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Diff for /simc_semi/event.f between version 1.3 and 1.10

version 1.3, 2005/01/26 22:11:51 version 1.10, 2007/08/31 17:39:02
Line 128 
Line 128 
 ! gen.xwid and gen.ywid are the intrinsic beam widths (one sigma value). ! gen.xwid and gen.ywid are the intrinsic beam widths (one sigma value).
 ! Use a gaussian beam distribution with +/- 3.0 sigma (add raster afterwards). ! Use a gaussian beam distribution with +/- 3.0 sigma (add raster afterwards).
   C DJG As best I can figger, main.target.y is positive when the beam is high in the lab
   C DJG and main.target.x is positive when the beam is right when looking downstream.
   C DJG Don't ask me why, but it seems to be this way.
   C DJG Note that this means that +fry points down. I will make frx point left.
         main.target.x = gauss1(nsig_max)*gen.xwid+targ.xoffset         main.target.x = gauss1(nsig_max)*gen.xwid+targ.xoffset
         main.target.y = gauss1(nsig_max)*gen.ywid+targ.yoffset         main.target.y = gauss1(nsig_max)*gen.ywid+targ.yoffset
 ! fr_pattern=1 - rectangle - targ.fr1/fr2 are the x/y raster half-widths.  ! fr_pattern=1 - old bedpost raster rectangle - targ.fr1/fr2 are the x/y raster half-widths.
 ! fr_pattern=2 - circle - targ.fr1/fr2 are the inner and outer radii. ! fr_pattern=2 - circle - targ.fr1/fr2 are the inner and outer radii.
   ! fr_pattern=3 - new flat raster rectangle - targ.fr1/fr2 are the x/y raster half-widths.
         if (targ.fr_pattern .eq. 1) then                !square raster          if (targ.fr_pattern .eq. 1) then                !old bedpost, square raster
           t3=grnd()*pi           t3=grnd()*pi
           t4=grnd()*pi           t4=grnd()*pi
           t5=cos(t3)*targ.fr1           t5=cos(t3)*targ.fr1
Line 144 
Line 150 
           t4=sqrt(grnd())*(targ.fr2-targ.fr1)+targ.fr1           t4=sqrt(grnd())*(targ.fr2-targ.fr1)+targ.fr1
           t5=cos(t3)*t4           t5=cos(t3)*t4
           t6=sin(t3)*t4           t6=sin(t3)*t4
           elseif (targ.fr_pattern .eq. 3) then            !new, flat square raster
         else                                            !no raster         else                                            !no raster
           t5=0.0           t5=0.0
           t6=0.0           t6=0.0
Line 153 
Line 164 
         main.target.y = main.target.y+t6         main.target.y = main.target.y+t6
         main.target.z = (0.5-grnd())*targ.length+targ.zoffset         main.target.z = (0.5-grnd())*targ.length+targ.zoffset
         main.target.rastery = t6        !'raster' contribution to vert. pos.         main.target.rastery = t6        !'raster' contribution to vert. pos.
           main.target.rasterx = t5        ! points right as you look downstream  - need to flip sign later.
 ! Take fluctuations of the beam energy into account, and remember to correct ! Take fluctuations of the beam energy into account, and remember to correct
 ! for ionization loss in the target and Coulomb acceleration of incoming ! for ionization loss in the target and Coulomb acceleration of incoming
Line 327 
Line 339 
         1      .or.doing_deutrho .or.doing_deutsemi) then !Em = binding energy         1      .or.doing_deutrho .or.doing_deutsemi) then !Em = binding energy
             vertex.Em = Mp + Mn - targ.M             vertex.Em = Mp + Mn - targ.M
             m_spec = targ.M - targ.Mtar_struck + vertex.Em != Mn(Mp) for pi+(-)             m_spec = targ.M - targ.Mtar_struck + vertex.Em != Mn(Mp) for pi+(-)
 c           write(6,*) 'in event.f',targ.M,m_spec,pfer  
             efer = targ.M - sqrt(m_spec**2+pfer**2)             efer = targ.M - sqrt(m_spec**2+pfer**2)
           endif           endif
           if (doing_hepi .or. doing_hekaon .or. doing_hedelta .or. doing_herho) then           if (doing_hepi .or. doing_hekaon .or. doing_hedelta .or. doing_herho) then
Line 399 
Line 410 
         real*8 a, b, c, r, t, QA, QB, QC, radical         real*8 a, b, c, r, t, QA, QB, QC, radical
         real*8 p_new_x,p_new_y,new_x_x,new_x_y,new_x_z         real*8 p_new_x,p_new_y,new_x_x,new_x_y,new_x_z
           real*8 targ_new_x,targ_new_y
         real*8 new_y_x,new_y_y,new_y_z,dummy         real*8 new_y_x,new_y_y,new_y_z,dummy
           real*8 targx,targy,targz
         real*8 px,py,pz,qx,qy,qz         real*8 px,py,pz,qx,qy,qz
         real*8 oop_x,oop_y         real*8 oop_x,oop_y
         real*8 krel,krelx,krely,krelz         real*8 krel,krelx,krely,krelz
         real*8 MM         real*8 MM
         real*8 dot  
         real*8 Ehad2,E_rec         real*8 Ehad2,E_rec
         real*8 W2         real*8 W2
Line 597 
Line 609 
           radical = QB**2 - 4.*QA*QC           radical = QB**2 - 4.*QA*QC
           if (radical.lt.0) return           if (radical.lt.0) return
           vertex.p.E = (-QB - sqrt(radical))/2./QA           vertex.p.E = (-QB - sqrt(radical))/2./QA
           Ehad2 = (-QB + sqrt(radical))/2./QA           Ehad2 = (-QB + sqrt(radical))/2./QA
Line 643 
Line 654 
         if (doing_pion .or. doing_kaon .or. doing_delta .or. doing_rho .or. doing_semi) then         if (doing_pion .or. doing_kaon .or. doing_delta .or. doing_rho .or. doing_semi) then
           W2 = targ.M**2 + 2.*targ.M*vertex.nu - vertex.Q2            W2 = targ.Mtar_struck**2 + 2.*targ.Mtar_struck*vertex.nu - vertex.Q2
           main.W = sqrt(abs(W2)) * W2/abs(W2)           main.W = sqrt(abs(W2)) * W2/abs(W2)
           main.epsilon=1./(1. + 2.*(1+vertex.nu**2/vertex.Q2)*tan(vertex.e.theta/2.)**2)           main.epsilon=1./(1. + 2.*(1+vertex.nu**2/vertex.Q2)*tan(vertex.e.theta/2.)**2)
           dot = vertex.up.x*vertex.uq.x+vertex.up.y*vertex.uq.y+vertex.up.z*vertex.uq.z            main.theta_pq=acos(vertex.up.x*vertex.uq.x+vertex.up.y*vertex.uq.y+vertex.up.z*vertex.uq.z)
           main.t = vertex.Q2 - Mh2 + 2*vertex.nu*vertex.p.E -           main.t = vertex.Q2 - Mh2 + 2*vertex.nu*vertex.p.E -
      >          2*vertex.p.P*vertex.q*cos(main.theta_pq)      >          2*vertex.p.P*vertex.q*cos(main.theta_pq)
           main.tmin = vertex.Q2 - Mh2 + 2*vertex.p.E*vertex.nu -           main.tmin = vertex.Q2 - Mh2 + 2*vertex.p.E*vertex.nu -
Line 714 
Line 724 
             write(6,*)'comp_ev: phi_pq =',main.phi_pq             write(6,*)'comp_ev: phi_pq =',main.phi_pq
             write(6,*)'comp_ev: E_hadron =',vertex.p.E             write(6,*)'comp_ev: E_hadron =',vertex.p.E
           endif           endif
             if(using_tgt_field) then   !calculate some azimuthal angles that only make
                                        !sense for polarized target
   ! As seen looking downstream:           replay  SIMC    (old_simc)
   !                               x       right   down    (left)
   !                               y       down    left    (up)
   !                               z       all have z pointing downstream
   ! SO: x_replay=-y_simc, y_replay=x_simc, z_replay= z_simc
                qx = -vertex.uq.y  !convert to 'replay' coord. system
                qy =  vertex.uq.x
                qz =  vertex.uq.z
   c Target in-plane, so targy=0
                targx = -targ_pol*sin(abs(targ_Bangle)) ! replay coordinates
                targy = 0.0
                targz = targ_pol*cos(abs(targ_Bangle))
   c Target out of plane, so targx=0
   c       targx = 0.0      ! replay coordinates
   c       targy = -targ_pol*sin(abs(targ_Bangle))
   c       targz = targ_pol*cos(abs(targ_Bangle))
                new_x_x = -qx*qz/dummy
                new_x_y = -qy*qz/dummy
                new_x_z = (qx**2 + qy**2)/dummy
                dummy   = sqrt(qx**2 + qy**2)
                new_y_x =  qy/dummy
                new_y_y = -qx/dummy
                new_y_z =  0.0
                p_new_x = targx*new_x_x + targy*new_x_y + targz*new_x_z
                p_new_y = targx*new_y_x + targy*new_y_y + targz*new_y_z
                main.phi_targ = atan2(p_new_y,p_new_x) !atan2(y,x)=atan(y/x)
                if(main.phi_targ.lt.0.) main.phi_targ = 2.*pi+main.phi_targ
   ! As seen looking downstream:           replay  SIMC    (old_simc)
   !                               x       right   down    (left)
   !                               y       down    left    (up)
   !                               z       all have z pointing downstream
   ! SO: x_replay=-y_simc, y_replay=x_simc, z_replay= z_simc
                qx = -vertex.uq.y  !convert to 'replay' coord. system
                qy =  vertex.uq.x
                qz =  vertex.uq.z
   C Taret in plane
                targx = -targ_pol*sin(abs(targ_Bangle)) ! 'replay' coordinates
                targy = 0.0
                targz = targ_pol*cos(abs(targ_Bangle))
   C Target out of plane
   c       targx = 0.0             ! 'replay' coordinates
   c       targy = -targ_pol*sin(abs(targ_Bangle))
   c       targz = targ_pol*cos(abs(targ_Bangle))
                px = -vertex.up.y
                py =  vertex.up.x
                pz =  vertex.up.z
                dummy   = sqrt((qy*pz-qz*py)**2 + (qz*px-qx*pz)**2 + (qx*py-qy*px)**2)
                new_y_x =  (qy*pz-qz*py)/dummy
                new_y_y =  (qz*px-qx*pz)/dummy
                new_y_z =  (qx*py-qy*px)/dummy
                dummy   = sqrt((new_y_y*qz-new_y_z*qy)**2 + (new_y_z*qx-new_y_x*qz)**2
           1         + (new_y_x*qy-new_y_y*qx)**2)
                new_x_x = (new_y_y*qz - new_y_z*qy)/dummy
                new_x_y = (new_y_z*qx - new_y_x*qz)/dummy
                new_x_z = (new_y_x*qy - new_y_y*qx)/dummy
                targ_new_x = targx*new_x_x + targy*new_x_y + targz*new_x_z
                targ_new_y = targx*new_y_x + targy*new_y_y + targz*new_y_z
                main.beta = atan2(targ_new_y,targ_new_x)
                if(main.beta .lt. 0.) main.beta = 2*pi+main.beta
   CDJG Calculate the "Collins" (phi_pq+phi_targ) and "Sivers"(phi_pq-phi_targ) angles
                vertex.phi_s = main.phi_pq-main.phi_targ
                if(vertex.phi_s .lt. 0.) vertex.phi_s = 2*pi+vertex.phi_s
                vertex.phi_c = main.phi_pq+main.phi_targ
                if(vertex.phi_c .gt. 2.*pi) vertex.phi_c = vertex.phi_c-2*pi
                if(vertex.phi_c .lt. 0.0) vertex.phi_c = 2*pi+vertex.phi_c
                dummy = sqrt((qx**2+qy**2+qz**2))*sqrt((targx**2+targy**2+targz**2))
                main.theta_tarq = acos((qx*targx+qy*targy+qz*targz)/dummy)
             endif !polarized-target specific azimuthal angles
         endif           !end of pion/kaon specific stuff.         endif           !end of pion/kaon specific stuff.
         if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_ev: at 8'         if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_ev: at 8'
Line 794 
Line 910 
 CDJG       if ((vertex.Emiss**2-vertex.Pmiss**2).lt.0) then CDJG       if ((vertex.Emiss**2-vertex.Pmiss**2).lt.0) then
 CDJG I should be testing that the missing mass is above two pion CDJG I should be testing that the missing mass is above two pion
 CDJG threshold! Otherwise, it's just exclusive CDJG threshold! Otherwise, it's just exclusive
            if((vertex.Emiss**2-vertex.Pmiss**2).lt.(targ.M+Mpi0)**2)then  c          if ((vertex.Emiss**2-vertex.Pmiss**2).lt.(Mp+Mpi0)**2) then
 c          if((vertex.Emiss**2-vertex.Pmiss**2).lt.(targ.Mtar_struck+Mpi0)**2)then             if (((targ.Mtar_struck+vertex.nu-vertex.p.E)**2-vertex.Pmiss**2).lt.(Mp+Mpi0)**2) then
               success=.false.               success=.false.
               return               return
            endif            endif
Line 803 
Line 919 
         if(doing_semi) then         if(doing_semi) then
            vertex.zhad = vertex.p.E/vertex.nu            vertex.zhad = vertex.p.E/vertex.nu
            vertex.pt2 = vertex.p.P**2*(1.0-dot**2)             vertex.pt2 = vertex.p.P**2*(1.0-cos(main.theta_pq)**2)
            if(vertex.zhad.gt.1.0) then            if(vertex.zhad.gt.1.0) then
               success=.false.               success=.false.
               return               return
Line 871 
Line 987 
         real*8 p_new_x,p_new_y,new_x_x,new_x_y,new_x_z         real*8 p_new_x,p_new_y,new_x_x,new_x_y,new_x_z
         real*8 new_y_x,new_y_y,new_y_z,dummy         real*8 new_y_x,new_y_y,new_y_z,dummy
           real*8 targ_new_x,targ_new_y
         real*8 px,py,pz,qx,qy,qz         real*8 px,py,pz,qx,qy,qz
           real*8 targx,targy,targz
         real*8 W2         real*8 W2
         real*8 oop_x,oop_y         real*8 oop_x,oop_y
         real*8 dot  
         real*8 mm,mmA,mm2,mmA2,t         real*8 mm,mmA,mm2,mmA2,t
         logical success         logical success
Line 916 
Line 1033 
         recon.uq.x = - recon.e.P*recon.ue.x / recon.q         recon.uq.x = - recon.e.P*recon.ue.x / recon.q
         recon.uq.y = - recon.e.P*recon.ue.y / recon.q         recon.uq.y = - recon.e.P*recon.ue.y / recon.q
         recon.uq.z =(recon.Ein - recon.e.P*recon.ue.z)/ recon.q         recon.uq.z =(recon.Ein - recon.e.P*recon.ue.z)/ recon.q
           if (doing_pion .or. doing_kaon .or. doing_delta .or. doing_rho .or. doing_semi) then
              W2 = targ.mtar_struck**2 + 2.*targ.mtar_struck*recon.nu - recon.Q2
         W2 = targ.M**2 + 2.*targ.M*recon.nu - recon.Q2         W2 = targ.M**2 + 2.*targ.M*recon.nu - recon.Q2
           W2 = mp**2 + 2.*mp*recon.nu - recon.Q2
         recon.W = sqrt(abs(W2)) * W2/abs(W2)         recon.W = sqrt(abs(W2)) * W2/abs(W2)
         recon.xbj = recon.Q2/2./Mp/recon.nu         recon.xbj = recon.Q2/2./Mp/recon.nu
         if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: at 5'         if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: at 5'
Line 932 
Line 1055 
 ! Compute some pion/kaon stuff. ! Compute some pion/kaon stuff.
         recon.epsilon=1./(1. + 2.*(1+recon.nu**2/recon.Q2)*tan(recon.e.theta/2.)**2)         recon.epsilon=1./(1. + 2.*(1+recon.nu**2/recon.Q2)*tan(recon.e.theta/2.)**2)
         dot = recon.up.x*recon.uq.x+recon.up.y*recon.uq.y+recon.up.z*recon.uq.z          recon.theta_pq=acos(min(1.0,recon.up.x*recon.uq.x+recon.up.y*recon.uq.y+recon.up.z*recon.uq.z))
 ! Therefore, define a new system with the z axis parallel to q, and ! Therefore, define a new system with the z axis parallel to q, and
Line 980 
Line 1102 
           recon.phi_pq = 2*pi - recon.phi_pq           recon.phi_pq = 2*pi - recon.phi_pq
         endif         endif
           if(using_tgt_field) then !calculate polarized-target specific azimuthal angles
   ! Take into account the different definitions of x, y and z in
   ! replay and SIMC:
   ! As seen looking downstream:           replay  SIMC    (old_simc)
   !                               x       right   down    (left)
   !                               y       down    left    (up)
   !                               z       all have z pointing downstream
   ! SO: x_replay=-y_simc, y_replay=x_simc, z_replay= z_simc
              qx = -recon.uq.y     !convert to 'replay' coord. system
              qy =  recon.uq.x
              qz =  recon.uq.z
   C In-plane target
              targx = -targ_pol*sin(abs(targ_Bangle)) ! 'replay' coordinates
              targy = 0.0
              targz = targ_pol*cos(abs(targ_Bangle))
   C out of plane target
   c       targx = 0.0       ! 'replay' coordinates
   c       targy = -targ_pol*sin(abs(targ_Bangle))
   c       targz = targ_pol*cos(abs(targ_Bangle))
              new_x_x = -qx*qz/dummy
              new_x_y = -qy*qz/dummy
              new_x_z = (qx**2 + qy**2)/dummy
              dummy   = sqrt(qx**2 + qy**2)
              new_y_x =  qy/dummy
              new_y_y = -qx/dummy
              new_y_z =  0.0
              p_new_x = targx*new_x_x + targy*new_x_y + targz*new_x_z
              p_new_y = targx*new_y_x + targy*new_y_y + targz*new_y_z
              recon.phi_targ = atan2(p_new_y,p_new_x)
              if(recon.phi_targ.lt.0.) recon.phi_targ = 2.*pi + recon.phi_targ
   ! Also take into account the different definitions of x, y and z in
   ! replay and SIMC:
   ! As seen looking downstream:           replay  SIMC    (old_simc)
   !                               x       right   down    (left)
   !                               y       down    left    (up)
   !                               z       all have z pointing downstream
   ! SO: x_replay=-y_simc, y_replay=x_simc, z_replay= z_simc
              qx = -recon.uq.y     !convert to 'replay' coord. system
              qy =  recon.uq.x
              qz =  recon.uq.z
              targx = -targ_pol*sin(abs(targ_Bangle)) ! 'replay' coordinates
              targy = 0.0
              targz = targ_pol*cos(abs(targ_Bangle))
   c       targx = 0.0              ! 'replay' coordinates
   c       targy = -targ_pol*sin(abs(targ_Bangle))
   c       targz = targ_pol*cos(abs(targ_Bangle))
              px = -recon.up.y
              py =  recon.up.x
              pz =  recon.up.z
              dummy   = sqrt((qy*pz-qz*py)**2 + (qz*px-qx*pz)**2 + (qx*py-qy*px)**2)
              new_y_x =  (qy*pz-qz*py)/dummy
              new_y_y =  (qz*px-qx*pz)/dummy
              new_y_z =  (qx*py-qy*px)/dummy
              dummy   = sqrt((new_y_y*qz-new_y_z*qy)**2 + (new_y_z*qx-new_y_x*qz)**2
           1       + (new_y_x*qy-new_y_y*qx)**2)
              new_x_x = (new_y_y*qz - new_y_z*qy)/dummy
              new_x_y = (new_y_z*qx - new_y_x*qz)/dummy
              new_x_z = (new_y_x*qy - new_y_y*qx)/dummy
              targ_new_x = targx*new_x_x + targy*new_x_y + targz*new_x_z
              targ_new_y = targx*new_y_x + targy*new_y_y + targz*new_y_z
              recon.beta = atan2(targ_new_y,targ_new_x)
              if(recon.beta.lt.0.) recon.beta = 2.*pi + recon.beta
   CDJG Calculate the "Collins" (phi_pq+phi_targ) and "Sivers"(phi_pq-phi_targ) angles
              recon.phi_s = recon.phi_pq-recon.phi_targ
              if(recon.phi_s .lt. 0.) recon.phi_s = 2*pi+recon.phi_s
              recon.phi_c = recon.phi_pq+recon.phi_targ
              if(recon.phi_c .gt. 2.*pi) recon.phi_c = recon.phi_c-2*pi
              if(recon.phi_c .lt. 0.) recon.phi_c = 2*pi+recon.phi_c
              dummy = sqrt((qx**2+qy**2+qz**2))*sqrt((targx**2+targy**2+targz**2))
              recon.theta_tarq = acos((qx*targx+qy*targy+qz*targz)/dummy)
           endif !polarized-target specific stuff
         if (debug(2)) then         if (debug(2)) then
           write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: nu =',recon.nu           write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: nu =',recon.nu
           write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: Q2 =',recon.Q2           write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: Q2 =',recon.Q2
Line 1007 
Line 1233 
         oop_x = -recon.uq.y     ! oop_x = q_y *(z_hat x y_hat) = q_y *-(x_hat)         oop_x = -recon.uq.y     ! oop_x = q_y *(z_hat x y_hat) = q_y *-(x_hat)
         oop_y =  recon.uq.x     ! oop_y = q_x *(z_hat x x_hat) = q_x * (y_hat)         oop_y =  recon.uq.x     ! oop_y = q_x *(z_hat x x_hat) = q_x * (y_hat)
 c       recon.PmPar = (recon.Pmx*recon.uq.x + recon.Pmy*recon.uq.y + recon.Pmz*recon.uq.z)          recon.PmPar = (recon.Pmx*recon.uq.x + recon.Pmy*recon.uq.y + recon.Pmz*recon.uq.z)
         recon.PmPar = (recon.Pmy*recon.uq.y + recon.Pmz*recon.uq.z)/sqrt(recon.uq.y**2+recon.uq.z**2)  
         recon.PmOop = (recon.Pmx*oop_x + recon.Pmy*oop_y) / sqrt(oop_x**2+oop_y**2)         recon.PmOop = (recon.Pmx*oop_x + recon.Pmy*oop_y) / sqrt(oop_x**2+oop_y**2)
 c       recon.PmPer = sqrt( max(0.d0, recon.Pm**2 - recon.PmPar**2 - recon.PmOop**2 ) )          recon.PmPer = sqrt( max(0.d0, recon.Pm**2 - recon.PmPar**2 - recon.PmOop**2 ) )
         recon.PmPer = (-recon.Pmz*recon.uq.y + recon.Pmy*recon.uq.z)/sqrt(recon.uq.z**2+recon.uq.y**2)  
         if (doing_pion .or. doing_kaon .or. doing_delta .or. doing_rho .or. doing_semi) then         if (doing_pion .or. doing_kaon .or. doing_delta .or. doing_rho .or. doing_semi) then
           recon.Em = recon.nu + targ.Mtar_struck - recon.p.E           recon.Em = recon.nu + targ.Mtar_struck - recon.p.E
Line 1028 
Line 1252 
         if(doing_semi.or.doing_rho) then         if(doing_semi.or.doing_rho) then
            recon.zhad = recon.p.E/recon.nu            recon.zhad = recon.p.E/recon.nu
            recon.pt2 = recon.p.P**2*(1.0-dot**2)             recon.pt2 = recon.p.P**2*(1.0-cos(recon.theta_pq)**2)
         endif         endif
 ! Calculate Trec, Em. Trec for (A-1) system (eep), or for struck nucleon (pi/K) ! Calculate Trec, Em. Trec for (A-1) system (eep), or for struck nucleon (pi/K)
Line 1060 
Line 1284 
         integer         i, iPm1         integer         i, iPm1
         real*8          a, b, r, frac, peepi, peeK, peedelta, peerho, peepiX         real*8          a, b, r, frac, peepi, peeK, peedelta, peerho, peepiX
         real*8          survivalprob          real*8          survivalprob, semi_dilution
         real*8          weight, width, sigep, deForest, tgtweight         real*8          weight, width, sigep, deForest, tgtweight
         logical         force_sigcc, success         logical         force_sigcc, success
         record /event_main/ main         record /event_main/ main
Line 1173 
Line 1397 
           main.sigcc = peepiX(vertex,vertex0,main,survivalprob,.FALSE.)           main.sigcc = peepiX(vertex,vertex0,main,survivalprob,.FALSE.)
           main.sigcc_recon = 1.0           main.sigcc_recon = 1.0
           main.sigcent = peepiX(vertex,vertex0,main,survivalprob,.TRUE.)           main.sigcent = peepiX(vertex,vertex0,main,survivalprob,.TRUE.)
             ntup.dilu = semi_dilution(vertex,main)
         else         else
           main.sigcc = 1.0           main.sigcc = 1.0

Removed from v.1.3  
changed lines
  Added in v.1.10

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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