,*) gc_part(i),gc_x(i),gc_y(i),gc_eng(i)
295           *        enddo
296           *        write(*,*) 'gammas (n,r,<x>,<y>,eng)',num_gammas,gamma_radius,
297           *     1     gamma_ave_x,gamma_ave_y,gamma_eng
298           *        write(*,*) 'electrons (n,r,<x>,<y>,eng)',num_electrons,
299           *     1      electron_radius,electron_ave_x,electron_ave_y,electron_eng
300           *    cg*            write(*,*) 'positrons (n)',num_positrons
301 jones 1.1 *      endif
303           C
304            1101 CONTINUE
305            111  format(2(1x,f6.3),3(1x,i2),1x,e13.5,8(f9.3,1x),5(f9.6,1x),3(i2,1x),2(f7.3,1x,f7.3,1x,f7.4,1x,f7.4,1x))
306 jones 1.2 c      enddo 
307 jones 1.1       END
308           cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
309           ccc
310           ccc
311           ccc
312           ccc
313           c$$$      subroutine NeuralParam(Emax,Emt,Etot9,Etot,
314           c$$$     ,     xmomsqr,xmom,xmomsq,ymomsqr,ymom,ymomsq,ixmax,iymax,Eyx,
315           c$$$     ,     XX,YY)    
316           c$$$      IMPLICIT NONE
317           c$$$c      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
318           c$$$c      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
319           c$$$c      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
320           c$$$c      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
321           c$$$c      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
322           c$$$c      include 'gen_event_info.cmn'
323           c$$$
324           c$$$      real xmomsqr,xmom,xmomsq,ymomsqr,ymom,ymomsq
325           c$$$      integer jmax
326           c$$$      real emax
327           c$$$
328 jones 1.1 c$$$c      real norma1(32,10),norma2(32,10),norma3(32,10),norma4(32,10),
329           c$$$c     ,     norma5(32,10),norma6(32,6),norm(56,32)
330           c$$$c      common/NOR1/norma1,norma2,norma3,norma4,norma5,norma6,norm
331           c$$$      real eyx(5,5),XX(5,5),YY(5,5),en,Emt,Etot9,Etot
332           c$$$      integer ixmax, iymax,jj,i,ii
333           c$$$      real Xmomf
334           c$$$      
335           c$$$
336           c$$$      emax=eyx(3,3)
337           c$$$c      write(*,*)"EMAX+ ",eyx(3,3)
338           c$$$      etot =0 
339           c$$$    
340           c$$$      etot9 =eyx(2,2)+eyx(2,3)+eyx(2,4)+
341           c$$$     ,     eyx(3,2)+eyx(3,3)+eyx(3,4)+
342           c$$$     ,     eyx(4,2)+eyx(4,3)+eyx(4,4)
343           c$$$      etot =eyx(1,1)+eyx(1,2)+eyx(1,3)+eyx(1,4)+eyx(1,5)+
344           c$$$     ,     eyx(2,1)+eyx(2,2)+eyx(2,3)+eyx(2,4)+eyx(2,5)+
345           c$$$     ,     eyx(3,1)+eyx(3,2)+eyx(3,3)+eyx(3,4)+eyx(3,5)+
346           c$$$     ,     eyx(4,1)+eyx(4,2)+eyx(4,3)+eyx(4,4)+eyx(4,5)+
347           c$$$     ,     eyx(5,1)+eyx(5,2)+eyx(5,3)+eyx(5,4)+eyx(5,5)
348           c$$$
349 jones 1.1 c$$$      Emt = emax/Etot
350           c$$$    
351           c$$$      xmomsqr = XMomf(ixmax,iymax,eyx,xx,2);
352           c$$$      xmom    = XMomf(ixmax,iymax,eyx,xx,1);
353           c$$$      xmomsq  = XMomf(ixmax,iymax,eyx,xx,3);
354           c$$$      ymomsqr = XMomf(ixmax,iymax,eyx,yy,2);
355           c$$$      ymom    = XMomf(ixmax,iymax,eyx,yy,1);
356           c$$$      ymomsq  = XMomf(ixmax,iymax,eyx,yy,3);
357           c$$$c      write(*,*)xmomsqr,xmom,xmomsq,ymomsqr,ymom,ymomsq
358           c$$$
359           c$$$      end
360           c$$$
361           c$$$      real function XMomf(ix,iy,eyx,x,iflag)
362           c$$$      IMPLICIT NONE
363           c$$$c      include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn'
364           c$$$c      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
365           c$$$c      include 'b_ntuple.cmn'
366           c$$$c      include 'sane_ntuple.cmn'
367           c$$$c      include 'gen_data_structures.cmn'
368           c$$$      real eyx(5,5),x(5,5)
369           c$$$      
370 jones 1.1 c$$$      real w(5,5),Sum,SumW,Coor
371           c$$$      
372           c$$$      Integer i,j,icx,icy,ix,iy,iflag
373           c$$$      Sum=0
374           c$$$      do i=1,5
375           c$$$         do j=1,5
376           c$$$            icx = ix+(j-3)
377           c$$$            icy = iy+(i-3)
378           c$$$            if(icx.gt.0.and.icy.gt.0.and.
379           c$$$     ,           icy.lt.57.and.eyx(i,j).lt.5)then
380           c$$$               if(iflag.eq.1.and.eyx(i,j).lt.5)Sum = Sum+eyx(i,j)
381           c$$$               if(iflag.eq.2.and.eyx(i,j).lt.5)Sum = Sum+sqrt(eyx(i,j))
382           c$$$            if(iflag.eq.3.and.eyx(i,j).lt.5)Sum = Sum+eyx(i,j)*eyx(i,j)
383           c$$$               icx = ix+(j-3)
384           c$$$               icy = iy+(i-3)
385           c$$$               w(i,j) = x(i,j)-x(3,3)
386           c$$$               
387           c$$$            endif
388           c$$$         enddo
389           c$$$      enddo
390           c$$$      
391 jones 1.1 c$$$      Coor=0
392           c$$$
393           c$$$      do i=1,5
394           c$$$         do j=1,5
395           c$$$            if(iflag.eq.1)Coor =Coor+w(i,j)*eyx(i,j)/Sum 
396           c$$$            if(iflag.eq.2)Coor =Coor+w(i,j)*sqrt(eyx(i,j))/Sum 
397           c$$$            if(iflag.eq.3)Coor =Coor+w(i,j)*eyx(i,j)*eyx(i,j)/Sum 
398           c$$$         enddo
399           c$$$      enddo
400           c$$$
401           c$$$      XMomf=Coor
402           c$$$
403           c$$$      end
404           c$$$
405           c$$$      include 'neurale.f'
406           c$$$      include 'sane_neurale.f'
407           c$$$      include 'sane_neuralx.f'
408           c$$$      include 'sane_neuraly.f'
409                 include 'sane_n100xye.f'
410           cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
411 jones 1.2       Subroutine CORRECT_ANGLES(x,y,z,ee,th,phi,cer_stat)
412 jones 1.1       IMPLICIT NONE
413           c
414           c     X = X(Bigcal)-X(raster)
415           c     Y = Y(Bigcal)-Y(raster)
416           c     Z = Z(Bigcal)
417           c     EE - energy in GEV
418           c     RETURNS THeta and PHI In Degree.
419           c
420           cccccccccccc      
421           c      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
422           c      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
423                 include 'sane.inc'
424                 include 'pmc.inc'
425                 real x,y,z
426                 real th,phi,thr,phr,ee 
427                 real dist,SANE_BETA_OMEGA
428 jones 1.2       real*8 P_th(10),P_phi(10)
430                 integer cer_stat
431                 data P_th /
432                ,     -2.199987805718,      1.312318933346,      0.644032653274,      
433                ,     2.001711272282  ,    4.831055345667,
434                ,     0.596870277140   ,   0.237530064696 ,    -0.444891749961,
435                ,     -0.668604044519  ,   -1.988327254812/
436                 data P_Phi /
437                ,     -1.206886920591,      3.898203794202,      1.409952555564 , 
438                ,     -0.737821993549,      4.693839032660,
439                ,     -0.853486677346,     -3.282568717839 ,     1.891695882259,    
440                ,     1.158605334109 ,    -4.578605424909/
441 jones 1.1 
442                 dist = sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)
443                 thr  = acos(z/dist)
444                 phr  = atan2(y/dist,x/dist)
445           c      write(*,*)1,thr*180/3.141,phr*180/3.141,y
448           c$$$         SANE_BETA_OMEGA = abs(theta_0 - abs(Theta_Bfield)) !! 1st attempt w/ ANN
449           c         SANE_BETA_OMEGA = 40!abs(theta_0 - abs(Theta_Bfield))
450           c         SANE_BETA_OMEGA = abs(theta_0 - Theta_Bfield)
451 jones 1.2          SANE_BETA_OMEGA = omega   !! Use definition from uginit.f
452 jones 1.1 c      print*,X,Y,Z,DIST,thr,phr
453           c      print*,SANE_BETA_OMEGA
454 jones 1.2       if(cer_stat.gt.0)then
456 jones 1.1          if(field_type.gt.0)then
457                       if(SANE_BETA_OMEGA.lt.50)then
458 jones 1.2                call POLYNOM_CORRECTION(SANE_TRANSFORM_MATRIX_THETA_40, 
459                ,              SANE_TRANSFORM_MATRIX_PHI_40,thr,
460                ,              phr,ee,th,phi,
461                ,              SANE_BETA_OMEGA)
462                       elseif (SANE_BETA_OMEGA.gt.130)then 
463                          call POLYNOM_CORRECTION(SANE_TRANSFORM_MATRIX_THETA_140, 
464                ,              SANE_TRANSFORM_MATRIX_PHI_140,thr,
465                ,              phr,ee,th,phi,
466                ,              SANE_BETA_OMEGA)
467                       else
468                          WRITE(*,*)'WARNING : YOU DON T' 
469                          WRITE(*,*)'HAVE SANE_TRANSFORM_MATRIX CONSTANTS'
471                       endif
473                    else
474                       phi=phr*180/3.14159
475                       th = thr*180/3.14159
476                    endif
477 jones 1.1       else
478 jones 1.2 c            phi=phr*180/3.14159
479           c            th = thr*180/3.14159
480                    th  = THR*180/3.1415926+
481                ,        (P_th(1)+P_th(2)*phr+P_th(3)*thr+
482                ,        P_th(4)*phr**2+P_th(5)*thr**2)/EE+
483                ,        (P_th(6)+P_th(7)*thr+P_th(8)*phr+
484                ,        P_th(9)*phr**2+P_th(10)*thr**2)/EE**2
485                    phi = phR*180/3.1415926
486                ,        +(P_phi(1)+P_phi(2)*phr+P_phi(3)*phr**2+
487                ,        P_phi(4)*phr**3+P_phi(5)*thr+P_phi(6)*thr**2+
488                ,        P_phi(7)*thr**3+P_phi(8)*phr*thr+
489                ,        P_phi(9)*phr**2*thr+
490                ,        P_phi(10)*phr*thr**2)
492 jones 1.1       endif
494                 phi=phi
495           c      write(*,*)phr*180/3.141-90,phi,SANE_BETA_OMEGA
497           c      write(*,*)thr*180/3.1415926,th,phr*180/3.1415926
498           c      print*,thr*(180.d0/3.1415926),phr*(180.d0/3.1415926),th,phi
499           c     ,      ,SANE_BETA_OMEGA
501                 end
502           ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
503                 Subroutine POLYNOM_CORRECTION(P_th,P_phi,thr,phr,eMev,th,phi,
504                ,                              omega_beta)
505                 IMPLICIT NONE
507           c
508           c     Input patameters are P(26) -transformation Matrix
509           c     input thr and phr angles from CALORIMETER ,THr and PHr in radians
510           c     EE Energy in GEV
511           c     Output :TH and Phi Correctes in degrees
512           cc      
513 jones 1.1 ccccccc
514           c      include 'sane.inc'
515           c      include 'pmc.inc'
516                 real th,phi,thr,phr,eMev,ee
517                 real omega_beta
518                 real P_th(14),P_phi(38),cosom,sinom
519                 ee=eMeV/1000.
520                 cosom = cos(omega_beta*3.1415926/180.d0)
521                 sinom = sin(omega_beta*3.1415926/180.d0)
522           c      write(*,*)ee
524                    th  = thr*180/3.1415926+
525                ,      ((P_th(1)+P_th(2)*phr+P_th(3)*thr+P_th(4)*phr**2
526                ,      +P_th(5)*thr**2)/ee)*
527                ,        (P_th(6)*cosom+P_th(7)*sinom)+
528                ,      ((P_th(8)+P_th(9)*thr+P_th(10)*phr+
529                ,        P_th(11)*phr**2+P_th(12)*thr**2)/ee**2)*
530                ,       (P_th(13)*cosom+P_th(14)*sinom)
534 jones 1.1          phi = phr*180/3.1415926
535                ,        +(P_phi(1)*cosom+P_phi(2)*phr*cosom+P_phi(3)*phr**2*cosom+
536                ,        P_phi(4)*phr**3*cosom+P_phi(5)*thr*cosom+
537                ,        P_phi(6)*thr**2*cosom+
538                ,        P_phi(7)*thr**3*cosom+P_phi(8)*phr*thr*cosom+
539                ,        P_phi(9)*phr**2*thr*cosom+
540                ,        P_phi(10)*phr*thr**2*cosom)+
541                ,        ( P_phi(11)*cosom+P_phi(12)*phr*cosom+
542                ,        P_phi(13)*phr**2*cosom+
543                ,        P_phi(14)*thr*cosom+P_phi(15)*thr**2*cosom+
544                ,        P_phi(16)*phr*thr*cosom)/ee
545                ,        +(P_phi(17)*sinom+P_phi(18)*phr*sinom+
546                ,        P_phi(19)*phr**2*sinom+
547                ,        P_phi(20)*phr**3*sinom+P_phi(21)*thr*sinom+
548                ,        P_phi(22)*thr**2*sinom+
549                ,        P_phi(23)*thr**3*sinom+P_phi(24)*phr*thr*sinom+
550                ,        P_phi(25)*phr**2*thr*sinom+
551                ,        P_phi(26)*phr*thr**2*sinom)+
552                ,        ( P_phi(27)*sinom+P_phi(28)*phr*sinom+
553                ,        P_phi(29)*phr**2*sinom+
554                ,        P_phi(30)*thr*sinom+P_phi(31)*thr**2*sinom+
555 jones 1.1      ,        P_phi(32)*phr*thr*sinom)/ee+
556                ,         P_phi(33)*sinom**2+P_phi(34)*sinom**3+P_phi(35)*sinom**4
557                ,        +P_phi(36)*sinom**5+P_phi(37)*sinom**6+P_phi(38)*sinom**7
558           c         write(*,*)phi,phr*180/3.14159
560           c      write(*,*)'corrected',th,phi 
561                         end
564           cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
565           ccc Uncorrected angles, for comparison
567                 Subroutine UNCORRECT_ANGLES(x,y,z,ee,thu,phiu)
568                 IMPLICIT NONE
569           c
570           c     X = X(Bigcal)-X(raster)
571           c     Y = Y(Bigcal)-Y(raster)
572           c     Z = Z(Bigcal)
573           c     EE - energy in GEV
574           c     RETURNS THeta and PHI In Degree.
575           c
576 jones 1.1 cccccccccccc      
577           c      include 'sane_data_structures.cmn'
578           c      include 'gen_run_info.cmn'
579                 include 'sane.inc'
580                 include 'pmc.inc'
581                 real x,y,z
582                 real thu,phiu,thr,phr,ee 
583                 real dist
585                 dist = sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)
586                 thr  = acos(z/dist)
587                 phr  = atan2(y/dist,x/dist)
588           c      write(*,*)1,thr*180/3.141,phr*180/3.141,y
590                 thu  = thr*(180/3.141592) 
591                 phiu = phr*(180/3.141592) 
593           c      write(*,*)'uncorrected',thu,phiu 
595                 end
597 jones 1.1 cccccccccccc      
598           cccccccccccc      
599                 subroutine NANcheckF(l,did)
600                 IMPLICIT NONE
601                 real*4 l
602                 integer did
603                 if(l.ne.l)then
604                    l=0
605                    write(*,*)'CHECK NAN ',did
606                 endif
607                 end
608 jones 1.2 
609           c      subroutine Blockzero
610           c$$$      do i=1,32
611           c$$$         do j=1,56
612           c$$$            Energy(i,j)=0
613           c$$$         enddo
614           c$$$      enddo

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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