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  1 gaskelld 1.1 ; This is a CTP file
  3              begin parm experiment
  4                ngen = 50000			;  POS: # of successes; NEG: # of tries
  5                EXPER.charge = 1.0		;  total charge (mC)
  6                doing_phsp = 0		;  (ONE = TRUE)
  7                doing_kaon = 0		;  (ONE = TRUE)
  8                doing_pion = 1		;  (ONE = TRUE)
  9                which_pion = 0
 10                doing_rho = 0                 ;  exclusive rho production
 11                doing_semi = 1
 12                doing_hplus = 0		;  positive hadrons? (only for semi or rho)
 13                doing_decay = 1		;  1=decay ON, 0=decay OFF.
 14                ctau = 780.4			;  decay length (cm)
 15              end parm experiment
 17              begin parm kinematics_main
 18                Ebeam = 5492.04		;  (MeV)
 19                dEbeam = 0.05			;  beam energy variation (%)
 20                electron_arm = 2              ;  1=hms,2=sos,3=hrsr,4=hrsl
 21                hadron_arm = 1                ;  1=hms,2=sos,3=hrsr,4=hrsl
 22 gaskelld 1.1   spec.e.P = 1634.0		;  e arm central momentum (MeV/c)
 23                spec.e.theta = 28.71		;  e arm angle setting (degrees)
 24                spec.p.P = 3222.0		;  p arm central momentum (MeV/c)
 25                spec.p.theta = 11.55		;  p arm angle setting (degrees)
 26              end parm kinematics_main
 28              begin parm target
 29                targ.A = 1.			;  target A
 30                targ.Z = 1.			;  target Z
 31                targ.mass_amu = 1.007276	;  target mass in amu
 32                targ.mrec_amu = 0.0           ;  recoil mass in amu (eep=A-1 system,pion=A-2)
 33                targ.rho = 0.0723		;  target density (g/cm^3)
 34                targ.thick = 288.8		;  target thick (mg/cm^2)
 35                targ.angle = 0.		;  target angle (for solid target) (degrees)
 36                targ.abundancy = 100.0	;  target purity (%)
 37                targ.can = 2			;  1=beer can (fpi), 2=pudding can (nucpi)
 38              end parm target
 40              begin parm debug		;  (ONES give helpful debug info)
 41                debug(1) = 0			;  turns on output from brem.f
 42                debug(2) = 0			;  into/outa subs.
 43 gaskelld 1.1   debug(3) = 0			;  spit out values (init. and main loop).
 44                debug(4) = 0			;  mostly comp_ev, gen_rad diagnostics.
 45                debug(5) = 0			;  a bit of everything.
 46              end parm debug
 48              begin parm e_arm_accept
 49                SPedge.e.delta.min = -15.0	;  delta min (SPECTROMETER ACCEPTANCE!)
 50                SPedge.e.delta.max =  15.0	;  delta max
 51                SPedge.e.yptar.min = -80.0	; .yptar.min = {TF} / 1000 (mrad)
 52                SPedge.e.yptar.max =  80.0	; .yptar.max = {TF} / 1000
 53                SPedge.e.xptar.min = -60.0	; .xptar.min = {TF} / 1000 (mrad)
 54                SPedge.e.xptar.max =  60.0	; .xptar.max = {TF} / 1000
 55              end parm e_arm_accept
 57              begin parm p_arm_accept
 58                SPedge.p.delta.min = -8.5	;  delta min (SPECTROMETER ACCEPTANCE!)
 59                SPedge.p.delta.max =  8.5	;  delta max
 60                SPedge.p.yptar.min = -60.0	; .yptar.min = {TF} / 1000 (mrad)
 61                SPedge.p.yptar.max =  60.0	; .yptar.max = {TF} / 1000
 62                SPedge.p.xptar.min = -100.0	; .xptar.min = {TF} / 1000 (mrad)
 63                SPedge.p.xptar.max =  100.0	; .xptar.max = {TF} / 1000
 64 gaskelld 1.1 end parm p_arm_accept
 66              begin parm beamandtargetinfo
 67                gen.xwid = 0.008868		;  beam width - one sigma (cm)  (89microns)
 68                gen.ywid = 0.004235		;  beam width - one sigma (cm)  (42microns)
 69                targ.fr_pattern = 1.		;  raster pattern: 1=square, 2=circular
 70                targ.fr1 = 0.1		;  horizontal size OR inner radius(2)
 71                targ.fr2 = 0.1		;  vertical size OR outer radius(2)
 72                targ.xoffset = 0.0		;  target x-offset (cm): +x = beam right
 73                targ.yoffset = 0.0		;  target y-offset (cm): +y = up
 74                targ.zoffset = 0.278		;  target z-offset (cm): +z = downstream
 75              end parm beamandtergetinfo
 77              ;These are offsets applied before the call to the single arm montecarlos.
 78              begin parm spect_offset
 79                spec.e.offset.x = 0.		;  x offset (cm)
 80                spec.e.offset.y = 0.		;  y offset (cm)
 81                spec.e.offset.z = 0.		;  z offset (cm)
 82                spec.e.offset.xptar = 0.	;  xptar offset (mr)	!x(y)ptar is slope, so
 83                spec.e.offset.yptar = 0.	;  yptar offset (mr)	!it's really unitless.
 84                spec.p.offset.x = 0.		;  x offset (cm)
 85 gaskelld 1.1   spec.p.offset.y = 0.		;  y offset (cm)
 86                spec.p.offset.z = 0.		;  z offset (cm)
 87                spec.p.offset.xptar = 0.	;  xptar offset (mr)
 88                spec.p.offset.yptar = 0.	;  yptar offset (mr)
 89              end parm spect_offset
 91              begin parm simulate
 92                hard_cuts = 0         ;  (ONE = TRUE) SPedge and Em.max are hard cuts(ntuple)
 93                using_rad = 0		;  (ONE = TRUE)
 94                use_expon = 0		;  (LEAVE AT 0)
 95                one_tail = -3		;  0=all, 1=e, 2=e', 3=p, -3=all but p
 96                intcor_mode = 1	;  (LEAVE AT 1)
 97                spect_mode = 0	;  0=e+p arms, -1=p arm, -2=e arm only, 1=none
 98                cuts.Em.min = 0.	;  (Em.min=Em.max=0.0 gives wide open cuts)
 99                cuts.Em.max = 0.	;  Must be wider than cuts in analysis(elast. or e,e'p)
100                using_Eloss = 1	;  (ONE = TRUE)
101                correct_Eloss = 1	;  ONE = correct reconstructed events for eloss.
102                correct_raster = 1	;  ONE=Reconstruct events using raster matrix elements
103                mc_smear = 1.		;  ONE = target & hut mult scatt AND DC smearing.
104                deForest_flag = 0	;  0=sigcc1, 1=sigcc2, -1=sigcc1 ONSHELL
105                rad_flag = 0		;  (radiative option #1...see init.f)
106 gaskelld 1.1   extrad_flag = 2	;  (rad. option #2...see init.f)
107                lambda(1) = 0.0	;  if rad_flag.eq.4 then lambda(1) = {TF}
108                lambda(2) = 0.0	;  if rad_flag.eq.4 then lambda(2) = {TF}
109                lambda(3) = 0.0	;  if rad_flag.eq.4 then lambda(3) = {TF}
110                Nntu = 1		;  ONE = generate ntuples
111                using_Coulomb = 1	;  (ONE = TRUE)
112                dE_edge_test = 0.	;  (move around energy edges)
113                use_offshell_rad = 1	;  (ONE = TRUE)
114                Egamma_gen_max = 0.   ;  Set >0 to hardwire the Egamma limits.
115                do_fermi = 0
116              ;  pt_b_param = 4.661    ;  Semi-inc. b-param (pi+) from Brecht Hommez's Thesis
117                pt_b_param = 4.694    ;  Semi-inc. b-param (pi-) from Brecht Hommez's Thesis
118              ;  pt_b_param = 5.    
119              ;  pt_b_param = 4.    
120                sigc_flag = 0         ; 0 = bin in z, 1 = bin in pt2
121                sigc_nbin = 10        ; number of bins for "central" cross section calc
122                sigc_kin_min = 0.73   ; minumum z (or pt2) for central cross section calc 
123                sigc_kin_max = 0.97   ; maximum z (or pt2) for central cross section calc
124                sigc_kin_ind = 0.005  ; value for 'independent' variable (pt2 in GeV2 
125                                      ; if binning in z)
126              ;  sigc_flag = 1         ; 0 = bin in z, 1 = bin in pt2
127 gaskelld 1.1 ;  sigc_nbin = 10        ; number of bins for "central" cross section calc
128              ;  sigc_kin_min = 0.0   ; minumum z (or pt2) for central cross section calc 
129              ;  sigc_kin_max = 0.02   ; maximum z (or pt2) for central cross section calc
130              ;  sigc_kin_ind = 0.37  ; value for 'independent' variable (pt2 in GeV2) 
132              end parm simulate

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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