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   1 gaskelld 1.1 	program simc
   3              ! Last modified:
   4              !
   5              !	This program represents variations on themes by
   6              !		N. C. R. Makins (Argonne National Lab),
   7              !		T. G. O'Neill (Argonne National Lab), and
   8              !		Seemingly Countless Others (Virtually Everywhere).
   9              !
  10              	implicit none
  11              	include 'simulate_init.inc'
  12              	include 'histograms_init.inc'
  13              	include 'radc.inc'
  14              	include 'hbook.inc'
  15              	include 'sos/struct_sos.inc'
  16              	include 'hms/struct_hms.inc'
  17              	include 'hrsr/struct_hrsr.inc'
  18              	include 'hrsl/struct_hrsl.inc'
  19              	include 'shms/struct_shms.inc'
  21              	integer*4	i, ninform
  22 gaskelld 1.1 	real*8		r, sum_sigcc, tmpnum
  23              	real*8		domega_e, domega_p !populated e/hadron solid angles.
  24              	logical		success
  25              	logical		pass_cuts
  26              	character	filename*80, genfile*80, histfile*80, timestring1*23
  27              	character	timestring2*23,genifile*80
  28              	record /event/		vertex, vertex0, orig, recon
  29              	record /event_main/	main
  30              	record /contrib/	contrib
  31              	record /histograms/	H
  32              	record /event_central/	central
  33              	record /sums_twoarm/	sumerr, sumerr2, aveerr, resol
  35              	real*8 one
  36              	parameter (one=1.0d0)	!double precision 1 for subroutine calls
  38              	real*8 grnd
  39 gaskelld 1.4 	real*8 ang_targ_earm,ang_targ_parm
  40 gaskelld 1.1 
  41              ! INITIALIZE
  42              !-----------
  44              ! ... initialize histogram area for HBOOK
  46              	call hlimit(PawSize)
  48              ! ... read in the data base
  50              	call dbase_read(H)
  52              	if (debug(3)) write(6,*) 'Main after dbrd: p,e th',
  53                   >	    spec.p.theta,spec.e.theta,using_P_arm_montecarlo,using_E_arm_montecarlo
  55              ! ... open diagnostic ntuple file, if requested
  57              	i = index(base,' ')
  58              	if (Nntu.gt.0) then
  59              	  filename = 'worksim/'//base(1:i-1)//'.rzdat'
  60              	  call NtupleInit(filename)
  61 gaskelld 1.1 	endif
  63              ! ... set up some quantities that the radiative corrections routines will need
  64              ! ... N.B. Call this even if we're not using radiative corrections -- the
  65              ! ... target thicknesses seen by the incoming and
  66              ! ... scattered particles (in radiation lengths) are determined here, and
  67              ! ... are needed for the multiple scattering calculations
  68              ! ... done in the Monte Carlos.
  70              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'sim: calling radc_init'
  71              	call radc_init
  72              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'sim: done with radc_init'
  74              ! ... compute some quantities for a central event
  76              	call calculate_central(central,vertex0)
  77              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'sim: done with calc_central'
  78              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'central.sigcc=',central.sigcc
  79              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'sim: at 1'
  81              	targetfac=targ.mass_amu/3.75914d+6/(targ.abundancy/100.)
  82 gaskelld 1.1      >		*abs(cos(targ.angle))/(targ.thick*1000.)
  83              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'sim: at 2'
  85              ! ... Note: EXPER.charge is in mC and the luminosity comes out in fm^-2
  86              ! ...   now luminosity is in ub^-1
  88              	luminosity = EXPER.charge/targetfac
  89              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'sim: at 3'
  91              ! ... initialize the random number generator and number of attempts
  93              	r = grnd()
  94              	ntried = 0
  96 gaskelld 1.4 ! GAW - insert calls to initialize target field for both arms
  97              ! mkj 10-20-2003 add if statements to determine the angle magnitude
  98              !                and sign between target direction and e-arm or p-arm.
  99              !       
 100 gaskelld 1.6 	if(using_tgt_field) then
 101              	   if ( degrad*abs(targ_Bphi-spec.e.phi) < .01) then
 102              	      if (targ_Bangle .ge. spec.e.theta) then
 103              		 ang_targ_earm = -1*sin(spec.e.phi)*(targ_Bangle-spec.e.theta)
 104              	      else
 105              		 ang_targ_earm = +1*sin(spec.e.phi)*(spec.e.theta-targ_Bangle)
 106              	      endif
 107              	   elseif ( degrad*abs(targ_Bphi-spec.e.phi)-180.0 < .01) then 
 108              	      ang_targ_earm = +1*sin(spec.e.phi)*(targ_Bangle+spec.e.theta)
 109              	   else
 110              	      write(*,*) ' Error determining angle between target and e-arm'
 111              	      write(*,*) ' targ_Bangle =',targ_Bangle*degrad,' targ_Bphi =',targ_Bphi*degrad
 112              	      write(*,*) ' Central e-arm angle =',spec.e.theta*degrad,' e-arm phi =',spec.e.phi*degrad
 113              	   endif
 114              c
 115              	   if ( degrad*abs(targ_Bphi-spec.p.phi) < .01) then
 116              	      if (targ_Bangle .ge. spec.p.theta) then
 117              		 ang_targ_parm = -1*sin(spec.p.phi)*(targ_Bangle-spec.p.theta)
 118              	      else
 119              		 ang_targ_parm = +1*sin(spec.p.phi)*(targ_Bangle-spec.p.theta)
 120              	      endif
 121 gaskelld 1.6 	   elseif ( degrad*abs(targ_Bphi-spec.p.phi)-180.0  < .01) then 
 122              	      ang_targ_parm = +1*sin(spec.p.phi)*(targ_Bangle+spec.p.theta)
 123              	   else
 124              	      write(*,*) ' Error determining angle between target and p-arm'
 125              	      write(*,*) ' targ_Bangle =',targ_Bangle*degrad,' targ_Bphi =',targ_Bphi*degrad
 126              	      write(*,*) ' Central p-arm angle =',spec.p.theta*degrad,' p-arm phi =',spec.p.theta*degrad
 127              	   endif
 128 gaskelld 1.4 c
 129              	   write(*,*) ' targ_Bangle =',targ_Bangle*degrad,' targ_Bphi =',targ_Bphi*degrad
 130 gaskelld 1.6 	   write(*,*) ' Angle between target and e-arm',ang_targ_earm*degrad	
 131              	   write(*,*) ' Angle between target and p-arm',ang_targ_parm*degrad	
 132 gaskelld 1.4 c
 134 gaskelld 1.6 	   call trgInit(tgt_field_file,ang_targ_earm*degrad,0.,
 135              	1	ang_targ_parm*degrad,0.)
 136              	endif
 137 gaskelld 1.4 
 138 gaskelld 1.1 ! LOOP OVER SIMULATED EVENTS
 139              !---------------------------
 140              	write(6,*) ' '
 141              	call date (timestring1)
 142              	call time (timestring1(11:23))
 143              	nevent = 0
 144              	ninform = 1000
 145              	sum_sigcc = 0.0	!sum of main.sigcc (for generating ave sigcc)
 147              	do while (nevent.lt.abs(ngen))
 149              ! reset decay distance, initial hadron mass (modified if particle decays),
 150              ! and some ntuple variables.
 152              	  Mh2_final = Mh2
 153              	  ntup.radphot = 0.0
 154              	  ntup.radarm = 0.0
 155              	  decdist = 0.0		!decay distance.
 156              	  ntup.resfac = 0.0
 157              	  ntup.sigcm = 0.0
 158              	  ntup.krel = 0.0
 159 gaskelld 1.1 	  ntup.mm = 0.0
 160              	  ntup.mmA = 0.0
 161              	  ntup.t = 0.0
 163              ! Setup for this event
 165              ! ... keep the human interested
 167              	  ntried = ntried + 1
 169              	  if(debug(2)) then
 170                   	    write(6,*)'********************************************'
 171              	    write(6,*)'SIM:  ntried =',ntried
 172              	    write(6,*)'      ncontribute =',ncontribute
 173              	  endif
 175              	  if (mod(ntried,ninform).eq.1) then
 176              	    write (6,'(1x,a,i9,a,i8,a,e11.4)') 'Generating Event',
 177                   >		ntried, ' ... ', nevent,'  successes so far - Monitor:',
 178                   >		wtcontribute*luminosity/ntried
 179              	    if (ntried.ge.5000) ninform = 20000
 180 gaskelld 1.1 	  endif
 182              ! ... generate an event
 184              	  call generate(main,vertex,orig,success)
 185              	  if(debug(2)) write(6,*)'sim: after gen, success =',success
 187              ! Run the event through various manipulations, checking to see whether
 188              ! it made it at each stage
 190              ! ... run through spectrometers and check SP cuts
 192              	  if(debug(3)) write(6,*)'sim: before mc: orig.p.E =',orig.p.E
 193              	  if(success)call montecarlo(orig,main,recon,success)
 194              	  if(debug(2)) write(6,*)'sim: after mc, success =',success
 195 gaskelld 1.2 
 196 gaskelld 1.1 ! ... calculate everything else about the event
 198              	  if (success) then
 199              	    call complete_recon_ev(recon,success)
 200              	  endif
 201 gaskelld 1.2 
 202 gaskelld 1.1 	  if(debug(2)) write(6,*)'sim: after comp_ev, success =',success
 203              	  if(debug(5)) write(6,*) 'recon.Em,recon.Pm',recon.Em,recon.Pm
 204              ! ... calculate remaining pieces of the main structure
 206              	  if (success) call complete_main(.false.,main,vertex,vertex0,recon,success)
 207              ! ... Apply SPedge cuts to success if hard_cuts is set.
 209              	    pass_cuts = .not. (
 210                   >	      recon.e.delta .le. (SPedge.e.delta.min+slop.MC.e.delta.used) .or.
 211                   >	      recon.e.delta .ge. (SPedge.e.delta.max-slop.MC.e.delta.used) .or.
 212                   >	      recon.e.yptar .le. (SPedge.e.yptar.min+slop.MC.e.yptar.used) .or.
 213                   >	      recon.e.yptar .ge. (SPedge.e.yptar.max-slop.MC.e.yptar.used) .or.
 214                   >	      recon.e.xptar .le. (SPedge.e.xptar.min+slop.MC.e.xptar.used) .or.
 215                   >	      recon.e.xptar .ge. (SPedge.e.xptar.max-slop.MC.e.xptar.used) .or.
 216                   >	      recon.p.delta .le. (SPedge.p.delta.min+slop.MC.p.delta.used) .or.
 217                   >	      recon.p.delta .ge. (SPedge.e.delta.max-slop.MC.p.delta.used) .or.
 218                   >	      recon.p.yptar .le. (SPedge.p.yptar.min+slop.MC.p.yptar.used) .or.
 219                   >	      recon.p.yptar .ge. (SPedge.p.yptar.max-slop.MC.p.yptar.used) .or.
 220                   >	      recon.p.xptar .le. (SPedge.p.xptar.min+slop.MC.p.xptar.used) .or.
 221                   >	      recon.p.xptar .ge. (SPedge.p.xptar.max-slop.MC.p.xptar.used) )
 223 gaskelld 1.1 	  if (hard_cuts) then		!apply spec. limit and Em cuts.
 224              	    if (.not.pass_cuts) success = .false.
 225              	    if (doing_eep .and. (recon.Em .gt. cuts.Em.max)) success = .false.
 226              	  endif
 228              	  if (success) sum_sigcc = sum_sigcc + main.sigcc
 230              ! Em and Pm histos are NEW.  Check that they don't suffer from energy
 231              ! shifts (e.g. coulomb distortions - see update_range call in limits_update).
 233              	  if(ntried.gt.0)then
 234              	    call inc(H.geni.e.delta, vertex.e.delta, one)
 235              	    call inc(H.geni.e.yptar, vertex.e.yptar, one)
 236              	    call inc(H.geni.e.xptar, -vertex.e.xptar, one)
 237              	    call inc(H.geni.p.delta, vertex.p.delta, one)
 238              	    call inc(H.geni.p.yptar, vertex.p.yptar, one)
 239              	    call inc(H.geni.p.xptar, -vertex.p.xptar, one)
 240              	    call inc(H.geni.Em, vertex.Em, one)
 241              	    call inc(H.geni.Pm, vertex.Pm, one)
 242              	  endif
 244 gaskelld 1.1 	  if (success) then
 245              	    if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'sim: We have a success!'
 247              ! ... Output ntuple and histograms if passed all cuts, or if not using
 248              ! ... SPedge limits as hard cuts.
 250              ! ... increment the "experimental" spectrometer arm and "contribution"
 251              ! ... histograms
 252              	    call inc(H.RECON.e.delta, main.RECON.e.delta, main.weight)
 253              	    call inc(H.RECON.e.yptar, main.RECON.e.yptar, main.weight)
 254              	    call inc(H.RECON.e.xptar, main.RECON.e.xptar, main.weight)
 255              	    call inc(H.RECON.p.delta, main.RECON.p.delta, main.weight)
 256              	    call inc(H.RECON.p.yptar, main.RECON.p.yptar, main.weight)
 257              	    call inc(H.RECON.p.xptar, main.RECON.p.xptar, main.weight)
 258              	    call inc(H.RECON.Em, recon.Em, one)
 259              	    call inc(H.RECON.Pm, recon.Pm, one)
 260              	    call inc(H.gen.e.delta, vertex.e.delta, one)
 261              	    call inc(H.gen.e.yptar, vertex.e.yptar, one)
 262              	    call inc(H.gen.e.xptar, -vertex.e.xptar, one)
 263              	    call inc(H.gen.p.delta, vertex.p.delta, one)
 264              	    call inc(H.gen.p.yptar, vertex.p.yptar, one)
 265 gaskelld 1.1 	    call inc(H.gen.p.xptar, -vertex.p.xptar, one)
 266              	    call inc(H.gen.Em, vertex.Em, one)
 268              ! ... update counters and integrated weights AND keep track of resolution
 269              ! ...  FOR EVENTS INSIDE OF spectrometer population limits (events are only
 270              ! ...  generated to fill region inside of the given delta limits) and below
 271              ! ...  cuts.Em.max (used for elastic/quasielastic only).
 273              	    if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'sim: cut'
 275              	    ncontribute = ncontribute + 1
 276              	    if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'sim: ncontribute =',ncontribute
 277              	    if (.not.rad_proton_this_ev) ncontribute_no_rad_proton =
 278                   >			ncontribute_no_rad_proton + 1
 281              ! Using main.SP.e.delta means that we correct for eloss/coulomb, which we
 282              ! shouldn't do. Using vertex.e.delta means radiation counts as error in recon.
 285              ! For xptar/yptar, main.SP.e.xptar/yptar corrects for mult. scatt. --> USE VERTEX.
 286 gaskelld 1.1 
 287              ! For z, we HAVE to use main.SP.e.z, but there are not corrections, so USE MAIN.SP
 288              !  vertex.e.z is not defined (main.target.x/y/z --> y_E_arm
 289              !  (offsets and rotation)  --> spectrometer M.C. --> RECON.e.z 
 291              	    if (pass_cuts) then
 292              	      npasscuts = npasscuts + 1
 293              	      wtcontribute = wtcontribute + main.weight
 294              	      sumerr.e.delta = sumerr.e.delta + (recon.e.delta - main.SP.e.delta)
 295              	      sumerr.e.xptar = sumerr.e.xptar + (recon.e.xptar - vertex.e.xptar)
 296              	      sumerr.e.yptar = sumerr.e.yptar + (recon.e.yptar - vertex.e.yptar)
 297              	      sumerr.e.ytar  = sumerr.e.ytar  + (recon.e.z  - main.SP.e.z)
 298              	      sumerr.p.delta = sumerr.p.delta + (recon.p.delta - main.SP.p.delta)
 299              	      sumerr.p.xptar = sumerr.p.xptar + (recon.p.xptar - vertex.p.xptar)
 300              	      sumerr.p.yptar = sumerr.p.yptar + (recon.p.yptar - vertex.p.yptar)
 301              	      sumerr.p.ytar  = sumerr.p.ytar  + (recon.p.z  - main.SP.p.z)
 302              	      sumerr2.e.delta= sumerr2.e.delta + (recon.e.delta - main.SP.e.delta)**2
 303              	      sumerr2.e.xptar= sumerr2.e.xptar + (recon.e.xptar - vertex.e.xptar)**2
 304              	      sumerr2.e.yptar= sumerr2.e.yptar + (recon.e.yptar - vertex.e.yptar)**2
 305              	      sumerr2.e.ytar = sumerr2.e.ytar  + (recon.e.z  - main.SP.e.z)**2
 306              	      sumerr2.p.delta= sumerr2.p.delta + (recon.p.delta - main.SP.p.delta)**2
 307 gaskelld 1.1 	      sumerr2.p.xptar= sumerr2.p.xptar + (recon.p.xptar - vertex.p.xptar)**2
 308              	      sumerr2.p.yptar= sumerr2.p.yptar + (recon.p.yptar - vertex.p.yptar)**2
 309              	      sumerr2.p.ytar = sumerr2.p.ytar  + (recon.p.z  - main.SP.p.z)**2
 310              	    endif
 312              ! ... update the "contribution" and "slop" limits
 314              	    call limits_update(main,vertex,orig,recon,doing_deuterium,
 315                   >		doing_pion,doing_kaon,doing_delta,doing_rho,contrib,slop)
 318              	  endif ! <success>
 320              ! ... write out line to diagnostic ntuple file, if requested
 322              	  if (Nntu.gt.0) call results_ntu_write(main,vertex,orig,recon,success)
 324              ! END of LOOP over events
 325              ! Cute thing here, if ngen < 0, then just make |ngen| ATTEMPTS rather than
 326              ! insisting on ngen good events ... this is suitable for tests with new
 327              ! and uncertain parameters, you don't want the program fishing around all
 328 gaskelld 1.1 ! day for an event!
 330              	  if (ngen.lt.0) then
 331              	    nevent = nevent+1
 332              	  else
 333              	    if (success) nevent = nevent+1
 334              	  endif
 336              	enddo ! <loop over ntried>
 340              !-------------------------------------
 342              ! Our last event announcement ... and how long did it all take?
 343              	write (6,'(1x,''---> Last Event '',i9,'' ...'',i9,''  successes'')') ntried, nevent
 344              	call date (timestring2)
 345              	call time (timestring2(11:23))
 347              ! NORMALIZE!
 349 gaskelld 1.1 ! ... put in the luminosity and efficiency factors
 351              	normfac = luminosity/ntried*nevent
 353              ! ... multiply in the relevant phase spaces (see event.f for description
 354              ! ... of generated variables.  Electron angles for all cases.
 355              ! ... add hadron angles and electron energy for all but H(e,e'p).
 356              ! ... add hadron energy for A(e,e'p) (what about phase_space?)
 357              ! ... Cross sections are all in microbarn/MeV**i/sr**j (i,j depend on reaction)
 359              	domega_e=(gen.e.yptar.max-gen.e.yptar.min)*(gen.e.xptar.max-gen.e.xptar.min)
 360 gaskelld 1.2 	if(doing_rho) then
 361              	   domega_p = 4.*pi
 362              	else
 363              	   domega_p=(gen.p.yptar.max-gen.p.yptar.min)*(gen.p.xptar.max-gen.p.xptar.min)
 364              	endif
 365 gaskelld 1.1 
 366              	genvol = domega_e
 367              !	genvol_inclusive = genvol	!may want dOmega, or dE*dOmega
 369              ! ... 2-fold to 5-fold.
 370              	if (doing_deuterium.or.doing_heavy.or.doing_pion.or.doing_kaon
 371              	1    .or.doing_delta.or.doing_rho .or. doing_semi) then
 372              	  genvol = genvol * domega_p * (gen.e.E.max-gen.e.E.min)
 373              	endif
 375              	if (doing_heavy.or.doing_semi) then		!6-fold
 376              	  genvol = genvol * (gen.p.E.max-gen.p.E.min)	
 377              	endif
 379              	normfac = normfac * genvol
 380              	if (doing_phsp) normfac = 1.0
 381              	wtcontribute = wtcontribute*normfac
 383              ! Close diagnostic ntuple file, if used
 385              	if (Nntu.gt.0) call NtupleClose(filename)
 386 gaskelld 1.1 
 387              ! Calculate resolutions
 389              	if (npasscuts.gt.1) then
 390              	  tmpnum = dble(npasscuts)
 391              	  aveerr.e.delta = sumerr.e.delta/tmpnum
 392              	  aveerr.e.xptar = sumerr.e.xptar/tmpnum
 393              	  aveerr.e.yptar = sumerr.e.yptar/tmpnum
 394              	  aveerr.e.ytar  = sumerr.e.ytar /tmpnum
 395              	  aveerr.p.delta = sumerr.p.delta/tmpnum
 396              	  aveerr.p.xptar = sumerr.p.xptar/tmpnum
 397              	  aveerr.p.yptar = sumerr.p.yptar/tmpnum
 398              	  aveerr.p.ytar  = sumerr.p.ytar /tmpnum
 399              	  resol.e.delta = sqrt(max(0.,(sumerr2.e.delta/tmpnum) -
 400                   >				     (sumerr.e.delta/tmpnum)**2 ))
 401              	  resol.e.xptar = sqrt(max(0.,(sumerr2.e.xptar/tmpnum) -
 402                   >				     (sumerr.e.xptar/tmpnum)**2 ))
 403              	  resol.e.yptar = sqrt(max(0.,(sumerr2.e.yptar/tmpnum) -
 404                   >				     (sumerr.e.yptar/tmpnum)**2 ))
 405              	  resol.e.ytar  = sqrt(max(0.,(sumerr2.e.ytar/tmpnum) -
 406                   >				     (sumerr.e.ytar/tmpnum)**2 ))
 407 gaskelld 1.1 	  resol.p.delta = sqrt(max(0.,(sumerr2.p.delta/tmpnum) -
 408                   >				     (sumerr.p.delta/tmpnum)**2 ))
 409              	  resol.p.xptar = sqrt(max(0.,(sumerr2.p.xptar/tmpnum) -
 410                   >				     (sumerr.p.xptar/tmpnum)**2 ))
 411              	  resol.p.yptar = sqrt(max(0.,(sumerr2.p.yptar/tmpnum) -
 412                   >				     (sumerr.p.yptar/tmpnum)**2 ))
 413              	  resol.p.ytar  = sqrt(max(0.,(sumerr2.p.ytar/tmpnum) -
 414                   >				     (sumerr.p.ytar/tmpnum)**2 ))
 415              	endif
 417              !	write(6,9910) 'e- delta=',10.*aveerr.e.delta,10.*resol.e.delta,'x10^-3'
 418              !	write(6,9910) 'e- xptar=',1000.*aveerr.e.xptar,1000.*resol.e.xptar,'mr'
 419              !	write(6,9910) 'e- yptar=',1000.*aveerr.e.yptar,1000.*resol.e.yptar,'mr'
 420              !	write(6,9910) 'e- ytar =',10.*aveerr.e.ytar,10.*resol.e.ytar ,'mm'
 421              !	write(6,9910) 'p  delta=',10.*aveerr.p.delta,10.*resol.p.delta,'x10-3'
 422              !	write(6,9910) 'p  xptar=',1000.*aveerr.p.xptar,1000.*resol.p.xptar,'mr'
 423              !	write(6,9910) 'p  yptar=',1000.*aveerr.p.yptar,1000.*resol.p.yptar,'mr'
 424              !	write(6,9910) 'p  ytar =',10.*aveerr.p.ytar,10.*resol.p.ytar,'mm'
 425              !9910	format(1x,a10,2f10.3,3x,a)
 427              ! Produce output files
 428 gaskelld 1.1 
 429              900	if (ngen.eq.0) goto 1000
 431              ! ... the diagnostic histograms
 433              	i = index(base,' ')
 434              	genfile = ' '
 435              	write(genfile,'(a,''.gen'')') 'outfiles/'//base(1:i-1)
 436              	genifile = ' '
 437              	write(genifile,'(a,''.geni'')') 'outfiles/'//base(1:i-1)
 438              	histfile = ' '
 439              	write(histfile,'(a,''.hist'')') 'outfiles/'//base(1:i-1)
 440              	write(6,'(1x,''... writing '',a)') genfile
 442              	write(6,*) 'Come back soon!'
 444              	open(unit=7, file=genifile, status='unknown')
 445              	if (electron_arm.eq.1 .or. hadron_arm.eq.1) then
 446              	  write(7,*) 'HMS Trials:           ',hSTOP_trials
 447              	  write(7,*) 'Slit hor/vert/corners ',hSTOP_slit_hor,hSTOP_slit_vert,hSTOP_slit_oct
 448              	  write(7,*) 'Q1 entrance/mid/exit  ',hSTOP_Q1_in,hSTOP_Q1_mid,hSTOP_Q1_out
 449 gaskelld 1.1 	  write(7,*) 'Q2 entrance/mid/exit  ',hSTOP_Q2_in,hSTOP_Q2_mid,hSTOP_Q2_out
 450              	  write(7,*) 'Q3 entrance/mid/exit  ',hSTOP_Q3_in,hSTOP_Q3_mid,hSTOP_Q3_out
 451              	  write(7,*) 'Dipole entrance/exit  ',hSTOP_D1_in,hSTOP_D1_out
 452              	  write(7,*) 'Events reaching hut   ',hSTOP_hut
 453              	  write(7,*) 'DC1, DC2, Scin, Cal   ',hSTOP_dc1,hSTOP_dc2,hSTOP_scin,hSTOP_cal
 454              	  write(7,*) 'Successes             ',hSTOP_successes
 455              	  write(7,*)
 456              	endif
 457              	if (electron_arm.eq.2 .or. hadron_arm.eq.2) then
 458              	  write(7,*) 'SOS Trials:           ',sSTOP_trials
 459              	  write(7,*) 'Slit hor/vert/corners ',sSTOP_slit_vert,sSTOP_slit_hor,sSTOP_slit_oct
 460              	  write(7,*) 'Quad entrance/mid/exit',sSTOP_quad_in,sSTOP_quad_mid,sSTOP_quad_out
 461              	  write(7,*) 'D1 entrance/exit      ',sSTOP_bm01_in,sSTOP_bm01_out
 462              	  write(7,*) 'D2 entrance/exit      ',sSTOP_bm02_in,sSTOP_bm02_out
 463              	  write(7,*) 'Vacuum exit           ',sSTOP_exit
 464              	  write(7,*) 'Events reaching hut   ',sSTOP_hut
 465              	  write(7,*) 'DC1, DC2, Scin, Cal   ',sSTOP_dc1,sSTOP_dc2,sSTOP_scin,sSTOP_cal
 466              	  write(7,*) 'Successes             ',sSTOP_successes
 467              	  write(7,*) 
 468              	endif
 469              	if (electron_arm.eq.3 .or. hadron_arm.eq.3) then
 470 gaskelld 1.1 	  write(7,*) 'HRSr Trials:          ',rSTOP_trials
 471              	  write(7,*) 'Slit hor/vert         ',rSTOP_slit_vert,rSTOP_slit_hor
 472              	  write(7,*) 'Q1 entrance/mid/exit  ',rSTOP_Q1_in,rSTOP_Q1_mid,rSTOP_Q1_out
 473              	  write(7,*) 'Q2 entrance/mid/exit  ',rSTOP_Q2_in,rSTOP_Q2_mid,rSTOP_Q2_out
 474              	  write(7,*) 'Dipole entrance/exit  ',rSTOP_D1_in,rSTOP_D1_out
 475              	  write(7,*) 'Q3 entrance/mid/exit  ',rSTOP_Q3_in,rSTOP_Q3_mid,rSTOP_Q3_out
 476              	  write(7,*) 'Events reaching hut   ',rSTOP_hut
 477              	  write(7,*) 'VDC1, VDC2            ',rSTOP_dc1,rSTOP_dc2
 478              	  write(7,*) 'S1, S2, Cal	    ',rSTOP_s1,rSTOP_s2,rSTOP_cal
 479              	  write(7,*)
 480              	endif
 481              	if (electron_arm.eq.4 .or. hadron_arm.eq.4) then
 482              	  write(7,*) 'HRSl Trials:          ',lSTOP_trials
 483              	  write(7,*) 'Slit hor/vert         ',lSTOP_slit_vert,lSTOP_slit_hor
 484              	  write(7,*) 'Q1 entrance/mid/exit  ',lSTOP_Q1_in,lSTOP_Q1_mid,lSTOP_Q1_out
 485              	  write(7,*) 'Q2 entrance/mid/exit  ',lSTOP_Q2_in,lSTOP_Q2_mid,lSTOP_Q2_out
 486              	  write(7,*) 'Dipole entrance/exit  ',lSTOP_D1_in,lSTOP_D1_out
 487              	  write(7,*) 'Q3 entrance/mid/exit  ',lSTOP_Q3_in,lSTOP_Q3_mid,lSTOP_Q3_out
 488              	  write(7,*) 'Events reaching hut   ',lSTOP_hut
 489              	  write(7,*) 'VDC1, VDC2            ',lSTOP_dc1,lSTOP_dc2
 490              	  write(7,*) 'S1, S2, Cal	    ',lSTOP_s1,lSTOP_s2,lSTOP_cal
 491 gaskelld 1.1 	endif
 492              	if (electron_arm.eq.5 .or. hadron_arm.eq.5 .or.
 493                   >	    electron_arm.eq.6 .or. hadron_arm.eq.6) then
 494              	  write(7,*) 'SHMS Trials:          ',shmsSTOP_trials
 495              	  write(7,*) 'Slit hor/vert/corners ',shmsSTOP_slit_hor,shmsSTOP_slit_vert,shmsSTOP_slit_oct
 496              	  write(7,*) 'Q1 entrance/mid/exit  ',shmsSTOP_Q1_in,shmsSTOP_Q1_mid,shmsSTOP_Q1_out
 497              	  write(7,*) 'Q2 entrance/mid/exit  ',shmsSTOP_Q2_in,shmsSTOP_Q2_mid,shmsSTOP_Q2_out
 498              	  write(7,*) 'D1 entrance/mid/exit  ',shmsSTOP_D1_in,shmsSTOP_D1_mid,shmsSTOP_D1_out
 499              	  write(7,*) 'BP thingie in/out     ',shmsSTOP_BP_in,shmsSTOP_BP_out
 500              	  write(7,*) 'Events reaching hut   ',shmsSTOP_hut
 501              	  write(7,*) 'DC1, DC2, Scin, Cal   ',shmsSTOP_dc1,shmsSTOP_dc2
 502              	  write(7,*) 'S1, S2, S3, Cal       ',shmsSTOP_s1,shmsSTOP_s2,shmsSTOP_s3,shmsSTOP_cal
 503              	  write(7,*) 'Successes             ',shmsSTOP_successes
 504              	  write(7,*)
 505              	endif
 507              	close(7)
 509              	open(unit=7, file=genfile, status='unknown')
 511              	write(7,*) 'E arm Experimental Target Distributions:'
 512 gaskelld 1.1 	write(7,'(6a12)') 'delta','EXPERIM','yptar','EXPERIM','xptar','EXPERIM'
 513              	do i=1,nHbins
 514              	  write(7,'(3(1x,2(e11.4,1x)))')
 515                   >		H.RECON.e.delta.min+(i-0.5)*H.RECON.e.delta.bin,
 516                   >		H.RECON.e.delta.buf(i), H.RECON.e.yptar.min+(i-0.5)*
 517                   >		H.RECON.e.yptar.bin, H.RECON.e.yptar.buf(i),
 518                   >		H.RECON.e.xptar.min+(i-0.5)*H.RECON.e.xptar.bin,
 519                   >		H.RECON.e.xptar.buf(i)
 520              	enddo
 522              	write(7,*) 'P arm Experimental Target Distributions:'
 523              	write(7,'(6a12)') 'delta','EXPERIM','yptar','EXPERIM','xptar','EXPERIM'
 524              	do i=1,nHbins
 525              	  write(7,'(3(1x,2(e11.4,1x)))')
 526                   >		H.RECON.p.delta.min+(i-0.5)*H.RECON.p.delta.bin,
 527                   >		H.RECON.p.delta.buf(i), H.RECON.p.yptar.min+(i-0.5)*
 528                   >		H.RECON.p.yptar.bin, H.RECON.p.yptar.buf(i),
 529                   >		H.RECON.p.xptar.min+(i-0.5)*H.RECON.p.xptar.bin,
 530                   >		H.RECON.p.xptar.buf(i)
 531              	enddo
 533 gaskelld 1.1 	write(7,*) 'Distributions of Contributing E arm Events:'
 534              	write(7,'(6a12)') 'delta','CONTRIB','yuptar','CONTRIB','xptar','CONTRIB'
 535              	do i=1,nHbins
 536              	  write(7,'(3(1x,2(e11.4,1x)))')
 537                   >		H.gen.e.delta.min+(i-0.5)*H.gen.e.delta.bin,
 538                   >		H.gen.e.delta.buf(i), H.gen.e.yptar.min+(i-0.5)*
 539                   >		H.gen.e.yptar.bin, H.gen.e.yptar.buf(i),
 540                   >		H.gen.e.xptar.min+(i-0.5)*H.gen.e.xptar.bin, H.gen.e.xptar.buf(i)
 541              	enddo
 543              	write(7,*) 'Distributions of Contributing P arm Events:'
 544              	write(7,'(6a12)') 'delta','CONTRIB','yptar','CONTRIB','xptar','CONTRIB'
 545              	do i=1,nHbins
 546              	  write(7,'(3(1x,2(e11.4,1x)))')
 547                   >		H.gen.p.delta.min+(i-0.5)*H.gen.p.delta.bin,
 548                   >		H.gen.p.delta.buf(i), H.gen.p.yptar.min+(i-0.5)*
 549                   >		H.gen.p.yptar.bin, H.gen.p.yptar.buf(i),
 550                   >		H.gen.p.xptar.min+(i-0.5)*H.gen.p.xptar.bin, H.gen.p.xptar.buf(i)
 551              	enddo
 553              	write(7,*) 'Original E arm Events:'
 554 gaskelld 1.1 	write(7,'(6a12)') 'delta','ORIGIN','yptar','ORIGIN','xptar','ORIGIN'
 555              	do i=1,nHbins
 556              	  write(7,'(3(1x,2(e11.4,1x)))')
 557                   >		H.gen.e.delta.min+(i-0.5)*H.gen.e.delta.bin,
 558                   >		H.gen.e.delta.buf(i), H.gen.e.yptar.min+(i-0.5)*
 559                   >		H.gen.e.yptar.bin, H.geni.e.yptar.buf(i),
 560                   >		H.gen.e.xptar.min+(i-0.5)*H.gen.e.xptar.bin, H.geni.e.xptar.buf(i)
 561              	enddo
 563              	write(7,*) 'Original P arm Events:'
 564              	write(7,'(6a12)') 'delta','ORIGIN','yptar','ORIGIN','xptar','ORIGIN'
 565              	do i=1,nHbins
 566              	  write(7,'(3(1x,2(e11.4,1x)))')
 567                   >		H.geni.p.delta.min+(i-0.5)*H.geni.p.delta.bin,
 568                   >		H.geni.p.delta.buf(i), H.geni.p.yptar.min+(i-0.5)*
 569                   >		H.geni.p.yptar.bin, H.geni.p.yptar.buf(i),
 570                   >		H.geni.p.xptar.min+(i-0.5)*H.geni.p.xptar.bin, H.geni.p.xptar.buf(i)
 571              	enddo
 573              	write(7,*) 'Original Em/Pm distributions:'
 574              	write(7,'(4a12)') 'Em','ORIGIN','Pm','ORIGIN'
 575 gaskelld 1.1 	do i=1,nHbins
 576              	  write(7,'(3(1x,4(e11.4,1x)))')
 577                   >		H.geni.Em.min+(i-0.5)*H.geni.Em.bin,
 578                   >		H.geni.Em.buf(i), H.geni.Pm.min+(i-0.5)*
 579                   >		H.geni.Pm.bin, H.geni.Pm.buf(i)
 580              	enddo
 582              	close(7)
 584              ! Counters, etc report to the screen and to the diagnostic histogram file
 585              !	call report(6,timestring1,timestring2,central,contrib,sum_sigcc,aveerr,resol)
 586              	open(unit=7,file=histfile,status='unknown')
 587              	call report(7,timestring1,timestring2,central,contrib,sum_sigcc,aveerr,resol)
 588              	close(unit=7)
 590              1000	end
 592              !-------------------------------------------------------------------
 594              	subroutine inc(hist,val,weight)
 596 gaskelld 1.1 	implicit none
 597              	include 'histograms.inc'
 599              	integer*4		ibin
 600              	real*8			val, weight
 601              	record /hist_entry/	hist
 603              	ibin= nint(0.5+(val-hist.min)/hist.bin)
 604              	if(ibin.ge.1.and.ibin.le.nHbins)then
 605              	hist.buf(ibin) = hist.buf(ibin) + weight
 606              	endif
 608              	return
 609              	end
 611              !--------------------------------------------------------------------
 613              	subroutine report(iun,timestring1,timestring2,central,contrib,
 614                   >		sum_sigcc,aveerr,resol)
 616              	implicit none
 617 gaskelld 1.1 	include 'simulate.inc'
 618              	include 'radc.inc'
 619              	include 'brem.inc'
 621              	integer*4	iun
 622              	real*8		sum_sigcc
 623              	character*23	timestring1, timestring2
 624              	record /contrib/    contrib
 625              	record /event_central/ central
 626              	record /sums_twoarm/ aveerr, resol
 628              ! Output of diagnostics
 630              ! Run time
 631              	write(iun,'(/1x,''BEGIN Time: '',a23)') timestring1
 632              	write(iun,'(1x,''END Time:   '',a23)') timestring2
 634              ! Kinematics
 635              	write(iun,*) 'KINEMATICS:'
 636              	if (doing_eep) then
 637              	  if (doing_hyd_elast) then
 638 gaskelld 1.1 	    write(iun,*) '              ****--------  H(e,e''p)  --------****'
 639              	  else if (doing_deuterium) then
 640              	    write(iun,*) '              ****--------  D(e,e''p)  --------****'
 641              	  else if (doing_heavy) then
 642              	    write(iun,*) '              ****--------  A(e,e''p)  --------****'
 643              	  else
 644              	    stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what (e,e''p) we''re doing!!!'
 645              	  endif
 646              	else if (doing_semi) then 
 647              	   if (doing_semipi) then 
 648              	      if (targ.A .eq. 1) then 
 649              		 if(doing_hplus) then
 650              		    write(iun,*) ' ****--------  H(e,e''pi+)X  --------****'
 651              		 else
 652              		    write(iun,*) ' ****--------  H(e,e''pi-)X  --------****'
 653              		 endif
 654              	      elseif (targ.A .eq. 2) then
 655              		 if(doing_hplus) then
 656              		    write(iun,*) ' ****--------  D(e,e''pi+)X  --------****'
 657              		 else
 658              		    write(iun,*) ' ****--------  D(e,e''pi-)X  --------****'
 659 gaskelld 1.1 		 endif
 660              	      else
 661              		 stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what A(e,e''pi)X we''re doing!!!'
 662              	      endif
 663              	   else if (doing_semika) then  
 664              	      if (targ.A .eq. 1) then 
 665              		 if(doing_hplus) then
 666              		    write(iun,*) ' ****--------  H(e,e''k+)X  --------****'
 667              		 else
 668              		    write(iun,*) ' ****--------  H(e,e''k-)X  --------****'
 669              		 endif
 670              	      elseif (targ.A .eq. 2) then
 671              		 if(doing_hplus) then
 672              		    write(iun,*) ' ****--------  D(e,e''k+)X  --------****'
 673              		 else
 674              		    write(iun,*) ' ****--------  D(e,e''k-)X  --------****'
 675              		 endif
 676              	      else
 677              		 stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what A(e,e''k)X we''re doing!!!'
 678              	      endif
 679              	   else   
 680 gaskelld 1.1 	      stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what A(e,e''x)X we''re doing!!!'
 681                        endif         
 682              	else if (doing_rho) then
 683              	   if (targ.A .eq. 1) then
 684              	      write(iun,*) '              ****--------  H(e,e''rho)  --------****'
 685              	   else
 686              	      write(iun,*) 'I am not set up for anything else yet!'
 687              	   endif
 688              	else if (doing_delta) then
 689              	  if (doing_hyddelta) then
 690              	    write(6,*) ' ****--------  H(e,e''p)pi  --------****'
 691              	  else if (doing_deutpi) then
 692              	    write(6,*) ' ****--------  D(e,e''p)pi  --------****'
 693              	  else if (doing_hepi) then
 694              	    write(6,*) ' ****--------  A(e,e''p)pi  --------****'
 695              	  else
 696              	    stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what (e,e''p)pi we''re doing!!!'
 697              	  endif
 698              	else if (doing_pion) then
 699              	  if (doing_hydpi) then
 700              	    if (targ.A .eq. 1) then
 701 gaskelld 1.1 	      write(iun,*) '              ****--------  H(e,e''pi)  --------****'
 702              	    else if (targ.A .ge.3) then
 703              	      write(iun,*) '              ****--------  A(e,e''pi)  --------****'
 704              	    endif
 705              	  else if (doing_deutpi) then
 706              	    write(iun,*) '              ****--------  D(e,e''pi)  --------****'
 707              	  else if (doing_hepi) then
 708              	    write(iun,*) '              ****--------  A(e,e''pi)  --------****'
 709              	  else
 710              	    stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what (e,e''pi) we''re doing!!!'
 711              	  endif
 712              	  if (which_pion .eq. 0) then
 713              	    write(iun,*) '              ****----  Default Final State ----****'
 714              	  else if (which_pion .eq. 10) then
 715              	    write(iun,*) '              ****----  Final State is A+pi ----****'
 716              	  endif
 717              	else if (doing_kaon) then
 718              	  if (doing_hydkaon) then
 719              	    if (targ.A .eq. 1) then
 720              	      write(iun,*) '              ****--------  H(e,e''K)  --------****'
 721              	    else if (targ.A .ge.3) then
 722 gaskelld 1.1 	      write(iun,*) '              ****--------  A(e,e''K)  --------****'
 723              	    endif
 724              	  else if (doing_deutkaon) then
 725              	    write(iun,*) '              ****--------  D(e,e''K)  --------****'
 726              	  else if (doing_hekaon) then
 727              	    write(iun,*) '              ****--------  A(e,e''K)  --------****'
 728              	  else
 729              	    stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what (e,e''K) we''re doing!!!'
 730              	  endif
 731              	  if (which_kaon.eq.0) then
 732              	    write(iun,*) '              ****---- producing a LAMBDA ----****'
 733              	  else if (which_kaon.eq.1) then
 734              	    write(iun,*) '              ****---- producing a SIGMA0 ----****'
 735              	  else if (which_kaon.eq.2) then
 736              	    write(iun,*) '              ****---- producing a SIGMA- ----****'
 737              	  else if (which_kaon.eq.10) then
 738              	    write(iun,*) '              ****---- WITH BOUND LAMBDA  ----****'
 739              	  else if (which_kaon.eq.11) then
 740              	    write(iun,*) '              ****---- WITH BOUND SIGMA0  ----****'
 741              	  else if (which_kaon.eq.12) then
 742              	    write(iun,*) '              ****---- WITH BOUND SIGMA-  ----****'
 743 gaskelld 1.1 	  else
 744              	    stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what (e,e''K) we''re doing!!!'
 745              	  endif
 746              	else if (doing_phsp) then
 747              	  write(iun,*) '              ****--- PHASE SPACE - NO physics, NO radiation (may not work)---****'
 748              	else
 749              	  stop 'I don''t have ANY idea what we''re doing!!!'
 750              	endif
 752              	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',f15.4,2x,a10)') 'Ebeam', Ebeam, 'MeV'
 753              	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',f15.4,2x,a10)')
 754                   >		'(dE/E)beam', dEbeam/Ebeam, '(full wid)'
 755              	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',f15.4,2x,a10)') 'x-width', gen.xwid, 'cm'
 756              	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',f15.4,2x,a10)') 'y-width', gen.ywid, 'cm'
 757              	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',i15,2x,a16)')
 758                   >		'fr_pattern',targ.fr_pattern, '1=square,2=circ'
 759              	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',f15.4,2x,a10)') 'fr1', targ.fr1, 'cm'
 760              	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',f15.4,2x,a10)') 'fr2', targ.fr2, 'cm'
 762              	write(iun,*) ' '
 763              	write(iun,'(9x,18x,2(a15,2x))') '____E arm____','____P arm____'
 764 gaskelld 1.1 	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',2(f15.4,2x),2x,a5)') 'angle',
 765                   >		spec.e.theta*degrad, spec.p.theta*degrad, 'deg'
 766              	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',2(f15.4,2x),2x,a5)') 'momentum',
 767                   >		spec.e.p, spec.p.p, 'MeV/c'
 769              	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',2(f15.4,2x),2x,a5)') 'x offset',
 770                   >		spec.e.offset.x, spec.p.offset.x, 'cm'
 771              	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',2(f15.4,2x),2x,a5)') 'y offset',
 772                   >		spec.e.offset.y, spec.p.offset.y, 'cm'
 773              	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',2(f15.4,2x),2x,a5)') 'z offset',
 774                   >		spec.e.offset.z, spec.p.offset.z, 'cm'
 775              	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',2(f15.4,2x),2x,a5)') 'xptar offset',
 776                   >		spec.e.offset.xptar, spec.p.offset.xptar, 'mr'
 777              	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',2(f15.4,2x),2x,a5)') 'yptar offset',
 778                   >		spec.e.offset.yptar, spec.p.offset.yptar, 'mr'
 780              	write(iun,*) '                      VALUES FOR "CENTRAL" EVENT:'
 781              	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',2(f15.4,2x),2x,a5)') 'delta',
 782                   >		central.e.delta, central.p.delta, '%'
 783              	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',2(f15.4,2x),2x,a5)') 'xptar',
 784                   >		central.e.xptar, central.p.xptar, 'mr'
 785 gaskelld 1.1 	write(iun,'(9x,a12,'' = '',2(f15.4,2x),2x,a5)') 'yptar',
 786                   >		central.e.yptar, central.p.yptar, 'mr'
 788              	write(iun,'(17x,a10,'' = '',f15.4,2x,a9)') 'Q2',central.Q2/1.d6,'(GeV/c)^2'
 789              	write(iun,'(17x,a10,'' = '',f15.4,2x,a9)') 'q', central.q, 'MeV/c'
 790              	write(iun,'(17x,a10,'' = '',f15.4,2x,a9)') 'nu',
 791                   >		central.nu, 'MeV'
 792              	write(iun,'(17x,a10,'' = '',f15.4,2x,a9)') 'recon Em', central.Em, 'MeV'
 793              	write(iun,'(17x,a10,'' = '',f15.4,2x,a9)') 'recon Pm', central.Pm, 'MeV/c'
 794              	write(iun,'(17x,a10,'' = '',f15.4,2x,a9)') 'recon  W', central.W, 'MeV/c'
 795              	write(iun,'(17x,a10,'' = '',f15.4,2x,a9)') 'recon MM', central.MM, 'MeV/c'
 797              ! Target
 798              	write(iun,*) 'TARGET specs:'
 799              9911	format(2x,2(5x,a10,' = ',e12.6,1x,a5))
 800              	write(iun,9911) 'A', targ.A, ' ', 'Z', targ.Z, ' '
 801              	write(iun,9911) 'mass', targ.mass_amu, 'amu', 'mass', targ.M,'MeV'
 802              	write(iun,9911) 'Mrec', targ.mrec_amu, 'amu', 'Mrec', targ.Mrec,'MeV'
 803              	write(iun,9911) 'Mtar_struc',targ.Mtar_struck,'MeV',
 804                   >		'Mrec_struc',targ.Mrec_struck,'MeV'
 805              	write(iun,9911) 'rho', targ.rho, 'g/cm3', 'thick', targ.thick,'g/cm2'
 806 gaskelld 1.1 	write(iun,9911) 'angle', targ.angle*degrad, 'deg', 'abundancy',
 807                   >		targ.abundancy, '%'
 808              	write(iun,9911) 'X0', targ.X0, 'g/cm2', 'X0_cm', targ.X0_cm,'cm'
 809              	write(iun,9911) 'length',targ.length,'cm','zoffset',targ.zoffset,'cm'
 810              	write(iun,9911) 'xoffset',targ.xoffset,'cm','yoffset',targ.yoffset,'cm'
 811              	write(iun,'(t12,3a15)') '__ave__', '__lo__', '__hi__'
 812              9912	format(1x,a15,3f15.5,2x,a6)
 813              	write(iun,9912) 'Coulomb', targ.Coulomb.ave, targ.Coulomb.min,
 814                   >		targ.Coulomb.max, 'MeV'
 815              	write(iun,9912) 'Eloss_beam', targ.Eloss(1).ave,
 816                   >		targ.Eloss(1).min, targ.Eloss(1).max, 'MeV'
 817              	write(iun,9912) 'Eloss_e', targ.Eloss(2).ave, targ.Eloss(2).min,
 818                   >		targ.Eloss(2).max, 'MeV'
 819              	write(iun,9912) 'Eloss_p', targ.Eloss(3).ave, targ.Eloss(3).min,
 820                   >		targ.Eloss(3).max, 'MeV'
 821              	write(iun,9912) 'teff_beam', targ.teff(1).ave, targ.teff(1).min,
 822                   >		targ.teff(1).max, 'radlen'
 823              	write(iun,9912) 'teff_e', targ.teff(2).ave, targ.teff(2).min,
 824                   >		targ.teff(2).max, 'radlen'
 825              	write(iun,9912) 'teff_p', targ.teff(3).ave, targ.teff(3).min,
 826                   >		targ.teff(3).max, 'radlen'
 827 gaskelld 1.1 9913	format(1x,a15,t25,f15.5,2x,a6)
 828              	write(iun,9913) 'musc_nsig_max', targ.musc_nsig_max, ' '
 829              	write(iun,9913) 'musc_max_beam', targ.musc_max(1)*1000., 'mr'
 830              	write(iun,9913) 'musc_max_e', targ.musc_max(2)*1000., 'mr'
 831              	write(iun,9913) 'musc_max_p', targ.musc_max(3)*1000., 'mr'
 833              ! Flags
 834              	write(iun,*) 'FLAGS:'
 835              	write(iun,'(5x,3(2x,a19,''='',l2))') 'doing_eep', doing_eep,
 836                   >		'doing_kaon', doing_kaon, 'doing_pion', doing_pion
 837              	write(iun,'(5x,3(2x,a19,''='',l2))') 'doing_semi', doing_semi,
 838                   >		'doing_rho', doing_rho, 'doing_hplus', doing_hplus
 839              	write(iun,'(5x,2(2x,a19,''='',l2))') 'doing_semipi',doing_semipi,
 840                   >		'doing_semika', doing_semika
 841              	write(iun,'(5x,2(2x,a19,''='',l2))') 'doing_delta',doing_delta,
 842                   >		'doing_phsp', doing_phsp
 843              	write(iun,'(5x,2(2x,a19,''='',l2))') 'which_pion', which_pion,
 844                   >		'which_kaon', which_kaon
 845              	write(iun,'(5x,3(2x,a19,''='',l2))') 'doing_hyd_elast', doing_hyd_elast,
 846                   >		'doing_deuterium', doing_deuterium, 'doing_heavy', doing_heavy
 847              	write(iun,'(5x,3(2x,a19,''='',l2))') 'doing_hydpi', doing_hydpi,
 848 gaskelld 1.1      >          'doing_deutpi', doing_deutpi, 'doing_hepi', doing_hepi
 849              	write(iun,'(5x,3(2x,a19,''='',l2))') 'doing_hydkaon', doing_hydkaon,
 850                   >		'doing_deutkaon', doing_deutkaon, 'doing_hekaon', doing_hekaon
 851              	write(iun,'(5x,3(2x,a19,''='',l2))') 'doing_hydsemi', doing_hydsemi,
 852                   >          'doing_deutsemi', doing_deutsemi, 'do_fermi', do_fermi
 853              	write(iun,'(5x,3(2x,a19,''='',l2))') 'doing_hydrho', doing_hydrho,
 854                   >          'doing_deutrho', doing_deutrho, 'doing_herho', doing_herho
 855              	write(iun,'(5x,(2x,a19,''='',l2),2(2x,a19,''='',i2))') 'mc_smear',
 856                   >		mc_smear,'electron_arm',electron_arm,'hadron_arm',hadron_arm
 857              	write(iun,'(5x,3(2x,a19,''='',l2)))') 'using_Eloss', using_Eloss,
 858                   >		'using_Coulomb',using_Coulomb,'deForest_flag',deForest_flag
 859              	write(iun,'(5x,3(2x,a19,''='',l2)))') 'correct_Eloss', correct_Eloss,
 860                   >		'correct_raster',correct_raster, 'doing_decay', doing_decay
 861              	write(iun,'(5x,2(2x,a19,''='',l2))') 
 862                   >		'using_E_arm_montecarlo', using_E_arm_montecarlo,
 863                   >		'using_P_arm_montecarlo', using_P_arm_montecarlo
 864              	if (electron_arm.eq.5 .or. hadron_arm.eq.5 .or.
 865                   >	    electron_arm.eq.6 .or. hadron_arm.eq.6)
 866                   >	    write(iun,'(7x,a19,''='',l2)') 'use_first_cer',use_first_cer
 867              	write(iun,'(7x,a11,''='',f10.3,a4)') 'ctau',ctau,'cm'
 869 gaskelld 1.1 ! Counters
 870              	write(iun,*) 'COUNTERS:'
 871              	write(iun,'(12x,''Ngen (request) = '',i10)') ngen
 872              	write(iun,'(12x,''Ntried         = '',i10)') ntried
 873              	write(iun,'(12x,''Ncontribute    = '',i10)') ncontribute
 874              	write(iun,'(12x,''Nco_no_rad_prot= '',i10)') ncontribute_no_rad_proton
 875              	write(iun,'(12x,''-> %no_rad_prot= '',f10.3)')
 876                   >		(100.*ncontribute_no_rad_proton/max(dble(ncontribute),0.1d0))
 877              	write(iun,'(/1x,''INTEGRATED WEIGHTS (number of counts in delta/Em cuts!):'')')
 878              	write(iun,'(1x,''              MeV: wtcontr= '',e16.8)') wtcontribute/nevent
 880              ! Radiative corrections
 881              	write(iun,*) 'RADIATIVE CORRECTIONS:'
 882              	if (.not.using_rad) then
 883              	  write(iun,'(x,a14,''='',l3)') 'using_rad', using_rad
 884              	else
 885              	  write(iun,'(4(x,a14,''='',l3))') 'use_expon',use_expon,
 886                   >		'include_hard',include_hard,'calc_spence',calculate_spence
 887              	  write(iun,'(2(x,a14,''='',l3))') 'using_rad', using_rad,
 888                   >		'use_offshell_rad', use_offshell_rad
 889              	  write(iun,'(4(x,a14,''='',i3))') 'rad_flag',rad_flag,
 890 gaskelld 1.1      >		'extrad_flag', extrad_flag, 'one_tail', one_tail,
 891                   >		'intcor_mode', intcor_mode
 892              	  write(iun,'(x,a14,''='',f11.3)') 'dE_edge_test',dE_edge_test
 893              	  write(iun,'(x,a14,''='',f11.3)') 'Egamma_max', Egamma_tot_max
 895              9914	  format(1x,a18,' = ',4f11.3)
 896              	  write(iun,*) 'Central Values:'
 897              	  write(iun,9914) 'hardcorfac', central.rad.hardcorfac
 898              	  write(iun,9914) 'etatzai', central.rad.etatzai
 899              	  write(iun,9914) 'frac(1:3)', central.rad.frac
 900              	  write(iun,9914) 'lambda(1:3)', central.rad.lambda
 901              	  write(iun,9914) 'bt(1:2)', central.rad.bt
 902              	  write(iun,9914) 'c_int(0:3)', central.rad.c_int
 903              	  write(iun,9914) 'c_ext(0:3)', central.rad.c_ext
 904              	  write(iun,9914) 'c(0:3)', central.rad.c
 905              	  write(iun,9914) 'g_int', central.rad.g_int
 906              	  write(iun,9914) 'g_ext', central.rad.g_ext
 907              	  write(iun,9914) 'g(0:3)', central.rad.g
 908              	endif
 910              ! Miscellaneous
 911 gaskelld 1.1 	write(iun,*) 'MISCELLANEOUS:'
 912              9915	format(12x,a14,' = ',e16.6,1x,a6)
 913              	write(iun,*) 'Note that central.sigcc is for central delta,theta,phi in both spectrometers'
 914              	write(iun,*) ' and may give non-physical kinematics, esp. for Hydrogen'
 915              	write(iun,*) 'Note also that AVE.sigcc is really AVER.weight (the two arenot exactly equal)'
 916              	write(iun,9915) 'CENTRAL.sigcc', central.sigcc, ' '
 917              	write(iun,9915) 'AVERAGE.sigcc', sum_sigcc/nevent, ' '
 918              	write(iun,9915) 'charge', EXPER.charge, 'mC'
 919              	write(iun,9915) 'targetfac', targetfac, ' '
 920              	write(iun,9915) 'luminosity', luminosity, 'ub^-1'
 921              	write(iun,9915) 'luminosity', luminosity*(hbarc/100000.)**2, 'GeV^2'
 922              	write(iun,9915) 'genvol', genvol, ' '
 923              	write(iun,9915) 'normfac', normfac, ' '
 924              9916	format(12x,a14,' = ',f6.1,' to ',f6.1,' in ',i4,' bins of ',f7.2,1x,a5)
 925              	if (doing_heavy) then
 926              	  write(iun,'(12x,''Theory file:  '',a)')
 927                   >		theory_file(1:index(theory_file,' ')-1)
 928              	endif
 930              ! Resolution summary
 932 gaskelld 1.1 	write(iun,*) 'RECON SUMMARY:            Ave.Error   Resolution'
 933                      write(iun,99165) 'Electron arm: delta =',10.*aveerr.e.delta,10.*resol.e.delta,'x10^-3'
 934                      write(iun,99165) 'xptar =',1000.*aveerr.e.xptar,1000.*resol.e.xptar,'mr'
 935                      write(iun,99165) 'yptar =',1000.*aveerr.e.yptar,1000.*resol.e.yptar,'mr'
 936                      write(iun,99165) 'ytar  =',10.*aveerr.e.ytar,10.*resol.e.ytar ,'mm'
 937                      write(iun,99165) 'Hadron arm:   delta =',10.*aveerr.p.delta,10.*resol.p.delta,'x10-3'
 938                      write(iun,99165) 'xptar =',1000.*aveerr.p.xptar,1000.*resol.p.xptar,'mr'
 939                      write(iun,99165) 'yptar =',1000.*aveerr.p.yptar,1000.*resol.p.yptar,'mr'
 940                      write(iun,99165) 'ytar  =',10.*aveerr.p.ytar,10.*resol.p.ytar,'mm'
 941              99165    format(2x,a22,2f12.5,2x,a)
 944              ! Input spectrometer limits.
 946              	write(iun,*) 'Input Spectrometer Limits:'
 947              	write(iun,'(9x,a25,'' = '',2(2x,f15.4),a5)') 'SPedge.e.delta.min/max',
 948                   >		SPedge.e.delta.min,SPedge.e.delta.max,'%'
 949              	write(iun,'(9x,a25,'' = '',2(2x,f15.4),a5)') 'SPedge.e.yptar.min/max',
 950                   >		SPedge.e.yptar.min,SPedge.e.yptar.max,'rad'
 951              	write(iun,'(9x,a25,'' = '',2(2x,f15.4),a5)') 'SPedge.e.xptar.min/max',
 952                   >		SPedge.e.xptar.min,SPedge.e.xptar.max,'rad'
 953 gaskelld 1.1 	write(iun,'(9x,a25,'' = '',2(2x,f15.4),a5)') 'SPedge.p.delta.min/max',
 954                   >		SPedge.p.delta.min,SPedge.p.delta.max,'%'
 955              	write(iun,'(9x,a25,'' = '',2(2x,f15.4),a5)') 'SPedge.p.yptar.min/max',
 956                   >		SPedge.p.yptar.min,SPedge.p.yptar.max,'rad'
 957              	write(iun,'(9x,a25,'' = '',2(2x,f15.4),a5)') 'SPedge.p.xptar.min/max',
 958                   >		SPedge.p.xptar.min,SPedge.p.xptar.max,'rad'
 961              ! Edges used in generation and checking, as well as range of events found
 962              ! to contribute within those edges
 964              ! ... on GENERATED qties
 965              	write(iun,*) 'Limiting VERTEX values (vertex.e/p.*,Em,Pm,Trec)'
 966              	write(iun,*) '   USED limits are gen.e/p.*, and VERTEXedge.Em,Pm,Trec'
 967              	write(iun,'(t25,2x,a16,2x,t50,2x,a16,2x)') '______used______',
 968                   >		'_____found______'
 969              	write(iun,'(t25,2a10,t50,2a10)') 'min','max', 'lo', 'hi'
 970              9917	format(1x,a18,t21,2f12.3,t50,2f10.3,2x,a5)
 971              	write(iun,9917) 'E arm  delta', gen.e.delta.min, gen.e.delta.max,
 972                   >		contrib.gen.e.delta.lo, contrib.gen.e.delta.hi, '%'
 973              	write(iun,9917) 'E arm  yptar', gen.e.yptar.min*1000.,
 974 gaskelld 1.1      >		gen.e.yptar.max*1000.,
 975                   >		contrib.gen.e.yptar.lo*1000., contrib.gen.e.yptar.hi*1000.,'mr'
 976              	write(iun,9917) 'E arm  xptar', gen.e.xptar.min*1000.,
 977                   >		gen.e.xptar.max*1000.,
 978                   >		contrib.gen.e.xptar.lo*1000., contrib.gen.e.xptar.hi*1000.,'mr'
 979              	write(iun,9917) 'P arm  delta', gen.p.delta.min, gen.p.delta.max,
 980                   >		contrib.gen.p.delta.lo, contrib.gen.p.delta.hi, '%'
 981              	write(iun,9917) 'P arm  yptar', gen.p.yptar.min*1000.,
 982                   >		gen.p.yptar.max*1000.,
 983                   >		contrib.gen.p.yptar.lo*1000., contrib.gen.p.yptar.hi*1000.,'mr'
 984              	write(iun,9917) 'P arm  xptar', gen.p.xptar.min*1000.,
 985                   >		gen.p.xptar.max*1000.,
 986                   >		contrib.gen.p.xptar.lo*1000., contrib.gen.p.xptar.hi*1000.,'mr'
 987              	write(iun,9917) 'sumEgen', gen.sumEgen.min, gen.sumEgen.max,
 988                   >		contrib.gen.sumEgen.lo, contrib.gen.sumEgen.hi, 'MeV'
 990              ! ... on VERTEX qties
 991              !	write(iun,*) 'Limiting VERTEX values:'
 992              !	write(iun,'(t25,2x,a16,2x,t50,2x,a16,2x)')
 993              !     >		'______used______', '_____found______'
 994              !	write(iun,'(t25,2a10,t50,2a10)') 'min','max', 'lo', 'hi'
 995 gaskelld 1.1 	write(iun,9917) 'Trec', VERTEXedge.Trec.min, VERTEXedge.Trec.max,
 996                   >		contrib.vertex.Trec.lo, contrib.vertex.Trec.hi, 'MeV'
 997              	write(iun,9917) 'Em', VERTEXedge.Em.min, VERTEXedge.Em.max,
 998                   >		contrib.vertex.Em.lo, contrib.vertex.Em.hi, 'MeV'
 999              	write(iun,9917) 'Pm', VERTEXedge.Pm.min, VERTEXedge.Pm.max,
1000                   >		contrib.vertex.Pm.lo, contrib.vertex.Pm.hi, 'MeV/c'
1001              	  if ((doing_deuterium .or. doing_pion .or. doing_kaon .or. doing_delta) .and. using_rad)
1002                   >	    write(iun,*) '      *** NOTE: sumEgen.min only used in GENERATE_RAD'
1004              ! ... on TRUE qties
1005              	write(iun,*) 'Limiting ORIGINAL values: orig.e/p.*,Em,Pm,Trec (no edge.* limits for Pm,Trec)'
1006              	write(iun,'(t25,2x,a16,2x,t50,2x,a16,2x)')
1007                   >		'______used______', '_____found______'
1008              	write(iun,'(t25,2a10,t50,2a10)') 'min','max', 'lo', 'hi'
1009              	write(iun,9917) 'E arm   E', edge.e.E.min, edge.e.E.max,
1010                   >		contrib.tru.e.E.lo, contrib.tru.e.E.hi, 'MeV'
1011              	write(iun,9917) 'E arm  yptar', edge.e.yptar.min*1000.,
1012                   >		edge.e.yptar.max*1000.,
1013                   >		contrib.tru.e.yptar.lo*1000., contrib.tru.e.yptar.hi*1000.,'mr'
1014              	write(iun,9917) 'E arm  xptar', edge.e.xptar.min*1000., edge.e.xptar.max*1000.,
1015                   >		contrib.tru.e.xptar.lo*1000., contrib.tru.e.xptar.hi*1000., 'mr'
1016 gaskelld 1.1 	write(iun,9917) 'P arm      E', edge.p.E.min, edge.p.E.max,
1017                   >		contrib.tru.p.E.lo, contrib.tru.p.E.hi, 'MeV'
1018              	write(iun,9917) 'P arm  yptar', edge.p.yptar.min*1000.,
1019                   >		edge.p.yptar.max*1000.,
1020                   >		contrib.tru.p.yptar.lo*1000., contrib.tru.p.yptar.hi*1000.,'mr'
1021              	write(iun,9917) 'P arm  xptar', edge.p.xptar.min*1000., edge.p.xptar.max*1000.,
1022                   >		contrib.tru.p.xptar.lo*1000., contrib.tru.p.xptar.hi*1000., 'mr'
1023              	write(iun,9917) 'Em', max(-999999.999d0,edge.Em.min), min(999999.999d0,edge.Em.max),
1024                   >		contrib.tru.Em.lo, contrib.tru.Em.hi, 'MeV'
1025              	write(iun,9917) 'Pm', 0., 0., contrib.tru.Pm.lo,
1026                   >		contrib.tru.Pm.hi, 'MeV'
1027              	write(iun,9917) 'Trec', 0., 0., contrib.tru.Trec.lo,
1028                   >		contrib.tru.Trec.hi, 'MeV'
1030              ! ... on SPECTROMETER qties
1031              	write(iun,*) 'Limiting SPECTROMETER values'
1032              	write(iun,'(t25,2x,a16,2x,t50,2x,a16,2x)')
1033                   >		'______used______', '_____found______'
1034              	write(iun,'(t25,2a10,t50,2a10)') 'min','max', 'lo', 'hi'
1035              	write(iun,9917) 'E arm delta', SPedge.e.delta.min,
1036                   >		SPedge.e.delta.max, contrib.SP.e.delta.lo,
1037 gaskelld 1.1      >		contrib.SP.e.delta.hi, '%'
1038              	write(iun,9917) 'E arm  yptar', SPedge.e.yptar.min*1000.,
1039                   >		SPedge.e.yptar.max*1000.,
1040                   >		contrib.SP.e.yptar.lo*1000., contrib.SP.e.yptar.hi*1000., 'mr'
1041              	write(iun,9917) 'E arm  xptar', SPedge.e.xptar.min*1000.,
1042                   >		SPedge.e.xptar.max*1000.,
1043                   >		contrib.SP.e.xptar.lo*1000., contrib.SP.e.xptar.hi*1000., 'mr'
1044              	write(iun,9917) 'P arm  delta', SPedge.p.delta.min,
1045                   >		SPedge.p.delta.max, contrib.SP.p.delta.lo,
1046                   >		contrib.SP.p.delta.hi, '%'
1047              	write(iun,9917) 'P arm  yptar', SPedge.p.yptar.min*1000.,
1048                   >		SPedge.p.yptar.max*1000.,
1049                   >		contrib.SP.p.yptar.lo*1000., contrib.SP.p.yptar.hi*1000., 'mr'
1050              	write(iun,9917) 'P arm  xptar', SPedge.p.xptar.min*1000.,
1051                   >		SPedge.p.xptar.max*1000.,
1052                   >		contrib.SP.p.xptar.lo*1000., contrib.SP.p.xptar.hi*1000., 'mr'
1054              ! ... on RADIATION qties
1055              	if (using_rad) then
1056              	  write(iun,*) 'Limiting RADIATION values CONTRIBUTING to the (Em,Pm) distributions:'
1057              	  write(iun,'(t25,2x,a16,2x,t50,2x,a16,2x)')
1058 gaskelld 1.1      >		'______used______', '_____found______'
1059              	  write(iun,'(t25,2a10,t50,2a10)') 'min','max', 'lo', 'hi'
1060              	  write(iun,9917) 'Egamma(1)', 0., Egamma1_max,
1061                   >		contrib.rad.Egamma(1).lo, contrib.rad.Egamma(1).hi, 'MeV'
1062              	  write(iun,9917) 'Egamma(2)', 0., Egamma2_max, contrib.rad.Egamma(2).lo,
1063                   >		contrib.rad.Egamma(2).hi, 'MeV'
1064              	  write(iun,9917) 'Egamma(3)', 0., Egamma3_max, contrib.rad.Egamma(3).lo,
1065                   >		contrib.rad.Egamma(3).hi, 'MeV'
1066              	  write(iun,9917) 'Egamma_total', 0., Egamma_tot_max,
1067                   >		contrib.rad.Egamma_total.lo, contrib.rad.Egamma_total.hi,'MeV'
1068              	endif
1070              ! ... on slops
1071              	write(iun,*) 'ACTUAL and LIMITING SLOP values used/obtained:'
1072              	write(iun,'(t25,3a10)') '__used__', '__min__', '__max__'
1073              9918	format(1x,a10,a12,t25,3f10.3,2x,a5)
1074              	write(iun,9918) 'slop.MC  ', 'E arm delta', slop.MC.e.delta.used,
1075                   >		slop.MC.e.delta.lo, slop.MC.e.delta.hi, '%'
1076              	write(iun,9918) ' ', 'E arm yptar', slop.MC.e.yptar.used*1000.,
1077                   >		slop.MC.e.yptar.lo*1000., slop.MC.e.yptar.hi*1000., 'mr'
1078              	write(iun,9918) ' ', 'E arm xptar', slop.MC.e.xptar.used*1000.,
1079 gaskelld 1.1      >		slop.MC.e.xptar.lo*1000., slop.MC.e.xptar.hi*1000., 'mr'
1080              	write(iun,9918) ' ', 'P arm delta', slop.MC.p.delta.used,
1081                   >		slop.MC.p.delta.lo, slop.MC.p.delta.hi, '%'
1082              	write(iun,9918) ' ', 'P arm yptar', slop.MC.p.yptar.used*1000.,
1083                   >		slop.MC.p.yptar.lo*1000., slop.MC.p.yptar.hi*1000., 'mr'
1084              	write(iun,9918) ' ', 'P arm xptar', slop.MC.p.xptar.used*1000.,
1085                   >		slop.MC.p.xptar.lo*1000., slop.MC.p.xptar.hi*1000., 'mr'
1086              	write(iun,9918) 'slop.total', 'Em', slop.total.Em.used,
1087                   >		slop.total.Em.lo, slop.total.Em.hi, 'MeV'
1088              	write(iun,9918) ' ', 'Pm', 0., slop.total.Pm.lo,
1089                   >		slop.total.Pm.hi, 'MeV/c'
1091              	write(iun,'(/)')
1092              	return
1093              	end
1095              !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1097              	subroutine calculate_central(central,vertex0)
1099              	implicit none
1100 gaskelld 1.1 	include 'simulate.inc'
1101              	include 'radc.inc'
1103              	integer i
1104              	real*8 m_spec
1105              	logical success
1106              	record /event_main/	main0
1107              	record /event/		vertex0, recon0
1108              	record /event_central/	central
1110              ! JRA 2002:  Redo this so that central values are chosen as in generate,
1111              ! and then call complete_ev and complete_recon_ev, just like a normal event.
1113              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'calc_cent: entering...'
1114              	main0.target.x = 0.0
1115              	main0.target.y = 0.0
1116              	main0.target.z = targ.zoffset
1117              	main0.target.rastery = 0.0
1118              	main0.target.Eloss(1) = targ.Eloss(1).ave
1119              	main0.target.Coulomb = targ.Coulomb.ave
1120              	main0.target.teff(1) = targ.teff(1).ave
1121 gaskelld 1.1 	vertex0.Ein = Ebeam_vertex_ave
1122              	main0.Ein_shift = 0.0
1123              	main0.Ee_shift = 0.0
1124              	main0.gen_weight = 1.0
1126              ! Set all of these to central values, but then complete_ev will force
1127              ! the variables that are not normally generated to their appropriate values.
1128              	vertex0.e.delta = 0.0
1129              	vertex0.e.yptar = 0.0
1130              	vertex0.e.xptar = 0.0
1131              	vertex0.e.theta = spec.e.theta
1132              	vertex0.e.phi = spec.e.phi
1133              	vertex0.e.P = spec.e.P*(1.+vertex0.e.delta/100.)
1134              	vertex0.e.E = vertex0.e.P
1136              	vertex0.p.delta = 0.0
1137              	vertex0.p.yptar = 0.0
1138              	vertex0.p.xptar = 0.0
1139              	vertex0.p.theta = spec.p.theta
1140              	vertex0.p.phi = spec.p.phi
1141              	vertex0.p.P = spec.p.P*(1.+vertex0.p.delta/100.)
1142 gaskelld 1.1 	vertex0.p.E = sqrt(vertex0.p.P**2 + Mh2)
1144              	pfer = 0.0
1145              	pferx = 0.0
1146              	pfery = 0.0
1147              	pferz = 0.0
1148              	vertex0.Em = targ.Mtar_struck + targ.Mrec - targ.M
1149              	m_spec = targ.M - targ.Mtar_struck + vertex0.Em		!=targ.Mrec
1150              	efer = targ.M - sqrt(m_spec**2+pfer**2)			!=M-Mrec
1152              ! Old version - not appropriate for all event types.
1153              ! Pop in generation values for central event
1154              !
1155              !	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'calc_cent: entering...'
1156              !	main0.target.x = 0.0
1157              !	main0.target.y = 0.0
1158              !	main0.target.z = 0.0
1159              !	vertex0.Ein = Ebeam_vertex_ave
1160              !	main0.target.Coulomb = targ.Coulomb.ave
1161              !	main0.target.Eloss(1) = targ.Eloss(1).ave
1162              !	main0.target.teff(1) = targ.teff(1).ave
1163 gaskelld 1.1 !	vertex0.e.delta = 0.0
1164              !	vertex0.e.yptar = 0.0
1165              !	vertex0.e.xptar = 0.0
1166              !	vertex0.e.theta = spec.e.theta
1167              !	vertex0.e.phi = spec.e.phi
1168              !	vertex0.e.P = spec.e.P*(1.+vertex0.e.delta/100.)
1169              !	vertex0.e.E = vertex0.e.P
1170              !	vertex0.p.delta = 0.0
1171              !	vertex0.p.yptar = 0.0
1172              !	vertex0.p.xptar = 0.0
1173              !	vertex0.p.theta = spec.p.theta
1174              !	vertex0.p.phi = spec.p.phi
1175              !	vertex0.p.P = spec.p.P*(1.+vertex0.p.delta/100.)
1176              !	vertex0.p.E = sqrt(vertex0.p.P**2 + Mh2)
1178              ! Complete_recon_ev for vertex0.   Note: complete_recon_ev doesn't
1179              ! call radc_init_ev or calculate teff(2,3).
1181              ! JRA: Do we want complete_ev or complete_recon_ev?  Do we want to calculate
1182              ! and/or dump other central values (for pion/kaon production, for example).
1184 gaskelld 1.1 c	call complete_ev(main0,vertex0,success)
1185              c	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'calc_cent: done with complete_ev'
1186              c	if (.not.success) stop 'COMPLETE_EV failed trying to complete a CENTRAL event!'
1188              	call complete_recon_ev(vertex0,success)
1189              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'calc_cent: done with complete_recon_ev'
1190              	if (.not.success) stop 'COMPLETE_EV failed trying to complete a CENTRAL event!'
1191              	central.Q2 = vertex0.Q2
1192              	central.q = vertex0.q
1193              	central.nu = vertex0.nu
1194              	central.Em = vertex0.Em
1195              	central.Pm = vertex0.Pm
1196              	central.W = vertex0.W
1197              	central.e.xptar = vertex0.e.xptar
1198              	central.e.yptar = vertex0.e.yptar
1199              	central.e.delta = vertex0.e.delta
1200              	central.p.xptar = vertex0.p.xptar
1201              	central.p.yptar = vertex0.p.yptar
1202              	central.p.delta = vertex0.p.delta
1204              	if (central.Em**2-central.Pm**2 .lt. 0) then
1205 gaskelld 1.1 	  central.MM = -sqrt(abs(central.Em**2-central.Pm**2))
1206              	else
1207              	  central.MM = sqrt(central.Em**2-central.Pm**2)
1208              	endif
1210              	main0.target.teff(2) = targ.teff(2).ave
1211              	main0.target.teff(3) = targ.teff(3).ave
1212              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'calc_cent: calling radc_init_ev'
1213              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'calc_cent: Ein =',vertex0.Ein
1214              	call radc_init_ev(main0,vertex0)
1215              	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'calc_cent: done with radc_init_ev'
1216              	if (using_rad) then
1217              	  central.rad.hardcorfac = hardcorfac
1218              	  central.rad.etatzai= etatzai
1219              	  central.rad.g_int = g_int
1220              	  central.rad.g_ext = g_ext
1221              	  do i = 0, 3
1222              	    if (i.gt.0) central.rad.frac(i) = frac(i)
1223              	    if (i.gt.0) central.rad.lambda(i) = lambda(i)
1224              	    if (i.gt.0.and.i.lt.3) central.rad.bt(i) = bt(i)
1225              	    central.rad.c_int(i) = c_int(i)
1226 gaskelld 1.1 	    central.rad.c_ext(i) = c_ext(i)
1227              	    central.rad.c(i) = c(i)
1228              	    central.rad.g(i) = g(i)
1229              	  enddo
1230              	endif
1231              	if (debug(4)) write(6,*)'calc_cent: at 1'
1233              	do i = 1, neventfields
1234              	  recon0.all(i) = vertex0.all(i)
1235              	enddo
1236              	call complete_main(.true.,main0,vertex0,vertex0,recon0,success)
1237              	central.sigcc = main0.sigcc
1239 gaskelld 1.3 	write(6,*) 'central event'
1240              	write(6,*) 'Pt',sqrt(vertex0.pt2)/1.d3
1241              	write(6,*) 'z', vertex0.zhad
1242              	write(6,*) 'lab cross section (nb/Gev2/sr2)',central.sigcc*1000.0*1000.0*1000.0
1244 gaskelld 1.1 	if (debug(2)) write(6,*)'calc_cent: ending...'
1245              	return
1246              	end
1248              !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1250              	subroutine montecarlo(orig,main,recon,success)
1252              	implicit none
1253              	include 'simulate.inc'
1255              * Track-coordinate and spectrometer common blocks
1257              	real*8 x_E_arm,y_E_arm,z_E_arm,dx_E_arm,dy_E_arm,delta_E_arm
1258              	real*8 x_P_arm,y_P_arm,z_P_arm,dx_P_arm,dy_P_arm,delta_P_arm
1259              	real*8 xfp, yfp, dxfp, dyfp
1260              	real*8 eloss_E_arm, eloss_P_arm, r, beta, dangles(2), dang_in(2)
1261              	logical success
1262              	logical ok_E_arm, ok_P_arm
1263              	record /event/ orig, recon
1264              	record /event_main/	main
1265 gaskelld 1.1 
1266              	real*8 beta_electron
1267              	parameter (beta_electron = 1.)
1268              	real*8 tmpfact
1269              	real*8 fry	!fast raster y position.
1270 gaskelld 1.4 	real*8 frx      !fast raster x position - left as looking downstream
1271 gaskelld 1.1 	real*8 m2	!mass for call to mc_hms(sos). Changes if decay
1272              	real*8 pathlen
1274 gaskelld 1.3 	real*8 dx_tmp,dy_tmp
1276 gaskelld 1.4 	real*8 ctheta,stheta,phad,pelec
1278 gaskelld 1.1 	real*8 zero
1279              	parameter (zero=0.0d0)	!double precision zero for subroutine calls
1281              ! Prepare the event for the Monte Carlo's and/or spectrometer cuts
1283              	success = .false.
1284              	ntup.resfac = 0.0			!resfac (see simulate.inc)
1285              	if (correct_raster) then
1286              	  fry = -main.target.rastery
1287 gaskelld 1.4 	  frx = -main.target.rasterx   !This should make frx positive for beam left
1288 gaskelld 1.1 	else
1289              	  fry = 0.0
1290 gaskelld 1.4 	  frx = 0.0
1291 gaskelld 1.1 	endif
1295              ! ... multiple scattering of the beam.  Generate angles for beam deflection,
1296              ! ... and then apply those angles to the electron and proton.
1297              ! ... The yptar offset goes directly to yptar of both arms (small angle approx).
1298              ! ... xptar is multiplied by cos(theta) to get the xptar offsets.
1300              	if (mc_smear) then
1301              	  call target_musc(orig.Ein,beta_electron,main.target.teff(1),dang_in)
1302              	else
1303              	  dang_in(1)=0.0	!yp offset, goes directly to yp of both arms
1304              	  dang_in(2)=0.0	!xp offset, mult. by cos_th for xp of both arms
1305              	endif
1307              	if (debug(3)) write(6,*) 'mc: using p,e arm mc =',
1308                   >		using_P_arm_montecarlo,using_E_arm_montecarlo
1310              !____ P arm ________________
1312 gaskelld 1.1 ! Go from TRUE to SPECTROMETER quantities by computing target distortions
1313              ! ... ionization loss correction (if requested)
1315              	if (using_Eloss) then
1316              	  if (debug(3)) write(6,*)'mc: p arm stuff0 =',
1317                   >		orig.p.E,main.target.Eloss(3),spec.p.P
1318              	  main.SP.p.delta = (sqrt(abs((orig.p.E-main.target.Eloss(3))**2
1319                   >		          -Mh2))-spec.p.P) / spec.p.P*100.
1320              	else
1321              	  if (debug(3)) write(6,*)'mc: p arm stuff1 =',orig.p.delta
1322              	  main.SP.p.delta = orig.p.delta
1323              	endif
1325              ! ... multiple scattering
1327              	if (mc_smear) then
1328              	  beta = orig.p.p/orig.p.E
1329              	  call target_musc(orig.p.p, beta, main.target.teff(3), dangles)
1330              	else
1331              	  dangles(1)=0.0
1332              	  dangles(2)=0.0
1333 gaskelld 1.1 	endif
1334              	main.SP.p.yptar = orig.p.yptar + dangles(1) + dang_in(1)
1335              	main.SP.p.xptar = orig.p.xptar + dangles(2) + dang_in(2)*spec.p.cos_th
1337              ! CASE 1: Using the spectrometer Monte Carlo
1339              	if (using_P_arm_montecarlo) then
1341              ! ... change to P arm spectrometer coordinates (TRANSPORT system),
1343              	  if (abs(cos(spec.p.phi)).gt.0.0001) then  !phi not at +/- pi/2
1344              	    write(6,*) 'y_P_arm, z_P_arm will be incorrect if spec.p.phi <> pi/2 or 3*pi/2'
1345              	    write(6,*) 'spec.p.phi=',spec.p.phi,'=',spec.p.phi*180/pi,'degrees'
1346              	  endif
1347              	  delta_P_arm = main.SP.p.delta
1348              	  x_P_arm = -main.target.y
1349              	  y_P_arm = -main.target.x*spec.p.cos_th - main.target.z*spec.p.sin_th*sin(spec.p.phi)
1350              	  z_P_arm =  main.target.z*spec.p.cos_th + main.target.x*spec.p.sin_th*sin(spec.p.phi)
1352              ! ... Apply spectrometer offset (using spectrometer coordinate system).
1353              	  x_P_arm = x_P_arm - spec.p.offset.x
1354 gaskelld 1.1 	  y_P_arm = y_P_arm - spec.p.offset.y
1355              	  z_P_arm = z_P_arm - spec.p.offset.z
1356              	  dx_P_arm = main.SP.p.xptar - spec.p.offset.xptar
1357              	  dy_P_arm = main.SP.p.yptar - spec.p.offset.yptar
1359 gaskelld 1.4 
1360              c	   write(*,*) 'sign_hms_part =' ,sign_hms_part
1361                        if (using_tgt_field) then      ! do target field tracking - GAW
1362                          if (debug(6)) then
1363                             write(*,*) '------------------------------'
1364                             write(*,'("frx,fry,x_E_arm =      ",3f12.5)') frx,fry,x_P_arm
1365                         endif
1366                          call track_from_tgt(x_P_arm,y_P_arm,z_P_arm,dx_P_arm,dy_P_arm,
1367                   >       sign_hadron*spec.p.P*(1+delta_P_arm/100.),Mh,1,ok_P_arm)
1368                        endif 
1369              ! GAW - end 99/11/3
1371 gaskelld 1.1 C DJG need to decay the rho here before we begin transporting through the
1372              C DJG spectrometer
1373              c	  m2 = Mh2
1374              c	  if(doing_rho) then
1375              c	     call rho_decay(dx_P_arm,dy_P_arm,delta_P_arm,spec.p.P,m2,
1376              c	1	  main.epsilon,orig.Q2)
1377              c	  endif
1378              C DJG moved this to the last part of generate!!!
1380              ! ........ drift this position back to z=0, the plane through the target center
1382              	  x_P_arm = x_P_arm - z_P_arm*dx_P_arm
1383              	  y_P_arm = y_P_arm - z_P_arm*dy_P_arm
1384              	  z_P_arm = 0.0
1386              	  main.SP.p.z=y_P_arm
1388              ! ... Monte Carlo through the P arm! if we succeed, continue ...
1389              ! ... Here's what's passed:
1390              !	spectrometer central momentum
1391              !	spectrometer central theta angle
1392 gaskelld 1.1 !	momentum delta
1393              !	x, y, z, theta, and phi in TRANSPORT coordinates
1394              !	x, y, theta, and phi at the focal plane
1395              !	radiation length of target (NOT USED!)
1396              !	particle mass (modified if the hadron decays)
1397              !	multiple scattering flag
1398              !	wcs smearing flag
1399              !	decay flag
1400              !	resmult=resolution factor for DCs (see simulate.inc)
1401              !	vertical position at target (for reconstruction w/raster MEs).
1402              !	ok flag
1404 gaskelld 1.2 	  m2 = Mh2
1405 gaskelld 1.1 	  pathlen = 0.0
1406              	  if (hadron_arm.eq.1) then
1407              	    call mc_hms(spec.p.P, spec.p.theta, delta_P_arm, x_P_arm,
1408                   >		y_P_arm, z_P_arm, dx_P_arm, dy_P_arm, xfp, dxfp, yfp, dyfp,
1409                   >		m2, mc_smear, mc_smear, doing_decay,
1410 gaskelld 1.5      >		ntup.resfac, fry, ok_P_arm, pathlen)
1411 gaskelld 1.1 	  else if (hadron_arm.eq.2) then
1412              	    call mc_sos(spec.p.P, spec.p.theta, delta_P_arm, x_P_arm,
1413                   >		y_P_arm, z_P_arm, dx_P_arm, dy_P_arm, xfp, dxfp, yfp, dyfp,
1414                   >		m2, mc_smear, mc_smear, doing_decay,
1415                   >		ntup.resfac, fry, ok_P_arm, pathlen)
1416              	  else if (hadron_arm.eq.3) then
1417              	    call mc_hrsr(spec.p.P, spec.p.theta, delta_P_arm, x_P_arm,
1418                   >		y_P_arm, z_P_arm, dx_P_arm, dy_P_arm, xfp, dxfp, yfp, dyfp,
1419                   >		m2, mc_smear, mc_smear, doing_decay,
1420                   >		ntup.resfac, fry, ok_P_arm, pathlen)
1421              	  else if (hadron_arm.eq.4) then
1422              	    call mc_hrsl(spec.p.P, spec.p.theta, delta_P_arm, x_P_arm,
1423                   >		y_P_arm, z_P_arm, dx_P_arm, dy_P_arm, xfp, dxfp, yfp, dyfp,
1424                   >		m2, mc_smear, mc_smear, doing_decay,
1425                   >		ntup.resfac, fry, ok_P_arm, pathlen)
1426              	  else if (hadron_arm.eq.5 .or. hadron_arm.eq.6) then
1427              	    call mc_shms(spec.p.P, spec.p.theta, delta_P_arm, x_P_arm,
1428                   >		y_P_arm, z_P_arm, dx_P_arm, dy_P_arm, xfp, dxfp, yfp, dyfp,
1429                   >		m2, mc_smear, mc_smear, doing_decay,
1430                   >		ntup.resfac, fry, ok_P_arm, pathlen, hadron_arm, use_first_cer)
1431              	  endif
1432 gaskelld 1.1 
1433 gaskelld 1.4 
1434              C DJG Do polarized target field stuff if needed
1435              C DJG Note that the call to track_to_tgt is with -fry: for some reason that routine then
1436              C DJG sets xx=-fry, and calls mc_hms_recon with xx, so it all works out. Whatever.
1437              C DJG To summarize: fry points "down", frx points beam left (facing downstream)
1438              C DJG For spectrometers to the right of the beamline, need to pass ctheta,stheta to track_to_tgt
1439              C DJG For spectrometers to the left of the beamline, need to pass ctheta,-stheta to track_to_tgt
1441                        if (using_tgt_field) then
1442              	     phad = spec.p.P*(1.+delta_P_arm/100.0)
1443              	     ctheta = cos(spec.p.theta)
1444              	     stheta = sin(spec.p.theta)
1445              	     if((hadron_arm.eq.1).or.(hadron_arm.eq.3)) then !spectrometers of the right (HMS, HRSR)
1446              		call track_to_tgt(delta_P_arm,y_P_arm,dx_P_arm,dy_P_arm,frx,-fry,
1447              	1	     sign_hadron*phad,sqrt(m2),ctheta,stheta,1,ok_P_arm,hadron_arm)
1448              	     else if((hadron_arm.eq.2).or.(hadron_arm.eq.4).or.(hadron_arm.eq.5)) then !left spects (SOS,HRSL,SHMS)
1449              		call track_to_tgt(delta_P_arm,y_P_arm,dx_P_arm,dy_P_arm,frx,-fry,
1450              	1	     sign_hadron*phad,sqrt(m2),ctheta,-stheta,1,ok_P_arm,hadron_arm)
1451              	     else
1452              		write(6,*) 'Target field reconstruction not set up for your spectrometer'
1453              		stop
1454 gaskelld 1.4 	     endif
1455              	  endif
1458 gaskelld 1.1 	  if (.not.ok_P_arm) then
1459              	     if (debug(3)) write(6,*)'mc: ok_P_arm =',ok_P_arm
1460              	     return
1461              	  endif
1463              	  main.RECON.p.delta = delta_P_arm
1464              	  main.RECON.p.yptar = dy_P_arm
1465              	  main.RECON.p.xptar = dx_P_arm
1466              	  main.RECON.p.z = y_P_arm
1467              	  main.FP.p.x = xfp
1468              	  main.FP.p.dx = dxfp
1469              	  main.FP.p.y = yfp
1470              	  main.FP.p.dy = dyfp
1471              	  main.FP.p.path = pathlen
1473              ! CASE 2: Not using the detailed Monte Carlo, just copy the IN event to the
1474              ! OUT record
1476              	else
1477              	  main.RECON.p.delta = main.SP.p.delta
1478              	  main.RECON.p.yptar = main.SP.p.yptar
1479 gaskelld 1.1 	  main.RECON.p.xptar = main.SP.p.xptar
1480              	endif
1482              ! Fill recon quantities.
1484              	recon.p.delta = main.RECON.p.delta
1485              	recon.p.yptar = main.RECON.p.yptar
1486              	recon.p.xptar = main.RECON.p.xptar
1487              	recon.p.z = main.RECON.p.z
1488              	recon.p.P = spec.p.P*(1.+recon.p.delta/100.)
1489              	recon.p.E = sqrt(recon.p.P**2 + Mh2)
1490 gaskelld 1.3 	dx_tmp = recon.p.xptar + spec.p.offset.xptar
1491              	dy_tmp = recon.p.yptar + spec.p.offset.yptar
1493              	call physics_angles(spec.p.theta,spec.p.phi,dx_tmp,
1494                   >           dy_tmp,recon.p.theta,recon.p.phi)
1495 gaskelld 1.1 
1496              ! ... correct for energy loss - use most probable (last flag = 4)
1498              	if (correct_Eloss) then
1499              	  call trip_thru_target (3, zero, recon.p.E,
1500                   >		recon.p.theta, eloss_P_arm, r,Mh,4)
1501              	  recon.p.E = recon.p.E + eloss_P_arm
1502              	  recon.p.E = max(recon.p.E,sqrt(Mh2+0.000001)) !can get P~0 when calculating hadron momentum-->P<0 after eloss
1503              	  recon.p.P = sqrt(recon.p.E**2-Mh2)
1504 gaskelld 1.3 C DJG Should not correct delta for Eloss - delta is a SPECTROMETER variable
1505              C	  recon.p.delta = (recon.p.P-spec.p.P)/spec.p.P*100.
1506 gaskelld 1.1 	endif
1508              !___ E arm ______________
1510              ! Go from TRUE to SPECTROMETER quantities by computing target distortions
1512              ! ... ionization loss correction (if requested) and Coulomb deceleration
1514              	if (debug(3)) write(6,*)'mc: e arm stuff0 =',
1515                   >		orig.e.E,main.target.Eloss(2),spec.e.P
1516              	main.SP.e.delta=100.* (orig.e.E - main.target.Eloss(2)
1517                   >		- main.target.Coulomb - spec.e.P) / spec.e.P
1519              ! ... multiple scattering
1521              	if (mc_smear) then
1522              	  call target_musc(orig.e.p, beta_electron, main.target.teff(2), dangles)
1523              	else
1524              	  dangles(1)=0.0
1525              	  dangles(2)=0.0
1526              	endif
1527 gaskelld 1.1 
1528              	main.SP.e.yptar = orig.e.yptar + dangles(1) + dang_in(1)
1529              	main.SP.e.xptar = orig.e.xptar + dangles(2) + dang_in(2)*spec.p.cos_th
1531              ! CASE 1: Using the spectrometer Monte Carlo
1533              	if (using_E_arm_montecarlo) then
1535              ! ... change to E arm spectrometer coordinates (TRANSPORT system),
1537              	  if (abs(cos(spec.e.phi)).gt.0.0001) then  !phi not at +/- pi/2
1538              	    write(6,*) 'y_E_arm, z_E_arm will be incorrect if spec.e.phi <> pi/2 or 3*pi/2'
1539              	    write(6,*) 'spec.e.phi=',spec.e.phi,'=',spec.e.phi*180/pi,'degrees'
1540              	  endif
1541              	  delta_E_arm = main.SP.e.delta
1542              	  x_E_arm = -main.target.y
1543              	  y_E_arm = -main.target.x*spec.e.cos_th - main.target.z*spec.e.sin_th*sin(spec.e.phi)
1544              	  z_E_arm =  main.target.z*spec.e.cos_th + main.target.x*spec.e.sin_th*sin(spec.e.phi)
1546              ! ... Apply spectrometer offset (using spectrometer coordinate system).
1547              	  x_E_arm = x_E_arm - spec.e.offset.x
1548 gaskelld 1.1 	  y_E_arm = y_E_arm - spec.e.offset.y
1549              	  z_E_arm = z_E_arm - spec.e.offset.z
1550              	  dx_E_arm = main.SP.e.xptar - spec.e.offset.xptar
1551              	  dy_E_arm = main.SP.e.yptar - spec.e.offset.yptar
1553 gaskelld 1.4 ! GAW -project to z=0 to compare with reconstructed target positions
1554                        if (using_tgt_field) then      ! do target field tracking - GAW
1556                          if (debug(6)) then
1557                             write(*,*) '------------------------------'
1558                             write(*,'("frx,fry,x_E_arm =      ",3f12.5)') frx,fry,x_E_arm
1559                          endif
1560                          call track_from_tgt(x_E_arm,y_E_arm,z_E_arm,dx_E_arm,dy_E_arm,
1561                   >                          -spec.e.P*(1+delta_E_arm/100.),Me,-1,ok_E_arm)
1562                        endif 
1564 gaskelld 1.1 ! ........ drift this position back to z=0, the plane through the target center
1566              	  x_E_arm = x_E_arm - z_E_arm*dx_E_arm
1567              	  y_E_arm = y_E_arm - z_E_arm*dy_E_arm
1568              	  z_E_arm = 0.0
1570              	  main.SP.e.z=y_E_arm
1572              ! ... Monte Carlo through the E arm! if we succeed, continue ...
1573              ! ... Here's what's passed:
1574              !	spectrometer central momentum
1575              !	spectrometer central theta angle
1576              !	momentum delta
1577              !	x, y, z, theta, and phi in TRANSPORT coordinates
1578              !	x, y, theta, and phi at the focal plane
1579              !	radiation length of target (NOT USED!)
1580              !	particle mass
1581              !	multiple scattering flag
1582              !	wcs smearing flag
1583              !	resmult=resolution factor for DCs (see simulate.inc)
1584              !	decay flag (hardwired to .false. for electron arm).
1585 gaskelld 1.1 !	ok flag
1587              	  m2 = me2
1588              	  pathlen = 0.0
1589              	  if (electron_arm.eq.1) then
1590              	    call mc_hms(spec.e.P, spec.e.theta, delta_E_arm, x_E_arm,
1591                   >		y_E_arm, z_E_arm, dx_E_arm, dy_E_arm, xfp, dxfp, yfp, dyfp,
1592                   >		me2, mc_smear, mc_smear, .false.,
1593                   >		tmpfact, fry, ok_E_arm, pathlen)
1594              	  else if (electron_arm.eq.2) then
1595              	    call mc_sos(spec.e.P, spec.e.theta, delta_E_arm, x_E_arm,
1596                   >		y_E_arm, z_E_arm, dx_E_arm, dy_E_arm, xfp, dxfp, yfp, dyfp,
1597                   >		me2, mc_smear, mc_smear, .false.,
1598                   >		tmpfact, fry, ok_E_arm, pathlen)
1599              	  else if (electron_arm.eq.3) then
1600              	    call mc_hrsr(spec.e.P, spec.e.theta, delta_E_arm, x_E_arm,
1601                   >		y_E_arm, z_E_arm, dx_E_arm, dy_E_arm, xfp, dxfp, yfp, dyfp,
1602                   >		me2, mc_smear, mc_smear, .false.,
1603                   >		tmpfact, fry, ok_E_arm, pathlen)
1604              	  else if (electron_arm.eq.4) then
1605              	    call mc_hrsl(spec.e.P, spec.e.theta, delta_E_arm, x_E_arm,
1606 gaskelld 1.1      >		y_E_arm, z_E_arm, dx_E_arm, dy_E_arm, xfp, dxfp, yfp, dyfp,
1607                   >		me2, mc_smear, mc_smear, .false.,
1608                   >		tmpfact, fry, ok_E_arm, pathlen)
1609              	  else if (electron_arm.eq.5 .or. electron_arm.eq.6) then
1610              	    call mc_shms(spec.e.P, spec.e.theta, delta_E_arm, x_E_arm,
1611                   >		y_E_arm, z_E_arm, dx_E_arm, dy_E_arm, xfp, dxfp, yfp, dyfp,
1612                   >		me2, mc_smear, mc_smear, .false.,
1613                   >		tmpfact, fry, ok_E_arm, pathlen, electron_arm, use_first_cer)
1614              	  endif
1615              	  ntup.resfac=ntup.resfac+tmpfact
1616 gaskelld 1.4 
1618              C DJG Do polarized target field stuff if needed
1619              C DJG Note that the call to track_to_tgt is with -fry: for some reason that routine then
1620              C DJG sets xx=-fry, and calls mc_hms_recon with xx, so it all works out. Whatever.
1621              C DJG To summarize: fry points "down", frx points beam left (facing downstream)
1622              C DJG For spectrometers to the right of the beamline, need to pass ctheta,stheta to track_to_tgt
1623              C DJG For spectrometers to the left of the beamline, need to pass ctheta,-stheta to track_to_tgt
1625                        if (using_tgt_field) then
1626              	     pelec = spec.e.P*(1.+delta_E_arm/100.0)
1627              	     ctheta = cos(spec.e.theta)
1628              	     stheta = sin(spec.e.theta)
1629              	     if((electron_arm.eq.1).or.(electron_arm.eq.3)) then !spectrometers on the right (HMS, HRSR)
1630              		call track_to_tgt(delta_E_arm,y_E_arm,dx_E_arm,dy_E_arm,frx,-fry,
1631              	1	     -1.0*pelec,sqrt(me2),ctheta,stheta,-1,ok_E_arm,electron_arm)
1632              	     else if((electron_arm.eq.2).or.(electron_arm.eq.4).or.(electron_arm.eq.5)) then !left spects(SOS,HRSL,SHMS)
1633              		call track_to_tgt(delta_E_arm,y_E_arm,dx_E_arm,dy_E_arm,frx,-fry,
1634              	1	     -1.0*pelec,sqrt(me2),ctheta,-stheta,-1,ok_E_arm,electron_arm)
1635              	     else
1636              		write(6,*) 'Target field reconstruction not set up for your spectrometer'
1637 gaskelld 1.4 		stop
1638              	     endif
1639              	  endif
1640 gaskelld 1.1 
1641              	  if (.not.ok_E_arm) then
1642              	    if (debug(3)) write(6,*)'mc: ok_E_arm =',ok_E_arm
1643              	    return
1644              	  endif
1646              	  main.RECON.e.delta = delta_E_arm
1647              	  main.RECON.e.yptar = dy_E_arm
1648              	  main.RECON.e.xptar = dx_E_arm
1649              	  main.RECON.e.z = y_E_arm
1650              	  main.FP.e.x = xfp
1651              	  main.FP.e.dx = dxfp
1652              	  main.FP.e.y = yfp
1653              	  main.FP.e.dy = dyfp
1654              	  main.FP.e.path = pathlen
1656              ! CASE 2: Not using the detailed Monte Carlo, just copy the IN event to the
1657              ! OUT record
1659              	else
1660              	  main.RECON.e.delta = main.SP.e.delta
1661 gaskelld 1.1 	  main.RECON.e.yptar = main.SP.e.yptar
1662              	  main.RECON.e.xptar = main.SP.e.xptar
1663              	endif
1665              ! Fill recon quantities.
1667              	recon.e.delta = main.RECON.e.delta
1668              	recon.e.yptar = main.RECON.e.yptar
1669              	recon.e.xptar = main.RECON.e.xptar
1670              	recon.e.z = main.RECON.e.z
1671              	recon.e.P = spec.e.P*(1.+recon.e.delta/100.)
1672              	recon.e.E = recon.e.P
1673 gaskelld 1.3 
1674              	dx_tmp = recon.e.xptar + spec.e.offset.xptar
1675                      dy_tmp = recon.e.yptar + spec.e.offset.yptar
1677              	call physics_angles(spec.e.theta,spec.e.phi,dx_tmp,
1678                   >		dy_tmp,recon.e.theta,recon.e.phi)
1679 gaskelld 1.1 
1681              ! ... correct for energy loss and correct for Coulomb deceleration
1683              	if (correct_Eloss) then
1684              	  call trip_thru_target (2, zero, recon.e.E, recon.e.theta,
1685                   >                              eloss_E_arm, r, Me, 4)
1686              	  recon.e.E = recon.e.E + eloss_E_arm
1687              	endif
1688              	recon.e.E = recon.e.E + targ.Coulomb.ave
1689              	recon.e.P = recon.e.E
1690 gaskelld 1.3 C DJG Should not correct delta for energy loss - delta is a SPECTROMETER
1691              C variable!!
1692              c	recon.e.delta = (recon.e.P-spec.e.P)/spec.e.P*100.
1693 gaskelld 1.1 
1694              ! Made it!
1695              	success = .true.
1697              	return
1698              	end

Analyzer/Replay: Mark Jones, Documents: Stephen Wood
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