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File: [HallC] / simc_semi / gauss1.f (download)
Revision: (vendor branch), Fri Apr 23 17:13:16 2004 UTC (20 years, 4 months ago) by gaskelld
Branch: hallc, MAIN
CVS Tags: start, baryon, NoPoltar, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
simc_semi sources

	real*8 function gauss1(nsigmax)

* This subroutine generates a random number distributed about a Gaussian
* centered at zero with a standrd deviation of 1.  The gaussian is
* truncated at nsigmax.  Use as a function like: VAL' = VAL + WIDTH*X
* Algorithm is from PHYSICS LETTERS B V.204, P.83 ''Review of particle
* properties", Particle Data Group. (with nsigmax cutoff added).

	implicit none

	real*8 u1,u2,v1,v2,s,nsigmax
	real*8 grnd

1	u1 = grnd()
	u2 = grnd()
	v1 = 2.0*u1-1.0
	v2 = 2.0*u2-1.0
	s  = v1**2+v2**2

	if (s.gt.1. .or. s.eq.0) goto 1

	gauss1 = v1*sqrt(-2.*log(s)/s)  ! <--want a natural log here

	if (abs(gauss1).gt.nsigmax) goto 1	!truncate at nsigmax


Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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