(file) Return to uglast.f CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [HallC] / sane_geant_mc / SRC

 1 jones 1.1       SUBROUTINE UGLAST
 3                 implicit none
 5                 include 'sane.inc'
 6                 include 'beta_geom.inc'
 7                 include 'sane_accp.inc'
 8                 include 'sane_misc.inc'
 9                 save
11                 character*80 arg
12                 CHARACTER*29 setupfile
13           C
14           C Termination routine to print histograms and statistics
15           C
16                 integer*2 icycle
17           C
18           C      write(*,*) 'Howdy uglast has run'
19                 CALL GLAST
20           C
21           C Save histograms to file
22 jones 1.1 C
23           C
25                 call hrout(10,icycle,' ')
26                 call hrend('SANE')
28                 CLOSE(20)
29                 CLOSE(30)
30                 call getarg(1,arg)
31                 read(arg,'(i3)') iteration
32                 call getarg(2,arg)
33                 read(arg,'(i1)') particle
35           !      write(setupfile, '("history/a1p_geant.",i3,".",i1,".setup")') 
36                 write(setupfile, '("a1p_geant.",i3,".",i1,".setup")') 
37                1      iteration,particle
39                 open(unit=23,file=setupfile,status='unknown')
40                 write(*,*) 'e beam = ',E_beam,'ebeam2 ',ebeam2
41                 write(23,*) E_beam/1000.d0
42                 write(23,*) theta_0
43 jones 1.1       write(23,*) theta_Bfield
44                 write(23,*) theta_min
45                 write(23,*) theta_max
46                 write(23,*) phi_min
47                 write(23,*) phi_max
48                 write(23,*) p_min
49                 write(23,*) p_max
50                 write(23,*) cal_width
51                 write(23,*) cal_height
52                 write(23,*) cal_drift
53                 write(23,*) numevts
54                 write(23,*) 'mag hits = ',magcnt  ! JDM - 5/07
55 jones 1.2       write(23,*) 'kept events = ',keptevts  ! NK 02/01/11
56 jones 1.1       write(*,*) 'mag hits = ',magcnt
58                 close(23)
60                 END

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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