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HallC-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
8-v3 Measurement of the Charged Pion Form Factor at High Q2 Garth Huber et al. 12 GeV Experiments
23 May 2008
7-v2 Scaling Study of the L-T Separated Pion Electroproduction Cross Section at 11 GeV Tanja Horn 12 GeV Experiments
28 Feb 2008
9-v1 Measurement of the Ratio R=sigL/sigT in Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering Rolf Ent 12 GeV Experiments
28 Feb 2008
10-v1 Inclusive Scattering from Nuclei at x>1 in the quasielastic and DIS region John Arrington 12 GeV Experiments
28 Feb 2008
11-v2 A precision Measurement of the Neutron g2 and d2 at high Q2 in Hall C Brad Sawatzky 12 GeV Experiments
28 Feb 2008
Number of documents found: 5

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