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   1 gaskelld 1.1 	subroutine limits_update(main,vertex,orig,recon,doing_deuterium,
   2                   >		doing_pion,doing_kaon,doing_delta,doing_rho,contrib,slop)
   4              	include 'structures.inc'
   5              	include 'radc.inc'
   6              	record /event_main/ main
   7              	record /event/ vertex, orig, recon
   8              	record /contrib/ contrib
   9              	record /slop/ slop
  10              	integer i
  11              	logical	doing_deuterium, doing_pion, doing_kaon, doing_delta, doing_rho
  13              ! Update the "contribution limits" records
  15              ! ... GENERATION values
  16              	call update_range(vertex.e.delta, contrib.gen.e.delta)
  17              	call update_range(vertex.e.yptar, contrib.gen.e.yptar)
  18              	call update_range(vertex.e.xptar, contrib.gen.e.xptar)
  19              	call update_range(vertex.p.delta, contrib.gen.p.delta)
  20              	call update_range(vertex.p.yptar, contrib.gen.p.yptar)
  21              	call update_range(vertex.p.xptar, contrib.gen.p.xptar)
  22 gaskelld 1.1 	call update_range(main.Trec, contrib.gen.Trec)
  24              ! ........ another tricky shift
  25              	if (doing_deuterium .or. doing_pion .or. doing_kaon .or. doing_delta .or. doing_rho) then
  26              	  call update_range(vertex.e.E-main.Ein_shift,contrib.gen.sumEgen)
  27              	else
  28              	  call update_range(vertex.e.E+vertex.p.E-main.Ein_shift,contrib.gen.sumEgen)
  29              	endif
  31              ! ... TRUE values
  32              ! ........ tricky shift here, remember this'll get compared with edge.e.E,
  33              ! ........ compensate for main.target.Coulomb to
  34              ! ........ copy the shift made to the edge in generate
  35              	call update_range(orig.e.E-main.Ee_shift, contrib.tru.e.E)
  36              	call update_range(orig.e.xptar, contrib.tru.e.xptar)
  37              	call update_range(orig.e.yptar, contrib.tru.e.yptar)
  38              	call update_range(orig.e.xptar, contrib.tru.e.xptar)
  39              	call update_range(orig.p.E, contrib.tru.p.E)
  40              	call update_range(orig.p.yptar, contrib.tru.p.yptar)
  41              	call update_range(orig.p.xptar, contrib.tru.p.xptar)
  43 gaskelld 1.1 ! ........ another tricky shift
  44              	call update_range(orig.Em-main.Ein_shift+main.Ee_shift,contrib.tru.Em)
  45              	call update_range(orig.Pm, contrib.tru.Pm)
  46              	call update_range(orig.Trec, contrib.tru.Trec)
  48              ! ... SPECTROMETER values
  49              	call update_range(main.SP.e.delta, contrib.SP.e.delta)
  50              	call update_range(main.SP.e.yptar, contrib.SP.e.yptar)
  51              	call update_range(main.SP.e.xptar, contrib.SP.e.xptar)
  52              	call update_range(main.SP.p.delta, contrib.SP.p.delta)
  53              	call update_range(main.SP.p.yptar, contrib.SP.p.yptar)
  54              	call update_range(main.SP.p.xptar, contrib.SP.p.xptar)
  56              ! ... VERTEX values
  57              	call update_range(vertex.Trec, contrib.vertex.Trec)
  58              	call update_range(vertex.Em, contrib.vertex.Em)
  59              	call update_range(vertex.Pm, contrib.vertex.Pm)
  61              ! ... RADIATION stuff
  62              ! ??? should be looking at Egamma2+3 cause we do use limits on that, indirectly
  64 gaskelld 1.1 	do i = 1, 3
  65              	  call update_range(Egamma_used(i), contrib.rad.Egamma(i))
  66              	enddo
  67              	call update_range(Egamma_used(1)+Egamma_used(2)+Egamma_used(3),
  68                   >		contrib.rad.Egamma_total)
  70              ! Update the "slop limits" records
  71              ! ... MC slops
  72              	call update_range(main.RECON.e.delta-main.SP.e.delta,slop.MC.e.delta)
  73              	call update_range(main.RECON.e.yptar-main.SP.e.yptar,slop.MC.e.yptar)
  74              	call update_range(main.RECON.e.xptar-main.SP.e.xptar,slop.MC.e.xptar)
  75              	call update_range(main.RECON.p.delta-main.SP.p.delta,slop.MC.p.delta)
  76              	call update_range(main.RECON.p.yptar-main.SP.p.yptar,slop.MC.p.yptar)
  77              	call update_range(main.RECON.p.xptar-main.SP.p.xptar,slop.MC.p.xptar)
  79              ! ... total slops
  80              ! ........ that tricky shift again, slops accounted for by the shift not
  81              ! ........ included in slop.total.Em.
  82              	call update_range(recon.Em-(orig.Em-main.Ein_shift+main.Ee_shift),
  83                   >		slop.total.Em)
  84              	call update_range(abs(recon.Pm)-abs(orig.Pm), slop.total.Pm)
  85 gaskelld 1.1 
  86              	return
  87              	end
  89              !-------------------------------------------------------------------
  91              	subroutine update_range(val,range)
  93              	include 'structures.inc'
  94              	record /range/ range
  95              	real*8	val
  97              	range.lo = min(range.lo, val)
  98              	range.hi = max(range.hi, val)
 100              	return
 101              	end
 103              !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 104              ! THE routine to GENERATE the (max of 7) random quantities we need to get
 105              ! a full description of our event.
 106 gaskelld 1.1 
 107              	subroutine generate(main,vertex,orig,success)
 109              	implicit none
 110              	include 'simulate.inc'
 112              	integer i, ii
 113              	real*8 Emin, Emax
 114              	real*8 ranprob,ranth1,ranth,ranph,t3,t4,t5,t6
 115              	real*8 pferlo,pferhi
 116              	real*8 m_spec		!spectator (A-1) mass based on missing energy
 117              	real*8 gauss1
 118              	logical success
 119              	real*8 grnd		!random # generator.
 120              	record /event_main/ main
 121              	record /event/ vertex, orig
 123              	real*8 nsig_max
 124              	parameter(nsig_max=3.0d0)      !max #/sigma for gaussian ran #s.
 127 gaskelld 1.1 ! Randomize the position of the interaction inside the available region.
 128              ! gen.xwid and gen.ywid are the intrinsic beam widths (one sigma value).
 129              ! Use a gaussian beam distribution with +/- 3.0 sigma (add raster afterwards).
 130              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'gen: entering'
 131              	main.target.x = gauss1(nsig_max)*gen.xwid+targ.xoffset
 132              	main.target.y = gauss1(nsig_max)*gen.ywid+targ.yoffset
 134              ! fr_pattern=1 - rectangle - targ.fr1/fr2 are the x/y raster half-widths.
 135              ! fr_pattern=2 - circle - targ.fr1/fr2 are the inner and outer radii.
 137              	if (targ.fr_pattern .eq. 1) then		!square raster
 138              	  t3=grnd()*pi
 139              	  t4=grnd()*pi
 140              	  t5=cos(t3)*targ.fr1
 141              	  t6=cos(t4)*targ.fr2
 142              	elseif (targ.fr_pattern .eq. 2) then		!circular raster
 143              	  t3=grnd()*2.*pi
 144              	  t4=sqrt(grnd())*(targ.fr2-targ.fr1)+targ.fr1
 145              	  t5=cos(t3)*t4
 146              	  t6=sin(t3)*t4
 147              	else						!no raster
 148 gaskelld 1.1 	  t5=0.0
 149              	  t6=0.0
 150              	endif
 152              	main.target.x = main.target.x+t5
 153              	main.target.y = main.target.y+t6
 154              	main.target.z = (0.5-grnd())*targ.length+targ.zoffset
 155              	main.target.rastery = t6	!'raster' contribution to vert. pos.
 157              ! Take fluctuations of the beam energy into account, and remember to correct
 158              ! for ionization loss in the target and Coulomb acceleration of incoming
 159              ! electron.  Remove targ.zoffset from the z position of the scattering
 160              ! in order to get the position relative to the center of the target.
 162              	call trip_thru_target (1, main.target.z-targ.zoffset, Ebeam, 0.0d0,
 163                   >		main.target.Eloss(1), main.target.teff(1),Me,1)
 164              	if (.not.using_Eloss) main.target.Eloss(1) = 0.0
 165              	if (using_Coulomb) then
 166              	  main.target.Coulomb=targ.Coulomb_constant*(3.-(grnd())**(2./3.))
 167              	else
 168              	  main.target.Coulomb=0.0
 169 gaskelld 1.1 	endif
 170              	vertex.Ein = Ebeam + (grnd()-0.5)*dEbeam +
 171                   >		main.target.Coulomb - main.target.Eloss(1)
 173              ! ... deterimine known variation in Ein from Ebeam_vertex_ave and in
 174              ! ... Ee due to Coulomb energy to compare limits to generated event by event.
 177                      main.Ein_shift = vertex.Ein - Ebeam_vertex_ave
 178                      main.Ee_shift = main.target.Coulomb - targ.Coulomb.ave
 180              ! Initialize success code and fractional weight due to radiation and
 181              ! generation tricks
 183              5	success = .false.
 184              	main.gen_weight = 1.0
 186              ! Generated quantities: (phase_space NOT YET IMPLEMENTED).
 187              !
 188              ! phase_space: Generate electron E,yptar,xptar and hadron yptar,xptar??
 189              ! doing_hyd_elast: Generate electron angles. Solve for everything else.
 190 gaskelld 1.1 ! doing_deuterium: Generate electron energy and angles, proton angles.
 191              !	Solve for proton momentum, p_fermi.
 192              ! doing_eep, A>2: generate electron and hadron energy, angles. Solve for Em,Pm.
 193              ! doing_pion: generate electron energy and angles, hadron angles, p_fermi, Em.
 194              !	Solve for hadron momentum.
 195              ! doing_kaon: as doing_pion.
 196              ! doing_delta: as doing_pion.
 197              ! doing_rho: as doing_pion.
 198              ! doing_semi: Generate electron E,yptar,xptar and hadron E, yptar,xptar
 199              !
 200              ! The above is summarized in the following table:
 201              !
 202              !                    ELECTRON                  HADRON
 203              !               ------------------      ------------------
 204              !               E       yptar   xptar   E       yptar   xptar   p_fermi	Em
 205              !
 206              !H(e,e'p)		X	X
 207              !D(e,e'p)	X	X	X		X	X
 208              !A(e,e'p)	X	X	X	X	X	X
 209              !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 210              !H(e,e'pi)	X	X	X		X	X
 211 gaskelld 1.1 !A(e,e'pi)	X	X	X		X	X	X	X
 212              !H(e,e'K)	X	X	X		X	X
 213              !A(e,e'K)	X	X	X		X	X	X	X
 214              !H(e,e'p)pi	X	X	X		X	X
 215              !A(e,e'p)pi	X	X	X		X	X	X	X
 216              !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 217              !phase_space	X	X	X	?	X	X
 218              !
 219              ! So our procedure is the following:
 220              ! 1) Always generate electron yptar and xptar
 221              ! 2) generate hadron yptar and xptar for all cases except H(e,e'p).
 222              ! 3) Generate hadron E for A(e,e'p)
 223              ! 4) generate electron E for all but hydrogen elastic.
 224              ! 5) generate p_fermi, Em for A(e,e'pi) and A(e,e'K).
 225              !
 226              ! After we generate xptar/yptar/energy, we calculate physics angles (theta/phi),
 227              !  momenta, unit vectors, etc... here and/or in complete_ev.
 228              !
 229              ! Note that there are also jacobians associated with some and/or all of
 230              ! the above.
 231              ! 1: We generate uniformly in xptar/yptar, not theta/phi.  We define the
 232 gaskelld 1.1 ! phase space volume (genvol contribution) as the product of the xptar/yptar
 233              ! range, and have a jacobian for each event taking into account the mapping
 234              ! between the solid angle on the unit sphere, and the dxptar/dyptar volume
 235              ! (the jacobian is 1/cos**3(dtheta), where dtheta is the angle between the
 236              ! event and the central spectrometer vector
 237              ! 2: For the D(e,e'p), we take Em as fixed in order to calculate the proton
 238              ! energy.  There is a jacobian ( |dEp'/dEm| ).  It comes from integrating
 239              ! over the energy conservation delta function: delta(E_D - E_p - E_n - Em).
 241              ! Generate Electron Angles (all cases):
 242              	vertex.e.yptar=gen.e.yptar.min+grnd()*(gen.e.yptar.max-gen.e.yptar.min)
 243              	vertex.e.xptar=gen.e.xptar.min+grnd()*(gen.e.xptar.max-gen.e.xptar.min)
 245              ! Generate Hadron Angles (all but H(e,e'p)):
 246              	if (doing_deuterium.or.doing_heavy.or.doing_pion.or.doing_kaon
 247              	1    .or.doing_delta.or.doing_semi.or.doing_rho) then
 248              	  vertex.p.yptar=gen.p.yptar.min+grnd()*
 249              	1	(gen.p.yptar.max-gen.p.yptar.min)
 250              	  vertex.p.xptar=gen.p.xptar.min+grnd()*
 251              	1      (gen.p.xptar.max-gen.p.xptar.min)
 252              	endif
 253 gaskelld 1.1 
 254              ! Generate Hadron Momentum (A(e,e'p) or semi-inclusive production).
 255              	if (doing_heavy .or. doing_semi) then
 256              	  Emin = max(gen.p.E.min, gen.sumEgen.min - gen.e.E.max)
 257              	  Emax = min(gen.p.E.max, gen.sumEgen.max - gen.e.E.min)
 258              	  if (Emin.gt.Emax) goto 100
 259              	  main.gen_weight=main.gen_weight*(Emax-Emin)/(gen.p.E.max-gen.p.E.min)
 260              	  vertex.p.E = Emin + grnd()*(Emax-Emin)
 261              	  vertex.p.P = sqrt(vertex.p.E**2 - Mh2)
 262              	  vertex.p.delta = 100.*(vertex.p.P-spec.p.P)/spec.p.P
 263              	endif
 265              ! Generate Electron Energy (all but hydrogen elastic)
 266              	if (doing_deuterium.or.doing_heavy.or.doing_pion.or.doing_kaon
 267              	1    .or.doing_delta.or.doing_rho.or.doing_semi) then
 268              	  Emin=gen.e.E.min
 269              	  Emax=gen.e.E.max
 270              	  if (doing_deuterium .or. doing_pion .or. doing_kaon .or. doing_delta .or. doing_rho) then
 271              	    Emin = max(Emin,gen.sumEgen.min)
 272              	    Emax = min(Emax,gen.sumEgen.max)
 273              	  else if (doing_heavy) then		! A(e,e'p)
 274 gaskelld 1.1 	    Emin = max(Emin, gen.sumEgen.min - vertex.p.E)
 275              	    Emax = min(Emax, gen.sumEgen.max - vertex.p.E)
 276              	  endif
 277              	  if (Emin.gt.Emax) goto 100
 278              	  main.gen_weight=main.gen_weight*(Emax-Emin)/(gen.e.E.max-gen.e.E.min)
 279              	  vertex.e.E = Emin + grnd()*(Emax-Emin)
 280              	  vertex.e.P = vertex.e.E
 281              	  vertex.e.delta = 100.*(vertex.e.P-spec.e.P)/spec.e.P
 282              	endif	!not (doing_hyd_elast)
 285              ! Calculate the electron and proton PHYSICS angles from the spectrometer angles.
 286              ! Note that the proton angles are not yet know for hydrogen elastic.
 288              	call physics_angles(spec.e.theta,spec.e.phi,
 289                   &		vertex.e.xptar,vertex.e.yptar,vertex.e.theta,vertex.e.phi)
 290              	call physics_angles(spec.p.theta,spec.p.phi,
 291                   &		vertex.p.xptar,vertex.p.yptar,vertex.p.theta,vertex.p.phi)
 293              ! Generate Fermi Momentum and Em for A(e,e'pi) and A(e,e'K). 
 294              	pfer=0.0
 295 gaskelld 1.1 	pferx=0.0
 296              	pfery=0.0
 297              	pferz=0.0
 298              	vertex.Em=0.0
 299              	efer=targ.Mtar_struck		!used for pion/kaon xsec calcs.
 300              	if(doing_deutpi.or.doing_hepi.or.doing_deutkaon.or.doing_hekaon.or.
 301              	1    doing_deutdelta.or.doing_hedelta.or.doing_deutrho.or.doing_herho
 302              	2    .or.doing_deutsemi)then
 303              	  ranprob=grnd()
 304              	  ii=1
 305              	  do while (ranprob.gt.mprob(ii) .and. ii.lt.nump)
 306              	    ii=ii+1
 307              	  enddo
 308              	  if (ii.eq.1) then
 309              	    pferlo=0
 310              	  else
 311              	    pferlo=(pval(ii-1)+pval(ii))/2
 312              	  endif
 313              	  if (ii.eq.nump) then
 314              	    pferhi=pval(nump)
 315              	  else
 316 gaskelld 1.1 	    pferhi=(pval(ii)+pval(ii+1))/2
 317              	  endif
 318              	  pfer=pferlo+(pferhi-pferlo)*grnd()
 319              	  ranth1=grnd()*2.-1.0
 320              	  ranth=acos(ranth1)
 321              	  ranph=grnd()*2.*pi
 322              	  pferx=sin(ranth)*cos(ranph)
 323              	  pfery=sin(ranth)*sin(ranph)
 324              	  pferz=cos(ranth)
 326              	  if (doing_deutpi.or.doing_deutkaon.or.doing_deutdelta
 327              	1      .or.doing_deutrho .or.doing_deutsemi) then !Em = binding energy
 328              	    vertex.Em = Mp + Mn - targ.M
 329              	    m_spec = targ.M - targ.Mtar_struck + vertex.Em != Mn(Mp) for pi+(-)
 330              	    efer = targ.M - sqrt(m_spec**2+pfer**2)
 331              	  endif
 332              	  if (doing_hepi .or. doing_hekaon .or. doing_hedelta .or. doing_herho) then
 333              	    call generate_em(pfer,vertex.Em)		!Generate Em
 334              	    m_spec = targ.M - targ.Mtar_struck + vertex.Em != M^*_{A-1}
 335              	    efer = targ.M - sqrt(m_spec**2+pfer**2)
 336              	  endif
 337 gaskelld 1.1 	endif
 339              ! Compute all non-generated quantities
 341              	if (debug(5)) write(6,*)'gen: calling comp_ev with false, main, vertex'
 342              	if (debug(3)) write(6,*)'gen: calling comp_ev with false, main, vertex'
 343              	if (debug(3)) write(6,*)'gen: Ein, E =',vertex.Ein,vertex.e.E
 344              	call complete_ev(main,vertex,success)
 346              	main.sigcc = 1.0
 348              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'gen: initial success =',success
 349              	if (.not.success) goto 100
 351              ! ........ temporary storage of Trec for generated event
 353              	main.Trec = vertex.Trec
 355              ! Radiate the event, if requested. If we get an event weight of zero (i.e.
 356              ! if we CAN'T radiate our event into the acceptance) then success is
 357              ! false.  generate_rad also set orig kinematics, and cuts on Em/Pm.
 358 gaskelld 1.1 ! If not using_rad, must do these here.
 360              	if (using_rad) then
 361              	  call generate_rad(main,vertex,orig,success)
 362              	  if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'gen: after gen_rad, success =',success
 363              	else
 364              	  success = .true.
 365              	  if (doing_heavy) success = 
 366                   >		(vertex.Em .ge. VERTEXedge.Em.min .and.
 367                   >		 vertex.Em .le. VERTEXedge.Em.max .and.
 368                   >		 vertex.Pm .ge. VERTEXedge.Pm.min .and. 
 369                   >		 vertex.Pm .le. VERTEXedge.Pm.max)
 370              	  if (success) then
 371              	    do i = 1, neventfields
 372              	      orig.all(i) = vertex.all(i)
 373              	    enddo
 374              	  endif
 375              	endif
 378              C DJG need to decay the rho here before we begin transporting through the
 379 gaskelld 1.1 C DJG spectrometer
 380              	if(doing_rho) then
 381              	   call rho_decay(orig.p.xptar,orig.p.yptar,orig.p.delta,spec.p.P,Mh2,
 382              	1	main.epsilon,orig.Q2)
 383              	endif
 385              100	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'gen: final success =',success
 386              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'gen: ending'
 387              	return
 388              	end
 390              !---------------------------------------------------------------------
 392              	subroutine complete_ev(main,vertex,success)
 394              	implicit none
 395              	include 'simulate.inc'
 397              	real*8 a, b, c, r, t, QA, QB, QC, radical
 398              	real*8 p_new_x,p_new_y,new_x_x,new_x_y,new_x_z
 399              	real*8 new_y_x,new_y_y,new_y_z,dummy
 400 gaskelld 1.1 	real*8 px,py,pz,qx,qy,qz
 401              	real*8 oop_x,oop_y
 402              	real*8 krel,krelx,krely,krelz
 403              	real*8 MM
 405              	real*8 Ehad2,E_rec
 406              	real*8 W2
 407              	real*8 grnd		!random # generator.
 409              	logical success
 410              	record /event_main/ main
 411              	record /event/	vertex
 413              !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 414              ! Calculate everything left in the /event/ structure, given all necessary
 415              !  GENERATION values (some set of xptar,yptar,delta for both arms and p_fermi,
 416              !  and p_fermi, depending on the scattering process: see table in generate.f 
 417              !
 418              ! The SINGLE element of /event/ NOT computed here is sigcc.
 419              !
 420              ! Another small anomaly is that main.jacobian IS computed here.
 421 gaskelld 1.1 ! This is because all the necessary terms have to be
 422              ! computed here anyway to calculate /event/ qties.
 423              !
 424              !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 426              ! Initialize
 428              	success = .false.
 429              	main.jacobian = 1.0
 431              ! ... unit vector components of outgoing e,p
 432              ! ... z is DOWNSTREAM, x is DOWN and y is LEFT looking downstream.
 434              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_ev: at 1'
 435              	vertex.ue.x = sin(vertex.e.theta)*cos(vertex.e.phi)
 436              	vertex.ue.y = sin(vertex.e.theta)*sin(vertex.e.phi)
 437              	vertex.ue.z = cos(vertex.e.theta)
 438              	if (.not.doing_hyd_elast) then
 439              	  vertex.up.x = sin(vertex.p.theta)*cos(vertex.p.phi)
 440              	  vertex.up.y = sin(vertex.p.theta)*sin(vertex.p.phi)
 441              	  vertex.up.z = cos(vertex.p.theta)
 442 gaskelld 1.1 	endif
 443              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_ev: at 2'
 445              ! First finish off the e side
 446              ! Calculate scattered electron energy for hydrogen/deuterium (e,e'p)
 448              	if (doing_hyd_elast) then
 449              	  vertex.e.E = vertex.Ein*Mh/(Mh+vertex.Ein*(1.-vertex.ue.z))
 451              	  if (vertex.e.E.gt.vertex.Ein) return
 452              	  vertex.e.P = vertex.e.E
 453              	  vertex.e.delta = (vertex.e.P - spec.e.P)*100./spec.e.P
 454              	  if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_ev: at 3'
 455              	endif
 457              ! The q vector
 459              	if (debug(5)) write(6,*)'comp_ev: Ein,E,uez=',vertex.Ein,vertex.e.E,vertex.ue.z
 461              	vertex.nu = vertex.Ein - vertex.e.E
 462              	vertex.Q2 = 2*vertex.Ein*vertex.e.E*(1.-vertex.ue.z)
 463 gaskelld 1.1 	vertex.q = sqrt(vertex.Q2 + vertex.nu**2)
 464              	vertex.xbj = vertex.Q2/2./Mp/vertex.nu
 467              	vertex.uq.x = - vertex.e.P*vertex.ue.x / vertex.q
 468              	vertex.uq.y = - vertex.e.P*vertex.ue.y / vertex.q
 469              	vertex.uq.z =(vertex.Ein - vertex.e.P*vertex.ue.z)/ vertex.q
 470              	if (abs(vertex.uq.x**2+vertex.uq.y**2+vertex.uq.z**2-1).gt.0.01)
 471                   >		stop 'Error in q vector normalization'
 472              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_ev: at 5'
 475              ! Now complete the p side, along with vertex.Em, vertex.Pm, vertex.Mrec.
 476              ! NOTE: Coherent pion/kaon production (bound final state) is treated as
 477              ! hydrogen, but with targ.Mtar_struck=targ.M, targ.Mtar_rec=bound final state.
 479              	if (doing_hyd_elast) then	!p = q
 480              	  vertex.Em = 0.0
 481              	  vertex.Pm = 0.0
 482              	  vertex.Mrec = 0.0
 483              	  vertex.up.x = vertex.uq.x
 484 gaskelld 1.1 	  vertex.up.y = vertex.uq.y
 485              	  vertex.up.z = vertex.uq.z
 486              	  vertex.p.P = vertex.q
 487              	  vertex.p.theta = acos(vertex.up.z)
 488              	  if (abs(vertex.up.x/sin(vertex.p.theta)).gt.1)
 489                   >	    write(6,*) 'cos(phi)=',vertex.up.x/sin(vertex.p.theta)
 490              	  vertex.p.phi = atan2(vertex.up.y,vertex.up.x)
 491              	  if (vertex.p.phi.lt.0.) vertex.p.phi=vertex.p.phi+2.*pi
 492              	  call spectrometer_angles(spec.p.theta,spec.p.phi,
 493                   &		vertex.p.xptar,vertex.p.yptar,vertex.p.theta,vertex.p.phi)
 494              	  vertex.p.E = sqrt(vertex.p.P**2+Mh2)
 495              	  vertex.p.delta = (vertex.p.P - spec.p.P)*100./spec.p.P
 496              	  if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_ev: at 6'
 498              	elseif (doing_deuterium) then	!need Ep, and a jacobian.
 500              	  vertex.Em = targ.Mtar_struck + targ.Mrec - targ.M	!=2.2249 MeV
 501              	  vertex.Mrec = targ.M - targ.Mtar_struck + vertex.Em	!=targ.Mrec
 503              	  a = -1.*vertex.q*(vertex.uq.x*vertex.up.x+vertex.uq.y*vertex.up.y+vertex.uq.z*vertex.up.z)
 504              	  b = vertex.q**2
 505 gaskelld 1.1 	  c = vertex.nu + targ.M
 506              	  t = c**2 - b + Mh2 - vertex.Mrec**2
 507              	  QA = 4.*(a**2 - c**2)
 508              	  QB = 4.*c*t
 509              	  QC = -4.*a**2*Mh2 - t**2
 510              	  radical = QB**2 - 4.*QA*QC
 511              	  if (radical.lt.0) return
 512              	  vertex.p.E = (-QB - sqrt(radical))/2./QA
 514              ! Check for two solutions
 515              !	  if ( (-QB + sqrt(radical))/2./QA .gt. Mh ) then
 516              !	    write(6,*) 'There are two valid solutions for the hadron momentum'
 517              !	    write(6,*) 'We always pick one, so this may be a problem, and needs to be checked'
 518              !	    write(6,*) 'solns=',(-QB - sqrt(radical))/2./QA,(-QB + sqrt(radical))/2./QA
 519              !	  endif
 521              ! Check for two solutions, but only print warning if both are within
 522              ! event generation limits.
 523              	  Ehad2 = (-QB + sqrt(radical))/2./QA
 524              	  if (Ehad2.gt.edge.p.E.min .and. Ehad2.lt.edge.p.E.max .and. ntried.le.5000) then
 525              	    write(6,*) 'The low-momentum solution to E_hadron is within the spectrometer generation'
 526 gaskelld 1.1 	    write(6,*) 'limits.  If it is in the acceptance, Its the end of the world as we know it!!!'
 527              	    write(6,*) 'E_hadron solns=',vertex.p.E,Ehad2
 528              	  endif
 531              	  if (vertex.p.E.le.Mh) return
 532              	  vertex.p.P = sqrt(vertex.p.E**2 - Mh2)
 533              	  vertex.p.delta = (vertex.p.P - spec.p.P)*100./spec.p.P
 535              ! ........ the Jacobian here is |dEp'/dEm|
 536              	  main.jacobian = (t*(c-vertex.p.E) + 2*c*vertex.p.E*(vertex.p.E-c)) /
 537              	1		(2*(a**2-c**2)*vertex.p.E + c*t)
 538              	  main.jacobian = abs(main.jacobian)
 541              	elseif (doing_pion .or. doing_kaon .or. doing_delta .or. doing_rho) then
 543              	  if (doing_rho) then 
 544              	     Mh = Mrho
 545              ! DJG give the rho mass some width (non-relativistic Breit-Wigner)
 546              	     Mh = Mh + 0.5*150.2*tan((2.*grnd()-1.)*atan(2.*500./150.2))
 547 gaskelld 1.1 	     Mh2 = Mh*Mh
 548              	     ntup.rhomass=Mh
 549              c            write(6,*) 'rho mass is', Mh
 550              	  endif
 554              	  vertex.Pm = pfer	!vertex.Em generated at beginning.
 555              	  vertex.Mrec = targ.M - targ.Mtar_struck + vertex.Em
 556              	  a = -1.*vertex.q*(vertex.uq.x*vertex.up.x+vertex.uq.y*vertex.up.y+vertex.uq.z*vertex.up.z)
 557              	  b = vertex.q**2
 558              	  c = vertex.nu + targ.M
 560              ! For nuclei, correct for fermi motion and missing energy.  Also, check
 561              ! second solution to quadratic equation - there are often two valid
 562              ! solutions, and we always pick the larger one (which is the forward going
 563              ! one in the center of mass) and HOPE that the smaller one is never in the
 564              ! acceptance.  If the low momentum solution IS within the acceptance, we
 565              ! have big problems.
 566              	  if (doing_deutpi.or.doing_hepi.or.doing_deutkaon.or.doing_hekaon.or.
 567              	1      doing_deutdelta.or.doing_hedelta.or.doing_deutrho.or.doing_herho) then
 568 gaskelld 1.1 	    a = a - abs(pfer)*(pferx*vertex.up.x+pfery*vertex.up.y+pferz*vertex.up.z)
 569              	    b = b + pfer**2 + 2*vertex.q*abs(pfer)*
 570              	1	 (pferx*vertex.uq.x+pfery*vertex.uq.y+pferz*vertex.uq.z)
 571              ***	    c = c - sqrt(vertex.Mrec**2+pfer**2)
 572              	    c = vertex.nu + efer !same as above, but this way if we redefine
 573              				    !'efer', it's the same everywhere.
 574              	  endif
 575              	  t = c**2 - b + Mh2 - targ.Mrec_struck**2
 576              	  QA = 4.*(a**2 - c**2)
 577              	  QB = 4.*c*t
 578              	  QC = -4.*a**2*Mh2 - t**2
 580              !	write(6,*) '    '
 581              !	write(6,*) '    '
 582              !	write(6,*) 'E0=',vertex.Ein
 583              !	write(6,*) 'P_elec,P_prot=',vertex.e.P/1000.,vertex.p.P/1000.
 584              !	write(6,*) 'thetae,phie=',vertex.e.theta*180./pi,vertex.e.phi*180./pi
 585              !	write(6,*) 'thetap,phip=',vertex.p.theta*180./pi,vertex.p.phi*180./pi
 586              !	write(6,*) 'q,nu,costhetapq=',vertex.q,vertex.nu,(vertex.uq.x*vertex.up.x+vertex.uq.y*vertex.up.y+vertex.uq.z*vertex.up.z)
 587              !	write(6,*) 'a,b,c=',a/1000.,b/1000000.,c/1000.
 588              !	write(6,*) 't=',t/1000000.
 589 gaskelld 1.1 !	write(6,*) 'A,B,C=',QA/1.d6,QB/1.d9,QC/1.d12
 590              !	write(6,*) 'rad=',QB**2 - 4.*QA*QC
 591              !	write(6,*) 'e1,e2=',(-QB-sqrt(radical))/2000./QA,(-QB+sqrt(radical))/2000./QA
 592              !	write(6,*) 'E_pi1,2=',vertex.nu+targ.M-(-QB-sqrt(radical))/2./QA,
 593              !     >				vertex.nu+targ.M-(-QB+sqrt(radical))/2./QA
 596              	  radical = QB**2 - 4.*QA*QC
 597              	  if (radical.lt.0) return
 598              	  vertex.p.E = (-QB - sqrt(radical))/2./QA
 599              	  Ehad2 = (-QB + sqrt(radical))/2./QA
 601              	  if (doing_delta.or.doing_rho) then		!choose one of the two solutions.
 602              !	    write(6,*) ' e1, e2=',vertex.p.E,Ehad2
 603              	    if (grnd().gt.0.5) vertex.p.E = Ehad2
 604              	  else				!verify that 'backwards' soln. is no good.
 605              	    if (Ehad2.gt.edge.p.E.min .and. Ehad2.lt.edge.p.E.max .and. ntried.le.5000) then
 606              	      write(6,*) 'The low-momentum solution to E_hadron is within the spectrometer generation'
 607              	      write(6,*) 'limits.  If it is in the acceptance, Its the end of the world as we know it!!!'
 608              	      write(6,*) 'E_hadron solns=',vertex.p.E,Ehad2
 609              	    endif
 610 gaskelld 1.1 	  endif
 612              	  E_rec=c-vertex.p.E	!energy of recoil system
 613              	  if (E_rec.le.targ.Mrec_struck) return	!non-physical solution
 615              	  if (vertex.p.E.le.Mh) return
 616              	  vertex.p.P = sqrt(vertex.p.E**2 - Mh2)
 617              	  vertex.p.delta = (vertex.p.P - spec.p.P)*100./spec.p.P
 618              !	write(6,*) 'p,e=',vertex.p.P,vertex.p.E
 620              	elseif (doing_phsp) then
 622              	  vertex.p.P = spec.p.P		!????? single arm phsp??
 623              	  vertex.p.E= sqrt(Mh2+vertex.p.P**2)
 624              	  vertex.p.delta = (vertex.p.P - spec.p.P)*100./spec.p.P
 625              	  if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_ev: at 7.5',Mh2,vertex.p.E
 627              	endif
 629              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_ev: at 7'
 631 gaskelld 1.1 ! Compute some pion and kaon stuff.  Some of these should be OK for proton too.
 633              	if (doing_pion .or. doing_kaon .or. doing_delta .or. doing_rho .or. doing_semi) then
 634              	  W2 = targ.M**2 + 2.*targ.M*vertex.nu - vertex.Q2
 635              	  main.W = sqrt(abs(W2)) * W2/abs(W2) 
 636              	  main.epsilon=1./(1. + 2.*(1+vertex.nu**2/vertex.Q2)*tan(vertex.e.theta/2.)**2)
 637              	  main.theta_pq=acos(vertex.up.x*vertex.uq.x+vertex.up.y*vertex.uq.y+vertex.up.z*vertex.uq.z)
 638              	  main.t = vertex.Q2 - Mh2 + 2*vertex.nu*vertex.p.E -
 639                   >		2*vertex.p.P*vertex.q*cos(main.theta_pq)
 640              	  main.tmin = vertex.Q2 - Mh2 + 2*vertex.p.E*vertex.nu -
 641                   >		2*vertex.p.P*vertex.q
 642              	  main.q2 = vertex.Q2
 645              ! Therefore, define a new system with the z axis parallel to q, and
 646              ! the x axis inside the q-z-plane: z' = q, y' = q X z, x' = y' X q
 647              ! this gives phi the way it is usually defined, i.e. phi=0 for in-plane
 648              ! particles closer to the downstream beamline than q.
 649              ! phi=90 is above the horizontal plane when q points to the right, and
 650              ! below the horizontal plane when q points to the left.
 651              ! Also take into account the different definitions of x, y and z in
 652 gaskelld 1.1 ! replay and SIMC:
 653              ! As seen looking downstream:  		replay	SIMC	(old_simc)
 654              !				x	right	down	(left)
 655              !				y	down	left	(up)
 656              !				z	all have z pointing downstream
 657              !
 658              ! SO: x_replay=-y_simc, y_replay=x_simc, z_replay= z_simc
 660              	  qx = -vertex.uq.y		!convert to 'replay' coord. system
 661              	  qy =  vertex.uq.x
 662              	  qz =  vertex.uq.z
 663              	  px = -vertex.up.y
 664              	  py =  vertex.up.x
 665              	  pz =  vertex.up.z
 667              	  dummy=sqrt((qx**2+qy**2)*(qx**2+qy**2+qz**2))
 668              	  new_x_x = -qx*qz/dummy
 669              	  new_x_y = -qy*qz/dummy
 670              	  new_x_z = (qx**2 + qy**2)/dummy
 672              	  dummy   = sqrt(qx**2 + qy**2)
 673 gaskelld 1.1 	  new_y_x =  qy/dummy
 674              	  new_y_y = -qx/dummy
 675              	  new_y_z =  0.0
 677              	  p_new_x = px*new_x_x + py*new_x_y + pz*new_x_z
 678              	  p_new_y = px*new_y_x + py*new_y_y + pz*new_y_z
 680              	  main.phi_pq = atan2(p_new_y,p_new_x)		!atan2(y,x)=atan(y/x)
 681              	  if (main.phi_pq.lt.0.d0) main.phi_pq=main.phi_pq+2.*pi
 682              !	  if (p_new_y.lt.0.) then
 683              !	    main.phi_pq = 2*pi - main.phi_pq
 684              !	  endif
 686              !	  if ((p_new_x**2+p_new_y**2).eq.0.) then
 687              !	    main.phi_pq = 0.0
 688              !	  else
 689              !	    main.phi_pq = acos(p_new_x/sqrt(p_new_x**2+p_new_y**2))
 690              !	  endif
 691              !	  if (p_new_y.lt.0.) then
 692              !	    main.phi_pq = 2*pi - main.phi_pq
 693              !	  endif
 694 gaskelld 1.1 
 695              	  if (debug(2)) then
 696              	    write(6,*)'comp_ev: nu =',vertex.nu
 697              	    write(6,*)'comp_ev: Q2 =',vertex.Q2
 698              	    write(6,*)'comp_ev: theta_e =',vertex.e.theta
 699              	    write(6,*)'comp_ev: epsilon =',main.epsilon
 700              	    write(6,*)'comp_ev: theta_pq =',main.theta_pq
 701              	    write(6,*)'comp_ev: phi_pq =',main.phi_pq
 702              	    write(6,*)'comp_ev: E_hadron =',vertex.p.E
 703              	  endif
 704              	endif		!end of pion/kaon specific stuff.
 706              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_ev: at 8'
 708              ! Compute the Pm vector in in SIMC LAB system, with x down, and y to the left.
 709              ! Computer Parallel, Perpendicular, and Out of Plane componenants.
 710              ! Parallel is component along q_hat.  Out/plane is component along
 711              ! (e_hat) x (q_hat)  (oop_x,oop_y are components of out/plane unit vector)
 712              ! Perp. component is what's left: along (q_hat) x (oop_hat).
 713              ! So looking along q, out of plane is down, perp. is left.
 715 gaskelld 1.1 	vertex.Pmx = vertex.p.P*vertex.up.x - vertex.q*vertex.uq.x
 716              	vertex.Pmy = vertex.p.P*vertex.up.y - vertex.q*vertex.uq.y
 717              	vertex.Pmz = vertex.p.P*vertex.up.z - vertex.q*vertex.uq.z
 718              	vertex.Pmiss = sqrt(vertex.Pmx**2+vertex.Pmy**2+vertex.Pmz**2)
 719              	vertex.Emiss = vertex.nu + targ.M - vertex.p.E
 721              !STILL NEED SIGN FOR PmPer!!!!!!
 723              	oop_x = -vertex.uq.y	! oop_x = q_y *(z_hat x y_hat) = q_y *-(x_hat)
 724              	oop_y =  vertex.uq.x	! oop_y = q_x *(z_hat x x_hat) = q_x * (y_hat)
 725              	vertex.PmPar = (vertex.Pmx*vertex.uq.x + vertex.Pmy*vertex.uq.y + vertex.Pmz*vertex.uq.z)
 726              	vertex.PmOop = (vertex.Pmx*oop_x + vertex.Pmy*oop_y) / sqrt(oop_x**2+oop_y**2)
 727              	vertex.PmPer = sqrt( max(0.d0, vertex.Pm**2 - vertex.PmPar**2 - vertex.PmOop**2 ) )
 729              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_ev: at 9',vertex.Pmx,vertex.Pmy,vertex.Pmz
 731              ! Calculate Em, Pm, Mrec, Trec for all cases not already done.
 732              ! For doing_heavy, get Mrec from nu+M=Ep+Erec, and Erec**2=Mrec**2+Pm**2
 733              ! For (e,e'pi/K), could go back and determine momentum of recoil struck
 734              ! particle, and get Mrec and Trec seperately for struck nucleon(hyperon)
 735              ! and A-1 system.  For now, just take Trec for the A-1 system, and ignore
 736 gaskelld 1.1 ! the recoiling struck nucleon (hyperon), so Trec=0 for hydrogen target.
 738              	if (doing_hyd_elast) then
 739              	  vertex.Trec = 0.0
 740              	else if (doing_deuterium) then
 741              	  vertex.Pm = vertex.Pmiss
 742              	  vertex.Trec = sqrt(vertex.Mrec**2 + vertex.Pm**2) - vertex.Mrec
 743              	else if (doing_heavy) then
 744              	  vertex.Pm = vertex.Pmiss
 745              	  vertex.Mrec = sqrt(vertex.Emiss**2-vertex.Pmiss**2)
 746              	  vertex.Em = targ.Mtar_struck + vertex.Mrec - targ.M
 747              	  vertex.Trec = sqrt(vertex.Mrec**2 + vertex.Pm**2) - vertex.Mrec
 748              	else if (doing_hydpi .or. doing_hydkaon .or. doing_hyddelta .or. doing_hydrho) then
 749              	  vertex.Trec = 0.0
 750              	else if (doing_deutpi.or.doing_hepi.or.doing_deutkaon.or.doing_hekaon
 751              	1      .or.doing_deutdelta.or.doing_hedelta.or.doing_deutrho.or.doing_herho) then
 752              	  vertex.Trec = sqrt(vertex.Mrec**2 + vertex.Pm**2) - vertex.Mrec
 753              	else if (doing_semi) then
 754              	   vertex.Pm = vertex.Pmiss
 755              	   vertex.Em = vertex.Emiss
 756              	endif
 757 gaskelld 1.1 
 758              	if (debug(5)) write(6,*) 'vertex.Pm,vertex.Trec,vertex.Em',vertex.Pm,vertex.Trec,vertex.Em
 759              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_ev: at 10'
 762              ! calculate krel for deuteron/heavy pion(kaon).  Deuteron is straightforward.
 763              ! A>2 case is some approximation for 3He (DJG).
 765              	if (doing_deutpi .or. doing_deutkaon .or. doing_deutdelta .or. doing_deutrho) then
 766              	  if ((vertex.Emiss**2-vertex.Pmiss**2).lt.0) write(6,*) 'BAD MM!!!!! Emiss,Pmiss=',vertex.Emiss, vertex.Pmiss
 767              	  MM = sqrt(max(0.d0,vertex.Emiss**2-vertex.Pmiss**2))
 768              	  krel = sqrt( max(0.d0,MM**2-4.*targ.Mrec_struck**2) )
 769              	else if (doing_hepi .or. doing_hekaon .or. doing_hedelta .or. doing_herho) then
 770              	  if ((vertex.Emiss**2-vertex.Pmiss**2).lt.0) write(6,*) 'BAD MM!!!!! Emiss,Pmiss=',vertex.Emiss, vertex.Pmiss
 771              	  MM = sqrt(max(0.d0,vertex.Emiss**2-vertex.Pmiss**2))
 772              	  krelx = vertex.Pmx + 1.5*pferx*pfer
 773              	  krely = vertex.Pmy + 1.5*pfery*pfer
 774              	  krelz = vertex.Pmz + 1.5*pferz*pfer
 775              	  krel = sqrt(krelx**2+krely**2+krelz**2)
 776              	  if(vertex.Em.lt.6.0) krel = -krel		!bound state test???
 777              	endif
 778 gaskelld 1.1 	ntup.krel = krel
 780              	if(doing_semi) then
 781              CDJG	   if ((vertex.Emiss**2-vertex.Pmiss**2).lt.0) then
 782              CDJG I should be testing that the missing mass is above two pion
 783              CDJG threshold! Otherwise, it's just exclusive
 784              	   if ((vertex.Emiss**2-vertex.Pmiss**2).lt.(Mp+Mpi0)**2) then
 785              	      success=.false.
 786              	      return
 787              	   endif
 788              	endif
 790              	if(doing_semi) then
 791              	   vertex.zhad = vertex.p.E/vertex.nu
 792              	   vertex.pt2 = vertex.p.P**2*(1.0-cos(main.theta_pq)**2)
 793              	   if(vertex.zhad.gt.1.0) then
 794              	      success=.false.
 795              	      return
 796              	   endif
 797              	endif
 799 gaskelld 1.1 
 800              ! Determine PHYSICS scattering angles theta/phi for the two spectrometer
 801              ! vectors, and the Jacobian which we must include in our xsec computation
 802              ! to take into account the fact that we're not generating in the physics
 803              ! solid angle d(omega) but in 'spectrometer angles' yptar,xptar.
 804              ! NOTE: the conversion from spectrometer to physics angles was done when
 805              ! the angles were first generated (except for the proton angle for hydrogen
 806              ! elastic, where it was done earlier in complete_ev).
 807              !
 808              !	call physics_angles(spec.e.theta,spec.e.phi,
 809              !     &		vertex.e.xptar,vertex.e.yptar,vertex.e.theta,vertex.e.phi)
 810              !	call physics_angles(spec.p.theta,spec.p.phi,
 811              !     &		vertex.p.xptar,vertex.p.yptar,vertex.p.theta,vertex.p.phi)
 813              	r = sqrt(1.+vertex.e.yptar**2+vertex.e.xptar**2) !r=cos(theta-theta0)
 814              	main.jacobian = main.jacobian / r**3		 !1/cos**3(theta-theta0)
 816              	if (doing_heavy .or. doing_pion .or. doing_kaon .or. 
 817              	1    doing_rho .or. doing_delta .or. doing_semi) then
 818              	  r = sqrt(1.+vertex.p.yptar**2+vertex.p.xptar**2)
 819              	  main.jacobian = main.jacobian / r**3		 !1/cos**3(theta-theta0)
 820 gaskelld 1.1 	endif
 822              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_ev: at 11'
 824              ! The effective target thickness that the scattered particles see, and the
 825              ! resulting energy losses
 827              	call trip_thru_target (2, main.target.z-targ.zoffset, vertex.e.E,
 828                   >		vertex.e.theta, main.target.Eloss(2), main.target.teff(2),Me,1)
 829              	call trip_thru_target (3, main.target.z-targ.zoffset, vertex.p.E,
 830                   >		vertex.p.theta, main.target.Eloss(3), main.target.teff(3),Mh,1)
 831              	if (.not.using_Eloss) then
 832              	  main.target.Eloss(2) = 0.0
 833              	  main.target.Eloss(3) = 0.0
 834              	endif
 835              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_ev: at 12'
 837              ! Initialize parameters necessary for radiative corrections
 839              	call radc_init_ev(main,vertex)
 841 gaskelld 1.1 ! Success code
 843              	success = .true.
 844              	if(debug(2)) write(6,*)'comp_ev: at end...'
 845              	return
 846              	end
 848              !---------------------------------------------------------------------
 850              	subroutine complete_recon_ev(recon,success)
 852              	implicit none
 853              	include 'simulate.inc'
 855              	real*8 p_new_x,p_new_y,new_x_x,new_x_y,new_x_z
 856              	real*8 new_y_x,new_y_y,new_y_z,dummy
 857              	real*8 px,py,pz,qx,qy,qz
 858              	real*8 W2
 859              	real*8 oop_x,oop_y
 860              	real*8 mm,mmA,mm2,mmA2,t
 862 gaskelld 1.1 	logical success
 863              	record /event/	recon
 865              !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 866              ! Calculate everything left in the /event/ structure, given
 867              !	recon.Ein, and the following for both recon.e AND recon.p:
 868              ! delta,xptar,yptar, z,P,E,theta,phi (with E,P corrected for eloss, if desired).
 869              !
 870              ! The SINGLE element of /event/ NOT computed here is sigcc (for (e,e'p)).
 871              !
 872              !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 874              ! Initialize
 876              	success = .false.
 878              	recon.Ein = Ebeam_vertex_ave	!lowered by most probable eloss (init.f)
 880              ! ... unit vector components of outgoing e,p
 881              ! ... z is DOWNSTREAM, x is DOWN and y is LEFT looking downstream.
 883 gaskelld 1.1 	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: at 1'
 884              	recon.ue.x = sin(recon.e.theta)*cos(recon.e.phi)
 885              	recon.ue.y = sin(recon.e.theta)*sin(recon.e.phi)
 886              	recon.ue.z = cos(recon.e.theta)
 887              	recon.up.x = sin(recon.p.theta)*cos(recon.p.phi)
 888              	recon.up.y = sin(recon.p.theta)*sin(recon.p.phi)
 889              	recon.up.z = cos(recon.p.theta)
 890              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: at 2'
 892              ! The q vector
 894              	if (debug(5)) write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: Ein,E,uez=',recon.Ein,recon.e.E,recon.ue.z
 895              	recon.nu = recon.Ein - recon.e.E
 896              	recon.Q2 = 2*recon.Ein*recon.e.E*(1-recon.ue.z)
 897              	recon.q	= sqrt(recon.Q2 + recon.nu**2)
 898              	recon.uq.x = - recon.e.P*recon.ue.x / recon.q
 899              	recon.uq.y = - recon.e.P*recon.ue.y / recon.q
 900              	recon.uq.z =(recon.Ein - recon.e.P*recon.ue.z)/ recon.q
 901              	W2 = targ.M**2 + 2.*targ.M*recon.nu - recon.Q2
 902              	recon.W = sqrt(abs(W2)) * W2/abs(W2) 
 903              	recon.xbj = recon.Q2/2./Mp/recon.nu
 904 gaskelld 1.1 	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: at 5'
 906              ! Now complete the p side
 908              	if(doing_phsp)then
 909              	  recon.p.P=spec.p.P
 910              	  recon.p.E=sqrt(Mh2+recon.p.P**2)
 911              	  if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: at 7.5',Mh2,recon.p.E
 912              	endif
 914              ! Compute some pion/kaon stuff.
 916              	recon.epsilon=1./(1. + 2.*(1+recon.nu**2/recon.Q2)*tan(recon.e.theta/2.)**2)
 917              	recon.theta_pq=acos(min(1.0,recon.up.x*recon.uq.x+recon.up.y*recon.uq.y+recon.up.z*recon.uq.z))
 920              ! Therefore, define a new system with the z axis parallel to q, and
 921              ! the x axis inside the q-z-plane: z' = q, y' = q X z, x' = y' X q
 922              ! this gives phi the way it is usually defined, i.e. phi=0 for in-plane
 923              ! particles closer to the downstream beamline than q.
 924              ! phi=90 is above the horizontal plane when q points to the right, and
 925 gaskelld 1.1 ! below the horizontal plane when q points to the left.
 926              ! Also take into account the different definitions of x, y and z in
 927              ! replay and SIMC:
 928              ! As seen looking downstream:		replay	SIMC	(old_simc)
 929              !				x	right	down	(left)
 930              !				y	down	left	(up)
 931              !				z	all have z pointing downstream
 932              !
 933              ! SO: x_replay=-y_simc, y_replay=x_simc, z_replay= z_simc
 935              	qx = -recon.uq.y		!convert to 'replay' coord. system
 936              	qy =  recon.uq.x
 937              	qz =  recon.uq.z
 938              	px = -recon.up.y
 939              	py =  recon.up.x
 940              	pz =  recon.up.z
 942              	dummy=sqrt((qx**2+qy**2)*(qx**2+qy**2+qz**2))
 943              	new_x_x = -qx*qz/dummy
 944              	new_x_y = -qy*qz/dummy
 945              	new_x_z = (qx**2 + qy**2)/dummy
 946 gaskelld 1.1 
 947              	dummy   = sqrt(qx**2 + qy**2)
 948              	new_y_x =  qy/dummy
 949              	new_y_y = -qx/dummy
 950              	new_y_z =  0.0
 952              	p_new_x = px*new_x_x + py*new_x_y + pz*new_x_z
 953              	p_new_y = px*new_y_x + py*new_y_y + pz*new_y_z
 955              	if ((p_new_x**2+p_new_y**2).eq.0.) then
 956              	  recon.phi_pq = 0.0
 957              	else
 958              	  recon.phi_pq = acos(p_new_x/sqrt(p_new_x**2+p_new_y**2))
 959              	endif
 960              	if (p_new_y.lt.0.) then
 961              	  recon.phi_pq = 2*pi - recon.phi_pq
 962              	endif
 964              	if (debug(2)) then
 965              	  write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: nu =',recon.nu
 966              	  write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: Q2 =',recon.Q2
 967 gaskelld 1.1 	  write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: theta_e =',recon.e.theta
 968              	  write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: epsilon =',recon.epsilon
 969              	  write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: theta_pq =',recon.theta_pq
 970              	  write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: phi_pq =',recon.phi_pq
 971              	endif
 973              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: at 8'
 975              ! Compute the Pm vector in in SIMC LAB system, with x down, and y to the left.
 976              ! Computer Parallel, Perpendicular, and Out of Plane componenants.
 977              ! Parallel is component along q_hat.  Out/plane is component along
 978              ! (e_hat) x (q_hat)  (oop_x,oop_y are components of out/plane unit vector)
 979              ! Perp. component is what's left: along (q_hat) x (oop_hat).
 980              ! So looking along q, out of plane is down, perp. is left.
 982              	recon.Pmx = recon.p.P*recon.up.x - recon.q*recon.uq.x
 983              	recon.Pmy = recon.p.P*recon.up.y - recon.q*recon.uq.y
 984              	recon.Pmz = recon.p.P*recon.up.z - recon.q*recon.uq.z
 985              	recon.Pm = sqrt(recon.Pmx**2+recon.Pmy**2+recon.Pmz**2)
 987              !STILL NEED SIGN FOR PmPer!!!!!!
 988 gaskelld 1.1 
 989              	oop_x = -recon.uq.y	! oop_x = q_y *(z_hat x y_hat) = q_y *-(x_hat)
 990              	oop_y =  recon.uq.x	! oop_y = q_x *(z_hat x x_hat) = q_x * (y_hat)
 991              	recon.PmPar = (recon.Pmx*recon.uq.x + recon.Pmy*recon.uq.y + recon.Pmz*recon.uq.z)
 992              	recon.PmOop = (recon.Pmx*oop_x + recon.Pmy*oop_y) / sqrt(oop_x**2+oop_y**2)
 993              	recon.PmPer = sqrt( max(0.d0, recon.Pm**2 - recon.PmPar**2 - recon.PmOop**2 ) )
 995              	if (doing_pion .or. doing_kaon .or. doing_delta .or. doing_rho .or. doing_semi) then
 996              	  recon.Em = recon.nu + targ.Mtar_struck - recon.p.E
 997                        mm2 = recon.Em**2 - recon.Pm**2
 998                        mm  = sqrt(abs(mm2)) * abs(mm2)/mm2
 999                        mmA2= (recon.nu + targ.M - recon.p.E)**2 - recon.Pm**2
1000                        mmA = sqrt(abs(mmA2)) * abs(mmA2)/mmA2
1001                        t = recon.Q2 - Mh2
1002                   >      + 2*(recon.nu*recon.p.E - recon.p.P*recon.q*cos(recon.theta_pq))
1003              	  ntup.mm = mm
1004              	  ntup.mmA = mmA
1005              	  ntup.t = t
1006              	endif
1008              	if(doing_semi.or.doing_rho) then
1009 gaskelld 1.1 	   recon.zhad = recon.p.E/recon.nu
1010              	   recon.pt2 = recon.p.P**2*(1.0-cos(recon.theta_pq)**2)
1011              	endif
1013              ! Calculate Trec, Em. Trec for (A-1) system (eep), or for struck nucleon (pi/K)
1014              ! Note that there are other ways to calculate 'Em' for the pion/kaon case.
1015              ! This Em for pi/kaon gives roughly E_m + E_rec + T_{A-1}  (I think)
1016              	if (doing_hyd_elast) then
1017              	  recon.Trec = 0.0
1018              	  recon.Em = recon.nu + targ.M - recon.p.E - recon.Trec
1019              	else if (doing_deuterium .or. doing_heavy) then
1020              	  recon.Trec = sqrt(recon.Pm**2+targ.Mrec**2) - targ.Mrec
1021              	  recon.Em = recon.nu + targ.Mtar_struck - recon.p.E - recon.Trec
1022              	else if (doing_pion .or. doing_kaon .or. doing_delta .or. doing_rho) then
1023              	  recon.Em = recon.nu + targ.Mtar_struck - recon.p.E
1024              	endif
1026              	if (debug(5)) write(6,*) 'recon.Pm,recon.Trec,recon.Em',recon.Pm,recon.Trec,recon.Em
1027              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'comp_rec_ev: at 10'
1029              	success=.true.
1030 gaskelld 1.1 	return
1031              	end
1033              !------------------------------------------------------------------------
1035              	subroutine complete_main(force_sigcc,main,vertex,vertex0,recon,success)
1037              	implicit none
1038              	include 'simulate.inc'
1040              	integer		i, iPm1
1041              	real*8		a, b, r, frac, peepi, peeK, peedelta, peerho, peepiX
1042              	real*8		survivalprob
1043              	real*8		weight, width, sigep, deForest, tgtweight
1044              	logical		force_sigcc, success
1045              	record /event_main/ main
1046              	record /event/	vertex, vertex0, recon
1048              !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1049              ! Calculate everything left in the /main/ structure that hasn't been
1050              ! required up til now. This routine is called ONLY after we
1051 gaskelld 1.1 ! know an event IS going to contribute, don't want to be doing these
1052              ! calculations if they're not needed!
1053              !
1054              ! A small anomaly is that sigcc from the /event/ structure is computed
1055              ! here since it's not needed til now, and was not calculated by
1056              ! COMPLETE_ev.
1057              !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1060              ! Initialize success code
1062              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'comp_main:  entering...'
1063              	success = .false.
1065              ! The spectral function weighting
1067              	if (doing_hyd_elast.or.doing_pion.or.doing_kaon.or.doing_delta.or.doing_phsp.or.doing_rho.or.doing_semi) then !no SF.
1068              	  main.SF_weight=1.0
1069              	else if (doing_deuterium .or. doing_heavy) then
1070              	  main.SF_weight = 0.0
1071              	  do i=1,nrhoPm
1072 gaskelld 1.1 	    weight = 0.0
1074              ! ... use linear interpolation to determine rho(pm)
1076              	    r = (vertex.Pm-Pm_theory(i).min)/Pm_theory(i).bin
1077              	    if (r.ge.0 .and. r.le.Pm_theory(i).n) then
1078              	      iPm1 = nint(r)
1079              	      if (iPm1.eq.0) iPm1 = 1
1080              	      if (iPm1.eq.Pm_theory(i).n) iPm1 = Pm_theory(i).n-1
1081              	      frac = r+0.5-float(iPm1)
1082              	      b = theory(i,iPm1)
1083              	      a = theory(i,iPm1+1)-b
1084              	      weight = a*frac + b
1085              	    endif
1087              	    if (doing_heavy) then
1089              	      width=Emsig_theory(i)/2.0
1090              	      if (vertex.Em.lt.E_Fermi) weight = 0.0
1091              	      weight=weight/pi/Em_int_theory(i) * width/
1092                   >				((vertex.Em-Em_theory(i))**2+width**2)
1093 gaskelld 1.1 	    endif
1094              	    main.SF_weight = main.SF_weight+weight*nprot_theory(i)
1095              	  enddo ! <i=1,nrhoPm>
1096              	endif
1098              ! ... if we have come up with weight<=, quit now (avoid weight<0 in ntuple)
1099              ! ... unless FORCE_SIGCC is on (to get central sigcc).
1101              	if (debug(5))write(6,*)'comp_main: calculating cross section'
1102              	if (main.SF_weight.le.0 .and. .not.force_sigcc) return
1104              ! ... Cross section, for BOTH vertex and recon (where possible)
1105              ! ... Note that all of these are cross section per nucleon.  For A(e,e'p)
1106              ! ... this becomes cross section per nucleus because of the weighting of
1107              ! ... the spectral function.  For pion/kaon production, we explicitly
1108              ! ... apply a weight for the number of nucleons involved (protons for pi+ or Y0,
1109              ! ... neutrons for pi- or Y-) (Y=hyperon)
1111              	tgtweight = 1.0
1113              	if (doing_phsp) then
1114 gaskelld 1.1 	  main.sigcc = 1.0
1115              	  main.sigcc_recon = 1.0
1117              	elseif (doing_hyd_elast) then
1118              	  main.sigcc = sigep(vertex)
1119              	  main.sigcc_recon = sigep(recon)
1121              	elseif (doing_deuterium.or.doing_heavy) then
1122              	  main.sigcc = deForest(vertex)		
1123              	  main.sigcc_recon = deForest(recon)
1125              	elseif (doing_pion) then
1126              	  main.sigcc = peepi(vertex,main)
1127              	  main.sigcc_recon = 1.0
1128              	  if (which_pion.eq.1 .or. which_pion.eq.11) then  !OK for coherent???
1129              	    tgtweight = targ.N
1130              	  else
1131              	    tgtweight = targ.Z
1132              	  endif
1134              	elseif (doing_kaon) then
1135 gaskelld 1.1 	  main.sigcc = peeK(vertex,main,survivalprob)
1136              	  main.sigcc_recon = 1.0
1137              	  if (which_kaon.eq.2 .or. which_kaon.eq.12) then  !OK for coherent???
1138              	    tgtweight = targ.N
1139              	  else
1140              	    tgtweight = targ.Z
1141              	  endif
1143              	elseif (doing_delta) then
1144              	  main.sigcc = peedelta(vertex,main)	!Need new xsec model.
1145              	  main.sigcc_recon = 1.0
1147              	elseif (doing_rho) then
1148              	  main.sigcc = peerho(vertex,main)
1149              	  main.sigcc_recon = 1.0
1151              	elseif (doing_semi) then
1152              	  main.sigcc = peepiX(vertex,vertex0,main,survivalprob,.FALSE.)
1153              	  main.sigcc_recon = 1.0
1154              	  main.sigcent = peepiX(vertex,vertex0,main,survivalprob,.TRUE.)
1156 gaskelld 1.1 	else
1157              	  main.sigcc = 1.0
1158              	  main.sigcc_recon = 1.0
1159              	endif
1161              	if (debug(3)) then
1162              	  write(6,*)'======================================'
1163              	  write(6,*)'complete_main:'
1164              	  write(6,*)'theta_e =',vertex.e.theta
1165              	  write(6,*)'q mag =',vertex.q
1166              	  write(6,*)'nu =',vertex.nu
1167              	  write(6,*)'Q2 =',vertex.Q2/1000000.
1168              	  write(6,*)'Ein =',vertex.Ein
1169              	  write(6,*)'hadron mom =',vertex.p.P
1170              	  write(6,*)'e mom =',vertex.e.P
1171              	  write(6,*)'mass =',Mh
1172              	  write(6,*)'epsilon =',main.epsilon
1173              	  write(6,*)'phi_pq =',main.phi_pq
1174              	  write(6,*)'theta_pq =',main.theta_pq
1175              	  write(6,*)'======================================'
1176              	endif
1177 gaskelld 1.1 
1178              ! The total contributing weight from this event -- this weight is
1179              ! proportional to # experimental counts represented by the event.
1180              ! Apply survival probability to kaons if we're not modeling decay.
1182              	main.weight = main.SF_weight*main.jacobian*main.gen_weight*main.sigcc
1183              	main.weight = main.weight * tgtweight	!correct for #/nucleons involved
1184              	if ((doing_kaon.or.doing_semika) .and. .not.doing_decay) 
1185                   >		main.weight = main.weight*survivalprob
1186              	if (debug(5))write(6,*) 'gen_weight = ',main.gen_weight,
1187                   >		main.jacobian,main.sigcc
1189              	success = .true.
1191              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'comp_main: ending, success =',success
1192              	return
1193              	end
1196              	subroutine physics_angles(theta0,phi0,dx,dy,theta,phi)
1198 gaskelld 1.1 !Generate physics angles in lab frame.  Theta is angle from beamline.
1199              !phi is projection on x-y plane (so phi=0 is down, sos=pi/2, hms=3*pi/2.
1200              !
1201              !theta=acos( (cos(theta0)-dy*sin(theta0)*sin(phi0))/ sqrt(1+dx**2+dy**2) )
1202              !phi=atan( (dy*cos(theta0)+sin(theta0)*sin(phi0)) / (sin(theta0)*cos(phi0)+dx) )
1203              !
1204              ! Note that these formulae assume phi0=pi/2 or 3*pi/2 (thus the sin(phi0)
1205              ! gives a -/+ sign for the HMS/SOS).  Thus, we set the cos(phi0) term to zero.
1207              	real*8 dx,dy		!dx/dy (xptar/yptar) for event.
1208              	real*8 theta0,phi0	!central physics angles of spectrometer.
1209              	real*8 theta,phi	!physics angles for event.
1210              	real*8 r,sinth,costh,sinph,cosph	!intermediate variables.
1211              	real*8 tmp
1213              	include 'constants.inc'
1215              	costh = cos(theta0)
1216              	sinth = sin(theta0)
1217              	sinph = sin(phi0)
1218              	cosph = cos(phi0)
1219 gaskelld 1.1 	r = sqrt( 1. + dx**2 + dy**2 )
1221              	if (abs(cosph).gt.0.0001) then	!phi not at +/- pi/2
1222              	  write(6,*) 'theta,phi will be incorrect if phi0 <> pi/2 or 3*pi/2'
1223              	  write(6,*) 'phi0=',phi0,'=',phi0*180/pi,'degrees'
1224              	endif
1226              	tmp=(costh - dy*sinth*sinph) / r
1227              	if (abs(tmp).gt.1) write(6,*) 'tmp=',tmp
1228              	theta = acos( (costh - dy*sinth*sinph) / r )
1229              	if (dx.ne.0.0) then
1230              	  phi = atan( (dy*costh + sinth*sinph) / dx )	!gives -90 to 90 deg.
1231              	  if (phi.le.0) phi=phi+pi			!make 0 to 180 deg.
1232              	  if (sinph.lt.0.) phi=phi+pi		!add pi to phi for HMS
1233              	else
1234              	  phi = phi0
1235              	endif
1237              	return
1238              	end
1240 gaskelld 1.1 
1242              	subroutine spectrometer_angles(theta0,phi0,dx,dy,theta,phi)
1244              !Generate spectrometer angles from physics angles in lab frame.
1245              !Theta is angle from beamline.
1246              !phi is projection on x-y plane (so phi=0 is down, sos=pi/2, hms=3*pi/2.
1248              	real*8 dx,dy		!dx/dy (xptar/yptar) for event.
1249              	real*8 theta0,phi0	!central physics angles of spectrometer.
1250              	real*8 theta,phi	!physics angles for event.
1251              	real*8 x,y,z				!intermediate variables.
1252              	real*8 x0,y0,z0				!intermediate variables.
1253              	real*8 cos_dtheta,y_event
1255              	include 'constants.inc'
1257              	x = sin(theta)*cos(phi)
1258              	y = sin(theta)*sin(phi)
1259              	z = cos(theta)
1260              	x0 = sin(theta0)*cos(phi0)
1261 gaskelld 1.1 	y0 = sin(theta0)*sin(phi0)
1262              	z0 = cos(theta0)
1264              	cos_dtheta = x*x0 + y*y0 + z*z0
1265              	dx = x / cos_dtheta
1266              	dy = sqrt(1/cos_dtheta**2-1.-dx**2)
1268              	y_event = y/cos_dtheta	!projected to plane perp. to spectrometer.
1269              	if (y_event .lt. y0) dy = -dy
1271              	return
1272              	end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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