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  1 gaskelld 1.1 	subroutine target_init(using_Eloss,using_Coulomb,the_cent,thp_cent,
  2                   >              Pp_cent,Mh2,ebeam,Pe_cent)
  4              	implicit none
  5              	include 'constants.inc'
  6              	include 'target.inc'
  8              	integer	i
  9              	real*8 the_cent, thp_cent, Pp_cent, Mh2, ebeam, energy
 10              	real*8 Pe_cent
 11              	real*8 za2, fc
 12              	logical	using_Eloss, using_Coulomb
 14              	real*8 zero
 15              	parameter (zero=0.0d0)	!double precision zero for subroutines calls.
 17              ! The radiation length of the target
 19              	targ.L1 = log(184.15) - log(targ.Z)/3.0
 20              	targ.L2 = log(1194.) - 2.*log(targ.Z)/3.0
 21              	if(targ.Z.eq.1)then
 22 gaskelld 1.1 	  targ.L1=5.31
 23              	  targ.L2=6.144
 24              	endif
 25              	za2 = (targ.Z*alpha)**2
 26              	fc = za2*(1.202+za2*(-1.0369+za2*1.008/(za2+1)))
 28              ! ... The radiation length, in both g/cm2 and cm; For H,D,4He, using
 29              ! ... PDB values (1999), other calculated directly from Tsai formula
 30              ! ... (For 4He, the Tsai formula is 10% lower).
 32              	if (nint(targ.A).eq.1) then
 33              	  targ.X0 = 61.28
 34              	else if (nint(targ.A).eq.2) then
 35              	  targ.X0 = 122.4
 36              	else if (nint(targ.A).eq.4) then
 37              	  targ.X0 = 94.32
 38              	else if (nint(targ.A).eq.3) then
 39              	  write(6,*) 'Using Tsai formula for He-3 radiation length!!! (is there a better value?)'
 40              	  targ.X0 = 716.405*targ.A/targ.Z/(targ.Z*(targ.L1-fc)+targ.L2)
 41              	else
 42              	  targ.X0 = 716.405*targ.A/targ.Z/(targ.Z*(targ.L1-fc)+targ.L2)
 43 gaskelld 1.1 	endif
 44              	targ.X0_cm = targ.X0/targ.rho
 46              ! ... 'Average' ionization losses (MOST PROBABLE, REALLY).  Printed out by simc
 47              ! ... (so ave or m.p. are both OK), and Ebeam_vertex_ave (which should be m.p.)
 49              	energy = ebeam
 50              	call trip_thru_target (1,zero,energy,zero,targ.Eloss(1).ave,
 51                   >                         targ.teff(1).ave,Me,4)
 52              	energy = Pe_cent**2
 53              	call trip_thru_target (2,zero,energy,the_cent,targ.Eloss(2).ave,
 54                   >                         targ.teff(2).ave,Me,4)
 55              	energy = sqrt(Pp_cent**2 + Mh2)
 56              	call trip_thru_target (3,zero,energy,thp_cent,targ.Eloss(3).ave,
 57                   >                         targ.teff(3).ave,sqrt(Mh2),4)
 58              	if (.not.using_Eloss) then
 59              	  do i = 1, 3
 60              	    targ.Eloss(i).ave = 0.0
 61              	  enddo
 62              	endif
 64 gaskelld 1.1 ! ... Coulomb potential energy (NB All of the following are positive)
 66              	if (using_Coulomb) then
 67              	  targ.Coulomb.ave=6./5.*(targ.Z-1.)*alpha*hbarc/(1.18*targ.A**(1./3.))
 68              	  targ.Coulomb_constant = 5./12. * targ.Coulomb.ave
 69              	  targ.Coulomb.min = targ.Coulomb_constant * 2.0
 70              	  targ.Coulomb.max = targ.Coulomb_constant * 3.0
 71              	else
 72              	  targ.Coulomb.ave = 0.0
 73              	  targ.Coulomb_constant = 0.0
 74              	  targ.Coulomb.min = 0.0
 75              	  targ.Coulomb.max = 0.0
 76              	endif
 78              	return
 79              	end
 81              !----------------------------------------------------------------------
 83              	subroutine limits_init(H)
 85 gaskelld 1.1 	implicit none
 86              	include 'simulate.inc'
 87              	include 'radc.inc'
 88              	include 'histograms.inc'
 89              	include 'sf_lookup.inc'		!need to know Em range of spec. fcn.
 91              	integer i
 92              	real*8 r
 93              	real*8 Ebeam_min, Ebeam_max
 94              	real*8 t1,t2			!temp. variables.
 95              	real*8 slop_Coulomb, slop_Ebeam, slop_Ee, slop_Ep
 96              	record /cuts/ the_phys, thp_phys, z, pp
 97              	record /histograms/ H
 99              !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
100              ! RECORDS store information relating to various quantities at several
101              ! 'STATES' in event description:
102              ! (of course, not all qties are _recorded_ in each of these stages)
103              !
104              !	orig.*		qties are TRUE qties but before ANY radiation
105              !	vertex.*	qties are those used to determine spec fn and sigcc
106 gaskelld 1.1 !			weighting, so TRUE qties before tails 2,3 radiated
107              !	recon.*		qties are defined AT the spectrometers, AFTER being
108              !			run through the single arm montecarlos
109              !
110              !	main.SP.*	qties are defined AT the spectrometers, so TRUE
111              !			qties AFTER any modifications due to non-radiative
112              !			interaction with the target (this includes Coulomb
113              !			accel/decel of initial/final electron)
114              !	main.FP.*	spect. focal plane values-if using spect. model
115              !	main.RECON.*	qties are defined AT the spectrometers, AFTER being
116              !			run through the single arm montecarlos
117              !
118              ! Note that in the absence of radiation, GEN=VERTEX
119              ! Note that if a spectrometer is not used, RECON=SP, FP is empty.
120              ! Note that the generated qties we have to compare with gen limits later
121              ! are unaffected by radiation in tail1, so equal to vertex qties.
122              !
123              !
124              ! EDGES on event qties at any stage can be derived from these cuts, by taking
125              ! the transformations (and associated uncertainties) between each stage into
126              ! account. The general usefulness of defining these edges is to improve
127 gaskelld 1.1 ! efficiency --> provide checks at intermediate stages to allow us to abort
128              ! an event early, and provide some foreknowledge in generation routines of
129              ! what will make it to the end. We must be certain that these derived EDGES
130              ! are wide enough that the events making it through the cuts don't come
131              ! uncomfortably close to them.
132              !
133              !	SPedge.*	Limits at spectrometer = Acceptance + slop
134              !	edge.*		Limits after interaction = SPedge + musc or eloss
135              !						 = VERTEXedge + coulomb + rad.
136              !	VERTEXedge.*	Limits at vertex (from energy conservation).
137              !	gen.*		Generation limits.
138              !
139              ! SLOPS
140              !	slop.MC.*	Due to spectrometer resolution (spectrometer MC).
141              !	slop_*		Slop in calculated physics quantities (from spect.
142              !			resolution + range of eloss/coulomb/...
143              !
144              !----------------------------------------------------------------------
146              ! ... get slop values for the difference between orig and recon
147              ! ... SPECTROMETER quantities (recon inaccuracies due to the montecarlos)
148 gaskelld 1.1 
149              	if (using_E_arm_montecarlo) then
150              	  if (electron_arm.eq.1) then
151              	    slop.MC.e.delta.used = slop_param_d_HMS
152              	    slop.MC.e.yptar.used = slop_param_t_HMS
153              	    slop.MC.e.xptar.used = slop_param_p_HMS
154              	  else if (electron_arm.eq.2) then
155              	    slop.MC.e.delta.used = slop_param_d_SOS
156              	    slop.MC.e.yptar.used = slop_param_t_SOS
157              	    slop.MC.e.xptar.used = slop_param_p_SOS
158              	  else if (electron_arm.eq.3) then
159              	    slop.MC.e.delta.used = slop_param_d_HRSR
160              	    slop.MC.e.yptar.used = slop_param_t_HRSR
161              	    slop.MC.e.xptar.used = slop_param_p_HRSR
162              	  else if (electron_arm.eq.4) then
163              	    slop.MC.e.delta.used = slop_param_d_HRSL
164              	    slop.MC.e.yptar.used = slop_param_t_HRSL
165              	    slop.MC.e.xptar.used = slop_param_p_HRSL
166              	  else if (electron_arm.eq.5 .or. electron_arm.eq.6) then
167              	    slop.MC.e.delta.used = slop_param_d_SHMS
168              	    slop.MC.e.yptar.used = slop_param_t_SHMS
169 gaskelld 1.1 	    slop.MC.e.xptar.used = slop_param_p_SHMS
170              	  endif
171              	endif
172              	if (using_P_arm_montecarlo) then
173              	  if (hadron_arm.eq.1) then
174              	    slop.MC.p.delta.used = slop_param_d_HMS
175              	    slop.MC.p.yptar.used = slop_param_t_HMS
176              	    slop.MC.p.xptar.used = slop_param_p_HMS
177              	  else if (hadron_arm.eq.2) then
178              	    slop.MC.p.delta.used = slop_param_d_SOS
179              	    slop.MC.p.yptar.used = slop_param_t_SOS
180              	    slop.MC.p.xptar.used = slop_param_p_SOS
181              	  else if (hadron_arm.eq.3) then
182              	    slop.MC.p.delta.used = slop_param_d_HRSR
183              	    slop.MC.p.yptar.used = slop_param_t_HRSR
184              	    slop.MC.p.xptar.used = slop_param_p_HRSR
185              	  else if (hadron_arm.eq.4) then
186              	    slop.MC.p.delta.used = slop_param_d_HRSL
187              	    slop.MC.p.yptar.used = slop_param_t_HRSL
188              	    slop.MC.p.xptar.used = slop_param_p_HRSL
189              	  else if (hadron_arm.eq.5 .or. hadron_arm.eq.6) then
190 gaskelld 1.1 	    slop.MC.p.delta.used = slop_param_d_SHMS
191              	    slop.MC.p.yptar.used = slop_param_t_SHMS
192              	    slop.MC.p.xptar.used = slop_param_p_SHMS
193              	  endif
194              	endif
196              ! ... Add slop to SPedges.  Used as input to final edge.*.*.* and to
197              ! ... calculate minimum/maximum theta_phys for extreme_trip_thru_target.
199              	SPedge.e.delta.min = SPedge.e.delta.min - slop.MC.e.delta.used
200              	SPedge.e.delta.max = SPedge.e.delta.max + slop.MC.e.delta.used
201              	SPedge.e.yptar.min = SPedge.e.yptar.min - slop.MC.e.yptar.used
202              	SPedge.e.yptar.max = SPedge.e.yptar.max + slop.MC.e.yptar.used
203              	SPedge.e.xptar.min = SPedge.e.xptar.min - slop.MC.e.xptar.used
204              	SPedge.e.xptar.max = SPedge.e.xptar.max + slop.MC.e.xptar.used
205              	SPedge.p.delta.min = SPedge.p.delta.min - slop.MC.p.delta.used
206              	SPedge.p.delta.max = SPedge.p.delta.max + slop.MC.p.delta.used
207              	SPedge.p.yptar.min = SPedge.p.yptar.min - slop.MC.p.yptar.used
208              	SPedge.p.yptar.max = SPedge.p.yptar.max + slop.MC.p.yptar.used
209              	SPedge.p.xptar.min = SPedge.p.xptar.min - slop.MC.p.xptar.used
210              	SPedge.p.xptar.max = SPedge.p.xptar.max + slop.MC.p.xptar.used
211 gaskelld 1.1 
212              ! Compute TRUE edges -- distortions in the target come into play
214              	edge.e.E.min = (1.+SPedge.e.delta.min/100.)*spec.e.P +
215                   >		targ.Coulomb.min - dE_edge_test
216              	edge.e.E.max = (1.+SPedge.e.delta.max/100.)*spec.e.P +
217                   >		targ.Coulomb.max + dE_edge_test
218              	pp.min = (1.+SPedge.p.delta.min/100.)*spec.p.P - dE_edge_test
219              	pp.max = (1.+SPedge.p.delta.max/100.)*spec.p.P + dE_edge_test
220              	pp.min = max(0.001d0,pp.min)  !avoid p=0 (which can lead to div by zero)(
221              	edge.p.E.min = sqrt(pp.min**2 + Mh2)
222              	edge.p.E.max = sqrt(pp.max**2 + Mh2)
224              ! ... extreme theta_e,theta_p,z values for extreme_trip_thru_target.
225              	the_phys.max = acos( (spec.e.cos_th-spec.e.sin_th*SPedge.e.yptar.max)/
226                   >		sqrt(1.+SPedge.e.yptar.max**2+SPedge.e.xptar.max**2) )
227              	the_phys.min = acos( (spec.e.cos_th-spec.e.sin_th*SPedge.e.yptar.min)/
228                   >		sqrt(1.+SPedge.e.yptar.min**2) )
229              	thp_phys.max = acos( (spec.p.cos_th-spec.p.sin_th*SPedge.p.yptar.max)/
230                   >		sqrt(1.+SPedge.p.yptar.max**2+SPedge.p.xptar.max**2) )
231              	thp_phys.min = acos( (spec.p.cos_th-spec.p.sin_th*SPedge.p.yptar.min)/
232 gaskelld 1.1      >		sqrt(1.+SPedge.p.yptar.min**2) )
233              	z.min = -0.5*targ.length
234              	z.max =  0.5*targ.length
235              	call extreme_trip_thru_target(Ebeam, the_phys, thp_phys, edge.e.E,
236                   >                                pp, z, Mh)
237              	if (.not.using_Eloss) then
238              	  do i = 1, 3
239              	    targ.Eloss(i).min = 0.0
240              	    targ.Eloss(i).max = 0.0
241              	  enddo
242              	endif
244              	if (.not.mc_smear) then
245              	  targ.musc_max(1)=0.
246              	  targ.musc_max(2)=0.
247              	  targ.musc_max(3)=0.
248              	endif
250              	edge.e.E.min = edge.e.E.min + targ.Eloss(2).min
251              	edge.e.E.max = edge.e.E.max + targ.Eloss(2).max
252              	edge.p.E.min = edge.p.E.min + targ.Eloss(3).min
253 gaskelld 1.1 	edge.p.E.max = edge.p.E.max + targ.Eloss(3).max
254              	edge.e.yptar.min = SPedge.e.yptar.min - targ.musc_max(2)
255              	edge.e.yptar.max = SPedge.e.yptar.max + targ.musc_max(2)
256              	edge.e.xptar.min = SPedge.e.xptar.min - targ.musc_max(2)
257              	edge.e.xptar.max = SPedge.e.xptar.max + targ.musc_max(2)
258              	edge.p.yptar.min = SPedge.p.yptar.min - targ.musc_max(3)
259              	edge.p.yptar.max = SPedge.p.yptar.max + targ.musc_max(3)
260              	edge.p.xptar.min = SPedge.p.xptar.min - targ.musc_max(3)
261              	edge.p.xptar.max = SPedge.p.xptar.max + targ.musc_max(3)
263              ! Edges on values of Em and Pm BEFORE reconstruction. Need to apply slop to
264              ! take into account all transformations from ORIGINAL TRUE values to
265              ! RECONSTRUCTED TRUE values --> that includes: (a) reconstruction slop on
266              ! spectrometer values (b) variation in the beam energy (c) difference between
267              ! actual losses and the corrections made for them
269              ! ... Save the 'measured' beam energy, which will be used in recon.
271              	Ebeam_vertex_ave = Ebeam + targ.Coulomb.ave - targ.Eloss(1).ave
273              ! ... Calculate slop in energies and momenta.
274 gaskelld 1.1 
275              	Ebeam_max = Ebeam + dEbeam/2. - targ.Eloss(1).min + targ.Coulomb.max
276              	Ebeam_min = Ebeam - dEbeam/2. - targ.Eloss(1).max + targ.Coulomb.min
277              	slop_Coulomb = targ.Coulomb.max - targ.Coulomb.ave
278              	slop_Ebeam = dEbeam/2. + slop_Coulomb
279              	slop_Ee = slop.MC.e.delta.used/100.*spec.e.P + slop_Coulomb
280              	r = sqrt(edge.p.E.max**2 - Mh2)
281              	slop_Ep = sqrt( (r + slop.MC.p.delta.used/100.*spec.p.P)**2 + Mh2 ) -
282                   >		edge.p.E.max
283              	slop_Ebeam = slop_Ebeam + (targ.Eloss(1).max-targ.Eloss(1).min)
284              	slop_Ee = slop_Ee + (targ.Eloss(2).max-targ.Eloss(2).min)
285              	slop_Ep = slop_Ep + (targ.Eloss(3).max-targ.Eloss(3).min)
287              	if (doing_heavy) then		! 'reconstructed' Em cuts.
288              	  slop.total.Em.used = slop_Ebeam + slop_Ee + slop_Ep + dE_edge_test
289              	  edge.Em.min = cuts.Em.min - slop.total.Em.used
290              	  edge.Em.max = cuts.Em.max + slop.total.Em.used
291              	  edge.Em.min = max(0.d0,edge.Em.min)
292              	endif
294              ! Edges on Em, Pm, etc... VERTEXedge.* values are vertex limits.  edge.* values
295 gaskelld 1.1 ! are limits at spectrometer (after eloss and e'/hadron radiation).  Remember
296              ! that min/max values are initialized to wide open values in STRUCTURES.
297              ! Need edge.Em to limit radiated photon energies.
298              ! Need VERTEXedge.Em for calulating limits on radiatied photons.
299              ! Need VERTEXedge.Pm for A(e,e'p) only (for generation limits on Ee', Ep').
300              ! Note that Pm_theory(*).min/max might allow for positive and negative Pm,
301              ! or it could have positive only.  We want *.Pm.min to be zero if zero is
302              ! allowed, so we have to check for Pm_theory.min being negative.
304              ! For all cases:
305              ! 1. Start by giving Em, Pm limits (=0 for hydrogen, based on S.F. limits
306              !    for all other cases except A(e,e'p).  For this case, Pm limits come
307              !    from spectral function.  Em limit (max) has to come from energy
308              !    conservation after everything else is calculated.
309              !
311              	if (doing_hyd_elast) then
312              	  VERTEXedge.Em.min = 0.0
313              	  VERTEXedge.Em.max = 0.0
314              	  VERTEXedge.Pm.min = 0.0
315              	  VERTEXedge.Pm.max = 0.0
316 gaskelld 1.1 	else if (doing_deuterium) then
317              	  VERTEXedge.Em.min = Mp + Mn - targ.M		!2.2249 MeV, I hope.
318              	  VERTEXedge.Em.max = Mp + Mn - targ.M
319              	  VERTEXedge.Pm.min = 0.0
320              	  VERTEXedge.Pm.max = max(abs(Pm_theory(1).min),abs(Pm_theory(1).max))
321              	else if (doing_heavy) then
322              	  VERTEXedge.Pm.min=0.0
323              	  VERTEXedge.Pm.max=0.0
324              	  do i = 1, nrhoPm
325              	    t1=max(abs(Pm_theory(i).min),abs(Pm_theory(i).max))
326              	    VERTEXedge.Pm.max = max(VERTEXedge.Pm.max,t1)
327              	  enddo
328              	  VERTEXedge.Em.min = E_Fermi
329              	  VERTEXedge.Em.max = 1000.	!Need Egamma_tot_max for good limit.
330              	else if (doing_hydpi .or. doing_hydkaon .or. doing_hyddelta .or. doing_hydrho) then
331              	  VERTEXedge.Em.min = 0.0
332              	  VERTEXedge.Em.max = 0.0
333              	  VERTEXedge.Pm.min = 0.0
334              	  VERTEXedge.Pm.max = 0.0
335              	else if (doing_deutpi .or. doing_deutkaon .or. doing_deutdelta .or. doing_deutrho) then
336              	  VERTEXedge.Em.min = Mp + Mn - targ.M		!2.2249 MeV, I hope.
337 gaskelld 1.1 	  VERTEXedge.Em.max = Mp + Mn - targ.M
338              	  VERTEXedge.Pm.min = 0.0
339              	  VERTEXedge.Pm.max = pval(nump)
340              	else if (doing_hepi .or. doing_hekaon .or. doing_hedelta .or. doing_herho) then
341              	  VERTEXedge.Em.min = targ.Mtar_struck + targ.Mrec - targ.M
342              	  VERTEXedge.Em.max = Emval(numEm)
343              	  VERTEXedge.Pm.min = 0.0
344              	  VERTEXedge.Pm.max = pval(nump)
345              	else if (doing_semi) then
346              	  VERTEXedge.Em.min = 0.0
347              	  VERTEXedge.Em.max = 0.0
348              	  VERTEXedge.Pm.min = 0.0
349              	  VERTEXedge.Pm.max = 0.0
351              	endif
352              	write(6,*) 'E_bind =',VERTEXedge.Em.min,'MeV in limits_init (QF only)'
355              ! Calculate limits for recoiling (A-1) system, if there is one.
356              ! M_{A-1} (Mrec) limits from Em range, since M_{A-1} = M_A - M_N + E_m
357              ! T_{A-1} (Trec) limits from Mrec and Pm limits, since
358 gaskelld 1.1 !    E_rec=sqrt(M_rec**2+P_rec**2), and P_rec = -P_m
360              	if (doing_hyd_elast .or. doing_hydpi .or. doing_hydkaon .or. 
361              	1                               doing_hyddelta .or. doing_hydrho) then
362              	  VERTEXedge.Mrec.min = 0.0
363              	  VERTEXedge.Mrec.max = 0.0
364              	  VERTEXedge.Trec.min = 0.0
365              	  VERTEXedge.Trec.max = 0.0
366              	else
367              	  VERTEXedge.Mrec.min = targ.M - targ.Mtar_struck + VERTEXedge.Em.min
368              	  VERTEXedge.Mrec.max = targ.M - targ.Mtar_struck + VERTEXedge.Em.max
369              	  VERTEXedge.Trec.min = sqrt(VERTEXedge.Mrec.max**2+VERTEXedge.Pm.min**2) - 
370                   >		VERTEXedge.Mrec.max
371              	  VERTEXedge.Trec.max = sqrt(VERTEXedge.Mrec.min**2+VERTEXedge.Pm.max**2) -
372                   >		VERTEXedge.Mrec.min
373              	endif
375              ! For pion(kaon) production, Trec_struck is T of the recoiling nucleon(hyperon).
376              ! Can only get limits from general energy conservation, and can only get
377              ! upper limit, since the lower limit is determined by the allowed radiation,
378              ! which is not calculated yet (and needs Trec to be calculated).
379 gaskelld 1.1 
380              	if (doing_eep) then
381              	  VERTEXedge.Trec_struck.min = 0.
382              	  VERTEXedge.Trec_struck.max = 0.
383              	else
384              	  VERTEXedge.Trec_struck.min = 0.
385              	  VERTEXedge.Trec_struck.max = Ebeam_max + targ.Mtar_struck -
386                   >		targ.Mrec_struck - edge.e.E.min - edge.p.E.min -
387                   >		VERTEXedge.Em.min - VERTEXedge.Trec.min
388              	endif
390              ! Get radiation limits.  In all cases, total energy conservation gives
391              ! the primary limit. The doing_heavy case has a second condition.  Radiated
392              ! photons change Em from the vertex value to the measured value.  They also
393              ! change Pm, which can modify Trec.  So the max. change in Em is for a
394              ! minimum generated Em (VERTEXedge.Em.min) that ends up as a maximum measured Em
395              ! (edge.Em.max), with slop to take into account the modification to Trec.
397              	Egamma_tot_max = Ebeam_max + targ.Mtar_struck - targ.Mrec_struck -
398                   >		edge.e.E.min - edge.p.E.min - VERTEXedge.Em.min -
399                   >		VERTEXedge.Trec.min - VERTEXedge.Trec_struck.min
400 gaskelld 1.1 	if (doing_heavy) then
401              	  t2 = (edge.Em.max - VERTEXedge.Em.min) +
402                   >		(VERTEXedge.Trec.max - VERTEXedge.Trec.min)
403              	  Egamma_tot_max = min(Egamma_tot_max,t2)
404              	endif
406              ! ... override calculated limits with hardwired value if desired.
407              	if (hardwired_rad) Egamma_tot_max = Egamma_gen_max
408              	if (.not.using_rad) Egamma_tot_max = 0.0
409              	if (doing_tail(1)) Egamma1_max = Egamma_tot_max
410              	if (doing_tail(2)) Egamma2_max = Egamma_tot_max
411              	if (doing_tail(3)) Egamma3_max = Egamma_tot_max
413              	if (doing_heavy) then	!Needed Egamma_tot_max for final limits.
414              	  VERTEXedge.Em.min = max(VERTEXedge.Em.min,edge.Em.min-Egamma_tot_max)
415              	  VERTEXedge.Em.max = min(VERTEXedge.Em.max,edge.Em.max)
416              	endif
418              ! ... compute edge on summed _generated_ energies based on predicted VERTEX
419              ! ... and TRUE values of Em (Ee'+Ep' for doing_heavy, Ee' for pion/kaon,
420              ! ... Ee' for D(e,e'p), not used for hydrogen elastic.)
421 gaskelld 1.1 ! ... Primary limits from energy conservation at vertex, seconday limits from
422              ! ... spectrometer limits modified by radiation.
424              	if (doing_hyd_elast) then	!NO generated energies.
425              	  gen.sumEgen.min = 0.0
426              	  gen.sumEgen.max = 0.0
428              	else if (doing_heavy) then	!generated TOTAL (e+p) energy limits.
429              	  gen.sumEgen.max = Ebeam_max + targ.Mtar_struck -
430                   >		VERTEXedge.Trec.min - VERTEXedge.Em.min
431              	  gen.sumEgen.min = Ebeam_min + targ.Mtar_struck -
432                   >		VERTEXedge.Trec.max - VERTEXedge.Em.max - Egamma1_max 
433              	  gen.sumEgen.max = min(gen.sumEgen.max,edge.e.E.max+edge.p.E.max+Egamma_tot_max)
434              	  gen.sumEgen.min = max(gen.sumEgen.min,edge.e.E.min+edge.p.E.min)
436              	else if (doing_semi) then
437              	   gen.sumEgen.max = Ebeam_max - VERTEXedge.Trec.min - VERTEXedge.Trec_struck.min
438              	   gen.sumEgen.min = Ebeam_min - VERTEXedge.Trec.max - VERTEXedge.Trec_struck.max
440              	else				!generated ELECTRON energy limits.
441              	  gen.sumEgen.max = Ebeam_max + targ.Mtar_struck - targ.Mrec_struck -
442 gaskelld 1.1      >		edge.p.E.min - VERTEXedge.Em.min - VERTEXedge.Trec.min -
443                   >		VERTEXedge.Trec_struck.min
444              	  gen.sumEgen.min = Ebeam_min + targ.Mtar_struck - targ.Mrec_struck -
445                   >		edge.p.E.max - VERTEXedge.Em.max - VERTEXedge.Trec.max -
446                   >		VERTEXedge.Trec_struck.max - Egamma_tot_max
447              	  gen.sumEgen.max = min(gen.sumEgen.max, edge.e.E.max+Egamma2_max)
448              	  gen.sumEgen.min = max(gen.sumEgen.min, edge.e.E.min)
449              	endif
451              	gen.sumEgen.min = gen.sumEgen.min - dE_edge_test
452              	gen.sumEgen.max = gen.sumEgen.max + dE_edge_test
453              	gen.sumEgen.min = max(0.d0,gen.sumEgen.min)
455              ! ... E arm GENERATION limits from sumEgen.
456              ! ... Not used for doing_hyd_elast, but define for the hardwired histograms.
458              	if (doing_hyd_elast) then
459              	  gen.e.E.min = edge.e.E.min
460              	  gen.e.E.max = edge.e.E.max + Egamma2_max
461              	else if (doing_deuterium .or. doing_pion .or. doing_kaon 
462              	1      .or. doing_rho .or. doing_delta) then
463 gaskelld 1.1 	  gen.e.E.min = gen.sumEgen.min
464              	  gen.e.E.max = gen.sumEgen.max
465              	else if (doing_heavy .or. doing_semi) then
466              	  gen.e.E.min = gen.sumEgen.min - edge.p.E.max - Egamma3_max
467              	  gen.e.E.max = gen.sumEgen.max - edge.p.E.min
468              	endif
470              ! ... Apply limits from direct comparison to acceptance.
471              	gen.e.E.min = max(gen.e.E.min, edge.e.E.min)
472              	gen.e.E.max = min(gen.e.E.max, edge.e.E.max + Egamma2_max)
474              	gen.e.delta.min = (gen.e.E.min/spec.e.P-1.)*100.
475              	gen.e.delta.max = (gen.e.E.max/spec.e.P-1.)*100.
476              	gen.e.yptar.min = edge.e.yptar.min
477              	gen.e.yptar.max = edge.e.yptar.max
478              	gen.e.xptar.min = edge.e.xptar.min
479              	gen.e.xptar.max = edge.e.xptar.max
481              ! ... P arm GENERATION limits from sumEgen.  Not used for any case
482              ! ... except doing_heavy, but need to define for code that writes out limits.
484 gaskelld 1.1 	if (doing_hyd_elast.or.doing_deuterium.or.doing_pion.or.doing_kaon .or.
485              	1    doing_rho .or. doing_delta) then
486              	  gen.p.E.min = edge.p.E.min
487              	  gen.p.E.max = edge.p.E.max + Egamma3_max
488              	else if (doing_heavy .or. doing_semi)then
489              	  gen.p.E.min = gen.sumEgen.min - edge.e.E.max - Egamma2_max
490              	  gen.p.E.max = gen.sumEgen.max - edge.e.E.min
491              	endif
492              ! ... Apply limits from direct comparison to acceptance.
493                      gen.p.E.min = max(gen.p.E.min, edge.p.E.min)
494                      gen.p.E.max = min(gen.p.E.max, edge.p.E.max + Egamma3_max)
496              	gen.p.delta.min = (sqrt(gen.p.E.min**2-Mh2)/spec.p.P-1.)*100.
497              	gen.p.delta.max = (sqrt(gen.p.E.max**2-Mh2)/spec.p.P-1.)*100.
498              	gen.p.yptar.min = edge.p.yptar.min
499              	gen.p.yptar.max = edge.p.yptar.max
500              	gen.p.xptar.min = edge.p.xptar.min
501              	gen.p.xptar.max = edge.p.xptar.max
503              ! Axis specs for the diagnostic histograms
504              	H.gen.e.delta.min =  gen.e.delta.min
505 gaskelld 1.1 	H.gen.e.yptar.min =  gen.e.yptar.min
506              	H.gen.e.xptar.min = -gen.e.xptar.max
507              	H.gen.e.delta.bin = (gen.e.delta.max-gen.e.delta.min)/float(nHbins)
508              	H.gen.e.yptar.bin = (gen.e.yptar.max-gen.e.yptar.min)/float(nHbins)
509              	H.gen.e.xptar.bin = (gen.e.xptar.max-gen.e.xptar.min)/float(nHbins)
510              	H.gen.p.delta.min =  gen.p.delta.min
511              	H.gen.p.yptar.min =  gen.p.yptar.min
512              	H.gen.p.xptar.min = -gen.p.xptar.max
513              	H.gen.p.delta.bin = (gen.p.delta.max-gen.p.delta.min)/float(nHbins)
514              	H.gen.p.yptar.bin = (gen.p.yptar.max-gen.p.yptar.min)/float(nHbins)
515              	H.gen.p.xptar.bin = (gen.p.xptar.max-gen.p.xptar.min)/float(nHbins)
516              	H.gen.Em.min = VERTEXedge.Em.min
517              	H.gen.Em.bin = (max(100.d0,VERTEXedge.Em.max) - VERTEXedge.Em.min)/float(nHbins)
518              	H.gen.Pm.min = VERTEXedge.Pm.min
519              	H.gen.Pm.bin = (max(100.d0,VERTEXedge.Pm.max) - VERTEXedge.Pm.min)/float(nHbins)
521              	H.geni.e.delta.min = H.gen.e.delta.min
522              	H.geni.e.yptar.min = H.gen.e.yptar.min
523              	H.geni.e.xptar.min = H.gen.e.xptar.min
524              	H.geni.e.delta.bin = H.gen.e.delta.bin
525              	H.geni.e.yptar.bin = H.gen.e.yptar.bin
526 gaskelld 1.1 	H.geni.e.xptar.bin = H.gen.e.xptar.bin
527              	H.geni.p.delta.min = H.gen.p.delta.min
528              	H.geni.p.yptar.min = H.gen.p.yptar.min
529              	H.geni.p.xptar.min = H.gen.p.xptar.min
530              	H.geni.p.delta.bin = H.gen.p.delta.bin
531              	H.geni.p.yptar.bin = H.gen.p.yptar.bin
532              	H.geni.p.xptar.bin = H.gen.p.xptar.bin
533              	H.geni.Em.min = H.gen.Em.min
534              	H.geni.Em.bin = H.gen.Em.bin
535              	H.geni.Pm.min = H.gen.Pm.min
536              	H.geni.Pm.bin = H.gen.Pm.bin
538              	H.RECON.e.delta.min = H.gen.e.delta.min
539              	H.RECON.e.yptar.min = H.gen.e.yptar.min
540              	H.RECON.e.xptar.min = H.gen.e.xptar.min
541              	H.RECON.e.delta.bin = H.gen.e.delta.bin
542              	H.RECON.e.yptar.bin = H.gen.e.yptar.bin
543              	H.RECON.e.xptar.bin = H.gen.e.xptar.bin
544              	H.RECON.p.delta.min = H.gen.p.delta.min
545              	H.RECON.p.yptar.min = H.gen.p.yptar.min
546              	H.RECON.p.xptar.min = H.gen.p.xptar.min
547 gaskelld 1.1 	H.RECON.p.delta.bin = H.gen.p.delta.bin
548              	H.RECON.p.yptar.bin = H.gen.p.yptar.bin
549              	H.RECON.p.xptar.bin = H.gen.p.xptar.bin
550              	H.RECON.Em.min = H.gen.Em.min
551              	H.RECON.Em.bin = H.gen.Em.bin
552              	H.RECON.Pm.min = H.gen.Pm.min
553              	H.RECON.Pm.bin = H.gen.Pm.bin
555              	return
556              	end
558              !------------------------------------------------------------------------
560              	subroutine radc_init
562              	implicit none
563              	include 'simulate.inc'
564              	include 'radc.inc'
565              	include 'brem.inc'
567              !--------------------------------------------------------------
568 gaskelld 1.1 !
569              ! First, about those (mysterious) 2 main 'radiative option' flags ...
570              !
571              ! The significance of RAD_FLAG:
572              !	 RAD_FLAG  = 0	.. use best available formulas, generate in
573              !			.. (ntail,Egamma) basis
574              !		   = 1	.. use BASICRAD only, generate in (ntail,Egamma)
575              !			.. basis
576              !		   = 2	.. use BASICRAD only, generate in (Egamma(1,2,3))
577              !			.. basis but prevent overlap of tails (bogus, note)
578              !		   = 3	.. use BASICRAD only, generate in (Egamma(1,2,3))
579              !			.. allowing radiation in all 3 directions
580              !			.. simultaneously
581              ! The (ntail,Egamma) basis can be called the PEAKED basis since it allows
582              ! only 3 photon directions. PEAKED_BASIS_FLAG is set to zero below when
583              ! the peaked basis is being used, in this way we can conveniently tell
584              ! the BASICRAD routine to use the full Egamma formula to generate the gamma
585              ! energy whenever it's called.
586              !
587              ! (See N. Makins' thesis, section 4.5.6, for more help on this point)
588              !
589 gaskelld 1.1 ! The significance of EXTRAD_FLAG:
590              !	EXTRAD_FLAG = 1	.. use only BASIC external radiation formulas
591              !			.. (phi = 1)
592              !		    = 2	.. use BASIC ext rad formulas x phi
593              !		    = 3 .. use Friedrich approximation the way we always
594              !			.. have
595              !		    = 0 .. use DEFAULTS: 3 for RAD_FLAG = 0, 1 otherwise; note
596              !			   that the defaults mimic the hardwired 'settings'
597              !			   in SIMULATE, which doesnt read EXTRAD_FLAG
598              !			   but determines what to do based on RAD_FLAG
599              !--------------------------------------------------------------
601              ! Check setting of EXTRAD_FLAG
603              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'radc_init: entering...'
604              	if (extrad_flag.eq.0) then
605              	  if (rad_flag.eq.0) then
606              	    extrad_flag = 3
607              	  else if (rad_flag.eq.1 .or. rad_flag.eq.2 .or. rad_flag.eq.3) then
608              	    extrad_flag = 1
609              	  endif
610 gaskelld 1.1 	else if (extrad_flag.lt.0) then
611              	  stop 'Imbecile! check your stupid setting of EXTRAD_FLAG'
612              	endif
614              ! 'etatzai' parameter
616              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'radc_init: at 1'
617              	etatzai = (12.0+(targ.Z+1.)/(targ.Z*targ.L1+targ.L2))/9.0
618              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'radc_init: etatzai = ',etatzai
620              ! Initialize brem flags (brem doesn't include the normal common blocks)
621              	produce_output = debug(1)
622              	exponentiate = use_expon
623              	include_hard = .true.
624              	calculate_spence = .true.
626              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'radc_init: ending...'
627              	return
628              	end
630              !---------------------------------------------------------------------
631 gaskelld 1.1 
632              	subroutine radc_init_ev (main,vertex)
634              	implicit none
635              	include 'structures.inc'
636              	include 'radc.inc'
638              	integer		i
639              	real*8		r, Ecutoff, dsoft, dhard, dsoft_prime
640              	real*8		lambda_dave, schwinger, brem, bremos
641              	record /event_main/ main
642              	record /event/	vertex
644              ! Note that calculate_central calls this with (main,ev) rather than
645              ! (main,vertex).  Since these are just local variables, calling it vertex
646              ! here does not cause any problem, and makes it easier to follow
647              ! modifications to vertex.* variables in later calls.
649              	real*8 zero
650              	parameter (zero=0.0d0)	!double precision zero for subroutine calls.
652 gaskelld 1.1 ! Compute some quantities that will be needed for rad corr on this event
654              ! ... factor for limiting energy of external radiation along incident electron
655              !	etta = 1.0 + 2*vertex.ein*sin(vertex.e.theta/2.)**2/(targ.A*amu)
656              ! ... moron move! let's can that etta factor ...
658              	etta = 1.0
660              ! ... the bt's
662              	do i=1,2
663              	  bt(i) = etatzai*main.target.teff(i)
664              	enddo
666              ! ... the lambda's (effective bt's for internal radiation)
668              	do i=1,3
669              	  lambda(i) = lambda_dave(i,1,doing_tail(3),vertex.Ein,vertex.e.E,vertex.p.E,
670                   >			vertex.p.P,vertex.e.theta)
671              	enddo
672              	rad_proton_this_ev = lambda(3).gt.0
673 gaskelld 1.1 
674              ! ... get the hard correction factor. don't care about Ecutoff! Just want dhard here
676              	Ecutoff = 450.
677              	if (intcor_mode.eq.0) then
678              	  r = schwinger(Ecutoff,vertex,.true.,dsoft,dhard)
679              	else
680              	  if (.not.use_offshell_rad) then
681              	    r = brem(vertex.Ein,vertex.e.E,Ecutoff,rad_proton_this_ev,dsoft,dhard,
682                   >		dsoft_prime)
683              	  else
684              	    r = bremos(Ecutoff, zero, zero, vertex.Ein, vertex.e.P*vertex.ue.x,
685                   >		vertex.e.P*vertex.ue.y, vertex.e.P*vertex.ue.z, zero, zero, zero,
686                   >		vertex.p.P*vertex.up.x, vertex.p.P*vertex.up.y, vertex.p.P*vertex.up.z,
687                   >		vertex.p.E, rad_proton_this_ev, dsoft, dhard, dsoft_prime)
688              	  endif
689              	endif
690              	hardcorfac = 1./(1.-dhard)
691              	g(4)=-dsoft_prime*Ecutoff+bt(1)+bt(2)
693              ! ... initialize the parameters needed for our "basic" calculation
694 gaskelld 1.1 
695              	call basicrad_init_ev (vertex.Ein,vertex.e.E,vertex.p.E)
697              ! ... the relative magnitudes of the three tails (we may not need them)
699              	do i=1,3
700              	  frac(i) = g(i)/g(0)
701              	enddo
703              	return
704              	end
706              !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
708              	subroutine basicrad_init_ev (e1,e2,e3)
710              	implicit none
711              	include 'simulate.inc'
712              	include 'radc.inc'
714              	real*8 one
715 gaskelld 1.1 	parameter (one=1.)
717              	integer i
718              	real*8 e1,e2,e3,e(3),gamma
720              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'basicrad_init_ev: entering...'
721              	e(1) = e1
722              	e(2) = e2
723              	e(3) = e3
725              ! bt's for internal + external
726              ! ??? One possibility for shutting off tails 1 or
727              ! 2 is to set g(1/2) = 0 here ... note that lambda(3) is set to 0 in
728              ! lambda_dave at the moment, AND proton terms are removed from brem if proton
729              ! radiation off. something analogous and similarly consistent would have to be
730              ! done for the other tails, right now they're just nixed in generate_rad. also
731              ! check ALL ntail.eq.0 checks in kinema constraint lines of generate_rad
733              	g(1) = lambda(1) + bt(1)
734              	g(2) = lambda(2) + bt(2)
735              	g(3) = lambda(3)
736 gaskelld 1.1 	g(0) = g(1)+g(2)+g(3)
738              ! Internal constants
740              	c_int(1) = lambda(1)/(e(1)*e(2))**(lambda(1)/2.)
741              	c_int(2) = lambda(2)/(e(1)*e(2))**(lambda(2)/2.)
743              *	csa NOTE: GN says these masses s/b Mp!
745              	c_int(3) = lambda(3)/(Mp*e(3))**(lambda(3)/2.)
746              	do i = 1, 3
747              	  c_int(i) = c_int(i) * exp(-euler*lambda(i)) / gamma(one+lambda(i))
748              	enddo
749              	g_int = lambda(1) + lambda(2) + lambda(3)
750              	c_int(0) = c_int(1)*c_int(2) * g_int / lambda(1)/lambda(2)
752              ! ... proton radiation could be off
754              	if (lambda(3).gt.0) c_int(0) = c_int(0) * c_int(3)/lambda(3)
755              	c_int(0) = c_int(0) * gamma(one+lambda(1)) * gamma(one+lambda(2))
756                   >		* gamma(one+lambda(3)) / gamma(one+g_int)
757 gaskelld 1.1 
758              ! External constants
760              	do i = 1, 2
761              	  c_ext(i) = bt(i)/e(i)**bt(i)/gamma(one+bt(i))
762              	enddo
763              	c_ext(3) = 0.0
764              	g_ext = bt(1) + bt(2)
765              	c_ext(0) = c_ext(1)*c_ext(2) * g_ext / bt(1)/bt(2)
766              	c_ext(0) = c_ext(0)*gamma(one+bt(1))*gamma(one+bt(2))/gamma(one+g_ext)
768              ! Internal + external constants
770              	do i = 1, 2
771              	  c(i) = c_int(i) * c_ext(i) * g(i)/lambda(i)/bt(i)
772                   >		* gamma(one+lambda(i))*gamma(one+bt(i))/gamma(one+g(i))
773              	enddo
774              	c(3) = c_int(3)
776              ! Finally, constant for combined tails
778 gaskelld 1.1 	c(0) = c(1)*c(2) * g(0)/g(1)/g(2)
780              ! ... proton radiation could be off
782              	if (g(3).gt.0) c(0) = c(0) * c(3)/g(3)
783              	c(0)=c(0)*gamma(one+g(1))*gamma(one+g(2))*gamma(one+g(3))/gamma(one+g(0))
784              	c(4)=g(4)/(e1*e2)**g(4)/gamma(one+g(4))
785              	if(g(3).gt.0) c(4)=c(4)/e3**g(4)
786              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'basicrad_init_ev: ending...'
787              	return
788              	end
790              !----------------------------------------------------------------------
791              !	theory_init:
792              !
793              ! Input spectral function(NOT called for H(e,e'p) or pion/kaon production!)
794              !
795              ! Note: Some flags that existed in old A(e,e'p) code (e.g. DD's version)
796              ! have been removed.  Code has been changed to correspond to the following
797              ! settings for the old flags:
798              !	norm_Ji_tail = 0
799 gaskelld 1.1 !	doing_Ji_tail = 0
800              !	Em_start_Ji_tail = 0.
801              !	fixed_gamma = .true.
803              	subroutine theory_init(success)
805              	implicit none
806              	include 'simulate.inc'
808              	real*8 Pm_values(ntheorymax), absorption
809              	integer m,n,iok
810              	logical success
812              ! ... open the file
813              	if ( nint(targ.A) .eq. 2) then
814              	  theory_file='h2.theory'
815              	else if ( nint(targ.A) .eq. 12) then
816              	  theory_file='c12.theory'
817              	else if ( nint(targ.A) .eq. 56) then
818              	  theory_file='fe56.theory'
819              	else if ( nint(targ.A) .eq. 197) then
820 gaskelld 1.1 	  theory_file='au197.theory'
821              	else
822              	  write(6,*) 'No Theory File (spectral function) for A = ',targ.A
823              	  write(6,*) 'Defaulting to c12.theory'
824              	  theory_file='c12.theory'
825              	endif
826              	open(unit=1,file=theory_file,status='old',readonly,shared,iostat=iok)
828              ! ... read in the theory file
829              	read(1,*,err=40) nrhoPm, absorption, E_Fermi
830              	do m=1, nrhoPm
831              	  read(1,*,err=40) nprot_theory(m), Em_theory(m), Emsig_theory(m),
832                   >		bs_norm_theory(m)
833              	  nprot_theory(m) = nprot_theory(m) * absorption
834              	enddo
835              	read(1,*,err=40) Pm_values(1),theory(1,1)
836              	do m=1, nrhoPm
837              	  n=2
838              	  read(1,*,err=40,end=50) Pm_values(2),theory(m,2)
839              	  do while (Pm_values(n).gt.Pm_values(n-1))
840              	    n=n+1
841 gaskelld 1.1 	    read(1,*,err=40,end=50) Pm_values(n),theory(m,n)
842              	  enddo
844              ! ........ figure out details of the Pm axes
845              50	  Pm_theory(m).n=n-1
846              	  Pm_theory(m).bin=Pm_values(2)-Pm_values(1)
847              	  Pm_theory(m).min=Pm_values(1)-Pm_theory(m).bin/2.
848              	  Pm_theory(m).max=Pm_values(Pm_theory(m).n)+Pm_theory(m).bin/2.
849              	  if (abs(Pm_theory(m).min+Pm_theory(m).bin*Pm_theory(m).n -
850              	1	Pm_theory(m).max) .gt. 0.1) then
851              		write(6,'(1x,''ERROR: theory_init found unequal Pm bins in distribution number '',i2,''!'')') m
852              		close(1)
853              		return
854              	  endif
856              ! ........ prepare for the next loop
857              	  Pm_values(1) = Pm_values(n)
858              	  theory(m+1,1) = theory(m,n)
859              	enddo
861              ! ... are we doing deuterium? (i.e. only using a 1D spectral function)
862 gaskelld 1.1 	doing_deuterium = nrhoPm.eq.1 .and. E_Fermi.lt.1.0
864              ! ... renormalize the momentum distributions
865              	do m=1, nrhoPm
866              	  do n=1, Pm_theory(m).n
867              	    theory(m,n) = theory(m,n)/bs_norm_theory(m)
868              	  enddo
869              	enddo
871              ! ... and calculate the integral of the Em distribution above E_Fermi to
872              ! ... renormalize
873              	if (doing_heavy) then
874              	  do m=1, nrhoPm
875              	    Em_int_theory(m) = 1.
876              	    Em_int_theory(m) = (pi/2. + atan((Em_theory(m)-E_Fermi)/
877                   >		(0.5*Emsig_theory(m))))/pi
878              	  enddo
879              	endif
881              ! ... we made it
882              	success=.true.
883 gaskelld 1.1 	close(1)
884              	return
886              ! ... oops
887              40	continue
888              	write(6,*) 'ERROR: theory_init failed to read in the theory file'
890              	return
891              	end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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